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Alfonso X el Sabio

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Everything posted by Alfonso X el Sabio

  1. German Empire -Germany continues with its policy of reconstruction at all costs, the government is satisfied with the current estimate for reconstruction, and therefore it sticks with it. Over the past months German cities and towns find themselves in a much better position then they were a year ago. Roads have finally been cleared of rubble, water and utility services are finally back up and running, and for the most part, cities in the Rhineland are mostly live able once more. However there is still much to do in terms of reconstruction, as many buildings and factories are still half constructed, and churches often house displaced German residents, victims of the destruction of the brutal civil war. -Germany denounces Britain for its blatant defiance of international law by passing militarized ships through the straits. The German Government finds the British Governments action to be heavily hypocritical, stating that while preaching about the importance of protecting democracy and freedom she is actively collaborating to deny these values the Bulgarian people, even if communism is a evil and wrong ideology. -As a part of the Crusade called by the pope, the Kaiser allows a brigade of volunteers, numbering some 1,000 men, to fight under the name of god. While the Protestant Kaiser along with many other Prussian, and therefore Lutheran generals at first dismissed this, von Papen, a catholic, persuaded the military minds of Germany to permit the expedition. "It is important to maintain religious values alive and widespread in Germany, and to allow this people must love the Lord, and people show this Love in different ways." The volunteers are gathered from the army, and they are given specialized uniforms reminiscent of the Teutonic Order, which is their official name, given at the request of the brigade leader. The Kaiser, as well as the German High Command, ensures the brigade is armored and mechanized. The Brigade is to fall under the command of the Roman Forces to do with them as they wish. -In a grandious ceremony held in Berlin and in Munich, a marriage is proposed between the crown prince of the German Empire, Louis Ferdinand, second born to Wilhelm III, and Irmingard of Bavaria. After a meeting between Rupprecht and Wilhelm, it is decided that they will be comonarchs, sharing equal power to rule. They will rule as Kaiser and Kaiserin, Emperor and Empress of one united German House. The children produced by this union will be part of a unified German House, called the House of Hohenzollern-Wittelsbach. To appease both Catholic and Lutheran populations of Germany, a Lutheran Ceremony is held in Berlin, and a catholic ceremony in Munich. The heads of both churches perform this highly anticipated event, both the Pope and the United Prussian Church leader. All Royals of Europe are invited to the wedding, and event is open to the public.(mod) -The Government actively promotes fitness and good health in its population, and especially in the army. Being physically strong is heavily sexualised and romanticised through statues, government approved movies and stories,propaganda, and even in schools. Boys in schools are given more time for fitness and working out, and most schools are given a gym aswell as a Fitness teacher to ensure German Boys and the future men of the country are physically fit. Major cities also include multiple gyms, some being free or very cheap to ensure that boys and men can workout and become physically strong. This is all part of a campaign undertaken by the Kaiser himself to improve the condition of the overall German and make him superior to the other races of Europe. It should be noted that the Gyms have no racial stigmas or rules whatsoever. Fitness handbooks and Diet Handbooks are also made available in almost every bookstore, library, and school in Germany, and it is hoped that your average German can be a strong physical man, as well as sexually attractive. Parks also have fitness equipment, and the crown prince is even caught attending a personal outdoor gymnasium by multiple tabloids.(Mod) -As part of the Fitness awareness, the German government seeks to increase birth rates to what they were before the war, employing much of the policies the red government has done, discouraging the use of contraceptives, and decreasing taxes incrementally with each children they have.(Mod) -German High Command begins to phase out the horse from its ranks and replace it with the truck for its main transport vehicle, however they monitor this to ensure it doesn't effect reconstruction efforts.(Mod)
  2. The German Empire The Reichstag. -In his first address to the Reichstag, the new Kaiser, taking the name Wilhelm III, stressed the importance of remaining united as one German peoples. “No matter Protestant or Catholic, Bavarian or Prussian, in the end, we must all remember we are all German, and to further our nation through these construction times should be our number one priority.” In a well televised speech, the Kaiser stressed the principle that all German working are not working for their company, but are working for their nation. He promotes unity among Germans in Germany and Germans in diaspora, and called for the Reichstag to continue its work in the reconstruction. The Kasier also called upon Germans abroad to contribute to the rebuilding of their fatherland by returning to it, or if not making donations to rebuild their mother nation. The Kaiser ended his speech with the timeless cry, “Gott mitt uns!” which was met by an ecstatic response by the Reichstag, especially Von Papen and Kliest.