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Posts posted by Vilebranch

  1. Deep within the recesses of the Underkrug, the imposing Skorkon'Ugluk sharpened its claws upon the stones. It opened its lips and spoke in the elder tongue of its clan, "Hakathza-Karz. Gulathza-Hari. Ha-Qarkah. Ha-Karazept. Ha-Uruk."

  2. The HYPERWARRIOR sat in silent meditation amid an old battlefield. The man had just finished creation of a mandala in honor of his wise guru, depicting the full breadth of his blessed life.


    "Your teachings shall be ever-remembered, O guru. Owyn-Maitreya comes within our lifetimes. HAIL OWYN! HAIL THE MECHSSIAH!"


    With those short words, Vardek-Arya cast a jade limb across the delicate sand tapestry and wiped it across the bloodied landscape.

  3. The HYPERWARRIOR, Vardek-Arya, sat in silent contemplation amongst the Lotus blossoms, resplendent in his jade aegis. The noble warrior contemplated the true nature of this Kaninokyō, comparing the new teachings to those ancient texts of his Xamballan sect.




    O, Ascended Masters, peerless in Wisdom. My resolve is tempered by this most wise Sage of Oyashima. For the Nature of Truth is that it shall permeate all of creation, and shine brightest upon they with Ascended eyes to see it in all of its splendour.


    HAIL Xamballa. HAIL the Architect. HAIL Truth. HAIL Virtue.

  4. The missive was clutched between the metallic claws of the Bullgoth, rapidly burning into cinders once the creature had finished carefully reading the missive. "A coward to the very last. Afraid ob my flame. Afraid ob our army. Afraid ob Kor's grasp."


    The minotaur looked out from the mountainside, examining the empty city of San'Briu with a cold scowl. "Kybal'Akaal. I will hunt you down. I will hunt your clan to extinction. I will destroy everything you have ever loved. For your dishonor stains the blood of your kin dark as night."










    Behold our great triumph, behold our great JYHAD. Soon, all the world shall know what is righteous. All the world shall know what is just. All the world shall know what the ILZGUL would will.


    May all know that the coward KYBAL'AKAAL has turned his back upon TWO honorable challenges.


    What a Rex he must be. What an URUK he must be. To believe himself so far above the stature of his equals.


    What orc would hide behind the excuse of legalism and bureaucracy to deny a fight? Has he lost the hot blood of KRUG? Has he lost the blessing of Ram's favored, LEYD? It is not enough to merely bear horns, one must USE THEM!




    May all who would venture to read know that on this day, upon hearing the Rex's open rejection of ancient law, the Clans LAK and UGLUK joined their hands in sacking the Klamor Hall of San'Briu as each of the once proud Gothim ran away one by one.


    Our bands were joined by the combined forces of those loyal vassals of Sulianpoli and the Friedrichian Band. Even the loyal and TRUE blood of Clan Mog offered their service in battle. Tell me, what temperament of Rex would incite his own sworn vassals and clans into rebellion? Cowardice? Weakness? Tyranny?


    The urukim gather around to hear the words of their BULLGOTH. Their oldest and wisest brother. Their REX!




    It is a dream deeply rooted in the Krugmenistani. For it is known in his very blood. His very being. I have a dream that every uruk will rise up and live by our ancient creed: 




    I have a dream, that one day when all blood has been drained of the ignoble Akaal, we will again stand united with those many who were led astray. We will fight each other, we will bleed upon eachother, and we may even die upon eachother. But we will do it knowing that the ILZGUL have willed it so! Not by the will of a legalist! Not by the will of a burzhom! But by the will of our own raw spirit!


    I have a dream that within every uruk lies the true spirit of a Rex! One which would never tell a lie! One which would never run from a fight! One which would have the tenacity and stubbornness to follow his ideals until his death!







  6. The great minotaur looked upon the missive in its hands, letting out a loud chuckle before neatly folding it and putting it aside. "Another challenger approachez! I will await our zult-meeting wif bated breath. Agh prepare. . ." The minotaur turned before a massive infernal forge and grinned, deep beneath the solid earth and desert sands.

  7. yea i play one already. in my opinion, one of the greatest strengths of nomadic rp is having a very diverse cast of small tribes and how they all interact with one another. like with the scydri and their tribes, the ugluks, the scyflings, the cimmereans, etc.







    Tyranny. The word should be anathema to any self-respecting uruk. A word which elicits the very same vile scorn as any abomination of dishonor.


