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Posts posted by Chaw

  1. Just now, zaezae said:

    Well yeah, Oren was a pvp orientated nation so it would be expected. However, not every group of players want that and it /will/ kill their activity. 



    Raids are a good thing for activity and inactive settlements because it can make people band together to protect themselves, yeah sure settlements with 20 active people will go inactive but those people are moving to more active settlements and creater a tougher challenge for the raiders

  2. Just now, | ZipZapMan | said:

    They were in fact in more times of war than peacetime during Vailor.


    And no, Felsen was by far not the most active city in Vailor during the dark days of the server where PvP groups like the Dunamis sat outside of the gates all day.




    We do not need to make the server more pvp friendly to appease a vocal minority of pvp goons like you wish to do.



    yeah there were more times of peace haha


    Dunamis did raid felsen a lot, but if you remember there was something called the Felsen guard? Felsen still had activity, more activity than any other city, especially the dwarves who they were at war with

  3. Just now, | ZipZapMan | said:


    "This one group, which is the largest group on the server because everyone plays themselves has a butt load of RP. Huh. You know, the group that statistically makes up half of the server applications it seems? Also one of the largest groups that focused on PvP, hence it's constant state of warfare?"


    And back in Vailor, the dark days, Felsen was absolutely dead because of PVP goons constant raiding for half of a day.





    they weren't in a constant state of warfare.. the rp was the same when they weren't at war and when they were


    felsen was by far the most active city in vailor, idk what ur on about mate

  4. 2 minutes ago, | ZipZapMan | said:


    While yes, raids are part of the server. They should not be the primary focus of it as they tend to destroy RP. Which is kinda bad for, you know, an RP server. And so they should be strictly regulated and controlled. Not being reverted back to what they were with Vailor like you would like it seems with your calling of raids being increased and pvp becoming the default once more.


    RP on an RP Server over PvP = wow! Who would have guessed that in areas focused primarily on RP would suffer greatly from small groups of PvP goons because they come on an RP server to RP. WOW! Join a factions server?



    destroy rp my ******* ass, oren got raided all the time by the dreadlands yet they had boatloads of rp, like literally many times more than all your little elven factions combined and they still had more rp than them.


    It actually created rp! It made oren create the Johannesburg Police and gave many players a job to do, defending the city from the enemy raiders! Instead of doing your lil safe space roleplay all the time try something new?


  5. 6 minutes ago, | ZipZapMan | said:

    And you're suggesting that PvP raids, which honestly has no impact on RP at all and just serve to satisfy PvP goons and their desire for pixels, aren't cancerous and a waste of time?


    Please. Raids is what kills roleplay. Constant harassment of cities for the fun of it destroys RP hubs. And increasing the cap will only making it worse.



    raids are a part of the server, deal with it. + RP combat is retarded = wow! I never would have guessed? pvp raids?


    9 minutes ago, Dry Crackers said:

    Well thanks for that. . . anyway.  If raiders want a cancerous rp fight, as you put it, they go to those cities.  Seems straightforward to me, you know exactly what you're getting in to.


    Incidentally I do think the raid cap should be raised.



    thing is tho, they can go to those cities get in a fight in looc and get a gm to call pvp anyway?!?

  6. Just now, Dry Crackers said:

    Por que?  Seems pretty legit to me.  If you go there, you know what you're getting into.


    -RP combat with more than 8 people is honestly more cancerous than deadpool, especially with magic, stalling, powergaming, metagaming etc... It's literally a recipe for an argument, and im not pointing fingers *sutica* *welves* *courland* but a lot of the players in these cities are very uh... 'special' in the head.


    -There's no point in rp combat if it will end up in an argument and GMs will be called to start pvp anyway, it's literally a waste of time for both parties and the GM

  7. 59 minutes ago, Greekbro33 said:

    Make it so Guards have absolute authority over what way Raiders are handled be it PVP or RP, and remove the limit of 8+ people equals automatic PVP, for some nations like Sutica where we baare built on RP. its quite annoying to have a few guards show up ready for some raid RP (and yes there are people good at this) but most time it just turns into the complaining and counting every person in the square regardless of who is involved screaming for PVP. which is unenjoyable.


