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Posts posted by Unwillingly

  1. 2 minutes ago, thesmellypocket said:

    I think it was Cato (Catostrophy I think his name was, apologies to him if I got it wrong) who suggested one big city for RP. Whilst I wouldn't got anywhere near that far, RP centralisation is a good thing in principle. If this map is the compromise between RP centralisation and vastness of land it claims to be, I will be very happy...

    Yeah I can tell you right now there's no way that's ever happening. We have a toxic community who personally hate each other OOCly. Imagine orcs and elves living in the same city, forced to RP and interact with each other. Imagine holy mages and undead in the same city, over and over again. 

  2. 19 hours ago, xxx said:

    The only thing you have to do to make it 30 man raids every 14 days is win an engagement. Not even a 30-man engagement. If your enemy slips up and sends five men to attack you and you kill them off, that counts as a defeat and they won't be able to raid you for 14 days.

    Though we need to consider some of the weaker nations with less activity or less of an ability to pull a strong rally in that time. With a thirty man cap, I'm personally expecting that number to be reached and I wouldn't doubt it could happen from time to time. If not thirty, heck, even twenty is a lot of people to raid with. 

    3 hours ago, xxx said:


    I'd like to see you defend this, Aeldrin. How is it contrary to roleplay that you can only raid from an established settlement? Wouldn't it make more sense to rally your guys in a fort or a town square rather than in the middle of a field?


    It's an admittedly vague rule (wtf is a "major freebuild," what counts as launching a raid) but I think the intent behind it is to kill metagaming. You aren't supposed to rally people to coordinates in discord. Characters aren't supposed to be able to telepathically converge on one location. It's restrictive but it enforces roleplay, something that raids are sorely lacking.

    I feel like if the rule of characters needing to be played for more than one day was added, I believe it would also fix this problem. I don't really see why raiders should need to launch raids from an established base. Sure, it might try to prevent meta, but if that's the case then shouldn't GMs always be in the voice chat with both parties to prevent metagaming during the raid (I think that's already a rule but im not sure)? But I dunno, it's just my view. 

  3.      Okay, so now that I'm finally home to give my response, lets go.

    1.1 To initiate a raid the leader of a raiding party must modreq one hour in advance of the raid

    The handling GM must then provide a warning regional broadcast to the target. The raid will arrive one hour from the broadcast not from the posting of the modreq.

         This is awful. It quite literally goes against the definition of a raid, as @SombreroMansaid. A sudden attack on an enemy by troops, aircraft, or other armed forces in warfare. Key word, sudden. Well, okay, lets say this warning before hand was ridiculously added. Do not make the warning one hour. Make it maybe twenty minutes, thirty minutes at the very most.

    1.3 Characters involved in a raid must have demonstrable allegiances

    One day raid characters will not be tolerated. Your character must be rped to some degree to participate in raids.

         I'm actually supportive of this. I really don't want to see alt personas of nation officials such as "Armored bandit" or "Unknown" just to blatantly avoid consequences. It's happened before, and it will continue to happen. Add this.


    1.4 Any individual that is downed during the duration of a raid (within the confines of the raided settlement and its immediacy) may be captured even if they are popped or D40. To do so make a modreq while providing a screencap of the individual being downed, ideally accompanied by a timestamp.

         This. Are you serious? Like, are you really serious? If the attackers really want somebody to be captured alive, it should be their job to locate this person, down them, pick them up, and RPly capture them during or after the raid, even if this is more of a PvP thing. Do not give them a free pass to NLs and other nation officials, and stop trying to baby the attackers. This is ******* ridiculous. 

    2.3 Battering Rams may be purchased at the Cloud Temple for (20000 minas for heavy or 10000 for light).The Ram comes in the heavy (with arrow shield) or light (without shield) variants.

         Okay, while battering rams may seem like they cost a lot of minas, they really don't. Think about how long we've had the voting milestones. Going on 7 or 8 months now. I bet there are people with hundreds of thousands of minas. On my one persona, I literally have 37k, though the cost of them is irrelevant, I'm just saying how easy it is for raiders to be able to buy these. Not only that, but this is literally turning raids into mini warclaims at this point. If you add battering rams to raids, people will add more gates. It's simple and only makes more problems.