    And yet, you have allowed the weakness of tyranny to enter into our nation's seat of power. Remember the stories of those who would wield their authority as a weapon to remove the unfavored. Of my predecessor, Drokon'Ugluk, who deemed exile and execution a necessity to preserve the unity of his Empire.


    Our Rex has failed in his duties. He has exiled a diligent and loyal servant of Krugmar. He has stripped his most loyal vassal of their land. He has allowed these very same peoples, orcs by the title of Honorary, to be stripped of all power and status as nothing more than lessers. He has shown he is incapable of being a just ruler, favoring the goals of his clan before his nation.


    Thus do I, Wargoth of Ugluk, call to challenge the Rex of the Iron Horde to honorable combat. The Rex Klomp is our sacred tradition from the very beginnings of time. No force of law, nor force of spirit, may inhibit its judgment.


    Your concerns are well noted, citizens of Krugmar. Knowledge of my corruption is very much an open secret throughout our lands and beyond. Fears pass from unsealed lips like a virulent plague. So it is that I shall openly share my plans for our great nation. For it has never been I to breach the sacred truth.


    Under my supervision, I would tear down all that is not in alignment with our ancient traditions. All unneeded stations, all superficial titles, and all authority not derived from either the Rex and his Dominus, or from the varied Clans of Krugmar is to be immediately expunged from our government.


    Dubtly, the establishment of a zealous task force devoted to the investigation and extermination of all that is not in accordance with the ancient traditions of orcish kind. The seeds of the burz-menace are so entrenched in orcish society that they must be removed by force. The current Rexdom has proven that it is unable to cull such vicious insurgents.


    Gahktly, the dissolution of the impure and disgraced Clan Akaal into its constituent clans, as had been prior to the establishment of the Horde. The clans of Akaal have proven unworthy of their heightened status among the ancient clans of Krugmar, provoking distrust among even their closest allies.

    Futhly, the gradual surrender of powers from the Rex to their constituent clans culminating in the complete and total abolishment of the Iron Horde and the title of Rex. There is no Rex but KRUG ALMIGHTY. The false legacy of Rax is to be expunged. From then on, all dealings are to be conducted individually by Wargoths and their trusted Elders. Only in the case of dire national emergency, such as in the case of foreign invasion, are these liberties to be denied.

    Rex Kybal’Akaal. You have one cactus week to consider my claim. I will not tolerate bureaucracy as an excuse for tardiness. I will send you a personal letter for a time and place should you accept my challenge.





  9. The Bullgoth of Ugluk slams his titanic fist against a nearby table, another hand wrapped around a vicious cleaver. "DAMNED AKAALZ! DAMNED GRIMLUK! BURZ, BURZ, BURZ!" It wouldn't take long for the creature to flip the table entirely, startling a nearby Ugluki scribe. "A Rex who would reward loyalti agh vigor with eviction agh banishment? It is no true Rex. Da MANDATE ob KRUG haz been lozt. . ."


    And so the minotaur took the pen from the scribe and began to write…

  10. What is your name, hero-to-be?


    What is your age?


    What is your race? 


    Where do you reside?
    Upon the Holy Thunder Mountain


    What powers do you have to fight against this great evil?
    The wisdom and compassion of the Enlightened Masters.


     What is the meaning of a free-spirit, in short words?
    Were there not freedom, there would not be hope. Since there is hope only within man, there is freedom wherever man would walk.

  11. A minotaur stands vigil atop its massive Ugluk bull, looking far over the many hills and jungles of the East. The creature lights up a cigar, hearing word of fellow cowpokes amid the thick jungle canopy. "Well ain't dat a kick in da head."

  12. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?

             Blood Magic


    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


         Blood Magic, at its core, is the use and manipulation of ancient mana stored in the blood of creatures with greater souls. This 'genus' is capable of being used both as a support function (blood-bending), or powerful profane rituals (blood rites). Every descendant has a certain number of counts of genus in their body which can be used through spells, depending on the character's race. Users of blood magic will begin to experience the effects of blood loss as they lose genus, ultimately ending with their untimely unconsciousness and then death. Blood Mages have been tuned into the primal and wrathful elements of their own blood, warping their physical appearance and severely damaging their minds in the process. Once the student has been awakened, they may then begin to understand the runes of power which make up Blood Magic and follow their path towards mastery. However, the steep price of this power is that all who utilize it will eventually be forced to PK once they have lived 2 IRL years. (Unless they are immortal.)