(Mod for reactions). Lights being made for homes, cars, trains, and cities. -The National Conservative party leads the way in establishing basic governmental services under the name of the new German Empire, and converting old ones ran by the communist regime to the new, rightist, and democratic services. The first thing they worry about is basic needs for society to run like water, utilities, sewage, and electric pipes. A large amount of this is focused on the war torn areas such as the Rhineland or Saxony, where the brunt of the fighting took place in. -In the Reichstag, 2 trade deals are proposed. The first is a economic agreement encompassing all of the Scandinavian countries, in which there is a discount on Germany’s behalf for natural resources, and they receive a discount on manufactured goods. There is also essentially free trade between Germany and the Scandinavian as tariffs are heavily reduced. As part of a second deal, Germany also announces a trade deal with the USSR, where like the Scandinavian deal, the same discounts are given for both sides, as well as practically free trade. Von Papen stresses that these deals are crucial to ensure a quick economic reconstruction from the civil war, and has stated that the deals are temporary for the time being. The best economists are put at the forefront of the management of these agreements to ensure maximum and mutual profit of both sides. These deals, in the eyes of von Papen, will shorten the reconstruction period substantially. (Mod) -German cultural societies abroad are contacted by the Minister of Foreign Affairs office, under the orders of the Foreign Minister, Joachim von Ribbentrop. They are told to promote donations of any kind to better their home nation. (Mod) A Farmhouse donated to a family of a veteran of the civil war by a wealthy German Family. -The Kaiser also encourages incoming noble families to oversee the reconstruction of their surrounding areas if they were affected by the civil war. If this is not the case, then a donation to the Minister of Welfare services will be acceptable and they will redistribute the donated funds to the areas of the country in need, and use them in the reconstruction of the Rhineland and Saxony. The Kaiser sets an example, as well as Rupprecht, by donating a sizeable amount of funds from their personal house treasuries to the office of the minister of the welfare services. Noble houses who do this are given the utmost respect by the Kaiser.(Mod) -Churches, both Protestant and Catholic, are encouraged to take in needy citizens or even support families which find themselves financially struggling as a result of the civil war. They are also encouraged to as a part of their charity collections and tithes, also collect money to reconstruct and rebuild their homeland. The idea is for the government to provide as little welfare money as possible and to focus as much of its resources as possible to the reconstruction effort in the Rhineland. (Mod). -As a part of the widespread efforts to quickly rebuild the nation, the Government grants preference to several industries which are deemed to be ‘vital’ to the German economy. These are the arms industry, the dye industry, and the machine industry. These industries are given encouragement to sell their goods abroad, to other nations. Some restrictions are placed however, such as the fact that companies cannot sell weapons or equipment currently in use by the German Armed Forces. (Mod) Returning soldiers being happy greeted by family. -As a result of massively increased efforts to speed up reconstruction, it is hoped that some time could be shaved off the expected time reconstruction is supposed to end. A further 200,000 men are laid off from the army and placed in the reserves to add more jobs into the economy and alleviate more economic pressure by dedicating more funds into the army. These 200,000 men are however practically placed on temporary leave as the high command does not expect the men to be out for more than a year at most.(Mod for reconstruction) A peice of Propaganda spread by German government officials. -The German Empire also spread nationalistic propaganda, urging unity. Three recurring themes are found throughout all propaganda pieces. Kaiser, Nation, and Family. (Mod) Military -Germany looks into the prospect of building a large artillery piece, however still being accurate and effective in war time. No major research project are ordered aside from this as the majority of the money is being funnelled into reconstruction. (Mod) -The Heer also seeks to update German Military uniform. The Uniform is ordered to be both combat effective, and embody German Military Traditions and culture. Variants are ordered for different climates. The pickelhaube is reduced to something only present in ceremonial uniforms only, and excluded from combat uniforms. (Mod)
  3. Grey Germany https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TjUX151MzBU VICTORY! Victorious German soldiers commerating their victory in song. -In Germany, there is almost a festive mood in the midst of destruction. For roughly a month, there are celebrations all around Germany. Football matches, festivals, military parades and feasts are held in honor of the victory of the righteous greys. The Oktoberfest in the relatively untouched Munich is an especially joyful one. Rommel, who is almost treated as a living legend even makes an appearance at the well known German festival, himself being of Swabian origin. Photos of him happily drinking a glass of beer are heavily circulated throughout the German populace, and his character becomes exceptionally well liked among the German Populace, and even higher in the south.. The German Army lets roughly 2 million men weary from the war go home to celebrate and aid in the construction, as well as mourn for loved ones. -After the celebrations slowly grind to a halt, reconstruction slowly begins. Most of the damage done to the German Industry has taken place in the Rhineland, and that is where a majority of the reconstruction efforts are centered out. Hundreds of thousands of men work long shifts to practically rebuild the city from the ground up as the Rhineland has been hit hard by the war. The roughly untouched industrial powerhouses of the war are ordered to produce only the essentials for German life, and the rest is to be sent to aide in the reconstruction of the Rhineland. Bombed and shelled factories are brought back, larger than before, to increase the industrial capacity of Germany and increase the economic output. Furthermore, they are often equipped with modern, more effective machinery to further increase the industrial capacity. Similar practices take place in Saxony, where the land was raped by communist forces. It is hoped that these policies can speed up the reconstruction process.