    2.5 You cannot construct "Instant" Death Traps.

         Okay. Traps are just useless at this point and there's no point in having them. Again, you go against the very definition of what this is. You're telling us, despite the definition stating "A device or enclosure designed to catch and retain animals, typically by allowing entry but not exit or by catching hold of a part of the body," the enemies need to have a chance to escape? Ridiculous. Sorry, let me just build a staircase so the enemy can walk away from the lava moving towards them. Woops. 

    4.1 There is no limit on numbers for any offensive or defensive raid action.

         Garbage. This is self explanatory and multiple players have shown that they don't like it.

    4.2 If the aggressors are victorious the settlement’s raid cooldown shall be Forty Eight Hours from the beginning of the raid.

         Okay. So, uncapped 30 man raids every two days? Bullshit. That is the easiest way to kill off a large nation or group of players with attacks every two god damn days if the defenders have weak military power or nobody to help rally for the raid. I can't even believe this was an idea. Nobody wants this.


    4.3 If the defenders are victorious the settlement’s raid cooldown shall be Fourteen Days from the day of the raid.

         Here's my suggestion: If there are going to be uncapped raids, try this. If the defenders lose, they get a CD of, maybe, five or six days. If the defenders win, they get a cooldown of nine or ten days. 

         So, can I ask who/which playerbase asked for new raid rules? As far as I'm aware, nobody did. I've seen nearly no complaints until now, except for a few people whining about a little bit of clicking every now and then. Raids are just fine. In fact, the last raid I participated in, the attackers weren't being shitface cancer. This proves that there's nothing wrong with raids, it's just that from time to time, there's a few rules broken. Don't change the rules, fix the players.

         There was nothing wrong with raids before except for a few minor things that could easily be changeable. An entire rewrite was not needed and nobody asked for it, nobody wants it, and nobody likes these ideas. This has been reposted, what, three times now? Stop posting it, because you got your feedback. Listen to the community.

         Edit: Stop trying to argue against their points even though they've shown they don't like it. You will not make them like these rules by proving them wrong, you'll only make yourself look like a ****. 

         My suggestions on how to fix these? 

         You don't. Keep the old rules.



  4. 1 minute ago, Skraag said:

    There's a lot here I'm happy to see, and some things I'm not so glad to see. My own opinions aside, I do think this bit seems a little confusing.

    "1.4 Any individual that is downed during the duration of a raid (within the confines of the raided settlement and its immediacy) may be captured even if they are popped or D40. To do so make a modreq while providing a screencap of the individual being downed, ideally accompanied by a timestamp. 

    If someone is executed or bleeds out during the raid they may not be captured / tped back."

    Seems like it's saying "If you kill someone, and prove it, you can capture them." only to go on to say "If you kill someone, you can't capture them."

    Not to mention, it should be the raiders jobs to keep this person alive anyways, as it has always been. Really not a fan of this section.

  5. Yeah there's a reason myself and a few other Suticans are refusing to even acknowledge the existence of the September Prince in RP. This is absolutely ridiculous. Players shouldn't have to go to events and unexpectedly get their characters PK'd unless they were told of it happening beforehand or agreed to it. Why this event line is still going is beyond me, other than the small chance of this being an end of the map event. 

  6. 6 minutes ago, GracePlayzzMC said:

    Your full name: Grace Inkstone

    Race: Human (Highlander)

    Past Military Experience: White Peak and Haense guard ((forgot the actual names))

    Age: 28


    OOC Stuff

    I'm not great at PVP, but I'm learning

    Discord Name & #: Grace/GracePlayzzMC#8039

    Username: GracePlayzzMC

    Timezone: EST (New York Time)

    Irl Age: 14










  7. On ‎9‎/‎26‎/‎2018 at 7:59 PM, Its_Just_Leap said:

    Your full name: Keir Elwing
    Race: Dark Elf
    Past military experience: Helped defend the Mother Grove during several raids
    Magics (optional): Druidism
    Anything else you'd like to say: Nope
    Discord username and # (required): You got it 
    Username: Its_Just_Leap
    Timezone: EST
    Age (optional):19


  8. I was never a fan of the combat part of nexus. In my onion, it encouraged PvP more. The OP diamond armor or swords, for example, or swords that could set people on fire (I can't remember if that was a thing or not, but I thought it was). 

    However, I did like the professions and the crafting. I feel like that made RP more immersive and was a great addition to the server. 

    And it would bring back some nostalgia

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