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Posts posted by Unwillingly

  1. Sooooo, the title is self explanatory. I'll be doing some character art! I honestly don't think I'll be able to do mountains and mountains of art, so I'm setting a limit to maybe fifteen to twenty pieces. 
    Have a look at some of what I've done. The second one is the oldest one, last one is the most recent one. 




    I am an aspiring digital artist. I only bought my drawing tablet last Christmas, give me a break ? I'll try my best to keep you updated on your piece, but you need to be patient. It may take a few days or a few weeks, but I will get it done. I promise. Also, I'm a human too, so if you see me in game, please don't pester me about your art or get mad that I'm not spending every second of my day working on it.  Seriously, Im a pretty laid back person but I will get angery if you bother me. Like, just asking me once is fine if I forget to let you know how its coming after a few days but don't spam me like HI HOW'S IT GOING ARE YOU ALMOST DONE CAN I SEE IT SO FAR

    like, no, you dirty sock.


    Payment will be done in game with minas.
    Unshaded sketch - 100 minas
    Shaded Sketch - 250 minas
    Colored - 500 minas

    If you want character art, add me on discord: Unwillingly#1811 with the following filled out so that I can get started as soon as possible.

    • Username:
    • Character race: 
    • Character age:
    • Physical description (the more detailed you are, the more accurate the result will be. My biggest pet peeve is when people don't describe enough so I have to keep asking them to elaborate. So please, be as descriptive as possible!):
    • References (if you have any): 
    • Preferred expression (happy, sad, crying, etc.):
    • Edit: also state if you want it to be an unshaded sketch, shaded sketch, or colored.

    Things I WILL NOT draw: NSFW, helmets, or masks.
    that's basically it ?
    Elves and humans are obviously easiest for me (as you can probably see). Khas and orcs may be a bit challenging, but I'll do my best. Also, I'll only be doing heads-- nothing more. Sorry! 

    I won't show you the finished product once I'm paid, until then you'll only get the sketch (or sketch of the sketch, if you only want a sketch)
    If you have any questions, just ask or pm me on discord. 





    My entire mindset while making this? yolo




  2. 2 hours ago, AgentChaseMcCain said:

    A Sutican Defense Minister, having taken one of the notices on daily rounds around the city, raises a brow, sighing, "Bloody hell..." The 'Ker would mutter to himself, his grip crumpling the bottom right corner of the page slightly, "Why must these sorts of things happen when I'm never around. More work to the load, I suppose." The man then gazed over the skyline of the city, his gaze narrowing on the smoke of the bonfire. Mumbling curses under his breath, his right eye would twitch violently for a moment. Before he donned his helm, pacing off once more, towards the barracks.

    "'Cause you're always at the Dominion!" Cyrene replies.

  3. 6 minutes ago, Sorairo said:

    Why does everyone keep shipping Cyrene with Evan?


    Why did she wear that dress that one time?


    Why does she cut her hair off half way most times? I kinda find her cuter with her hair down.


    Should I make a AMA?


    If you can ask me anything, what would it be?


    Do you like Libraries? 


    What's your favorite Color?


    Do you tend to backflip eatting a bowl of ride while reading to a polar bear?

    Rice, sorry.


    I- I honestly don't know. They're nothing more than FRIENDS 
    She wears that dress all the time. 

    She shaves the side of her head sometimes for more of a RP reason, not just to do something different.


    I'll tell you if you make an AMA

    Not really. They're hot and smelly.

    Dark red or turquoise.

    All the time.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Areln said:

    If u could own any type of dragon, what colour and/or size dragon would u befriend??


    Why have Cy and Lae not been on a wild drinking spree together yet? :c


    I am afraid of a moth in my home, will u send hate telepathically 2 the moth from me pls thanks

    A Drake or Wyvern because I drew a drake one time and it was really good, and Wyverns are just super cool. Uhh, dark red and turquoise.

    Cyrene's too busy with guard work to have fun ;-;

    Don't worry, I got this. It'll be out of there in no time.

    4 minutes ago, God Of Pie said:

    Do you want 2.3k mina IG?

    Yes but that involves actually looking around and im too lazy for that

    3 minutes ago, LithiumSedai said:

    Why is Cyrene the best city guard of Atlas, and would the most powerful Waldenian man on Atlas be included in the aforementioned wild drinking spree?

    Blood, sweat, and tears make a good guard. Cyrene has all three of those.

    And definitely.

  5. Not really sure how much I like the idea of the CT being a RP hub like on Vailor, and that's sort of what it's becoming. There's nothing wrong with that, and I really love the CT, but in a way it could kind of drain from city RP and takes away a lot of opportunities. 

  6. We haven't met ICly or OOCly, but I hope we do one way or another. This was a really touching post, and it goes to show that even through all of the bad encounters with each other and what not, the community still comes together as a whole to support a certain cause. You get what I mean, right? Haha, yea.. Anyways, glad to see a new face on LotC as always! 
    Hope you have fun ?

  7. Is water wet?
    (This is not a question but I Feel it is IMPORTANT) I hope you have a good day and you are a lovely person next question
    These have been asked twice now by other people but hey what the heck
    What do you think about me as a person (even if we probably haven't talked much) , and what do you think about Cyrene as a character? (even if they also haven't talked much !)

  8. On 5/2/2018 at 2:04 PM, L0rdLawyer said:

    These are goat people, they are half goat, half human or elf or whatever they are. It is NOT ORIGINAL. It isn't, and that is my opinion and I stated the facts behind it. It is overused and just unoriginal

    Elves, Orcs, Dwarves, and Humans aren't original either. Neither are dragons, or cervituars, or druids, or 50% of the stuff on Lotc.

    On another note, this makes me want to apply to play a Satyr again. I heard they were shelved though ?

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