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Posts posted by Piov

  1. Candidacies for the 1740 Imperial Senate Election in Haense


    SURNAME: May

    FIRST NAME: Terrence
    ADDRESS OF RESIDENCE: County of Ayr, Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska

    DATE OF BIRTH: 4th of Godfrey’s Triumph, 1692


    Are you registered and eligible to vote in the province of Haense?: Yes.


    Do you have any other title, peerage or public service that may conflict with becoming an Imperial Senator, as per the Edict of Establishment (1736) or Edict of Election (1736)?: No.


    If yes, do you understand that you will be required to resign or abdicate from this position should you be elected to the Imperial Senate, and if this does not occur your seat shall be considered to be vacant?: Yes.


    ((MC NAME)): Piov

  2. Senator May rises as the oath was concluded before addressing the Chair at the start of the new legislative session. 

    Mr President,

    I rise today to congratulate my colleague, Senator Corbish on his election to his own right as a member of this most august body. Moreover, I extend these same well-wishes to our other colleagues, especially the member for Curon, whose victories are a testament to their valor and devoted service to their constituents. 

    Mister President, I seek to make known to this session on the direction that the Imperial Senate Committee on Justice has elected to take in its role on oversight and reform into Judicial Affairs. I am presenting to the floor a copy of a statement that my office has completed informing the Senate of the agenda for this committee. Three important issues have come across: the issue to clarify the reasons for the dissolution of the Northern Association for Free Trade and Administration, hearings to gain testimonies for the purpose of developing a viable, independent Imperial Judiciary to arbitrate on cases pertaining to our citizens, and the assassination efforts that were waged upon the High Pontiff.

    A copy of the agenda is presented to the rostrum:
    Agenda of the Imperial Senate Committee on Justice

  3. “Mr President,

    I am pleased that the nominee has presented to us an informative opening statement on his candidacy to the Interior Ministry. My question to him relates to my constituents in Haense. During my term as Lord Palatine, I negotiated a deal called the
    Northern Ferry and Canal Agreement of 1732 with the Imperial Government. However, six years have gone by and the terms of the agreement have lagged as production of the canal has been sidelined by the war. Can Mister Tybis de Rutyer assure me what this canal will also be one of his priorities to fulfill if confirmed to this position?

    @Capace @Esterlen

  4. A Statement from the Office of Senator Terrence May



    9th of Owyn’s Light, 1738| 9th of Vzmey and Hyff, ES 291


    My fellow Haeseni,

    This first Imperial Senate election is a vital moment for us to think about our kingdom. The Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska is a strong nation, built on the legacies of successive generations whose boundless energy and determination has given us a great society. Our military is always growing. Our markets are abundant in commerce and wealth. Our fields are bountiful and fertile. Our children our prosperous and well-educated. Haense continues to be a nation filled with boundless promise and a place for opportunity and growth for all sectors of life. 


    This is why I endorse Siegmund Corbish for the Imperial Senate. Senator Corbish has been a long time civil servant of this kingdom. As Head Steward, he has built up a strong, civil life alongside the people and has remained closely with their needs. He has developed an organized and robust revenue system, maintained our properties, and cultivated a prosperous urban life for our citizens in Reza. He has, and continues to be, a self sacrificing servant of the Haeseni people. He is a friend of the Royal Family and an indispensable colleague in the Senate.

    When I was Lord Palatine, though I did not agree with Mister Corbish on many issues, I admired his deep sense of public service and commitment to the values he has and to the people he serves. This is why I urge you all to vote for Siegmund Corbish in this upcoming Imperial Senate election. 


    May GOD bless the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska.


    His Excellency, Terrence May, Member of the Imperial Senate for the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska


  5. “Mr President, 

    I am open to a voluntary lottery to grow revenues. However, I want to clarify to the chamber that my sentiment stems from the guarantee I want from the nominee that if and when he does obtain revenues for the Imperial Government through his proposal, there will be plans to create a contingency budget within the Department of Treasury for vassals to access.”

  6. Senator May rises and frowns as the Vice Chancellor directly addressed him.

    “Mr President,

    It is not suitable for the Chair to interject and make comments on the members for their speeches and opinions. I rise to object the decision of the Chair and raise a point of order to prevent further such comments to take place as we debate on the executive schedule for the nomination to Secretary of the Treasury.”

  7. “Mr President,

    I thank the nominee for his answer but I am not totally convinced that we can move forward with an important position if a vassal budget, should he succeed in creating revenue, is not guaranteed! The vassals require greater support from their Imperial government to ensure vital service and efforts in defense, education, and infrastructure are funded at-large. If citizens pay into a lottery, I expect that the revenues be allocated back to their welfare. My constituents, and I believe I am safe to say that the constituents of my colleagues, also believe that we must ensure that a budget is allocated and that a budget is prepared that is as good and honest and deserving as the Orenian people.”

  8. Senator May takes out a prepared document of questions as he addresses the order of business stated by the Chair.

    “Mr President,

    I rise to ask the nominee if he plans to introduce a budget to ensure that the Imperial Government can adequately provide for its citizens in the capital, sustain currently ongoing works of infrastructure, and maintain a standing force for our defenses. If so, which I hope he does, I seek to know his plans for creating revenue. Also, does the nominee pledge to provide a budget for vassals to be given for further development in civil infrastructure and defense?”

