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Posts posted by JustMeMorgan

  1. Licensing Application:


    ((OOC/MC Name: )) No1LovesMorgan

    Name: Morgan Keerie

    Race: Human

    Magics Known: Water Evocation, Learning but not going to practice inside nation unless deemed highly necessary and with permission: Illusion

    Magics Requested to Practice: Water Evocation, and Illusion if deemed highly needed

    Residency Address: 7 Yonkirk Pocket


    MC Name: No1LovesMorgan


    Character's Name: Morgan Keerie


    Character's Age: 25


    Character's Race: Human


    What magic(s) will you be learning?: Illusion Magic


    Teacher's MC Name: Demotheus


    Teacher's RP Name: Lotha


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: N/A


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: Yes


    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: N/A

  3. Okay, so...Seeing how I saw the last three events, and I've had a good uh...'creative writing recharge so I don't look like a failure'

    I'll be doing a forth event.

    I mean--Fifth...Event...

    Don't hate someone for overdoing it.


    Unlike all the other events, they have the basic 'we need to find this person, and chat with them. He could actually find us and tell us but eh oh well'

    This event will be different.

    You see it's been quite a while since I looked at this application and I've noticed not ALL events have to require this 'magical dud' that somehow knows what's going to happen, and can help lead the pack of adventurers.

    So I decided to get creative...


    It was a eerie frost, a potent smell of bread clogged the air, as (Blank) Got up, Blank's name was James, James Blank. Now James Blank is our average Joe on LotC, Our Average Human, in an average tavern, in an average oren--Oh wait Johannes--Balls--Uh--OKAY so James Blank was in Karlsburg, he slowly arises after several pints of a bountiful beer, in sheer boredom he goes on a quest-filled adventure! To find something new, something exotic, something...Eldritch, he traveled far from his warm Tavern, finding a small cave, still dazed he decided to wander into the cave, either his belly-oh-beer or his need and thirst for utter adrenaline pushing him on, he'd reach a blank wall. A slate wall, a wall with one slot straight down the middle of the blank wall. A slot for a weapon? Or  maybe a tool? Or maybe a gem? It was unknown, In confusion, Mr. Blank went to go gather his friends, the crew formed. James Blank, his good bestie Johns Blank, and finally Becky Blank.


    They stood around this white, bleached wall, almost quartz like in nature. Examining the slot, in a rough engraving it'd read

    "For what enters"

    "Only the void will come out"

    Confused, by this. They began,

    First, James Blank. He Raised his mighty axe towards the slot in the wall, trying to cut his axe straight into the gap

    The Earth would violently shake, the moment of terror joining in as a voice rumbles from within.

    "For What Enters."


    At the end of that phrase, a black mist would seep through the crack, the ground shaking violently. Then


    The Mist covers the three, it'd prick their senses, not a sharp pain but a pins of needles that's been like that for well to long.

    The Group would try to escape, to realize it was only darkness.



    They awake,  a cold sweat and a hard breath

    They'd look around, until they realize the hum, that deep. Deep Hum, one that resonates with their very being, their hearts seem to be in line with this hum. Behind them; Nothing, beside  them; Nothing. In front of them; Something...Slowly they approach, a mound of black, a mound of dark, until the resonation becomes stronger, Becky who was capable of Magic, felt this resonation stronger, almost as if her heart beat synced with this...

    Obelisks, clad in black and gold, four small shards moved around it.

    And then it spoke again. "If light was consumed by the dark. What would happen?"
    This voice, it seemed familiar to all three of them, but completely unknown. They'd respond "Hell" "Death" "Destruction..."

    "And how are you sure?" the voice said, curiously. "This pillar represents evil. What would you do?"

    At that time, all three of them began their attack, their approach of it. James struck his axe


    Becky called on her element, firing it at the Obelisk


    And  the third.


    "You see, the Dark can't be destroyed, neither can the light. Eons pass and still no victor because there isn't meant to be, you see when you have two opposing sides, fighting out. Neither is better than the other, someone will always take their place and someone will always continue this fight."


