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Posts posted by JustMeMorgan

  1. Today had been celebrated with the Annual Crowsday, helped created by Kasfer the halfling


    Crowsday was especially signatured, by the large grouping of crow-masked men and women, all celebrating the...Few moments happily!


    You're probably asking 'how do I celebrate Crowsday!?' here's how, you go to the hat-shop, you get a crow-mask, and you scream 'KAW CA KAW' really loudly.



    -(Signature is unknown. Haha *******, Anonymous posting!)


    (A set of landscape paintings showing people celebrating Crowsday are underneath):



    (Happy Crowsday!)

  2. I think when I watched Mars Attacks as a good at 12PM at night like age 8

    And had nightmares of it for weeks on end, It's the one with the weird skeleton aliens right?
    ******* hated it, alone in a room watching it.

    Having nightmares of the ****.


  3. Ya'know, ghouls don't really like aurum swords.


    Also, why do people always try to say 'oh just make this or that'

    Make it yourself

    That's the point of making lore, to balance ****. If other people won't do it, do it your ***** self, make a witcher lore or smthing where people have some sort of deity magic which allows them to sense spooky auras or some **** like that. Pretty simple tbh, if you want something balanced, do it yourself instead of waiting for someone else to do it.

  4. MC Name: PuddlemancerPro


    Character's Name: Morgan Keerie


    Character's Age: 100 and something


    Character's Race: High Elf


    Link to your accepted MA: 



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?: Illusion


    Summarise the Lore of this magic(s): Illusion magic is the act of connecting to one (or more) mind(s), and entering information (Sound, Smell,Taste, Visual or Even Emotional) into the person's brain, unlike mental magic this cannot read minds, it is merely entering 'data' that doesn't actually exist, such as hearing someone saying 'A hoogle boogle hoogle', smelling coffee, seeing a rose or feeling isolated.


    Illusion magic requires a some-what realism, something won't exist if it seems to be an illusion, if you can smell, touch, taste and hear the illusion, then you will assume it's an illusion. This is because illusion magic is based on tricking the subconscious, consciously someone may know something is an illusion, but unless their body reacts to it in a way that proves it otherwise (for instance, not at all, they bite into the stem of a rose and go right through it) The body, will then realize it is an illusion.


    Illusion magic has three different 'types', those being Glamours, Figments and Phantasms, progression in the tiers works respectively to that (You'll start from Glamours and end with Phantasms),

    A Glamour ~ Effects something that already exists, changes the color of an apple, the taste of a banana and so forth

    A Figment ~ Creates something entirely new, either the sound of something, creates a rock and so on.

    A Phantasm ~ This is changing the emotions people feel (This is usually mistaken for mental magic, however mages can actually do this) this can include making them feel isolated, aggressive and so forth. However for this to usually work, it needs some sort of background, or to be used as a seed (E.g. something before-hand makes them angry, this exaggerates the emotion, or they feel a low lying anger and things that happen in reality annoy them to fury, etc.)


    Write up a lesson that your character would give to a student:

    Matthew would wander into the small room, sitting at the supplied desk with a wave to Morgan

    Morgan would sigh, speaking with a casual tone "Here for another lesson are we?" his eye would dilate while he peered at Matthew

    Matthew "Yes Sir, I've been practicing hard!" he'd say, waving his hands more, like a dumb mime
    Morgan sighs once more, going into his pocket as he'd reach out a rose

    Matthew looks at the rose "Is that real Sir?!"

    Morgan shrugs, asking dramatically "I don't know...Is it?" he'd peer at the rose, gently giving it to Matthew "Eat it."

    Matthew bites into the rose chewing on it lightly

    Morgan (Pms the effects of the rose, this being it tastes vulgur, disgusting and foul.)

    Matthew gags slightly, spitting it out "What was in that?!" he'd call out, realizing he had spat nothing out
    Morgan "That was the start, now it's your turn. Focus." he'd say, taking out a rock, his eye would had returned to normal by now "Real rock, real practice. Create me this rock."

