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About Accrayer

  • Birthday 11/24/2002

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    Robert von Reuss
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  1. How is Marsumar like still a physical place, the peak activity I have seen at that place is two people, and they where both AFK. How is it still standing.

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    2. tadabug2000


      It’s active and passes the activity checks, which is what matters. Our timezone for most of our players just tends to be at night for most people and we don’t have a ton of people that are on during daytime for most of the server. So, not inactive. And yeah, we don’t do a lot of rp posts, we’re more of an isolationist place, and planning festivals and stuff can be exhausting.

    3. Wytchrose


      As one of the primary leaders of Marsumar, I feel it’s needed for me to comment and I’ll keep this short. We meet our activity checks, we have weird hours of activity that fluctuate due to everyone’s current IRL situation, and with the server running off of two potatoes connected by wires and hooked into the basement of a hillbillys ranch, and the removal of Warp signs, it’s a pain in the ass to do anything or try and bring activity, so we’re waiting for the server to MAYBE stabilize, in the meantime we’re RPing among ourselves when we aren’t busy.


      You’re going to have a hell of a time removing something that’s meeting it’s requirements, we made the region beautiful with the build, and it’s not being wasted in the slightest. Thank you.

    4. Wytchrose


      If you’d like, you can message me and I’ll even invite you to the discord so you can know when we’re doing RP in the city. Otherwise, don’t complain :)

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