    At that one word, that adjective. A the resonation becomes clear "You see, everyone is aligned to either hate, or love the dark. Even though there isn't much between the two, both kill to 'purge' the other side, 'dark magic' may seem evil. But say, aren't we the beings who bring up cattle, slaughter them and feast on their insides around a table filling our mouths with food and drink from a poorer fellow who hardly gets paid? We are. No. Better."

    The being continues to discuss with the group, before saying "I will present you with two choices. Destroy the pillar, and I will open this pocket dimension for the rest, and I will remain here and answer the rest. Or you can leave. And wait for another group to come"

    At that.



    My Quick Message about it:



    This event, has absolutely no rewards.

    It's simply, a place to go to. A place a player can go and interact, I have no idea what this Eldritch Being is, If it's a void horror in charge of  their own pocket dimension, God or some other dark being. I have no idea.

    The Idea I got from this event, kind of came from a like 10 sentence discussion I had with someone.

    About the undead, you see we talked about how the undead only kill, because they have to feed. Much like we raise and kill cattle.

    I also drew the idea from how sometimes a reward, isn't necessary it's a development thing I can't remember if I mentioned, but once I said how I played GMod and HL2RP.

    Now when you first join a server you got this 'test' rubbish, which everyone knew the answers to. One question was however 'you do not need items to roleplay' or something similar, and that's where I remembered, you actually don't. Sometimes development is more beneficial and adding some sort of rubbish reward ruins it's purpose.

    So I got rid of  the reward factor.


    To add on to the whole event, I took the idea of idiocy, now during events people do idiotic things sometimes, like hit things at random. So why not just let a group of people try to find out what happens when they do what.

    If 'Becky' decided to push her element in the gap, or  the third guy decided to shoot an arrow  through it, the result is  the same.

    Because why make it different? Diversity? But Diversity can become confusing, and a confused event actor during an event is worse than being confused while making it!


    So. I made it simple

    I made it simple, but I gave it the idea of character development.

    They get nothing but experience

    Q&A With Mr Spooky Eldritch

    And some fun.




  4. Hello traveler, I am Morgan, Founder of the Guild.

    The Guild of Unison functions by trading materials from a 'producer' to a 'crafter' who then can earn a profit from what they make. This allows people to reap the benefits off of their profession when they may find it useless.


    To quickly cover:




    - a miner could give their ores like Ruby, Emerald and Thanhium to A mason, and give a blacksmith their iron, gold and coal. The Mason then sells off the gems, and   the Blacksmith sells off swords and other items.


    - This guild accepts people from ANY background, race or state of being. All backgrounds can Optionally be kept secret, either for theirs or other's protection.


    - The Guild has their producers have a 'set' profit, meaning they can sell their iron for THEIR Price, however they cannot make 'special' deals, every customer of the product gets the same price.


    -This guild is here to allow professions to do what they are set to do, these professions as a whole don't even need to be crafting base, sharing knowledge is allowed.     Teach magic if you really want, the Unison guild's main role is to allow people to share what they want and help others and stop the hoarding of useless materials,         for instance a wood worker keeping hold of Seventy stacks of iron or an Enchanter hoarding special types of wooden branches for no reason. The guild simply               allows you to share with ease  and get profit of what you usually may not be able to.


    There are some smaller rules to go through:




    - All Trades must be willing, no blackmail, extortion or anything alike

    - Do not harm another guild member for a failed project, simply negotiate with them or contact a superior (Like me)

    - Don't cause Political issues with the Guild

    - If you attempt to put the guild into any issues, you will be excluded from it.

    - This guild is for helping others and yourself at the same time, don't over price, and don't under price. You deserve some profit.

    - More will be added.



    Application Format


    Name (MC):

    Skype (Can PM if wanted):

    Profession 1:

    Profession 2:

    Racial Profession:

    Bonus Profession (If unlocked, if not put what you might put it as):




    Contact me Via Bird or Mail if you are interested in joining, this guild is quite new so please remember that it's not going to be completely professional

    We are also looking for a 'Guild House' or something similar, if you have a piece of unused property please mention it! We do however have a limited budget.

