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Posts posted by Vilebranch

  1. Mael-Rotukna Kalul







      Those who traveled through the exposed road networks of the Western jungles might hear from the lightless bush a great and metallic roar, airy and hoarse from years of warchants. The cry heralded a stampede of many hooves, shadowed figures of bronze and iron with long faces like those of an ungulate. Those who lingered may hear chanting, perhaps even a glimpse of a flash of crimson light before these mounted warriors quickly passed. The taint of brimstone lingered in the air, stinging the senses of those too foolhardy to have fled.

      Each tree was to be adorned with a charred and black section of bark, dripping with black mucous as if it were sap. Runes of an unknown tongue glowed beneath the corrupted sap. Those who stared too intently might find something clawing at their nerves, a pain forming at the back of their skull. Perhaps it was an attempt at staking a beastly claim upon the surrounding land, like any primal creature might. Although perhaps it was an omen of something much greater. A call for aid or a call for war. There upon the gnarled wood an infernal creature could read,

    “Mael rotukka raht hritar krei. Ra’kalul raht a’vrid duth ra’iiztrii za’Zalev’zak randrok. A’vrid hzakuz uk ra’dendukal. A’vrid thaznit ra’inna hugka. Zkaat zu’zo’kuul am’ruth korduv ra’gatraka tuk huk.”





    Just a short forum post related to the upcoming Amaethea eventline, seeing as the deadline for signing up to the seaside event is tomorrow. If you have a character who knows Ilzakarn, shoot me a dm and ill translate. Should be a good time. Good antagonism. Vilebranches#8810



  2. Somewhere deep in the labyrinths, the hulking figure of Skorkon'Ugluk lit a torch in honor of the elf who had passed through his flames unharmed. The bearer of the Shield of Dazkur was considered by the goliath as something of a worthy rival, a shaman worthy of his title upon facing the tribulations of the labyrinth.


    Though weakness is not so easily kept at bay. Especially among those so unfortunate to be born of weak flesh. And those whose pride exceeds their capacity for strength are quickly swallowed by the flames which stoke their will. "Agiz Penweather. Zhield ob Dazkur. Champion ob Phariz. Brother ob da Band. Latz tik haz run out."

  3. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             The Brazen Bull


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Blood Magic


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?


  4. The BULLGOFF frowned as he witnessed his friend's corpse carried back to San'Velku. An immensely prideful and honorable orc, one who embodied those Raguk ideals in all things. He raised up his fist one last time in rememberance of the dead, a mighty Raguk salute. "ANG GUND GRIZH! May we klomp again soon, blood bruddah. Beneath da watchful gaze ob KRUG ALMIGHTY!"

  5. Beneath halls of hallowed, volcanic stone sat the Minotaur. Beneath the very polis he'd helped consecrate. Beneath the great herds of blessed cattle he had bred and culled to perfection. Beneath mountains of skulls and wicked flesh. It sat and pondered over the missive as smoke filled the room, its brothers joining him in solemnity.


    "Mi band? Those who called mi bruddah? Who took great KLEOS by mi side? Have they forgotten their oaths? Their vow tu Dazkur?"


    It asked of the fellow minotaurs, though they were exempt to learn a single word of common. He turned his attention then to the full situation, furrowing his brow and tensing his muscles.


    "Bah. Da cards am dealt. Whatever happens now is on their heads. Al-uk. Murdok. Bruddahs ob mi youth. Their foolishness shall nub just be their own undoing. But da undoing ob all we have built. Ha-Uruk. HA-QARKAH!"

  6. Deep in the infernal pits, a writhing mass of bronze came into shape and reflected upon that Owl. The Brazen Bull's claws tore into a foul imp before grinding it down between its jaws. Though it knew only hunger, a yearning for answers soon filled its burning stomach.

  7. The Ugluk Folk-Pantheon





         The Ugluk Klan, while known well for their devotion to the spirits of Qarkah and Karazept, possess a pantheon of spirits and heroes which eclipse those of many other clans in Krugmenistan. The nature of these entities tends to become vague and obscured by myth beyond the two main patrons, Qarkah and Karazept, resulting in much speculation on their true identities. Their natures vary from face to face; from those which persist through recurring dreams or physical creatures which have interacted with Ugluk clan members through the ages. Through ancient folk-songs and poems these entities have yet managed to survive into the modern Ugluk folk-canon.