  9. Senator Terrence May of Haense stands from his seat and addresses the President of the Senate and his colleagues. 

    ”Your Excellency, the Vice Chancellor, 


    I address the first session of this Imperial Senate with great affection for my honorable colleagues who join me in sharing in this momentous gathering. I pray that none but good and honest men govern under this roof. To my constituents in Haense, I pledge my resolute determination to fulfill the needs most pressing to us in the North and to champion the rights of this Senate and the people throughout the Imperial domain. 

    I thank my honorable friend, the Senator from Kaedrin for giving way and wish him well as we begin this term. I know that he, and quite frankly all of us, are committed to serving our constituents throughout the Empire. I rise today to propose The Senatorial Committees Formation Act to the floor of this body to establish the functionary committees of this Senate in the exercise of the powers as listed by the Edict of Establishment. While the Edict provides us the means to create committees, it is important for the first session of this Senate to fully define the powers entrusted to it by the Empire. This bill will set out the formal structures to create three central committees that shall serve as the primary bulwark of the Senate’s legislative role: The Imperial Senate Committee on Judicial Affairs, the Imperial Senate Committee on Civil Affairs, and the Imperial Senate Committee on the Treasury. Honorable members shall be able to serve on various committees each tasked with holding the Imperial Council of State to account for actions taken to implement the laws and policies of this Empire. 

    As the people’s representatives, we must actively take part as stewards of transparency, direction, and legislative responsibility. This bill outlines the structural powers of the committees and will define the role that each will play in its relationship to the Imperial Government. I speak not to intrude on the vital actions of our civil servants. As a former minister of the Imperial Council of State, I firmly believe in this process to ensure that the policy we establish here in this chamber is linked closely with proper enforcement for the welfare of our constituents. This legislation will provide a remedy to uncertainty and promote greater relationships with the legislature and the Imperial ministers. This act, if passed, will guarantee greater appreciation from our constituents by providing a clearer way for their representatives to know and understand the policies that will shape their livelihoods. 

    It is my firm belief that we must safeguard the Rule of Law and to solidify our representation.
    The Senate should assert its role in the oversight of Imperial Authority and support those whom we represent. 


    With that, I yield the floor.” 

    A copy of the bill is placed at the rostrum:
    The Senate Committees Act

  10. The Northern Ferry and Canal Agreement

    Negotiated by the Lord Palatine and the Archchancellor of Oren

    In the City of Reza, 13th of Harren’s Folly, 1732






    Va Birodeo Herzenav e Edlervik,


    The Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska and the Holy Orenian Empire shall allot each a sum of five hundred and one thousand mina to initially fund the construction of a ferry system from the capital city of Reza toward Helena via the Lake of Helena. It shall connect the ferry system from Lake Milena to Lake Helena.


    The Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska shall contract a team of laborers to dig out the canal system. The Imperial government shall send laborers to aid in a joint labor commission.


    The maintenance of ports and ferries shall be established by a joint Imperial-Haeseni commission to administer the fares and fees, the supply of able ships, and to maintain the ports and maritime ways between the capital city of Reza and the destination in the Lake Helena. 


    Inspections of the ferry system shall be conducted every two years by the Imperial-Haeseni commission for the continued maintenance and improvement of the system. A ferry station shall be built by the Imperial Government.


    The movement of commodities shall not be taxed and the imposition of tariffs shall not be imposed between the area, unless ferries are contracted and used by vessels and merchants not within the Holy Orenian Empire.




    His Eminence, Cardinal Peter of Helena, Archchancellor of the Holy Orenian Empire


    His Excellency, Terrence May, Lord Palatine of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska, Duma Representative for the County of Ayr



    Issued by the Lord Palatine, Terrence May and Confirmed by His Majesty King Andrik III

    Given Royal Assent on this day, in the City of Reza,

    7th of Jula and Piov, ES 286, 7th of Godfrey’s Triumph, 1733




    Va Birodeo Herzenav e Edlervik, 


    We hereby proclaim, by Royal Assent, for the construction of a Northern Canal to be built along the lands of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska as agreed and negotiated by the Northern Ferry Agreement of 1732. As such, His Majesty the King hereby commands his Aulic Council to proceed with construction plans and to coordinate the efforts as stipulated by the aforesaid agreement. The Royal Treasury is hereby instructed to allot one thousand and five hundred mina to the creation of the project and shall reserve a forthcoming determined budget as instructed by the Crown for further provisions of the canal should it be necessary. 


    The canal shall, in accordance with the Northern Ferry Agreement of 1732, be established along Lake Helena and shall traverse northward toward Lake Milena, upon which the canal shall enjoin its route with the infrastructure of the capital city of Reza. The process of the canal shall be in accordance with the plans drafted in-council and agreement upon by the Crown and the Imperial Government.


    This we proclaim, in the Prikaz Palace, with all rights, authority, and force of the Royal Crown of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska. 





