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saint swag

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Everything posted by saint swag

  1. all said no i was slowly playing less and less video games but now i’m playing every ******* day again, alongside my horrid 5am/6am to past noon sleep schedule. i guess lotc too but i’ve been avoiding that recently. genuinely alwin nop, irply **** in the woods i guess GTA V, astroneer, terraria, gungeon, risk of rain 2, doom eternal, CSGO & css, osu and siege and tft i’ve never been able to settle with one champion because no champ is enjoyable to play every season, not only that but league a lot of the time isn’t fun for me so i just don’t solo queue so i’d probably say that my top 5 from when i began playing to more recently would be blitz, jax, udyr, GP, and then most recently twitch. my most played lane is top, but i don’t have a preference to any of them anymore apart from adc because adc ******* sucks. my rank has never gone past silver, i usually give up on climbing and never get better at the game as a result. really i just enjoy the analytic nerd **** and listening to what LS puts out because that’s easier for me to understand than being mechanically good at the game lol. if i were productive at all i’d have gotten another hobby during this huge downtime but of course not, other than that and the obvious, i’d just recommend going outside for the allowed hour a day. i usually take a trip to the shop so i can pass it off as essential travel since there’s been so much police activity around here it’s kinda ******* nuts. especially past midnight, probably for drug busts. no that would be extremely awkward https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/585130479267741696/704361944081236058/monky_and_da_creme.mp4
  2. stagnant, same as most people i think, and im slowly running out of games i feel like playing. i’ve ended up making a netflix account for my gf and i hyd exciting answer is go to missouri boring answer is probably hit up my boss for work u can talk to me whenever u like, i’ll dm u tomorrow
  3. entertain me im begging you
  4. 2017 was truly cursed **** you for reminding me quality post
  5. lockdown got me losing it cant lie

  6. not going to wash hands, cough into my arm or shower

    Edited by _Hexe_
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Harri


      i cough into my arm when i dab


      i headlock u next ?

    3. saint swag

      saint swag

      cough on u easy lol

    4. Harri
  7. cant wait to get asked oocly by every ******* loser for afflicted
  8. https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/list/fbXcf9
  9. anyone actually decent interested in animii, no you dont have to be great at roleplay just don’t be a ******* freak please god


    dm me

    Edited by _Hexe_
    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. saint swag

      saint swag

      never know when ur fuckin about joel


    3. ScreamingDingo


      @_Hexe_ if you're not ******* about, then what are you gonna do on this server

    4. saint swag
  10. infraction system aside, i just don’t think anyone should still be getting banned for 6 months for just ingame bullshit.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. saint swag

      saint swag

      i don’t understand why the gms are forced to play by the rules all the time nowadays, there’s very obvious situations where it’s just wrong. do any of them ever question why they’re ending up banning people for such long durations?

    3. monkeypoacher


      I mean the reason is that they put in this system to appease people who cried about “target bans” whenever anyone got punished for anything. It’s not a good system but it’s easy to understand why it’s there. Every ban follows the same shitty rules now so people don’t get to complain about unfair treatment.


      Breaking the raid rules is so trivial that you can do it on accident, though, and it really shouldn’t warrant a punishment unless it aggravates some other broken rule like no-RP killing. If someone dies in legitimate RP because someone else broke the raid rules, the most that should happen is items should get returned.

    4. simatra


      I feel like the rules should just slack overall. We are the biggest roleplay server, so we have many people that would mess around. This does not mean that they should get upset at a bit of meming, forgetfulness, or even a purposeful minor infraction.