    As a tier two, Matthew would spend about a day or so, examining the rock and seeing it from all angles, the next part continues on from that

    Matthew "Okay, rock." he'd say, his ear twitches as his fingers curl "Okay. Rock." he'd repeat

    Morgan "And roll" He'd say, waiting for Matthew to get on with it.

    Matthew would stare at the table, before looking at Morgan and covering his eye, he'd look back down to the table, before saying "Rock.", nodding convincingly, taking his hand from his eye.

    -To Morgan, a rock would have appeared on the table, following the same features as the rock Morgan had brought out beforehand

    Morgan would bring a clenched fist down to the rock, the rock would have most likely disappeared

    -And so it did- 



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: NA



    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: Yes


    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: N/

  5. MC Name: Puddlemancer Pro


    Character's Name: Morgan Keerie


    Character's Age: 100 and something


    Character's Race: High Elf


    Link to your accepted MA: 




    What magic(s) will you be teaching?: Water Evocation


    Summarise the Lore of this magic(s):

    Water evocation is the act of summoning a water-like substance (more-so a mana water than real water) from the void. To do this, the user must have in depth knowledge of water really is. For example, how it moves, the temperatures it can go, the taste of it and so forth. This is the same for Ice, steam and snow.

    As with all evocations, at the beginning a water evoker can only create merely drops, before they drain their mana reserves, (effects would include sweat, breathing rate, or even passing out due to extreme and sudden exhaustion if they had over-worked themselves)

    But of course, how do we actually summon water!? It's summoned like this, Caster Connects to the void > Imagines drawing the shape and qualities of their water > brings it into the physical realm, where they can utilize it for their combat abilities.

    When a water evoker masters their magic, they would most likely be able to create all sorts of forms of water based substances (Water, Ice, Steam and Snow), maybe even different temperatures of water. Master evokers could create maybe three shards of ice, of which would take around 4-5 emotes to do. Doing this would create medium exhaustion, making it less combat effective (E.g. Summoning 3 shards of ice, then taking out a sword and fighting like Achilles).

    Steam is the trickiest of the different evocations, being a gas it's hard to contain in shape, and requires intense focus, meaning 'balls of steam' aren't really the most combat effective over long ranges.


    As with all evocations, water evocation requires sight and concentration, if they can't see it, it'd simply disappear, if they break concentration, it will vanish.

    As with all evocations, you can create water, ice, snow and steam. You cannot control what is already here (E.g. drawing water out of a lake, etc. You cannot manipulate physical plane water)

    Evoked Water cannot be drunk.

    Water Evocation, can however effect things in the physical realm, if you were to maintain ice around a copper cup, the water may begin to frost over and freeze. That being said, the ice in the cup is still not in your control.


    As with all evocations, once concentration is broken. It disappears. 


    Write up a lesson that your character would give to a student:


    Brandon Stark would gently walk into the room, sitting down with crossed legs looking up at Morgan

    Morgan "Have you been practicing?"

    Brandon Stark would look at Morgan, nodding slowly "Yes Sir."

    Morgan eye dialates, he'd gently hold up his palm skywards "Okay, we're going to summon some water droplets okay?"

    Brandon Stark nods, his ear twitches as he'd also hold up his palm "Okay Sir."

    Morgan "Stop calling me Sir."

    Brandon Stark "Yes Si-Morgan."

    Morgan sighs, his fingers curl ever so slightly, as small droplets of water would begin to materialize, his gaze fixated on the water, he'd speak seeming not to be directing his voice at really anyone "Okay, focus on a single point on the air, preferably above your palm, and imagine you're drawing in the water from the void, imagine your grasp is tipping a cup of water through a barrier and into this world, draw water from the void, you've been **** at this for weeks."

    Brandon Stark would nod, his fingers flex lightly, as his breathing deepened, after a few seconds, a few droplets of water would appear just above his palm, his pulse increased

    Morgan "Okay, now. Move it side to side." he'd say, as if in front of a class, the droplet of water following his eye, as his gaze moved from side to side 

    Brandon Stark moves his eyes from left to right, the droplet of water slowly mimicking this movement, gracefully swaying in the air.