    (Username = No1LovesMorgan)
    (You can also send a PM over forums)

  5. Morgan would walk up with a slightly annoyed voice

    "I feel as if no-one realizes putting propaganda up with the whole 'without him it's this' bullshit, no without him another Maer would do this. This is so bland and NOT unique that I this in a way makes him look like he's just making people try to like him"

  6. Want More Glass Than You Will Ever Need?

    I'm currently selling a chest size of glass panes, many glass bottles and plain glass, I will charge .1 mina per glass, you can only buy from 10-(What I have in stock) you must buy at least ten glass however.


    Any damage of the glass products is not due to us, blame the roads. Other than that, enjoy the glass trade!

  7. Due to the fact all three events are some how connected with one and another I'll make a 'fourth' event which is completely different (To prove I can make unique events)



    This event will be completely non violent, or at least not meant to be (As in, it shouldn't have violence in it unless a fight breaks out)

    Such event will happen like this.


    [!] A child would walk around the streets, a burn mark around their arm and they are bleeding slightly, although the child seems to be more traumatized and in shock to realize his injuries, he'd speak in a stuttered, dazed voice "M-mum..Where is...Mum"


    Upon interaction with the child, the 'interacters' will come to find out the child had been with his parents but they were attacked by marauding bandits. The child does not know where the bandits were or where he was when he was attacked, and if they ask how long he had been walking he'd shake his head and say he doesn't know.


    [!] The child would pad their pockets lightly, seeming to struggle doing even that with shear exhaustion. "My...My compass..Mummy gave me my compass...I need it" He'd look upset, almost as if his burns and cuts mean nothing unlike what he lost, he'd look up at (Insert the name of the person interacting with him) saying in a shy light voice "Can you find Mummy's compass?" he'd look upset when he says this, almost as if he let his mother down by losing it.


    Upon accepting this, the quest to find 'Mummy's Compass' has begun! The boy would say "I lost it somewhere North..I can't remember, but there were snowflakes! Lot's of snowflakes..." Where the quest North begins, the group or select few would begin a journey north, heading to areas around Karlsburg to hunt for a burning caravan, inside a small caravan or laying outside would be a chest, mangled corpses and a small item on the floor, this item would be called 'Mummy's Compass' and it would be in a chest filled with snowballs or snow blocks, upon finding the compass, the compass would light up.


    [!] The child would attempt to ****** the compass from the (Person who obtained)'s hand


    If successful: "Mummy's compass! Thank you Thank you Thank you!" he'd speak happily, although seeming quite pale "Mummy wanted me to have this Compass, I think Mummy is happy I have it now"


    If unsuccessful: "Give me Mummy's Compass! Please! Please!" he'd beg heavily, upset and desperate for it.


    And if some how during this he was murdered: "Mummy..." He'd fade out, him being even weaker due to his wounds he would die quickly.


    Rewards of the quest:

    [!] The boy would take out a small coinpurse and a trinket of sorts "Mummy said if I ever lost anything, I should give a trade!" He'd pass over the items to (Insert people's names here) "Thank you so much for helping me find Mummy's compass!"


    The items as such would be: (Of total of 500 minas) divided by the number of people there, remainders are kept if there is an undividable number (E.g a number that leaves a .0***, which cannot be given in minas, the number is rounded down, then shared out)

    a unique item given to each person, named 'The Boy's Trinket' which go as follow:

    A small pocketwatch (Clock)

    A sheathed knife (Iron sword) Which in decorated and has a small emblem on it at the hilt

    A decorated metal rod, about wand size (Although not a wand, but can be made into one if so desired) (Iron ingot)




  8. F**king

    Get them printed out on like paintings and stuff, you should just open up a ***** business

    Can I request you do a mage one

    Like fire spiraling around his hand
    Because I think that'd be amazing
    You should then add a picture of it with colour