(Mod) German Soldiers returning home to a ecstatic daughter. -German Economists also begin tackling the ever growing issue of the deficit. Taxes are slightly increased to slowly decrease the debt. This, coupled with the fact that the German Army has sent home many young men to work, it is hoped these efforts will slowly and surely decrease the debt the German nation has accumulated by war. Tariffs are also slightly increased on luxury goods as von Kleist hopes to tackle the debt problem in the same way as the German war machine tackles a battle: quickly.(Mod) -The rehabilitation and decommunisation of Germany also begins. Communist insignia, propaganda, and memorabilia is stripped and replaced with nationalist variants. A notable example of this is a massive red star which was placed at the top of the Reichstag, is blown up with dynamite in front of a cheering crowd. As a by product of this, many communists leaders and ex politicians are placed under arrest by the SS and face trial, and often times executions by hanging or firing squad. Including these people is Rene Kuzcenski, the economic minister and interim premier of red Germany in the final days of the war, whom is hanged in front of the Brandenburg Gate. Secretly however, German economists use some of his economic theories and merge them into their own. Nazis campaigning in front of Churches, hoping to exploit the religious revival. -Von Kleist, himself being a centrist, declares that he will continue with the Centrist plan of hosting elections, as he sees this as a equal compromise for all parties. Elections are scheduled for the beginning of December. The National Conservatives, are the favorites of the election, and both Wilhelm and Rupprecht, already very close as a result of the war, have expressed their desire and willingness to collaborate to unite the largest and richest houses of Germany. The National Conservatives also receive massive support from the influx of nobles and the return of the aristocracy, which gives them a much needed edge over the other parties. Von Papen, the leader of the National Conservatives, has been regarded as a charming figure and has himself expressed that he is even willing to form a coalition with the centrists if the National Conservatives fail to secure a majority in the election and form their own government akin to that of the age before the Great War. He is liked all across Germany, in the south because of his religion, and in the northern Prussian Regions because of his ideological platform which often is similar to that of many Prussians. All parties begin campaigning throughout Germany.(Mod) -The SS keeps a heightened presence in known areas of communist activity, especially in the south, and work alongside normal police to maintain order. The SS have displayed that they are a highly effective force to maintain order and put down minor communists rebellions in the eyes of the German Government led by Kliest. -The foreign volunteers are given the choice to either remain in Germany where they are given full citizenship and offered a place in the military, or return to their home countries.(Mod Petty German Nobles visit their old vacation house in Saxony. -Nobles, and political refugees who have left Germany at the start of the red regime are all invited back to Germany. Their properties are returned after the government has done all it could to restore any damage inflicted to it by the red regime, and those that have a noticeable or prominent military expertise are offered a role in the German Army. Thousands of nobles who were spread all about Europe, and to some extent the world, return to their ancestral homelands in Germany. (Mod) -Churches, which were often the subject of vandalism are rehabilitated by the Gray Government as a consequence of the religious fever that has spread throughout the country. The Government does not discriminate between denominations, and all are given the care and restoration their deserve to restore them to their previous beauty and art. The arts becomes valued in Kleist's heart, and he supports it in the reconstruction of the war torn areas, as he hopes to make the Rhineland cities an artistic marvel and be very much aesthetically pleasing. The overwhelming style used in the reconstruction becomes baroque or neoclassical, and even ordinary apartments are rebuilt in this style.(Mod) Military Affairs Generals revising maneuvers conducted by the Red Army in the Civil war. -Kliest also orders a revision of German Military tactics to include new maneuvers learned of in the civil war. Kliest hopes that the civil war can serve as a learning curve for the German Army, and several improvements can be made to the German War doctrine because of it. The fields which Kliest mainly hopes to improve are: military intelligence, air combat, and defensive warfare as well. At the head of this a extremely experienced team built with highly decorated generals including: Manstein, Guderian, Rommel, von Rundstedt, Rupprecht, and others. It is hoped that they can also recruit some experienced officers to raise them up to the general rank. The latter is a highly supervised process which is overseen by outstanding generals including Kliest, as to not be too overly critical, nor allow mediocre or poor generals into the high command. (Mod) -A new halftrack is designed, hoping to be faster, provide better coverage, and fit the German way of war.(Mod). Foreign Affairs -The German Military, as part of a deal with Turkey, sends them a some 1,000 tanks, which are a variety of Panzer I,s and II,s. As well as another, secret item not disclosed of in official documents made readibly accessible to the public.