    Morgan "Okay. There you go." he'd clench his hand around the droplet of water, it obviously vanishing within his palm "Next lesson next week, practice when you can."

    Brandon Stark nods lightly, wiping accumulating sweat off of his forehead, as he'd take a breather, the droplets vanishing 


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: N/A


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: Yes


    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: No

  6. What’s the name of the Minecraft account you're applying for?: SillySackOfSavoy

    What's your MAIN Minecraft Account name?: PuddleMancerPro

    Have you logged in as a wandering soul on the account you're applying for? (you have to): Yes.

    Do you agree to follow the server rules on your new account?: Yes.

    Do you understand you cannot have both of these accounts interacting with one another? This will result in a ban if you are caught!: Yes.

    Do you understand that if one account is banned, so will be the other(s)?: Yes.

    How long have you been on LotC?: 9 Months.

    How many accounts do you currently have white-listed (including main)?: 1

  7. Minecraft Name: Puddlemancerpro

    Discord: Sheepthulu #5032


    Do you, or have you held, any other staff positions? Please mention if you are intending on applying for GM as an ET: Gmod really, held admin and did HL2RP related events, other smaller things I've mentioned in previous apps as well.

    Where do you grab inspiration from?: I enjoy LOTR, H.P Lovecraft and gaming universes like the Elder Scrolls, Divinity: Original sin, Warhammer Total War, Darkest Dungeon, and other smaller known games, I generally try to ideas out of the blue as well.

    What are your current list of characters, and are you willing to sacrifice any?Morgan Keerie, I am very dedicated to this character, my second slot Aesfir I don't play a lot of.

    What race, or group, do your events best cater to?Humans, elves, groups that have a 'serious' attitude to an event, I'll refuse to do events for people who don't have the right ethic for the event; To expand on that, if even a couple of people out of say, six don't have the right attitude to an event, then it becomes annoying for the others, and puts bad reputation on myself, spreads ooc irritation and people will feel less inclined about doing events unless there is a promise for pixels.

    What do you believe are the key factors for a successful event?:

    Player and Actor both having enjoyment, a clear plot, a 'not doing this for the pixels' ethic, these are quite important for an event, an actor won't make a good event if they don't have any fun out of it, if it's not fun for them it surely isn't for the player, secondly a clear plot is very much needed, a beginning, a middle and an end, without this the story becomes over convoluted and hard to follow, this also works in tandem with enjoyment, if a mystery event didn't have a proper conclusion, players would feel unsatisfied about it.


    Action - Reaction timing is also quite a key factor, an event actor who spends 5 minutes emoting would be sure to bore the players, having a swift understanding of movements / actions, means the event can go smoothly and without interruption.


    Finally, to further the 'not doing this for the pixels' ethic, events should be for enjoyment, not some block or sword that you want out of these, the experience during the event can also matter, I believe  that right now, events are over-pixel giving, during the world event, as soon as a tiara was dropped, people swarmed with emotes trying to pick it up, this ethic I would like to stop during my events.

    What strengths would you bring to the team?: 

    I have a medium understanding of the lore, not saying I know everything, but I have a sure understanding of quite a lot inside of it. I can call upon different magics and their do's and don'ts.


    I am pretty talkative, which is a double edged sword most of the time.


    I'm pretty imaginative, I can call upon my own ideas most of the time, and if I ever lack major inspiration I can ask players about their ideas for cool events and adapt on that. I can usually get a good idea of what to do.


    I'm mostly decent in IC as well, and I've developed quite a lot since my last application (Last three I guess)


    I'm highly active, I come on for a long duration through-out the day.


    Why do you want to be part of the team?I've tried...Three times to join the ET, this being my fourth. Since my last one, I've developed quite a lot. And being near the new map, I feel like this is a good chance to start now and become a full member in the new map, I feel like I can help bring events to people, and adapt on their own suggestions about events, I also want to help change the pixel ethic that goes around, I know some new ETs that have been recently accepted also have changed the ethic and I want to join on this, the server needs a change from this 'pixelly desire' and I want to help turn that around, I mean, roleplay isn't about the pixels right? So why should we create this idea that having this cool thing from an event, means they are more developed?