    HIS ROYAL MAJESTY, King Andrew III of Hanseti and Ruska, Grand Hetman of the Army, Prince of Kusoraev, Dules, Ulgaard, Lahy, Sorbesborg and Slesvik, Grand Duke of Vanderfell, Duke of Vidaus, Margrave of Rothswald, Count of Karikhov, Baranya, Kvasz, Kavat, Karovia, Kovachgrad, Torun, Turov, and Kaunas, Baron of Valwyk, Venzia, Esenstadt, Krepost and Kralta, , Lord of Alban, Reza, Markev, Lord of the Westfolk, Protector of the Highlanders, etcetera


    His Excellency, Terrence May, Lord Palatine of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska, Duma Representative for the County of Ayr



    Issued and Confirmed by the Lord Palatine, Terrence May

    4th of Jula and Piov, ES 286 | 4th of Godfrey’s Triumph, 1733






    Va Birodeo Herzenav e Edlervik,


    Ever since I first stepped in the Duma as Lord Palatine, I have striven to make the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska a great nation and to honor the sacred trust that His Majesty the King has entrusted me in forming a government that is as good and honest as the Haeseni people. My first proposal was to make a new start and embark on an ambitious plan to get a kingdom-wide effort that included the lords and ministers of our realm. We proposed the most comprehensive and ambitious budget in the history of the Royal Government. We negotiated a Northern-Imperial ferry and canal deal to integrate our kingdom with the wider networks of commerce and culture. We brought invigorated leadership with the appointment of High Steward, Rhaegal Black-Barclay. While I was unable to fully get the confidence of the majority, I still remain optimistic as ever that Haense will continue to strive for much greater glory with each passing day.


    I believed it was important to persevere against all odds and to ensure that the mandate that I set out was delivered. I am convinced now, more than ever, that the Kingdom deserves a new Lord Palatine to steer the direction of the realm with greater confidence and trust of the peers, the public, and the Crown. Therefore, I am announcing that I shall resign as Leader of the Feudalist Bench and as Lord Palatine of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska. I have agreed with the Lord Speaker and the 1732 Committee that I shall remain as interim Lord Palatine until the official appointment of my successor. It is a matter of deep regret that I could not continue my role in this capacity with the same vigor and resolve. I know that this Kingdom, with its rich history and steadfast commitment to the values it adheres, will continue to forge a path and strengthen itself despite the odds that the future holds.


    I have just been to Prikaz Palace to tender my resignation to His Majesty the King and advised him to ask Ser Konrad Arthur Stafyr to form a new administration. I wish Ser Konrad and the government he will lead every good fortune in the months and years ahead. Their successes will be our kingdom’s achievements. I will now leave the frontbenches of government and return to my role as the Honorable Representative for the County of Ayr. 


    Serving as Lord Palatine of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska has and always will remain to me, a great honor of my life, to have had the opportunity to serve the Kingdom I LOVE.




    His Excellency, Terrence May, Lord Palatine of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska, Duma Representative for the County of Ayr


  13. The Feudalist Conference of 1733

    In the County of Ayr, 10th Vzmey and Hyff, ES 286



     [!] Members of the Feudalist Benches meet in Ayr for the first conference of the lords and officials. 


    “My lords and ladies,


    Ever since I became Lord Palatine, the government has worked tirelessly to provide for the concerns of the Haeseni people. With the completion of the Feudalist Bench Manifesto, we stand together as a major voice in the Kingdom. We stand for key principles that unite us all as a nation, bringing forth ideals and robust responses to the issues facing our time. It is our party’s belief in entrusting the respect and governance of the realm to the lords, whose allegiance and work in unison with the Crown, brings out the best in the North. 


    We are here because we are reminded of our shared identity and our shared heritage. Our work and our reward remains in knowing that we maintain the dignity of the vassals and serving those who labor and reside amongst us. We can do this by lessening the burden of vassals and citizens by using our treasury to invest in their livelihood. We can do this by stressing the importance of collective cooperation. We can do this by supporting smaller merchants and business life in the market. 


    Our mission in the Feudalist benches is to protect the share of power in our governance, to stress the importance of dialogue with all of our partners and with the Crown. We must stand firm in all that we endeavor so as to secure a bright future for those who will come after us. 


    As Leader of the Feudalist Benches and as Lord Palatine, this is exactly the vision that I will manifest to our realm. That is why we will spend more money on the Brotherhood of Saint Karl to ensure that the defense of our realm and the usage of our riches shall benefit more, safeguard the noble guard system so that vassal lands are personalized in their protection, fund a new plan to integrate the peripheries of our kingdom with the wider Imperial demesne so that fiefs are not forgotten.


    The Opposition benches seek not only to disrupt the social harmony that we have forged, but want to continue to strip away from the vital needs of our Haeseni people. We cannot let a selfish, centralist future, who believes a top-down approach is better, forge the destiny of the kingdom! Remember that it was Siegmund Corbish and the Opposition benches that voted no to give money to the military, to the library, to the city, and to better infrastructure!


    Finally, I end tonight with a solemn reminder to vote with the government in the next saint’s day to determine the future of our Kingdom.


    May GOD bless the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska!”




