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Posts posted by Unwillingly

  1. 11 minutes ago, Assassinofawsome said:

    Your full name: Arik II Sigsmund Iyliar 
     Race: Human (Highlander)-Ascended 
    Age: 114
    Past military experience:

    - Grandmaster and founder. of the Witch Hunters of Axios.

    - Current leader of the Blood Eagle Mercenaries.

    - Ex Squire of various Norther Knight orders.

    Magics (optional): Ascended 
    Anything else you'd like to say:
    Discord username and # (required): You have it.
    Username: Assassinofawsome 
    Timezone: PST
    Age (optional): 20


  2. 11 hours ago, LeoRabbit99 said:

    Your full name: Richard Well Baruch
    Race: Human Heartlander
    Age: 77
    Past military experience: Cerulean Watch in Axios
    Magics (optional): Water Evocation, Life Evocation
    Anything else you'd like to say: I only hope I may repay the damage I've done with my services. My sword and skills are yours.
    Discord username and # (required): LeoRabbit99#2143
    Username: LeoRabbit99
    Timezone: cst
    Age (optional): 19


  3. The Trade Federation of Sutica

    Name: The Trade Federation of Sutica

    Description: The Trade Federation of Sutica is a well known Neutral Standing nation located in the South of Atlas. A port city, that is well known for its trading and transport of goods. being a neutral nation, the city has no restrictions to any living race willing to follow our laws and wish the state no ill intent. Taxes are levied at the governments decision and thus Sutica is tax free. Shops and stalls are available for purchase within the city walls. Sutica was built for the comfort and safety of its citizens, and strives to be a perfectly neutral nation where all are welcome and safe no matter their history, race, or beliefs.

    Peak times: Sutica is rarely seen with an empty square. Usually 12am - 9pm EST are our peak times. Of course, there are times when the city gets quiet, though it's not too common. 

    Contacts: If you require any assistance or have any questions, here's a list of reliable Suticans!

    Princess Cyrene: Unwillingly
    Minister of Foreign Relations, Hareven: A_Keefy
    Minister of Law and Justice, Lily Anarion: Viltaren
    Minister of Seals and Stationary, James: squishybear7
    Minister of Interior, Jon: SaviourMeme
    Magic Advisor Crumena: Tahmas 
    Judge Ellie: BumperTurtles
    Judge Baelor: EternalSaturn
    Steward Laethesia: Areln
    Steward Aila: AstartesTemplar
    Steward Eliana: Coolcod77






    Directions: Follow the road you would take on your way to Carolustadt. Once you approach the stone and brick bridge, cross it and follow the road until you find a Wayfarer's shrine. Continue straight. Head right once you reach the next fork in the road. Eventually, you will find a cave, followed by a wooden bridge and small wheat fields. From there, continue until you meet the sign directing you the rest of the way to Sutica to the left. Located at -2009, 1442.

  4. 8 minutes ago, BDOSETVEX said:

    Your full name: Kino EDEN
    Race: Dark elf
    Age: 19
    Past military experience: Virarim
    Magics (optional): none 
    Anything else you'd like to say: Hello!
    Discord username and # (required): Kino EDEN#3331
    Username: BDOSETVEX
    Timezone: Est
    Age (optional): 16


  5. 7 minutes ago, Lerenzo said:

    Your full name: Lerenzo Cervantes Grimlore
    Race: Half wood elf half snow elf
    Age: 72
    Past military experience: Ivae'Fenn, Virarim
    Magics (optional): none
    Anything else you'd like to say:
    Discord username and # (required): King_Orion#3313
    Username: xLerenzo_
    Timezone: UTC eastern time
    Age (optional): !5


  6. No thank you. Keep raids how they are. I just think the only change there needs to be at all is the reason for a raid so that people can ONLY raid with a reason and real goal instead of "lul" *stabs you

    This rewrite is doing nothing but encouraging PvP and makes things over complicated and troubling. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy PvP, but I hate everything about this, and other people do too. The only thing wrong with raids right now (from how I see it) is the purpose of the raiders. From my experience, very rarely are raids done because of an IC problem. The few times they have happened, it's generated SO MUCH RP for myself and other people. Raids without a RP purpose?  Cancer. Toxicity. Memeing. The GM that was present for the last raid like this did nothing, and the other one that EVEN ADMITTED THE RAIDERS WERE BREAKING RULES did absolutely nothing about it, even nearly a month later, though that's not the point.

    Tldr: raiders need to have a RP goal or reason when raiding, this rewrite encourages PvP and over complicates things. 

    Also, I didn't read what other people had to say, so this has probably already been said.
    Do not implement this rewrite.

  7. 9 minutes ago, 1784 said:

    That was 1 guy that doesn't even play on the server anymore wdym lol

    one guy huh

    Edit: it's also not like other people don't say it. Yeah, it's bad, but singling out somebody and trying to pick at every little reason is just being biased. I see people say it all the time on lotc. Remember that one time an ORC said the N word on marimbamonk's stream? I see people say it every other word. No, it's not good and I don't like when people say it, but this is literally just pond trying to single eli out and make up any little excuse he can. Jesus.

    Anyways onto my response,
    So, yeah, he can be I guess "Aggressive" at times though I dont really talk to him often so I don't have much to say about that.

    As far as professionalism goes, I feel like he can get the job done.

  8. The throne room slowly packed with suticans and visitors, the trial having been announced publicly over recent days. They all whispered to one another in anticipation, suspense lingering in the air. The room was quiet, nothing but the faint murmurs between the judges and citizens heard.


    Aila Avern stood besides Mystery Uialben, who had been drinking a bottle of alcohol. Princess Cyrene promptly snatched it from him, taking it for herself. Those sitting chuckled a bit.


    Soon, the room fell silent as Lily Anarion, Minister of Law and Justice spoke:


    “The first session of the Sutican Court of Justice is called to order!"

    And so the trial began.

    “It is the decision of the court that Mystery Uialben is to be punished as follows: his dominant arm shall be removed, so that he may carry a blade no more, his remaining eye extracted, so that he may not see his victims to harm, and he shall be branded with the sutican insignia so that he can be identified. Should he step foot on sutican soil, he is to be killed on the spot.”

    People cheered, waving their fists as some even spat on Mystery. Two clerics, Aila and Alakagh are to attend the maiming to ensure he doesn't bleed to death, while Princess Cyrene is to carry out the punishment. 

    ((This trial was public, so anyone can be made aware of it. Mystery has been shelved, according to his player. Also keep in mind, none of us had anything against the guy OOCly as some might have thought. We're all great friends and we had a lot of fun. I enjoyed all of the RP with him actually, despite what Cyrene has said or done! He's a great guy OOCly. Have a good one and take it easy, Mystery.))

  9. 38 minutes ago, Will (TauFirewarrior) said:

    "Courland was never aided by the Dominion, in fact the Dominion fought against Courland in all times it tried to oppose a united Humanity or Renatus-Marna. The Dominion just wants to be left alone, but you froth at the mouth because they enforce their own laws. The Dominion has fought against the Prince, it has contributed and sacrificed the most so far in the fight against the September Prince. You are blinded by a hatred that you can't even seem to justify with correct facts or knowledge of history whatsoever." a response would be laid in the Cities through various friends in these Canonist Cities.

    Someone posts this again, and again, and again, all over the land wherever they can put it at. 

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