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Posts posted by JustMeMorgan

  1. ((OOC))

    MCName: No1LovesMorgan





    Name: Morgan, Keerie


    Reason to Join: You Still have my **** *******. Let me in because you know I am the sexiest puddlemancer, better than Steven and I want to hide away from the real world because too many people hate me so I must resort to this husk of a magi tower and hide away from the world.

    Pretty please I'd like to come here to practice my magic and be nice and kind to people


    P.S: Let me in I'm quitting drugs just to rejoin.


    Please list your Magi Standard (Journeyman, Evoker, Etc): Journeyman (Mastered 1, learning 1)


    Have you read and understood the Codex: Sure


    Minecraft Name: No1lovesMorgan


    Discord and Skype:  Skype is Morgan.Keerie ( Can help with avatar if multiple) my

    Discord: Sheepthulu


    Time-zone: GMT+1


    Do you, or have you held, any other staff positions: Admin on Gmod on an serious roleplay platform.


    Where do you grab inspiration from: Shadow of Mordor, Warhammerish games, Tolkien’s stuff (Lord of the Rings), Games like Skyrim, Archeage, The Skyrim Overhaul Enderal, DnD,


    What are your current list of characters, and are you willing to sacrifice any: I would be willing to sacrifice my characters, although my main (Morgan) I may have some reluctance to, to be truthful people don’t enjoy losing their mains, which is hopefully completely understandable.


    What race, or group, do your events best cater to: Any Race, people who prefer investigations and would rather rp combat than the ET spawn in 50 zombies for them to get stacks of rotten flesh with.


    What do you believe are the key factors for a successful event: Confidence (Not being Reluctant to do certain actions, e.g. kill a character and so on. Reluctance causes halt and makes you seem like a bad ET), fast reactions (A character if not multiple make an emote, the faster you react to it the more fluent roleplay becomes.) and just all around stereotypical and cliche fun. If the roleplayers don’t enjoy the event, there is practically no point holding it.


    After asking a few people (Shout out to those I asked) people seemed to have the same sort of ideas: Adaptable events that aren’t cliche or full of a powergaming actor.


    What strengths would you bring to the team: I can organize small events, and possible event lines. I have knowledge in most sections of voidal, deity and dark magics lore, meaning I can keep inside lore boundaries and I will realise when I outstep what is physically possible within LotC (E.g. Giant Death Dragon trying to destroy Axios).

    Also, I’d like to add, as present by this being my third application, I am persistent and tenacious. Saying that I am not pushing, I do not enforce actions heavily, at the same time I will persist to attempt the sort of actions, evidence? This is my third application. And if denied it will not be my last.


    Finally, I like to think I have a good vocabulary, why is this useful? Well an event needs to have an atmosphere, if the ET creates a dull, description of something, the atmosphere is lost and the event becomes dull and boring.



    “The beast tears out it’s crimson-covered teeth, blood dripping from them as their pale red eyes glare mercilessly at the adventurers approaching, it rears it’s neck to the sky, shrieking into a monstrous howl”


    "The Beast looks up to the group, with red eyes they glare as their teeth drip with bright red blood, it rears it's body as it howls to the moon"


    You can see the difference.



    Why do you want to be part of the team: This is my third attempt at the joining the event team, I want to give other players enjoyment and events that they can have fun in, random encounters and so on. In overall I guess I want people to have fun, I said this about my previous two applications but I am genuinely serious, if other players have fun in roleplay, their character develops, and isn’t roleplay about developing your character?


    Create three distinct event scenarios based on the servers lore that you would organize:

    Dungeons and Sandwiches:

    A group of three adventurers meet a wise-man, frail and old from time, of human descendant, the wise-man asks the three to seek inside the dungeon, for the s’vinch. After  Traps, Ghouls (Played by the actor) And other undead, (Maybe the odd pocket of spawned in undead mobs) The trio reaches the end-point, a chest, traps embroid the walls, with a small Cypher wheel at the bottom, with a number (E.g. +2) The group will have to decypher (Although quite easy) This code, which explains how to get to the chest, avoiding all the traps. After Successfully reaching the chest, they will open it to reveal, a sandwich. The group will then hear the old man screaming over, running over the trapped floor as he is sprayed with arrows! Dropping a couple of event items, like a small dagger and a few bags of gold.