  14. The Library Closure Edict of 1732

    Issued by the Royal Librarian Ilkazar and Confirmed by the Lord Palatine, Terrence May

    9th of Jula and Piov, ES 285, 9th of Godfrey’s Triumph, 1732




    Va Birodeo Herzenav e Edlervik, 


    Due to the unfortunate lack of funding to the Royal Library of Reza, I am saddened to report that the Royal Government must shutdown its operations until further notice. The Royal Librarian, Ilkazar, has just informed me that without the proper resources, he cannot continue to keep its doors open to the general public. 


    I announce this with a heavy heart and compel my honorable Lords and Aldermen in the Duma to convene and support new legislation to fund and reopen the Royal Library of Reza so that our scholars and children may continue to work and thrive. It comes with a great expense to the Royal Scholarship Act of 1710 that was promoted by the Royal Government to award diligent intellectuals to contribute to our culture. While the opposition lords continue to bicker, they abandon the notion that there are stark consequences to their inaction. While we move to war, we cannot neglect the domestic front of which so many Haeseni depend and rely on. I fear more closures and services will be cut if the Opposition does not take action.


    I call upon the Leader of the Opposition, The Honorable Siegmund Corbish to get his members together and vote for an upcoming Library Spending Bill which will be introduced in a forthcoming session of the Royal Duma. 





    His Excellency, Terrence May, Lord Palatine of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska, Duma Representative for the County of Ayr



    Issued and Confirmed by the Lord Palatine, Terrence May

    8th of Godfrey’s Triumph, 1732 | 8th of Jula and Piov, ES 285






    Va Birodeo Herzenav e Edlervik,


    We have just sat for a meeting of the Royal Duma where my government proposed a sweeping plan to fund the many sectors of our society. Sadly, the Opposition members failed to recognize the needs and concerns of you, the Haeseni People. Ever since I became Lord Palatine, my government has worked to deliver a plan that I set out in my first address. This minor set back in proposing an ambitious, progressive budget to give more money and resources will not set us back, but we will continue to push for what matters most in our society. 


    Let me review what we had proposed. My plan called for a ten thousand mina increase in our spending. In this proposal, we gave the opportunity for honorable lords and Aldermen the chance to give to the people’s names more spending to the kingdom’s most important institutions. We had set out to increase funding for our infantry and cavalry by giving them the coin needed to keep up with a wartime demand. We proposed funding to continue the important work of the library and to promote access to reward scholars through the Royal Scholarship Act of 1710. We introduced money to increase labor and supplies to build Reza anew. We attempted to pass legislation to ensure a proper railway and better roads to our vassals was prioritized.


    Unfortunately, the Opposition party has used their personal and selfish principle to vote against these much needed reforms and budgets. I urge the Haeseni people to see that this administration is doing more to feed their families, to ensure that they have a good home, and to know that our Brotherhood of Saint Karl is armed and respected. 


    That’s what my premiership will continue to do. So help me GOD.




    His Excellency, Terrence May, Lord Palatine of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska, Duma Representative for the County of Ayr


  16. Address from the Lord Palatine

    Issued and Confirmed by the Lord Palatine, Terrence May

    9th of Jula and Piov, E.S. 285 | 9th of Owyn’s Light, 1732 






    Va Birodeo Herzenav e Edlerik, 


    I have just been to Prikaz Palace where His Majesty the King has conferred unto me the mandate to form a new government. I accepted. 


    In His Grace, Lerald Vyronov, I follow in the footsteps of a resolute Lord Palatine, whose public service to the realm is unprecedented in shaping the peacetime efforts in the last twelve years. However, with his death, the kingdom must move forward to answer to the increasing demands within our realm and in our external affairs. I have proven my work in the Royal Duma, sponsoring legislation to uplift many Haeseni citizens. With the Medical Expansion Act and the Mask Ban Act that I sponsored and cosponsored, respectively, we have delivered the opportunity to develop a better clinic, expand medicines to families and veterans, and keep our streets safe from cultism and banditry. My service in the Imperial Council has demonstrated my persistent commitment to vassal and Imperial dialogue, fostering a relationship that is vital and integral for the continental order.


    However, much work needs to be done to continue to uplift our unity and pride to greater heights. That is why my government will set out to pass a comprehensive plan that will increase support and benefits in ALL sectors of our kingdom from the library, to the clinic, to doubling the Haeseni Harvest Initiative quotas, and rewarding those of merit in our civil and military institutions. We will strike an affordable deal to build better infrastructure in our kingdom with partner companies and we will fund railroad initiatives and develop better roads. We will devote more resources to initiatives to further our city construction and expand our granaries to feed the increasing population. 


    In our affairs within the Empire, we will build on a strong partnership that relies on mutual cooperation and perpetual allegiance to the same. It is in this spirit that a united Haense rests with a greater united Humanity, committed to manifesting the grand ideals of honor, justice, integrity, and peace. Our commitment to our Kingdom, Empire, and our allies always relies on the fervor of each and every citizen to strive for the greater good. As we approach another state of war, our kingdom will stand resolute as a vassal in the Empire to respond to the needs and challenges of the battlefield. My government is committed to devoting all manpower and resources necessary to maintain security and stability as we move toward mobilizing our forces. 