    Your Amazing

    I can't really pay for it

    But people probably would

  9. Third Event Scenario, Part three: Meeting the Dream Catcher


    Ah yes the dream catcher, you have been through two events to find him, and now. In the journal that the was found from the Dream world's cold chest, you find his location. He'd be a man who asks you to find him, in a cave...One covered and known as the 'blood cave' a pool of blood lays upon the top,  however if such adventurer was to dive deep through the thick blood they'd find another side, the location of him. There an undead warrior mage, clad in iron armor with a robe over it, stands wielding a mace in hand, their other hand free (Which will later have the ability to use life drain, lethal style, this is a boss for about 6 heavily armed and powerful people), this man would stand around 8ft or so, mangled by dark magics of the latter, visibly present they have gone through some sort of long process to get the way they are, the mace their hold would be the size of someone's head! The boss will fight them out, the trick would be to cut down their legs then their arms and so through the heart, where their pseudo-heart lies, destruction of that will defeat them for sure. Although, anyone too close could be physically picked up and drained, or smashed to bits with a mace, this requires tactics. The undead will allow them the   time to make strategies, once they start he goes full combat mode (I'd get an event actor who has done something including a mace wielding warrior, or plays someone with the draining ability so I can get the professional touch to this undead's character) this battle should take 30 mins to complete, one boss battle and quite difficult at that. After he is defeated, I an apparition appears, then another, then another (I need about 3 ET actors as a whole) In total 5 (Including me). Us 4 ghosts will thank the adventurers who defeated the undead warrior, I'd gift them an iron short sword, which would  etch their names of the group into it and pass it to their leader, as a 'gift' then the other 3 will also give gifts, probably like a few minas or something. Prizes are usually for when they get to the point time, nothing major though so no god armor or anything.

    After that the ghosts will vanish, leaving one journal, a diary I'd make about the life of the undead warrior.

    And thus ends, the adventures of the Dream-Catcher.



  10. Minecraft Name: No1LovesMorgan

    Skype ID: Morgan.Keerie (Will talk more privately)


    Do you, or have you held, any other staff positions: An admin on one, not a very big server and didn't go far but I have experience nonetheless, I've also been admins on other games.

    Where do you grab inspiration from: Well, how shall I begin;

    I am one for creative writing and I enjoy drawing ideas from a variety of games and platforms, from Sci-Fi to Fantasy. I've played DnD and practically all the elder scrolls games, Unlike most people I heavily enjoy reading lore and I wouldn't mind going on wiki for 30 mins and reading up on *Shrugs* Let's say the dragon language in Skyrim wiki. It's the stuff like that where I draw my inspiration from. Other than that I can't really say I'd happily pick up a book and read it although I'm fine to read other people's creative writing. 

    What are your current list of characters, and are you willing to sacrifice any Well, my main character (Morgan Keerie) I wouldn't openly sacrifice, however I'd be okay 'sacrificing' others. If there was ever a time where I was playing a character I could always make a new slot and so on,

    What race, or group, do your events best cater to Practically any, however I do have issues playing golems or orcs, my personality affects my characters; Quite agile and talkative, something orcs and golems lack. Meaning playing as a slow brutish orc or golem is difficult, although I'm not saying I could never do it. It's just not what I prefer and I second guess myself in my abilities to do it.

    What do you believe are they key factors for a successful event Fun and a fast pace. I'll make sure that events do not stay with 1 emote every 2 seconds, I'd make sure it'd be very fast pace and fluent, events will be able to move along freely and everyone's emotes answered as soon as possible with as much detail with it. People do not enjoy events where you have to wait 5 minutes for the event actor to reply to one of your emotes, I benefit with this with a fast type speed.

    What strengths would you bring to the team:

     If I said I was a great organizer, I'd be half lying. I can organize small things and use excel documents, however planning ahead and stuff isn't really my thing, I do however have spent a lot of time in the lore and although I haven't been with the server as long as most Event team members, I still find myself quickly developing into it.

