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saint swag

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Everything posted by saint swag

  1. saint swag


    Changed Status to Under Review
  2. saint swag


    Changed Status to Accepted
  3. saint swag


    Changed Status to Pending
  4. saint swag


    Changed Status to Under Review Your application is now; Your character’s backstory needs to include one reference to our server’s lore, this could be a place where your character was born or where they live, an event, a culture they might celebrate or a religion they worship. If you need any help with this change, please feel free to message me on Discord @hex#4689
  5. Changed Status to Denied
  6. Your application has been; It has been 24 hours since my response. But do not worry, this doesn’t mean you’ll have to wait until posting your next application, go ahead and reapply if you’d like.
  7. Changed Status to Pending Your application is now; Please include a reference to our lore in your characters backstory, this could be a place of birth, an event, a culture your character celebrates or a religion they worship. Once you have made this change or need help with it please contact me @ hex#4689 on Discord, or join our New Player Discord. https://discord.gg/eySYjqw
  8. saint swag


    Changed Status to Accepted
  9. saint swag


    Changed Status to Under Review Your application is now;
  10. Changed Status to Accepted
  11. Changed Status to Pending
  12. Changed Status to Under Review Your application is now; Your application is good, however your character cannot be capable of utilizing Chi Manipulation, or any magic for that matter, until you have been whitelisted and taught by a teacher in game. Please remove or alter any mention of these. If you need any help with this change, please contact me @ hex#4689 on Discord, or ask in the New Player Discord.
  13. saint swag


    Changed Status to Accepted
  14. saint swag


    Changed Status to Accepted
  15. saint swag


    Changed Status to Under Review Your application is now; Welcome to LotC, if you need help with anything in game or out, please feel free to contact me on Discord or ask in the New Player Discord.
  16. Changed Status to Accepted
  17. Changed Status to Under Review Your application is now; Welcome to LotC, if you need any help or have any questions, please feel free to contact me @tenredux in the New Player Discord or any of the AT members.
  18. saint swag


    Changed Status to Denied
  19. saint swag


    Your application is now; Denied This is because you took longer than 24 hours to respond, please reapply.
  20. saint swag


    Your application is now; Pending Please fix up your skin so that it works with your characters backstory and the server’s setting. This means the clothing and hair colour. Please include a reference to our servers lore, this could be a place of birth, an event, a religion or a culture that your character celebrates. These can be found on the wiki. If you need any help please feel free to contact me and apologies that I missed these two out, was exhausted at the time of reviewing.
  21. saint swag


    Changed Status to Accepted
  22. saint swag


    Your application is now; Accepted Welcome to LotC, if you have any questions please contact me @ pump action hex#4689 https://discord.gg/eySYjqw
  23. saint swag


    Changed Status to Pending
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