        Due to the tribe’s semi-nomadic lifestyle, many of their lesser deities possess similarities to the mythos’ of many other Descendent cultures. It could be postulated that some of the more esoteric entities of Ugluk religion to have originated in forgotten cultures from lands long past, though little proof of such has been given. Despite this, the Ugluk Klan has managed to maintain a very distinct cosmology which has stood the test of time against more widespread orcish cults and religions. 


    Zuvam-Hat - The Eater



    "Oh, bury mi nub—" agh his voice failed there;

    They paid nub heed to his dying prayer;

    In a narrow grave just six by three,

    They laid him there on da lone prairie.

    Where da dewdrops fall agh da vourukh rests,

    Da wild rose blooms on da prairie's crest,

    Where da coyotes howl agh da wind sports free,

    They laid him there on da lone prairie.

    -A Traditional Ugluk Song


         In the beginning, it is said that there was only the unending sky and a hole in that sky which was called KENEMAN. This hole grew bigger and ate more of the sky. It grew arms and legs, a head and a chest. And soon it grew so large from feeding upon the sky that it had to defecate. ZUVAM-HAT did defecate in such quantities that it made the earth from its dung. Yet it ate more and did defecate Man and Elf, Dwarf and Orc. It was not done in its eating and grew much larger than its creations. And when it defecated it made creatures who were larger yet. Gods and Spirits. Creatures too large and monstrous to name. 


         These creations became envious of the Eater, and feared that he would soon come to consume them when there were no more skies to feast upon. The spawn of ZUVAM-HAT turned against him and tore him limb from limb. They plucked out his heart and cast it into the earth. Deep where no creature would find it. But its heart still beat beneath dirt and stone, and blood came bursting out from beneath. Thus ZUVAM-HAT was no more, and KURA-EZHAR was made. The Earth-Blood from which all order is kept in cosmic rhythm.


    Konurkam - The Scarab


         It is known that in the days of formulation, after the death of ZUVAM-HAT, his children did follow in their creator’s footsteps and enacted wills of their own upon the earth. One in particular, KONURKAM, was the first of spirits. And he did roll up the dung into great orbs of light and place them high in the firmament for all Descendents to see. These balls of dung became the Moon and the Sun, and though he wished for them to be consorts they quickly grew apart. AZTRAN and LUARA fought for dominion of the skies. A war which wages during every day and every night. KONURKAM was forgotten. His power now waned considerably. But once every eon, during times of great strife, KONURKAM unites his children in the eclipse until they grow distant once more.


    Titha-Azhu - The Thunder-Above



    When all at azh’t a mighty herd

    Ob red-eyed kowz he saw

    Plowin’ through da ragged skies

    Agh up da cloudy draw

    A bolt ob fear went through him

    As they thundered through da sky

    For he saw da riders comin’ hard

    Agh he heard deyr mournful cry

    -An Ugluk Riding Song


         Only a small portion of those original skies exist in these days. For ZUVAM-HAT had eaten all that he could before his death. And in their weakness they now have grown angry and full of rage. TITHA-AZHU is the rage of the eaten skies. Mighty thunder and lightning which claims the souls of the Eater’s creations. These souls follow TITHA-AZHU wherever it thunders, welcoming the damned into their herd as they tread above the earth. It is said that this is the fate of all true wanderers who try to outrun KOR’s grasp. For they are not welcomed through his gates and must live in the sky. TITHA-AZHU is feared foremost among the Ugluk Pantheon, frequently appeased at the peaks of high mountains and hills where the lightning cracks often. A frequent offering of horseshoes is given to rest the weary hooves of his herd. Tall totem poles stretch high into the sky, adorned with horseshoes and metal which conduct the storms.


    The Lamazhu


         Creatures of ancient Ugluk lore, the Lamazhu were believed to watch over those who were most faithful and honorable. People destined for greatness would tell stories of their encounters with these creatures. Tales of being at death’s door on the battlefield or during a hunt, but the Lamazhu appeared from nowhere in a burst of light. Fierce creatures with a lion's body and the wings of an eagle. They were adorned with a bull’s horns and the face of an old orc. Some tales claim them to be agents of Kor. Others connect them to Qarkah or Ghorza. What the tales have in common, however, is their appearance and supernatural ability to know of legends before they are made. Indeed it has been claimed that the Lamazhu could perceive the trails of fate to serve their purpose of protection.


    The Wanderer



    "Where has da horse gone?

    Where are mi kindred?

    Where is da giver ob treasure?

    Where are da benches tu bear uz?

    Joys ob da hall to bring us together?

    Nub more, da bright goblet!