    I'm in depth with the lore and I'm constantly developing my 'do this' and 'don't do this' and seeing how I'm currently a player I see a lot about what people want.

    Talking into that, I find myself an introverted people person, usually in chat some people don't see that people moan because they WANT events, events are like...A catalyst to making friends and finding roleplay, meaning  they are very enjoyable.


    So if I was going to make a bullet pointed list:

    • Semi-Organized
    • 'Listens to the people' 
    •  Fast Typer (Good for Event roleplay when lot's of emotes and things are going at once)
    •  Quick Learner (I find myself quick to integrate into things)
    •  Deep Lore knowledge
    • Imaginative. 

    Why do you want to be part of the team Ah the bane of all applications 'why',

    Well, I do agree my time on the sever has been short, so short it's less than two months in fact (More  than a month don't worry.) I guess I want to join to improve what I see is wrong in the server, as said I haven't been on the server for long. However since I joined I realized how many arguments go through OOC daily, and how many people moan about 'lack of rp' and so on, I guess why I want to join is so I can make people happy. My idea of arguing over OOC is 'I'm going to moan over Ooc to bring people into the conversation who don't need to be' However there is also a side affect of it. It makes new players think this server has a lot of issues, that's something I don't want. I'm not saying me joining the event team will magically remove all the Rp issues, I'm just saying I want to help ease it, I may not be the best at anything however I'm defiantly not the worst, I'd love to join the team, I understand that this job WILL draw time away from myself and I'm actually kind of prepared for that, because an event actor actually has the most roleplay when they do their job.

    In a tl;dr version, I want to join to help stop the people moaning about 'the lack of rp' and to have fun irp as well.

    Create three distinct event scenarios based on the servers lore that you would organize:  Oo Event Creation, ahem.


    Okay, let's begin.

    First of all, we want to plan how these events go. Most events have a sort of 'pattern to them'

    1. Opening / Intro/ Person finding people for it

    2. Small starting part that usually makes everyone pretty chilled

    3. Something occurs (An event inside an event, this is madness!)

    4. Defeated etc the occurrence

    5. Ending, loot, payment and so on.




     So using this plan, we'll begin. I shall call this event: Snowed in, it'll be a situational event of about +4 however less than 9 players.

    I shall begin, this event will occur around (BLANK) a location like a hill or somewhere with a lot of snow and hard snow at that, a group of adventurers (Led by me or another actor, overseen by me in some sort of shadowy disguise or mist) Will head to this cave, in seeking for Treasure! They'll climb hills, descend hills before finding themselves upon a cave. This cave would have a small entrance, leading to a waterfall. The question of 'Will you jump down this mighty hole?' Arises to the people, they decide to take the leap and fall down into the beautiful fountains of the mountain!, this large ravine would be a sort of resort, previous dwellers however would lay in skeletons, something...Happened here, their bones would be mangled, no rat in sight however to put chew marks like these on their bones. They'd continue to search inside this ravine, finding a sort of  beachlike area lit by a single lamp, and a stranger laying in a chair. Upon further inspection this stranger would be nothing more than a corpse, with a small note on the top. This is where encryption comes in. This part takes time as one person will decode the message, as others will continue to look around, once decrpyted a mighty breeze sweeps inside the small crack, snow thuds against the crack covering it. the adventurers, Are snowed in.

    The Encryption would read of the location of a exit to this snowy demise, the previous people here now known for their reasoning; They were also trapped, father and son lost inside a snowy crack they used for cover after a long hunt, tried to make a home here but died shortly after, this is where...The Occurrence happens, suddenly without warning a shudder of the ground, and a deafening roar sets in, someone. Was here, Upon reading the message in the note they realize what this exit was, a crack, a single crack in the wall where something of the dark slithers, a basilisk creation slithers out the crack, this basilisk would be about big enough to leave large bite marks and cracks in the bone; The eater of flesh, the cracker of bones, their eyes would be red as their green scaly body rush towards the adventurer, the adventurers fight, any of those bitten would pass out as the toxins reach their brain, some may be able to stand witnessing hallucinations.