    With our friends in the Principality of Rubern, let me make clear that they have a firm advocate and working partner in the Haeseni Royal Government. My premiership seeks to remain committed to maintain the goodwill and mutual accord as neighbors. To our friends in Suffonia, my administration will continue the profound partnership forged by my predecessor to ensure a continued friendship among our people. I pledge all this in the name of a robust Empire, a peaceful society, and a bright future. 


    This administration will be one that is as good and honest as the Haeseni people, a government that seeks the best in all of our beloved people of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska. 






    His Excellency, Terrence May, Lord Palatine of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska, Duma Member for the County of Ayr




  17. Imperial Military Administration Edict

    Issued by the Board of Notaries and Confirmed by His Imperial Majesty Alexander II

    8th of the Sun’s Smile, 1730








    With the establishment of the Articles of Restructure, we hereby decree that His Imperial Majesty shall abolish the Office of the High Marshal. Furthermore, His Imperial Majesty vests the authority of all martial operations and the ordinances to establish a well-regulated militia for the Holy Orenian Empire to Archchancellor John de Balain until further legislation. The aforementioned shall ex officio be styled as Commander-in-Chief of His Imperial Majesty’s Armed Forces.


    The Imperial Throne delegates the defense of the demesne and the authority of the martial responsibilities to the Commander-in-Chief, further outlining the following provisions:


    • To direct the Imperial military on behalf of the Emperor

    • To establish the protocols for the Imperial military 

    • To formalize the ranks, duties, and responsibilities for the Imperial military

    • To appoint the requisite officers and statutory officials to oversee the operations of the Imperial military






    His Imperial Majesty, Alexander II, Holy Orenian Emperor, Prince of Helena, Duke of Roden and Lorraine


    His Excellency, John de Balain, Baron of Selm, Archchancellor of the Holy Orenian Empire, Commander-in-Chief of the Imperial Armed Forces








    Issued and Confirmed by His Imperial Majesty, Alexander II,

    17th of Tobias’ Bounty, 1730






    The commission recommends wholeheartedly the establishment of a modern Council of State, or Cabinet, comprised of Ministers of the Crown, who themselves chair their associated bureaucratic agencies. The structure is as follows:



    A conciliary body comprised of those holding the rank of Minister of the Crown. 


    THE ARCHCHANCELLOR, who serves as Lord President of the Council and the right-hand of the Emperor.



    THE FIRST SECTION OF HIS IMPERIAL MAJESTY’S CHANCELLERY, or the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the agency empowered to administer the internal affairs of the Holy Orenian Empire, represented by the Minister of Internal Affairs.


    • The Seneschal of the Crownlands, who is responsible for the administration and development of the Crownland dominions, including the Imperial capital. Deputy seneschals, or stewards, shall be appointed to manage properties within the capital. 

    • The Solicitor-General, who is responsible for control of the judicial system and jurisdictions, including acting as the government’s personal lawyer and chiefmost prosecutor. 

    • The Comptroller of Finances, who manages the Empire’s accounts, fiscal system and treasury, including taxation, other income and expenditure.

    • The Chairman of the Board of Notaries, who shall be responsible for all public documents, including the issue and sealing of Imperial letters, writs and formation of acts or edicts. 



    THE SECOND SECTION OF HIS IMPERIAL MAJESTY’S CHANCELLERY, or the Ministry of External Affairs, the agency empowered to administer the external affairs of the Holy Orenian Empire, represented by the Minister of External Affairs


    • The Secretary of State, who is responsible for foreign affairs, diplomacy and negotiations with other states upon the continent.  

    • The President of the Trade Corporation, who shall be responsible for the establishment of trade and trade routes both within the territory of the Empire and outside it, the formation of colonies and the acquisition of raw resources for the government. 

    • The First Sea Lord, who shall be responsible for the construction and civil administration of the Imperial Navy, as a separate institution to the remainder of the military. 



    THE THIRD SECTION OF HIS IMPERIAL MAJESTY’S CHANCELLERY, or the Bureau of Inquiry, the agency empowered to administer the internal and external intelligence agencies necessary for the preservation of the unity of Holy Orenian Empire, represented by a position held in secret committee. 





    One of the foremost issues facing the Holy Orenian Empire is the lack of standardization and integration within the provinces. The provinces and the territories beneath them retain inconsistent law codexes, military structures and regulations. This is unacceptable to good government. The maxim of Peter of Kaedrin, Holy Orenian Emperor and a saint of the Canon, was as follows:


    “One God, one emperor, one country and one law.”