    A second reason I'd like to join, is because of the roleplay that I get to do as an ET, unlike normal roleplay, an ET gets to see so many sides, the good, the bad, the ugly (Literally). All of these are fun and entertaining, and I believe I can roleplay well (And maturely) as these characters, and give others the opportunity to have a lot of fun!

    Lastly, if you can tell by the first sentence I said, I have tried multiple times on joining. I really would like to have this role, and I think I can have fun myself, and give others fun as well. I'm not doing it for the cool PEX like things ET have, I want do it it because I feel like I'll have fun doing it, and others will hopefully have fun from me doing it.


    Create three distinct event scenarios based on the servers lore that you would organize: 


    1. A small group of people (Around 2-3) are recruited (Via a poster on the wall, etc) to head out into a long past battlefield, must hunt down and kill a Sylvan, one that has been poisoned and driven into a insane frenzy, upon finding the Sylvan, it will instantly lash out with a rabid fury, having horns which it'll try to use as well as it's hands and strength, if attacked by range the Sylvan will throw a large number of small iron balls at the group before charging at them, upon defeat they must deliver the Slyvan (With horns and body parts) to a bounty master inside of Adelburg, where they'll recieve 100 mina each for their effort and help.


    2. 'We got way too high', four or less adventurers head into a large cove, with psychedelic mushroom spores floating the air, small enough to pass through most clothing, upon five minutes of being under the effects, the adventurers find themselves transported into a large, trippy and confusing maze, where they'll begin swaying side to side trying to get out, by the 15 minute marker (Which will be RPl'y when they find the end), they'll hit a rockbottom, where they're movement becomes slow and tiresome, even standing become a bother, why do you think this would be fun you ask? Another effect other than this, is a ravaging raving death-wanting frenzy, where the three or so will fight it out, however their bodies feeling incapable to do so (I'm imagine crawling ontop of each other and basically smacking each other), after 30 minutes (A few minutes of fighting), the 'trip' would have worn off, where they'd find themselves out of their 'trippy world' and inside a woods, half naked.


    3. The Rolling tournament, this is a tournament, held by a drunkard dwarf, where a group of eight or less competitors, will have to roll successfully, and skillfully down a hill, the hill of course having traps along the way, like pit-falls (without the spikes) and giant blockades, this event will work mainly on rolls, and (with the right audience of course) would have a lot of fun, upon winning the tournament, the winner gets a pixel for once, a big, shiny rock. The dwarf has inscribed 'Bob The Block of Blurd' along a plaque nailed into it, a trophy for winning such a masterful race.

    How long do you plan to be able to work on the team?For a lot of this map and hopefully the next

    Tell me a joke: This is my fourth application and I still haven't stopped.

  8. I mean I wouldn't pay for patreon, seeing how I'm 15 with no bank account and my parents wouldn't let me

    But if I ever got a job, a bank account and a good pay

    Sure as hell would, it helps keep the server afloat with new things, by (JUST MAYBE) More experienced MC coders, and I mean, not to be rude but sometimes it takes more than just a couple coders to get what we really want.

  9. Magic License:


    Mcname: PuddleMancerPro


    Your true name: Morgan Keerie

    Age: Roughy 152

    Race: High Elf

    Magics you have or aspire to have: Illusion & Water Evocation

    Do you agree to follow Codex Arcana?: Yes, I have read through it and gone over it

  10. Whoop! We just have to give the server like £50+ To get a few skins stored so we don't have to spend 2 minutes of our time changing them!


    In my eyes if this was an idea to entice people to Donate, it kind of deters it, what should of been done is should be like

    Iron - 1

    Diamond - 2

    Bedrock - 3

    Aether - 4

    That way it entices people to donate at least £20, not having to jump from like 0 vip to donating £100 just to get 4 skins that you could change yourself by leaving and changing then relogging.

  11. Sometimes the events aren't bad

    It's the people in them
    yesterday's world event



    Some people think it's okay just to meme around during events where others actually want to rp in it

    Maybe something to stop that would help, Idk how you can work it out

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