    Once or if defeated, the adventurers would find something stuck inside the beast's mouth, a book of sorts, pulling it out would cover them in a thick globby saliva, as they'd read the book it'd detail about the Basilisks creation and name, this one was made somewhere, (At this point, the book owner receives  an item journal including all this information. I'd personally tell him to not remove it because it's for later use. And if it's lost tell me to who). The adventurers go to where the basilisk emerged and find a crack leading to a small treasure room, with a few chests laid out with different items inside (I can't say which however a few 'Event actor approved items' Second to this, I'll let people rip out the basilisk's tooth for a stone sword, named the tooth of the basilisk and so on, it'd be a dagger like weapon if they use it right, although no toxin capabilities, smaller things like that I'll do so people can get a plenty from the basilisk, hell even a scale or two) Once looted they'd find a lever, pulling it opens a crack in the wall, leading to the surface, as they then adventure back home. For the next event

    And that's 'Snowed in' Which I just made up on the top of my head, anddd now it's actually such a good idea I decided these three scenarios are going to be an event line


    The Second event, 'Dream Catcher' This event will be a continuation of the first.

    Firstly, the owner of the journal is called, a bird sends a letter to him, asking him to meet at (BLANK), it tells him to bring along other people (E.g Friends, I may give the owner an actual letter to use as an irp recruitment method) So  this Journal owner goes to the place, where he is met by me / another actor, named (BLANK) draped in a hood and robes, he asks to see the journal, upon receiving it, the man reads through it, nodding and looking back to him "This is  the book, of the Dream Catcher my dear friend" A croaked voice would say, this, is where the event starts. The man takes him to a foreign location, where the man would point to a stone, this stone has a world like  the Kal'Varak, although not exactly the same. This uses several enchantments to bring the user into a sort of  'illusion world' (This will lore bend slightly but if it's fun it might as well exist right?) (Although the stone will remain silent and dormant after the event never to be used again) This illusion world connects the minds of all those who touch it into one illusion, a memory illusion. There they are faced against 'God' or well, something inside that calls them self it. 'God' you see has an issue, they are forced to see the repeated happenings of this illusion world day after day, the illusion world is based in a large mansion per say where wherever you look out it's darker than the void itself. This event requires several actors, who will be playing as a family, a mother, father and a child or two. This family reenacts their day and can also interact with the players there, even feed them dinner. However the issue is, after a certain time limit CRACK, everyone would feel a harsh headache as they see the mansion catch up in a random flame, they appear back where they started (This would happen every 20 minutes or so, I'll judge time wise) Their job  would be, from the illusion 'God' to find a gem, this gem would be about the size on an emerald and controls the illusion world, every 30 minutes the adventurers reset and have to find the same thing again, only the adventurers and the 'God' Will know of their time shift, the family completely unaware, if questioned about it will laugh and call you insane.


    Until, you find the gem. Once seen by any player, it'd be hidden in a family heirloom chest upstairs in the mansion in a random room. Once seen by ANY player, the house would shudder, and screams paint out the house, terrifying, anyone downstairs would see the family mutate, twist and shadowy, turning into black mists with dark red eyes and haunting smiles, they'd hunt the players down, either the time resets, they manage to destroy the gem or everyone dies. Every incident void the gem destruction, results in another shift back in time. However, every time it resets with their presence, the gem will grow stronger and needs more power to destroy, allowing time for the dark mists to kill everyone there. Anyone who does die in this world will awaken either inside a reset of it, or if killed and the gem is destroyed in the same 'cycle' they'd wake up outside. Once destroyed and inside the world, it becomes an empty plane, a white plane, like a canvas. As the 'God' Materializes upon the people, me probably. And then thank them for releasing them from this cursed world everyone would awaken. As the stone used to get in shutters and cracks open, revealing a large bountiful chest for those involved, with a book in the center of it, The Second book, of the Unknown Mage, the creator of the basilisk. The man who led them here, would simply be no-where to be seen...