    This ought to be the operating principle of the Imperial government - yet it is disregarded. The provinces of the Holy Orenian Empire must be integrated and standardized, bringing them into line with a central principle and thus allowing for greater collaboration and development within the union. Some recommendations for this include:


    1.  The calling of an Imperial Diet to establish an updated version of the Johannian law codex as the singular law of the Holy Orenian Empire, with all provincial legal codexes abolished.
    2. A moratorium on all peerages who do not have Imperial issued letters, as well as writs of ennoblement - provincial letters patent must be abolished entirely and replaced with a system of Imperial approval.
    3. A moratorium on other unauthorized titles or bizarre nomenclatures incompatible with the maxim of Peter of Kaedrin. 
    4. The formation of standardized ‘army groups’ with which to organize provincial troops, instead of the currently assembled mismatch of levies - this will entail a discussion on standardized and comparable ranks. 
    5. The complete integration of provincial knightly orders and a clarification on the roles and responsibilities of knighthood and the gentry.
    6. The standardization of provincial governments to be in line with their counterparts, with the idea being that all ranks are simple to understand, slimmed down with across-the-board equivalents.
    7. A clarification on noble ranks, as well a codification of the difference between the ancient and lettered nobility, as well as the greater and lesser.


    In moving a campaign towards standardization and integration, we can far better facilitate organization in the military, nobility and civil service. 






    Beyond all the aforementioned, the reconstruction of the city of Helena must be the foremost priority of any reformed Imperial government. The city, absolutely ravaged by war and desolate in its outlook, is desperately in need. Stonemasons, architects and labourers must be hired as a matter of great urgency, and a new and bustling hive of activity designed as a commercial centre for the Holy Orenian Empire. In addition, migration from the provinces must be encouraged - it is the recommendation of this commission that the landed nobility be strongly encouraged to move to manor houses in the new capital. The commission cannot emphasize how dangerous a further delay in construction could prospectively be. 


  19. Writ of Revocation for the Duchy of Lorraine

    Issued and Confirmed by His Imperial Majesty Alexander II

    14th of Godfrey’s Triumph, 1730








    By decree of His Imperial Majesty, let it be known that Leufroy of the House of d’Amaury, under the treasonous and disdainful acts committed against the Imperial Crown, for the obstruction of law and order, and for the subversion of his oath of fealty to the Holy Orenian Empire, shall hereby be stripped of all titles, holdings, and honorific previously bestowed upon him as a lawful vassal of the Holy Orenian Empire. All claims to his house are hereby annulled; he is herein charged with the gravity of his treason in addition to all those subordinate to his grievous cause. As such, we thus renounce his oaths and revoke the title of Duke of Lorraine granted to him in his vassalage under law. Furthermore, we hereby nullify the Imperial Letters for the Duchy of Lorraine and vest the titles thereof to the Imperial Crown. 






    His Imperial Majesty, Alexander II, Holy Orenian Emperor, Prince of Helena, Duke of Roden and Lorraine


  20. Treaty of Krugmar, 1730



    zptg3LbEE1we7angpbSdgcR_dLNu8M37kbfwj8ddA5jL2XqpjtK9A1vuP3HOuum5q2fFKczB6DxZdQPAHypgF5hJbA8Sd4YbvJwNtfSqBdBskCnQbLO2ksEX3DOLKIZIE36NxS92                     ijrXEv6D7vhNjC8GekvOm8L_3dAxwv_8-qHw0dQCFDO25Pe37HaV90F8zor935jdnHbPHcVV-z7EwkQ18Sy5btCaLwIdUK7EhXC0J27lR8U69BS9tWrlPCSSMO0dm3N0WKFOfboP




    The Holy Orenian Empire and the Rexdom of Krugmar, recognizing the violence of the past years between their respective races, find that in order to preserve the peace and union of their people, it is within the mutual interest that sign the following Non-Aggression Pact.



    ARTICLE I - The Holy Orenian Empire and the Rexdom of Krugmar agree to adhere to a strict non aggression pact, under all circumstances.


    ARTICLE II - The Holy Orenian Empire recognizes Nazark'Gorkil as the Rex of Krugmar, and the legitimate ruler and sovereign of the orcs. They shall provide no aid to any party that would oppose Nazark’Gorkil or its demesne.


    ARTICLE III - The Rexdom of Krugmar recognizes Alexander de Joannes as the Holy Orenian Emperor, and the legitimate ruler and sovereign of the humanity. They shall provide no aid to any party that would oppose House de Joannes or its demesne.


    ARTICLE IV - The Holy Orenian Empire and the Rexdom of Krugmar agree to respect the boundaries established between Krugmar ((All Tile 13)) and the Duchy of Vintas ((All Tile 17)).


    ARTICLE V - A policy of free trade and travel shall be enacted between the signatories.


    ARTICLE VI - In the case wherein one signatory or nation is found to be in violation of this pact, all articles shall remain in effect, so long as sincere diplomatic efforts are taken by the offending party to rectify the situation.


    ARTICLE VII - This treaty shall remain in effect so long as Alexander II remains the Holy Orenian Emperor, and Nazark'Gorkil remains the Rex of Krugmar.




    His Imperial Majesty, Alexander II de Joannes, Holy Orenian Emperor 


    Rex Nazark’Gorkil




    Penned by the Lord Privy Seal, His Excellency Terrence May

    18th of Horen’s Calling, 1730




    Below are the transcribed notes of the Imperial Court recorded as they transpired.


