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saint swag

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Everything posted by saint swag

  1. 17 votes for cringe vyer nice very nice
  2. if u don't want to deal with something then log out i do it all the time don't care not gonna sit here doing something i can't be fucked to do on an rp server
  3. if ur magics are ur entire character & the only thing u do with that character ever ur ****
  4. curious as to what about lotc brings people back over and over again. nowadays i only browse the forums on occasion and log on when somebody i’d want to rp with asks me to, then i log off and return to whatever i feel like doing. it just feels like wasted time if i get on without a reason to.
  5. whoever has this problem needs to learn some self-control, or just admit to themselves that they don’t really want to move on. i think if anybody who has read this can relate to what leo has written in respect to this needs to get help as much as he does, honestly sounds like some people are nearing on my strange addiction type ****.
  6. all the questionable **** and my hate for you aside, why the **** does leaving lotc mean leaving friends behind? surely the people who actually like you have reasons to stick by you other than your weird ass lotc clout? if that’s not the case then you really just don’t have friends here, i wouldn’t even say you ever did, i don’t know what that is. it’s just bizarre to me that no longer playing a minecraft roleplaying server is going to put such a scar in your social life and that you’re going to feel lonely once you’ve left. everything else that i’d want to say and ask has already been put up here so i’m not going to sit here writing a whole ass reply. bye, i hope to god i won’t ever see you anywhere else.
  7. strange wording. everything i’ve seen of you has made me dislike you so hopefully this is a step in the right direction for you, lotc can bring the worst out of anyone.
  8. https://gyazo.com/c71ac8299ed69ee2346ed05e3aa40763


    hello? for what?

    do people not get reasons for warnings anymore?

    Edited by _Hexe_
  9. what keeps people here

    is there fun?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. NotEvilAtAll


      F is for friends who do stuff together.

      U is for you and me.

      N is for anywhere anytime at all.

      Here in the deep blue sea.

    3. saint swag

      saint swag

      all my friends are gone and so is my hope

    4. AlphaMoist


      @_Hexe_bro.... I’m still here...

  10. lotc & everybody still on it didn’t deserve you god bless chief, cya
  11. hey can i ask you a question?
  12. i put u thru fence bitc easy
  13. saint swag


    i’ll be on discord but i don’t want to play lotc anymore, it’s been like five years so now’s probably a better time than ever thanks for dealing with the retard i was and the retard i am now follow ur brain & ur dreams jk if u run out of things to keep u occupied u eventually come back hard truth
  14. i’m qualified for electrical work but i’m probably going to work construction labour or w/e for money, desperately need a car, then go back to that. all of the people i enjoyed being with are gone, there’s really no reason for me to log in anymore or anywhere for me to really be, it’s been good but ontop of that i just don’t really like the direction lotc’s going in. i talk to all the people i care about regularly on discord so i don’t think i’ll be missing anything.
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