         The rituals of the blood mages are written with runes derived from the material alphabet. Through these runes, it is hypothesized that anything is possible through the correct pattern of runes and the right quantity of blood. However, these rites are extremely unstable and prone to disastrous miscast. Only careful preparation through a sizeable cabal of mages is capable of counter-acting this achilles heel. With every additional Tier 2-3 mage, a +1 is added to the ritual d20 roll. With every additional mage of Tier 4 and 5, a +2 is added.

         Different races have different amounts of genus as listed here-
    3 units: the average mortal, anthroparions
    4 units: high elves, Mori'Quessir, Void mages, epiphytes, zar’ei
    5 units: azdrazi, tree lords, zar’akal, frost witches, celestial-type Voidal horrors
    6 units: siliti
    10 units: drakes, dragons
    12 units: horror-type Voidal horrors


    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    Blood Rites- These are generally the most powerful and versatile spells within a blood mage's repertoire, capable of just about anything if done appropriately. These spells are the apex of both creation and destruction; capable of leveling entire cities or creating powerful artifacts. The spells included within this subsection are Ensorcell Flesh, Ensorcell Material, Hail, Quiet, Gilding, Call Calamity, Seal, and Engorge.

    Blood-Bending- This is the supportive and combative end of Blood Magic, capable of manipulating the genus within one's blood as an Evocationer might manipulate the elements. Blood-bending is predominantly used to heal minor wounds or to conduct blood transfusions between willing participants. The spells included within this subsection are Augmentation, Hemorrhaging, Scabbing, Siphoning, and Tearing.

    Practitioners must take on a second spell slot if they wish to learn the rites of Embark, Invent, and Spiritspell.


    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?




         The bloodied minotaur, fresh from the viscera and conquests of war, looked around him at the terrified and scarred crowd around the city square. The creature clutched at its chest, its eyes glowing with a crimson hue as a plume of smoke erupted from its snout.

         In an instant, the creature evaporated the caked blood into a fine red mist which still clutched at its form, hanging over the scene like a wrathful cloud. The creature grinned, showing off the rows of sharp incisors within its drooling maw.


    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?




         The minotaur enters the ritual chamber, an imperious glare in its eyes as it peers at the student. "Lat shall watch and observe until I blah otherwise. We begin the Rite ob Gilding." It unsheathes a dagger and slices into its thick hide, drawing a large rune of mortality in the center of the room with its thick black blood. "Mortality. Just as a blade were to signify a threat ob death, does the Rune signify that very end. The End is what connects all things ob the Mortal Realm."

         It slices deeper into its flesh, drawing the rune of draining within the crescent of mortality, blood tracing over stone as ink over paper. "Draining completes the Rune ob Mortality in this rite. Draining is the act ob taking for oneself. The blade shall take from the mortal."

         The creature then would use its remaining blood to etch runes of metal, draining and power to the outer corners of the ritual circle. The minotaur let out a heavy breath, "Metal. Draining. Power. These describe the form ob the weapon. It's power, as opposed to it's purpose." The minotaur tossed the blade in question into the center of the circle, handing the bloodied dagger to the student. "Draw forth your genus and press latz hand to the edge as I."

         The pair of mages pressed their hands upon the edge of the collection of runes as blood surged from their open wounds into the rune of draining. A mist of red vapor swirled around the circle as they prepared for the worst, "Be prepared.. There is nub telling what shall happen." The weapon began to glow with a red aura as the ritual began to reach its final conclusion.

    [At this point we'd have an ST roll and rp from there.]


    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    I think that keeping a level-head in situations like that is the best answer. I would reach out and attempt to make sure that the student had no misunderstandings about the lore and, in the rare case that it turned into a repeat offense, inform the ST and cooperate with them. Sometimes you gotta make corrections as they arise.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.

             Yes; https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/228229-blood-magic-ta-vilebranches/?tab=comments#comment-1993045

  13. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?

             Blood Magic


    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


         Blood Magic, at its core, is the use and manipulation of ancient mana stored in the blood of creatures with greater souls. This 'genus' is capable of being used both as a support function (blood-bending), or powerful profane rituals (blood rites). Every descendant has a certain number of counts of genus in their body which can be used through spells, depending on the character's race. Users of blood magic will begin to experience the effects of blood loss as they lose genus, ultimately ending with their untimely unconsciousness and then death. Blood Mages have been tuned into the primal and wrathful elements of their own blood, warping their physical appearance and severely damaging their minds in the process. Once the student has been awakened, they may then begin to understand the runes of power which make up Blood Magic and follow their path towards mastery. However, the steep price of this power is that all who utilize it will eventually be forced to PK once they have lived 2 IRL years. (Unless they are immortal.)