    The First Petitioner

    Evan Lethes approaches the dais and asks for the dissolution of the titles of the House of Lethes. The Archchancellor asks for the reason to which Evan Lethes explains that his house is not worthy of the title. Upon the explanation, the Emperor agrees and makes official pronouncement, granting his assent in dissolving the titles in-session. 


    The Second Petitioner

    Victoria d’Ciano, daughter of Catherine Windsor, petitions for an appointment to the privy council as a court mage. The Archchancellor disagrees and suggests her position be placed in the junior council instead. The Emperor expresses that there will be no new expansions to the privy council. Victoria settles for the appointment to the junior council if accepted. The Emperor tells Victoria to defer to the Archchancellor on the matter before dismissing her.


    The Third Petitioner

    Titus approaches the dais to petition to swear fealty to the Emperor. The Archchancellor vouches for Titus’ credibility to the Emperor and affirms the petitioner’s capabilities to act with diligence and service to the Empire. Upon the advice of the Archchancellor, the Emperor accepts and welcomes the petitioner at court. Titus bows and departs.


    The Fourth Petitioner

    Sergius of the House of Merentel, Duke of Vintas, approaches the dais as pleasantries are exchanged. The Duke addresses the possibility of dialogue with the orcs, being that his holding is near the Rexdom of Krugmar. The Duke informed the court of a treaty and mentioned his efforts in existing dialogue with the Rexdom. The Emperor receives it and reads the treaty proper. The Emperor declares that he will discuss the matter in council. The Duke assures that he has already earned orcish assent  before he is dismissed. 


    The Emperor delegates to the Archchancellor as he retires for the evening.


    The Fifth Petitioner

    Henri, the Baron of Guise approaches the throne to ask for pardon for any supposed crimes against the Imperial regime. Archchancellor exchanges pleasantries to the Baron of Guise and defers to the High Magistrate, Otto Sigmar, on the matter of pardons. High Magistrate agrees with pardoning Henri. Archchancellor confers the pardon. The Baron of Guise has more business for the court to consider- a lawsuit against ilicit squatters on his fief. The Archchancellor and the High Magistrate dismiss the notion, being that the squatters are enemies of war and will be removed forcefully. The Baron of Guise asks how he can serve the Empire and seeks to swear fealty and servitude to the throne.


    The Sixth Petitioner

    Halgrim approaches the dais and seeks to address the court but does not want to without the Emperor present. Halgrim wants a quest to protect the realm and serve the Crown.  Archchancellor orders for the head of Lewis of Lorraine as a show of loyalty and service for Halgrim. Halgrim gleefully accepts but the High Magistrate informs the Archchancellor that Lewis of Lorraine is already deceased. 


    The Seventh Petitioner

    A Rashidun Halfling approaches the throne by the name of Qaduir. Qaduir wants land near Helena to settle and offers to pay taxes as duly needed. The Archchancellor says he will speak to the Minister of the Interior and orders for a document of the request to be written and presented. Qaduir moves on to ask for a quest to be a knight like Halgrim. The Archchancellor defers to the Grand Knight for an appropriate action. 


    The Eighth Petitioner

    Peter var Josip Sarkozic comes to inquire on the trial of Lorraine on behalf of Adrian, Duke of Adria. The Archchancellor and High Magistrate agree that an absentee to trial presumes guilt. The crime of treason is agreed upon by the court to levy against the Leufroy d’Amaury, Duke of Lorraine. Peter Sarkozic asks of the plight of the land the Duchy of Lorraine to which the Archchancellor affirmed its incorporation to the Duchy of Adria. 


    The Ninth Petitioner (co-petitioners)

    Rahim Nasrid, Duke of Cresonia and Murad Kharadeen, Caliph of Khadarsi step forth to petition the court. They seek to make known their incorporation. The Archchancellor clarifies that any sort of inter-vassal relations without explicit purview of the Imperial government is prohibited. Archchancellor will sign off if Cresonia will consent to demotion to county. The Duke of Cresonia asks for reasoning behind the Archchancellor’s decision. The Archchancellor makes known that they have been deficient in their rallies for the Realm. The Duke of Cresonia makes a correction about the status of the political union. The Archchancellor clarifies the gravity of their request and seeks out a formal treaty to outline the future diplomatic relationship, assuring harmony between the Empire and their new protectorate. The Duke of Cresonia agrees.


    The Tenth Petitioner

    The cousin of the Archchancellor, Caius, approaches the dais. Caius asks for the Marna family records. The Empress-Mother arrives and interjects in saying she alone can provide them, dismissing John’s credibility as a Marnan and pointed out his status as a legitimized bastard. The Archchancellor retaliates and warns her not to speak out of line. The Empress-Mother threatens to burn or withhold them, despite the court having already ruled that the records be disclosed to Caius. The Lord Privy Seal, Terrence May, informs the Empress-Mother that she cannot harm or disobey the ruling of the court regarding the family records as they are Imperial documents afforded with the protection of the Imperial Seal of State. The Archchancellor asks the High Magistrate the appropriate sentence for subverting Imperial law. The Archchancellor then asks her if she will prostrate before the court for her contempt of court and sedition. The Archchancellor continued, exploiting her disloyalty and support for the fugitive Lorrainians. 