    This event is aimed to incite a morbid laughter and humility as they trekked all the way to get a sandwich. Although quite linear, there’d be things the characters could do, e.g. kill the wise-man from the start, gaining the loot then trekking all the way for the sandwich for no reason, the story still works but the end switches to the start.


    A howl in the north

    Four adventurers head to a small town, where they will be met by a youthful child (No older than eight), the child is fearful of the town, as there has been a rumor of a large beast around, the group must search around the town for clues, things that give away the location of the beast. Upon finding it, they will be met by an insanely large wolf, about the size of a man, They must immobilize it and kill it to finish the event.


    This event can also have a different plot, e.g. They decided to mug the child for his minas, they can attempt to tame the dog or make it run away, they can even take the pelt of the dog or. If the character is evil, they can kill their own event companions and feed them to the dog to make it leave, or the child or anything alike that. In the end it is  highly adaptable and appealing to those who enjoy mystery, and Horror, there’d also be words that give atmosphere (Like the phrase above)


    Whispers in the woods

    Monsters, creatures of the fog, beings of darkness. All childish stories that the parents tell their children to stop adventuring and going too far from home, what happens if one of those stories were...True though?


    Four wild adventurers of mixed backgrounds, picked at random will be selected, they are all told to go to the same place as soon as they can. There a  parent would express to the group how their child had been lost in the woods, after the night before telling them about the local fairy tale ‘The whisper wood’ (A book will be given, with multiple clues, locations of the area inside the woods, like a player guide.) There the group must find a tree, with thick fog around it, around the bottom a circle of dust, bonemeal. The group must find out how to destroy it, anything that enters the fog will start burning, (A show of this would be an emote where a small fly flies into it, sizzling and dropping to the ground instantly). After the group realises that they are able to use a rock or something else, they can disrupt the circle and the fog dissipates, there a mangled and charred corpse of a child rests by a tree, whispering things out of the wood. Upon closer inspection, the child would run towards the group, screeching with blood red eyes, easily defeated (Although if they did not think it through, it could become quite difficult) the whisper wood lets out a screech of it’s own. Then goes silent, the whispering would stop and the forest would go silent with it.


    Upon returning to the mother, the group receive their rewards  and tell the mother a variety of things: A) Her child is still missing, B) They had to kill them, C) They found them dead, or D) They don’t know.


    Although quite linear, the plot line can have different endings.




    How long do you plan to be able to work on the team: As long as I can continue to make events, maybe a year, maybe half a year, maybe even a week if they hate me, I do not mind.


    Tell me a joke:  After multiple people’s advice: dq0QxS4PCS1I3iFltc3eUz5bf7cok1lBojA89B_OWU1S_rb7hygD2R-BqFO4uW_MhNeTZ6dd6oMp1Y89pUquUmCOjAkNOrazZW9uiLxt0GWXGFDpRA4guGcJuYMosVrvzsmVcQsD

    They came to the decision, the best joke in the world is…


    My life.


  3. Given Name: Morgan

    Years of Age: 24(ish)

    Race: Human

    Any professions, such as mining or smithing that could prove useful to the Legion: Masterful miner, Veteran Alchemist and masterful Tinker

    Reason for interest: I made a couple of friends, good at getting answers, Water Evoker and Illusion user. I believe I can be capable and beneficial to the cause.



    MC name: No1LovesMorgan

    Skype ID: Morgan Keerie  ((Has the Warhammer Avatar in case of mix-ups))


  4. I think a map that can have the main nations (Orcs, Humans, Elves, Dwarves) and smaller settlements for each should do, if needed some cultures should put their cities together, e.g. Dark Elves and Wood Elves live together, due to the fact that Ker'Nor is a fairly dead city (Basing off what I've seen) right now a lot of people have resulted to isolating themselves into their little player groups, a smaller map would benefit this and help stop people creating their own fortress of a home.

  5. Don't outline me for this stuff

    Wasn't my idea to make a 5 layer farm
    I was basically ordered to make the layers m9

    And I dig into walls to find mobs, I light up the rooms and then carry on

    I can show you all the spots I've Lit up lmao, Courland is slowly becoming quieter, the main issue is inside houses.

    On that topic


    Anyone in Courland who has their house unlit, please make it lighter, mobs spawn and remove the immersion when you hear "Ughhhh" every 2 minutes while on the road

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