  11. For a lengthy period, credible accounts of the original Afflicted have been few and far between. The meager remnants of notes that could be found were written in a cipher to protect their contents from prying eyes. Fewer still are those who bore witness to the archaic generation of Afflicted. Reports tell of twisted beasts and aberrant monstrosities. The only cogent information available from these sources is as follows; the procedure to create an Affliction is one of highly sophisticated Alchemy. In more recent times, the concoction necessary to Afflict an individual has been born anew. The resulting creation was a diluted deviation from the horrors of the previous iteration, though still requiring alchemical prowess and luck to achieve. However, this version of the Afflicted was still flawed, lacking permanence and the ability to maintain a firm grasp within the host. As a result, the Affliction would fade away into nothingness. Dismayed by these outcomes, an alchemist began new research nearly a decade later, seeking to usher in a new brood of the Afflicted, a new beginning. Upon the foundation of several decades of research, from moonstruck cultists wishing to mutate and emulate the horrific forms borne of the Void, studious Marked Men seeking mastery over the body and its resources and acolytes of Garumdir trying to rebirth themselves in metal to Aspectist herbalists longing to appear at one with the wilds or fanatically echo the spidery form of Nemisei, the next colourful and hideous spawn of Alchemy has arrived. “Stray from the crude, malign machinations of the generations bygone, compose our Affliction anew.” By an amalgam of an alchemical concoction wrought of carefully cultivated reagents a newfound being is brought into fruition, the Affliction, although in a premature stage. Even with an abundance of the aforementioned, the likes of a skilled Alchemist is a prerequisite to concoct the Affliction, one whom has furthered their learning of Alchemy. A rudimentary depiction of the Affliction in its earliest stage, inert. ((Credit to Enipnion)) The Affliction is a pitiable thing on its own regard, harbored therein the phial it is birthed, being suspended in a lethargic state. Regarding aesthetics it appears roughly as a miniscule creature, translucent and discolored in design. The Affliction has outstanding potential with the boons it later will bring, known as the Affliction; yet it shall will ultimately perish within this inactive existence if it is not imbibed within a year dating from creation (One irl week). The Affliction requires a functioning host to properly function and flourish past this stage of feeble infancy; the being of a Descendant is an ideal location. Another change from the last iteration is that the individual in question has to willingly accept the Affliction to have it established, if it is imbibed and not accepted naught will take root. “To associate with the malevolent is damnatory, nor will I correlate with the overly zealous, no- we strike our own accord.” The Affliction references the creature itself and the boons it grants, whilst the Afflicted itself is the hosting individual. The Affliction is not completely alchemy, neither rooted in magic, but an amalgamation of both, Further Alchemy. The connection, symbiosis- This symbiosis begins when an individual ingests the concoction which harbors the torpid being. This imbibed being hastily assimilates within minutes as it creates a shroud or veil around the bearer’s psyche, without interfering with the inner intricacies; this is a measly grasp that will stabilize and strengthen over time and bond alike. This minute Affliction passively feasts on the nutrients that the person would intake; basically comparable to the likes of equivalent exchange, sprouting a larger shroud than the meager veil it formerly procured over a great span of time. A handful of Saint’s days shall pass before the Affliction may decide to make itself known to that whom nurses it; one may be strained awake as a startling pain envelops over them, procuring the feeling of dulled nausea, the individual experiencing something similar to a cold sweat, though in truth it is the Affliction excreting measly amounts of liquefied essence. On the Mind- One’s thoughts and attitudes would begin to change as the host becomes more attuned to their symbiote and the workings of Alchemy; the laws of equivalence and the ordering of the world. It would be difficult for a new afflicted to stay focused on abstracts and the non-physical philosophies, as their minds become methodical and machine-like. As the Symbiote grows and solidifies its bond to the host’s body and brain, they would find themselves distracted and intrigued by the ordering and processes of the day-to-day world; hierarchies of power, craftsmanship, natural philosophy and so on. It would be difficult for an Afflicted to suspend their disbelief, or hold themselves to any philosophy or theology not rooted in logic and reasoning. On the Body- This iteration of the Affliction is fashioned to be far less detrimental to the Afflicted individual in question. Rather than the crude, malignant parasitism of trial generations, this amalgamation of Alchemy and Biology has been sculpted to toil in a symbiotic relation with the organism that has assimilated it within themselves. Soon after ingesting the concoction the Symbiote infects every organ, muscle and nerve of the Afflicted, strengthening the bond between it and the host as it does so, becoming one. On Magics- These mechanics make it impossible for an Afflicted to wield any voidal magic, shade magic, mysticism and other bodily altering arts, as well as making them effectively incapable of becoming any other sort