    Empress-Mother affirms her actions. Archchancellor confirms her guilty plea and assures no execution is warranted, for it would be too harsh. Kyriakos Barbeas interjects that incriminating the Empress-Mother would cause a crisis. Empress-Mother states that she prefers death instead and asserts that the Archchancellor has “bewitched” the Emperor. The Archchancellor presents two sentences for the Empress-Mother to choose: nunnery or exileTitus is instructed to escort the Empress-Mother out of the city. The Empress-Mother calls the Archchancellor a coward for not being brave enough to sentence her to die. She then asserts that John will be the downfall of the Emperor. The Empress-Mother attempts to assassinate the Archchancellor and cries out inaudibly in her contempt of him. Vespira Antonia, wife of the Archchancellor, advances and successfully stabs the Empress-Mother. The Empress-Mother is struck by the knife and killed by the blow to the chest.  The pregnant corpse of the Empress-Mother lays in the center aisle as Indra Barbeas performs a Cesarina-section.* The baby cries out, indicating its survival and successful deliverance into the world. 


    The court is dismissed by the High Magistrate. 





    His Excellency, Terrence May, Lord Privy Seal, Imperial Auditor-General



  22. MC Name: Piov

    Character's Name: Xi Mingliang

    Character's Age: 50


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    The Hou-Zi are a sentient race that were first seen on the Isles of Axios. The race came into being by the conjuring of the daemon Meztli who created an ancestral race of primates that eventually became known as the Hou-Zi. The daemon Meztli sought out to find the alpha of the monkey race and anointed him as Hou-Shen with a jade crown, the revered entity that is renown in the Hou-Zi culture as the immortal king. Under Hou-Shen, the Hou-Zi were solidified as the primate civilization at the behest of Meztli. 


    The primary adversary to the Hou-Zi civilization’s expansion and prosperity were the elves. The primate race saw itself at odds with the dominant realm of Malinor, whose sphere of influences conflicted with the burgeoning growth of the Hou-Zi throughout the land. Despite many efforts by the elves to communicate with the Hou-Zi, Hou-Shen firmly stood on isolation. Seeing this as a slight to their dominion, the elves prepared for battle. With decisive victories against the elves, the Hou-Zi suddenly suffered defeat with the death of Hou-Shen and saw their capital sacked. However, the Hou-Zi fled and signified a diaspora.


    Hou-Zi culture is centered around constructs surrounding wealth and fraternity. Jade is a prime material that signifies one’s status and standing in society. Central to the mentality of Hou-Zi culture was the notion of competition among others where those less fortunate aspire to be best each other. 


    The Hou-Zi are generally divided into 3 subraces: Laobai-Zhu, Fei-Zhu,and Hei-Zhu. The Laobai-Zhu are the most common and are generally seen as the adaptable, well-rounded and diligent. The Fei-Zhu are considered to be rarer and exude a graceful style. Many of them are known to be in the higher echelons of the society. The Hei-Zhu are a larger type with a broader physique. They are devoted to their patriarch, one of the sons of Hou-Shen and demonstrate the most fervent of worship to Hou-Da. 


    Religions vary among the Hou-Zi. The largest sect is the Shenjiao faith, worshipping Hou-

    shen. He had three sons, Hou-Wang, Hou-Xiao, and Hou-Da, the three progenitors of the three subraces, respectively. This faith follows a tiered pantheon with Hou-Shen at the top, the three sons, and then the ancestral spirits. Hua-Jiao is the other religion that follows an ethic and path to enlightenment. The follower mimics the model Hualian, an enlightened noble who taught the four truths and the eight-fold path to become awakened.




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    Are you aware that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?:



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  23. Statement from the Office of the Imperial Auditor-General

    Advisory Courtesy Regarding Travel Safety

    Issued by the Office of the Imperial Auditor-General

     10 O.L. 1729








    With the imposition of the Edict of Reprobate, we hereby publish this travel advisory notice to all Imperial subjects as a courtesy message regarding banditry, travel, and safety. We seek to emphasize those traveling between the roads and regions that extend from the Kingdom of Kaedrin and the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska and the roads and regions that extend from the crossroads of the Principality of Rubern and the Imperial capital of Helena. Recent surveys conducted by this office have found a rise in violent acts committed against civilians along the roads and near urban centers. It is our mandate to ensure that close surveillance and discretion is consistently maintained so as to inform and advise our people across the Imperial demesne. 


    Moreover, we advise that citizens adhere to the following protocols:

    • Traverse in groups or be accompanied by an escort

    • Encourage all subjects to conclude their travels by sundown

    • Adhere to all updates by the respective vassal officials and the Imperial Government regarding safety protocols during cases of armed conflict with brigands and outlaws

    • Advise our respective vassals to increase cautious surveillance contained within the proximity of their own territory


    As such, we ensure that our Imperial High Marshal and Imperial Field Marshal are continuing their respective commitment to ensuring proper safety and security to all travelers against these outlaws and unlawful vigilantes. Furthermore, the Office of the Imperial Auditor-General reiterates its commitment to ensure accountability and comprehensive examination for our Imperial domain.





    His Excellency, Terrence May, Imperial Auditor-General


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