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Status Updates posted by Audio/Volatile

  1. Happy Merry Christmanhannukwanzmas!

  2. I need to stop listening to the NieR soundtrack, this is getting unhealthy.

    1. CelestialBoba


      NieR is one of my favorite things to listen to.

    2. Audio/Volatile


      I listened to two variants of Song of the Ancients like five times today. I should just learn to play that song. Eventually.

    3. CelestialBoba
  3. Oh wow, I actually got accepted! Thank you! @High Elf Tears <3

    1. Parion


      You had a good'n! Enjoy your time on the server :)

  4. Woooo, just submitted my application. Time to see how awful it really is.

  5. I'm actually almost done with this whitelist app. Hype levels increasing dramatically.

  6. The date is December 7th, 2016. Mankind is struggling to survive. I have made basically no progress in making an application because I keep exploring the server instead. Please send help.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Boomzerang


      OK here's how to write a backstory in three easy steps-
      Step One! Don't let orcs kill your parents
      Step Two! ???
      Step Three! Profit.

    3. Audio/Volatile


      Okay, I'll have my parents killed by goblins, then. Thanks :^)

    4. Boomzerang


      No problem buddy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  7. Boy oh boy, time to write an application. Wish me luck.

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