of ‘creature’ by undergoing the mutations of Strigae and Frost Witches (the only exception to this being Klones and Machine Spirits as further detailed below). “You will be I, and I will be you, we are singular, yet separate.” Although the newfound iteration appears substantially less crude, malignant, and things of that manner this amalgamation of Alchemy and Biology it is not without faults, the flaws are never truly able to be eradicated, they remain, in some way, shape, or form. As the Affliction bonds within the host, alteration in their qualities should be anticipated, the changes will be minor unless the Affliction is neglected, deprived. Soon after the connection is established their skin slowly begins an usher to a lightly gray, somewhat pallor even; irises subdue to a dimmer tinct, eventually near devoid of chromatic color; countenances themselves appearing recessed, sunken and gaunt. Troubling enough for this symbiotic relation to persist the Afflicted must upkeep double the caloric intake of a regular descendant, or alternatively, ingest some types of nutrient high alchemical elixirs. This is because the Affliction idly feasts on the nutrients taken in by the host, though it dearly attempts to not gorge or consume further than what it deems the minimal, lest the bearer be hampered from hunger, or worse, perish from starvation. “Make no mistake, whilst you harbor, I will offer.” The Affliction is a peculiar boon, no doubt, while some various aspects harken back to the Afflicted of yore there are a number of newfound capabilities and characteristics to this succeeding brood. Although the last iteration was practically capable of utilizing their boon near unceasingly this is no longer; the boon offered by the Affliction can only be exerted for so long before it ultimately falters and recedes into an impermanent state of recuperation, encroaching back to complete fruition after a Saint’s day has transpired. The sheer amount of efficient usage one can derive from their Affliction increases with the mere passage of time as well experience gained by practice and teaching, similar to the majority of magics. The Affliction follows a tier based system not dissimilar from regular magics, their aptitude increasing as the bond strengthens. -Bodily Alteration- “Better suit yourself, if only for a short while.” ((Credit to Anthony Fransico)) - Formed weaponry are not greater than their mundane counterparts. A bladed arm would serve just as a normal blade. -Procured armor is no different than their normal counterparts, reaching the maximum potential of Platemail. Armouring is as durable as any ordinary armor counterpart up to steel in quality with no added defence, and would weigh the same as if an individual were to equip that armour normally. - These formations are unable to be done instantaneously, generally taking 2-3 emotes depending on the size of the manipulation in question. Someone could pull out a weapon quicker than an Afflicted could make one, for example. - The aesthetic is up to the player’s discretion, whether the excreted essence be mist/haze-like that travels over the area to manipulate it or a viscous liquid. This is also the deal with how the manipulated area appears, perhaps completely changing the region as shown in the depiction or merely seeming as if something was overlaid the skin, etcetera. There is no mechanical difference. - Alterations can not extend past three meters (blocks). A pike or a spear would likely be the longest alteration, ranged weaponry is not possible, but things such as quills are. -Bodily Attachment- “I lend my aid- wield it well, host.” An Afflicted individual practicing Bodily Attachment. ((Credit to Chris Rallis)) A more complex division of bodily alteration, attachment grants an experienced Afflicted the aptitude to form short-term additions to their present body. - As alterations, attachments are not instantaneous and generally takes 3-4 emotes to form, more or less depending on the size and density. - Only accessible to Tiers 3 and higher. - Concentration is needed to perform an attachment successfully. - Five is the maximum attachments capable, the more additions equals the less they are feasible, degrading them. For instance, with five attachments each would only have the diameter and strength of a child’s arm; vice versa, if only one attachment was utilized the appendage would be comparable to a knight’s arm, that of a honed warrior. - Attachments can not extend past six meters (blocks) -Five attachments would only have the diameter and strength of a child’s arm, able to lift up to a maximum of 10lbs, or roughly 4.5kg. -Four attachments would have the diameter and strength of a proficient mage, able to lift up to a maximum of 20lbs, or roughly 9kg. -Three attachments would have the diameter and strength of an average farmer, able to lift up to a maximum of 40lbs, or roughly 18kg. -Two attachments would have the diameter and strength of a man-at-arms, able to lift up to 60lbs, or roughly 27kg. -One attachment would have the diameter and strength of someone of the Afflicted’s race that is in peak shape. -In combat, all attachments after the first two will become clumsy and harder to control as the Symbiote is put into a state of panic. In light of this, an Afflicted with 5 attachments during combat would experience clumsiness in the 3rd, 4th and 5th, which would be unable to form sensitive enough ends to properly wield objects, and would also take an additional emote to aim and strike with. -Aesthetics- “You complete me.” Lacking any personality or consciousness of its own, the Symbiote expresses itself through its host’s identity and self awareness. This leads to subtle changes in the appearance of mutations