    Or make it so a town can decide what raids can happen there, for instance a town that can only be raided through RP or through PVP or both. that way raiders go raid the place that gives them what they want.

    so for example if they want RP, they go to town (A) due to it being raidable only through RP, or if the PVP goons want to raid, they go to town(B) to raid,  since that town's guards enjoy PVP more, that way both parties can enjoy the raid the way they want it to be, without having to call Mods because Side A doesn't want to do it the way Side B wishes to do it


    I feel like this would solve a lot of modreqs and OOC conflicts between raiding parties and guards. and in the end make both parties have the fun they seek.


    ya know?



    bad idea lmao

  8. The People’s Republic of Xie




    The People's Republic of Xie are very grateful to the federation to their help and begin to toy around with the quantum communications and sending signals in all directions in hope for a response from other civilizations. The Republic of Xie also invites the allies to their land. 





    Population: 28,000 on the station, 97,500 back down on the planet. 



    4AP Finishing the factories. 





  9. 8 hours ago, D0C104_F4T3 said:

    Nikolai Rykov sighs as he hears of the almost-peace "Such a shame. The Norland people do not ask for much, and they have made effort after countless effort to make peace, all to be ignored by the Dwed. The Halfmen have made it clear that this is not a war to settle a grudge--rather, it is the aim of the Dwarves to subjugate humanity once more, and the people of Norland are the first to fall."


    Zachary spits toward this man, helping to build the Norlandic defenses "If you think this is a war to subjugate humanity, you're an idiot. The Dwarves are settling a grudge, I agree this is unreasonable but you're honestly ******* stupid."

  10. The People’s Republic of Xie



    Ho Chi Minh smiles, his plan finally beginning to come into action. Slowly but surely as everyone got up to the space station and order was settled the designs for a new ship were underway. A competition is held between the best technichians and scientists, with those who can come up with a good design for a scouting, a carrier and a fighter ship gaining prestige among the republic.


    A few weeks later as the results come in the scientists start researching this new ship, ordering the drones to bring back the hardened pieces of metal, hoping they can turn them into suitable armor for the ship. The aliens are ignored, with only scientists and Ho Chi Minh himself remembering their existence. 


    Aboard the space station scientific labs are built for research and all research should be conducted their from now on.





    7AP Drilling natural resources.

    1AP Searching for new techniques.

    3AP building factories.

    8AP Researching and construction space station

    1AP Transporting to the space station

    1AP Researching homing beacon. 

    2AP Sending a probe to the battle.


    Population: 25,000 on the station, 99,000 back down on the planet. 


    1AP Starting construction of a whole load of factories for the population of the planet to live on.

    2AP Bringing back and investigating the strange alien material.

    1AP Starting construction of a probe using fusion engines which will propel it far beyond the solar system in search of alien life, it would be able to transport messages near instantaneously. 

  11. The People’s Republic of Xie




    Ho Chi Minh's face greeted TV stations all over the nation, with the inavding aliens and finishing the construction of the space station it was the needed dose of propaganda to keep morale higher than ever. People could begin boarding the space station, a lottery was held and a lot of scientists and military men seemed to win. A public order would of course need to be created so many police, judges, lawyers, doctors etc.. were taken to the station. Transport being immediately with shuttles travelling back and forth. The military was also restored. 


    Population: 118,000

    Military: 10,000 active 7,000 trained reserves and 20,000 untrained reserves. 


    Low education factory workers, miners and assembly workers, farmers: 40,000

    Scientists/ government/ high education work: 20,000 

    Services, police forces/ mid education work: 20,000.


    Note: In the people's republic of Xie if you are not particularly smart you are taken out of school at 14 to become a low income worker.


    1AP Transporting all people to the space station.

    1AP Researching the probe, what it is and it's technology.

    2AP Sending a probe to the edge of the galaxy to pick up remnants of the battle, specifically weapons and speed technology.



    7AP Drilling natural resources.

    1AP Searching for new techniques.

    3AP building factories.

    8AP Researching and construction space station

    1AP Transporting to the space station

    1AP Researching homing beacon. 

    2AP Sending a probe to the battle.

  12. OOC/RP Application

    MC Name:Chae

    RP Name: Daniel

    Skype Account ((PM me if you wish for it to be private)):ioannis has it

    Timezone:gmt +6

    Profession: legendary lumberjack and legendary miner and some other ****

    Do you have Teamspeak?/Are you willing to download it?:yes


    i agree to the pk clause 

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