         The rituals of the blood mages are written with runes derived from the material alphabet. Through these runes, it is hypothesized that anything is possible through the correct pattern of runes and the right quantity of blood. However, these rites are extremely unstable and prone to disastrous miscast. Only careful preparation through a sizeable cabal of mages is capable of counter-acting this achilles heel. With every additional Tier 2-3 mage, a +1 is added to the ritual d20 roll. With every additional mage of Tier 4 and 5, a +2 is added.

         Different races have different amounts of genus as listed here-
    3 units: the average mortal, anthroparions
    4 units: high elves, Mori'Quessir, Void mages, epiphytes, zar’ei
    5 units: azdrazi, tree lords, zar’akal, frost witches, celestial-type Voidal horrors
    6 units: siliti
    10 units: drakes, dragons
    12 units: horror-type Voidal horrors


    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    Blood Rites- These are generally the most powerful and versatile spells within a blood mage's repertoire, capable of just about anything if done appropriately. These spells are the apex of both creation and destruction; capable of leveling entire cities or creating powerful artifacts. The spells included within this subsection are Ensorcell Flesh, Ensorcell Material, Hail, Quiet, Gilding, Call Calamity, Seal, and Engorge.

    Blood-Bending- This is the supportive and combative end of Blood Magic, capable of manipulating the genus within one's blood as an Evocationer might manipulate the elements. Blood-bending is predominantly used to heal minor wounds or to conduct blood transfusions between willing participants. The spells included within this subsection are Augmentation, Hemorrhaging, Scabbing, Siphoning, and Tearing.

    Practitioners must take on a second spell slot if they wish to learn the rites of Embark, Invent, and Spiritspell.


    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?




         The bloodied minotaur, fresh from the viscera and conquests of war, looked around him at the terrified and scarred crowd around the city square. The creature clutched at its chest, its eyes glowing with a crimson hue as a plume of smoke erupted from its snout.

         In an instant, the creature evaporated the caked blood into a fine red mist which still clutched at its form, hanging over the scene like a wrathful cloud. The creature grinned, showing off the rows of sharp incisors within its drooling maw.


    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?




         The minotaur enters the ritual chamber, an imperious glare in its eyes as it peers at the student. "Lat shall watch and observe until I blah otherwise. We begin the Rite ob Gilding." It unsheathes a dagger and slices into its thick hide, drawing a large rune of mortality in the center of the room with its thick black blood. "Mortality. Just as a blade were to signify a threat ob death, does the Rune signify that very end. The End is what connects all things ob the Mortal Realm."

         It slices deeper into its flesh, drawing the rune of draining within the crescent of mortality, blood tracing over stone as ink over paper. "Draining completes the Rune ob Mortality in this rite. Draining is the act ob taking for oneself. The blade shall take from the mortal."

         The creature then would use its remaining blood to etch runes of metal, draining and power to the outer corners of the ritual circle. The minotaur let out a heavy breath, "Metal. Draining. Power. These describe the form ob the weapon. It's power, as opposed to it's purpose." The minotaur tossed the blade in question into the center of the circle, handing the bloodied dagger to the student. "Draw forth your genus and press latz hand to the edge as I."

         The pair of mages pressed their hands upon the edge of the collection of runes as blood surged from their open wounds into the rune of draining. A mist of red vapor swirled around the circle as they prepared for the worst, "Be prepared.. There is nub telling what shall happen." The weapon began to glow with a red aura as the ritual began to reach its final conclusion.

    [At this point we'd have an ST roll and rp from there.]


    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    I think that keeping a level-head in situations like that is the best answer. I would reach out and attempt to make sure that the student had no misunderstandings about the lore and, in the rare case that it turned into a repeat offense, inform the ST and cooperate with them. Sometimes you gotta make corrections as they arise.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  14. Deep beneath the eastern clay, the minotaur stirred in the cavernous depths. A trail of smoke rose up from its snout as it recalled that glorious battle. A prideful demon laid low by its own arrogance. Draz-Kulzattar the fool. Draz-Kulzattar the imp. It would not matter. The Eye of Providence were upon them.


    "Ra’drakurz raht roknoth kuul ra’vaznan amol tul."

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