specific to the individual Afflicted. For example, Afflicted with low self confidence and a poor perception of themselves might find themselves accidentally appearing as they believe; an Afflicted paranoid about the size of their nose could accidentally cause it to grow slightly more bulbous or hooked, whereas a vain Afflicted might on the inverse cause their features to sharpen in a clearer reflection of their own personal interpretation of beauty. This could also be applied to things like ear size and shape, skin colour, hair colour, eye colour, vocal range and so on as aesthetic non-functional changes in appearance. Below are some examples of Afflicted from different walks of life, and how they might opt (subconsciously or consciously) to appear when utilising their abilities. - Aesthetics cannot functionally superseded the limitations prior set out by Bodily Attachments and Bodily Alterations. - Aesthetics in specific Bodily Attachments and Bodily Alterations can be applied instantaneously as parts are added or resculpted as they yield no functional benefit, though aesthetics outside of this range or being applied to prior formed Attachments and Alterations would take two emotes to apply per changed area (IE making a single attached limb look like a bramble instead of a fleshy appendage) - Aesthetics do not count towards the amount of Attachments and Alternations an Afflicted can have at once as they are not functional, but they will be dropped if an Afflicted is rendered unconscious by any means other than sleep. General Redlines for Affliction: - Affliction is regarded as Further Alchemy, which must be taught and requires an accepted FA to use. TAs can only be made by Afflicted who have been taught how to create the Symbiote. - Afflicted cannot practice any Magics which change or pollute the caster’s body in the long term such as Mysticism or Shade Magic as well as any form of Voidal Magic, Druidism or Shamanism. - Affliction cannot be combined with any of the CA races besides Klones and Machine Spirits, modified in accordance with the above lore. - Afflicted who have staved off poisoning must wait a narrative day before being able to access any of their abilities with the exception of Aesthetics and passive health. - Afflicted improved fitness does not offer superhuman levels of strength, stamina or agility, merely a faster and easier route to peak performance that would otherwise require years of exercise and training. - Afflicted will still remain mostly humanoid throughout their mutations; Afflicted cannot be used to emulate Druidic Shapeshifting to the extent of becoming another animal. - The mental changes brought on by Afflicted only serve to shift their personalities and perceptions and do not bring about any changes in the individual’s intellect or ability. The only ‘knowledge’ it might grant is an inherent understanding of the Material Alphabet. - Afflicted are agonised by the sound of Moonspeak and must try to deafen themselves to it however possible. Opting to keep listening to Moonspeak will render the Afflicted paralysed and unconscious after a narrative minute. - Afflicted must consume double the caloric amount required by their descendant race, or supplement their diets with alchemically enhanced nutrition or liquid mana. Failing to do so will cause the Symbiote to stop functioning until the Afflicted can properly nourish it again. -Afflicted are unable to ‘sense’ spellcasting; the Symbiote is only as aware as its host to the presence of Voidal Mages, and would only begin to read the juxtaposing murmurings of the Void when its host can clearly tell spellcasting is taking place. -Afflicted are unable to forcefully suck liquid Mana from any sort of mage, and would instead be inclined to barter with them for it or in extreme cases try to torture them into producing it for them. -The addictive desire for Liquid Mana brought on by the presence of Voidal Connections is as potent as a heavy smoker’s desire for nicotine; it can only be suppressed by drinking at least 100ml of Liquid Mana or escaping the Mage’s vicinity by entering another room or travelling at least twenty meters (blocks) from them and waiting for the thirst to subside after half a narrative hour. A byproduct of this addiction also comes in the presence of Voidal Enchantments, with which Afflicted would constantly feel the tugging desire to crack open mana gems to drink the essence from when wielding them. -When aware that Voidal Magic is being practised, Afflicted will experience feelings of anxiety and discomfort, invoking a mild fight or flight response that will naturally force them to try and distance themselves from it or in extreme cases engage with the Voidal Mage to halt their connection. Tier Progression: Credits and TL;DR changelog:
  12. RP Name: Doryn MC Username: _Hexe_ Discord: hex#2961 What Nation Are You Affliated With?: Why Do You Wish To Come?: I’m an explorer. What Skills Can You Bring?: Planeswalking and combat. In the event of catastrophe, I can aid in the escape of those important to the expidition to distant realms, however not back home. I’d call it a last resort.
  13. hate them all have always avoided
  14. nothing wrong with the formatting what. if you actually struggle to read it literally just copy paste into a google doc
  15. merry chrismtas

    1. lemonke


      merry Christsmosss

  16. didnt know lotc’s bully hunters was actually a serious thing that was going to happen

    1. Rickson


      the safety team should be allowed to pugsy unsafe people

    2. saint swag

      saint swag

      why can’t staff just go back to making sense, it all started with this dumb idiot team merge

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