    All gone, da mailed warrior!

    Lost for good, da pride ob princes!"

    -Excerpt from the Tale ob Paragma-Wrat


         The Wanderer's tales are more difficult to describe than the others. For he is an amalgamation of all those lost souls whose names have been lost to time. Both a spirit and an ancestor. The Wanderer's domain encompasses all heroes who are forgotten, but their deeds still sung and regaled. The Wanderer is a mysterious spirit, always described as a stranger clad in leathers. His stories, as an amalgam of a great many heroes, often lead him to develop conflicting personalities which range from honorable to antagonistic. It is said that the Wanderer treads frequently on mortal soil, wandering far and wide to create tales of his own for people to sing. It is for this reason that Ugluk warriors seek to be honored with tales of their exploits, for they fear that they will continue to roam as the Wanderer does after death.


    Arilat - The Deal-Maker



    Latz got to gruk when to hold 'em, gruk when to fold 'em,

    Gruk when to walk away, gruk when to run.

    Lat never count latz money when you're sittin' at da table,

    There'll be time enough for countin' when da dealin'z done.

    -An Ugluki Proverb


         ARILAT is often regarded as 'the Spirit of the Crossroads' due to his narrative usage as a symbol of choice for heroes. He appears most often as a man with a wolf's head wearing a black suit and tie. ARILAT offers deals to those he chooses, often through a game of blackjack at the cost of something unknown to the player. A mysterious figure who offers much to those with luck on their side. ARILAT is associated with the Ugluk tarot, often invoked before a dealing of cards. He is said to know the results of prophecy well before they are dealt. In Ugluk stories, ARILAT serves the role of both trickster and wiseman, ushering on the personal development and quest of the great heroes he meets with.

  8. What is your name, hero-to-be? Vardek of Xamballa, The Exalted


    What is your age? Timeless


    What is your race? Man


    Where do you reside? Where the blade is needed and enlightenment is in short supply.


    What powers do you have to fight against this great evil? I offer the strength of iron and jade, and the Architect's primordial wisdom.


    What is the meaning of a free-spirit, in short words? The freed spirit is he who has freed himself from the constraints of the world and achieved the rainbow body. They who walk in the skies with our heavenly creator.

  9. Somewhere and someplace, unknowable by mortal perceptions, a renowned Elven terrorist stirs once more. A scythe extends from the dark elf's arm as cold blood flows through him once more. Who was this poseur who now tries to claim his mantle? Who was this katana-wielding charlatan? Everyone with half a brain would know that only a scythe could merge style with lethality. The innumerable robed cultists gasped as their master awoke once again. An enraged shriek pierced their ears as the elf sliced through them with ease and blood cascaded through the clearing.


    The Nightbane had awakened.

  10. Deep within its labyrinthine lair of volcanic stone, the bronze minotaur regarded the missive with a cold contempt as it interred the papyrus within a brazen idol, smoke and ember offered up in approval. The moloch's eyes glowed red and the fellow minotaurs of the acropolis raised their fists in salute to their cruel god.


    "Angathgul. Thagurz'Grizh. Mau'Madur. Namez forgotten even by myth or legend. Krug'z favored people are plain tu peep in da eyez ob hiztori. Agh yet da lezzon iz nub learned. Another name ztretchez acrozz Qarkah'z lizt. Un'Satum."

  11. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    The Zar'ei is a perverse creature, formed from infernal rituals which corrupt the soul and bathe it in unholy fire. Similarly, the descendant's personality is warped into a shadow of its former life, ever eager to manipulate that which could be used to serve them and destroy that which can not. Chaos is the lifeblood of the Zar'ei, bound only to the will of their maker. Just as their mind is warped, so too is their body, forever transformed into an abomination forced to wear its corruption openly for all to witness. The Zar'ei will take any chance to consume the souls of Descendants, hopeful to one day ascend to greater heights of power. Unlike similar demonic creatures, the Zar'ei still retain all of the memories and intelligence of the ordinary descendant, making them far more dangerous and unpredictable as a result.

    Skorkon is a Rakaal, the brutish subtype of Zezimar, wielding the strength and size of the average Uruk as well as two useful Malflame spells, Vhiit and Rok-Kirluk. Rakaals have a maleus pool of 20.