    How long do you plan to be able to work on the team Well, I don't really have a 'set-point' I guess when I have to pack up my gears and hit GSCEs like bricks I'll say, probably give a month's warning like 'You need to  find a replacement for me ma dude!' (Or something along those lines)

    Tell me a joke: *Checks rules for anything against offensive jokes* Well, ****. Half my meme cupboard is out the window. Okay then.

    Ahem, tell you a joke


    A joke



    Full Name: Morgan Keerie

    Race: Human

    Age: 24

    Do you know any magic, and if so what kind?: I am self teaching water evocation, nothing else.

    Do you own any constructs/familiars, and if so what kind?: No I do not.

    Do you require housing and/or keys?: Both Please.


    MC Name: No1LovesMorgan

    Skype: morgan.keerie

    Timezone: GMT


    MC Name: Flyben123


    Character's Name: Morgan Keerie


    Character's Age: 24


    Character's Race: Human


    What magic(s) will you be learning?: Water Evocation


    Link a MA of a magic your character already uses that is in the same archetype as the magic you are self teaching: N/A


    How did you learn this magic(s)?:

    My Character used to have Steven as a teacher however was dropped for some reasons (No meta)

     Other than that my character has inquired multiple people in Roleplay, been to multiple libraries and both read up on water evocation for the basics of how to control it and other books to find out about how it works, an example of one of my inquiries actually gave me IC'ly a lot of insight of how to control magic (Or at least I feel like it was a good metaphor, Shout out to who plays Ihramir)  vnkJDZU.pngKxCM0pH.png

    Those are two of my 'best' examples I could give, the rest are just abundant screenshots of different books I read. I've inquired to different people of different schools of magic as well. I hope this is enough to show that my character has driven himself and didn't do the *Morgan Opens a book and instantly learns water evocation* That you are used to seeing happen


    MC name of OOC overseer (Note: they must either have a TA in this magic on any character or be a member of the MT):  _Elad_ who plays Haadi. Staff on Magic Team


    Offer an explanation of the magic(s) you are learning:

    Water Evocation has multiple books explaining it in essence, also parts on the forums explaining it. It's usually called one of the simplest forms of evocation magic, different people have explained it differently, e.g manipulating mana into a watery substance etc, it can be frozen into ice and a highly adept mage could apparently turn it into steam, it's quite a versatile evocation in the sense that an adept can control gas, liquid and solid of the one element. It could be turned into a ball of gas, a jet of water or a wall of ice depending on the situation, making  it the most 'manipulative' evocation. Although the user needs to know a lot about the elements of water before they can actually work it, for instance how it flows. Although being easy to manipulate and thought to be quite a basic evocation it does become taxing on the user, unlike fire evocation there are three forms of it, the caster needs exact knowledge of the element, the fluidity, the movement of it to master it.


    As a whole the magi must study extensively into water itself to understand how it functions along with this summoning large amounts of water could be quite taxing on the wielder, ice even more and after that steam becoming exhausting. Evocations work by pulling out elements created in the void and manipulating in the real world, this does not mean however water evocation can make grand sculptures and masterpieces, unless you call a ball of water art.


    Provide evidence you've a proper means of learning this magic(s):

    Although Steven no longer teaches me, the occasional helpful question could help I have a place in the Enchantry (Mages Guild) So obviously, I have lot's of people to inquire  further if I ever find a rough spots, Library of Dragur and other places also can give me a lot of information of what I need in the magic. I have access to safe isolated environments to focus and not be distracted, and stuff like that


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: N/A


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: Yes


    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: N/A



    MC Name: flyben123


    Character's Name:Morgan Keerie


    Character's Age: 24


    Character's Race: Human


    What magic(s) will you be learning?:  Water Evocation


    Teacher's MC Name: Spodmarzku


    Teacher's RP Name: Steven


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: N/A


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: Yes, I do.


    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: N/A


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