    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 

    Skorkon's new form has undergone many horrific and gruesome alterations. His skin has taken on a metallic, bronze appearance and his horns have grown exceptionally long with a dark hue. His legs have transformed into what can only be described as bovine and cloven, a pair of hairy wings protruding from his back. His face too has become bovine as his teeth grow sharp and jagged, his eyes glowing red with primal hate.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:

             Yes: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/209825-haruspex-fa-vilebranches/?tab=comments#comment-1894936


    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Do you understand that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?:



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  12. An Ugluk warrior reads the note, furiously butchering into the skinned corpse of a cow. He roars out in disgust, "WAAAAAGH!! DA AZHT HUMILIATIUN! KRUG AGH DA ZPIRITZ HAV MERZI UPON OUR ELVEN KIN! DERE WILL NUB BE A DUBT TIK!!!"

  13. The DREADED Sylvanor Nightbane reads the missive and scoffs loudly before ripping the paper to shreds with his scythe, Mugenjin. He obliterates the scraps with a torch before continuing on his way down the road. He talks to himself aloud, as any sane elf would, "Heh. Savage brutes.. I will enjoy rending them on my blade. Their flames will be extinguished and meet the Abyss, a mockery of their afterlife." He spits with disdain, perfectly willing to shed orcish blood once more. For a price, of course.

  14. IGN: Vilebranches
    RP Name: Skorkon'Ugluk
    Merchant or Guard: Armed Merchant

    What kind of goods do you bring with you to our caravan?: Bronzeware and Goldware; Jewelry

    Do you accept the requirement of attending at least one caravan expedition a week? (Thurs/Mon): Sure
    Do you have any rare goods to bring to the caravan?: Of course

  15. "Even wif da help ob dere preziuz Blakkvayl, dey will nub ztem da tide." The older orc sipped his glass of whiskey as he played a game of cards with a fellow uruk. A fat cigar sticks out of his jaw, sprinkling embers to the table as he speaks. "In deyr heartz dey know diz true. Itz why zo many ob 'em have turned to Krug. Humanz agh elvez; deyz rathur zelfizh kreaturez at da end ob da day. Rathur zeek opportuniteez tu ztay in power den liv agh flat." His hand wasn't particularly amazing; a single pair. He stared across the table to the other orc, nervous beads of sweat cascading down the side of their face. He wouldn't even need to bluff. "But datz da fun part. Peepin' deyr fazez writhe agh zquirm az da wallz around dem kome krumblin' down. Da tide climbz higher, frothin' over da edgez like it kould konzume dem at any moment." The Ugluk reveals his hand, much to the dismay of the other. A cruel smile stretches over his mouth, "Hozhur luck next tik, bruddah. Perhapz lat will hav Ghorza on latz trail."

  16. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    Ologs are incredibly simple creatures with a personality dominated by their basic instincts. Hunger, rage, pain, etc. This is not to say they are incapable of other emotions, but all of their needs must be met before these emotions become apparent. The intelligence of ologs lie somewhere in the spectrum from animalistic to comparable to that of a toddler's. Their lack of higher intelligence lends them to be taken advantage of or manipulated by other creatures.


    Ologs are easily the largest and strongest of the descendant races, leading to their fearsome reputation as orcish engines of war. Ologs range in height from 8 - 10 feet and cap out in weight at around 940 lbs. The most well-trained Olog can double the strength of an Orc, being capable of lifting 400 lbs. Despite all of this, the additional bulk of an olog results in them being rather slow and clumsy in combat yet still a fearsome combatant to be sure.


    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 

    Yurtrog stands at a gargantuan 9'4", with a pronounced slouch in his neck. He is clearly a relic of an older era, his skin pale and rough from age with two long horns stretching out from his head. His green skin is pocked with boils and shamanic glyphs, owing to his history as a Witchdoctor's assistant. At 842 lbs he sports a very thick gut, despite the apparent gangliness of his extremities.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Do you understand that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?:



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  17. The Patriarch of the Ugluk Clan beamed upon hearing of his brother's victory; Minotaur meeting Minotaur in honorable combat. He loomed over the burning forge, molten bronze flowing into a prepared mold as he went about constructing his gift. "HA-QARKAH!"

  18. A zealot of the Brazen Bull would remark upon reading the missive, "Da holy-men ob Oren agh Haenze are well within their rightz to worzhip whomever they pleaze. Even if their 'God' iz fake. It waz by thiz faith in the unreal that da humanz created da Immortal Zpirit, Kanon. All thingz am azh with da Zpiritz." The orcish warrior bites into a juicy and succulent red apple before spitting it back into the dirt, apparently dismayed with it's sweetness. "Courze that won't ztop me from flattin' them all da zame. Louzy bugmen."

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