  4. Grey Germany Members of the Army Group A prepare for a lethal assault on the rear of Enemy Lines. -With the recent difficulties the Grey Army have been experiencing against the reds, the German High Command design an ingenious maneuver, created by an unnamed member of the high command. The Maneuver begins with Army Group A, which moves into the main front, now that they have successfully captured the Rhineland, with Army Groups B and C. Army group C, the one responsible for the massive encirclement, and victory, in Silesia, pulls back, as Army Group A fills in gap left by Army Group C. Most of the trucks, supplies, and motorized vehicles fall to Army Group A, making them an exceptionally well equipped fighting force. Army Group C will then, with permissions from the Sobieski Pact, maneuver through Czechoslovakia and conduct a massive thrust against the flank of red troops on the right, hoping to capture Munich in a swift blow and wreak havoc to red supply lines and the rear. While this was happening, Army Groups A and B were engaging in simple trench warfare against the reds, taking land when they could, however mainly fighting on the defensive, while the artillery took to battering red trenches, and the Luftwaffe engaged in thrilling dog fights against their Red counterparts. The moment Army group C begins the thrust however, the 2 groups stationed adjacent to red lines will remain in their trenches, patiently waiting for the Red Army to move their troops back and towards their flank, to defend against the thrust. When this occurs, It is at this time when the last remaining groups, while still possessing some armored vehicles, also begin a massive push towards red lines, having the support of the Luftwaffe. The high command hopes that this combined offensive can wear the Red army out and stress their logistics and men to a breaking point. The Grey army also utilises the Fallschirmjager in all fronts as attack spearheads.(Mod) -The Grey government, following a deal with italy, receives a massive influx of motorized vehicles, and artillery. These are sent straight into the front and are used for the war effort on behalf of the Grey Military. (10 million dollars worth of trucks). -The SS becomes increasingly armed and experienced, and are sent to the newly conquered territories such as Silesia and the Rhineland to maintain order and put down any attempted rebellion. Aerial footage of the damage in the Rhineland, in one of the most damaged areas. -Reconstruction begins in the Rhineland. The industrial regions of the Saar and the Ruhr, essentially powering and manufacturing for the entirety of Germany and the war effort, continue to pump out arms and warheads. Meanwhile in the Rhine, crumbling factories are brought back up and constructed to be much more efficient and larger then they previously were, roads are repaved, bridges are rebuilt, debris and rubble is cleared from the roads, dams and flood locks are repaired, and destroyed houses are rebuilt. While this is expected to last some time after the war, the damage created in the Rhine was exceptionally bad, the Government seeks to get a "head start" in rebuilding. Churches and religious organizations, catholic or protestant, are welcomed in alongside the red cross to assist in the rebuilding process. (Mod) -Germany, with permission from the Sobieski pact, begins a volunteer campaign to recruit volunteers to the Grey Army. They mostly target Ethnic Germans settled in the Sobieski pact countries, however enlistment is open to all ethnicity and cultures. (Mod) -German Government begins a partisan movement in the conservative stronghold of Bavaria. Arms, munitions, and supplies are dropped in as well as propaganda leaflets are dropped from planes. The greys hope to create an all out storm of attack, with the greys getting attacked by all sides.(Mod)
  5. Grey Germany The Funeral of Adolf Hitler, his casket draped in the Nazi Party Colours, an ideology which he helped found and create. -With the assassination of the esteemed and highly respected Adolf Hitler, a massive funeral is held in Berlin. Hitler was a very popular man in Germany, and his effect will not be forgotten. His funeral is attended by many of the elites of Germany, including Hermann Goring, who has been chosen as the successor of Hitler in the Nazi Party, Crown Prince Wilhelm, whom it is rumored that will be crowned Kaiser at the end of the war, Joachim von Ribbontrop, and others. It is a highly publicized even in Germany, and there is a nationwide moment of silence in his honor. The spy responsible for his assassination, identified as Jeremiah Freeman, is convicted guilty of espionage against the state, and is given a prison sentence of 8 years. and a fine of 2000 dollars. His cell is guarded by Waffen-SS members to prevent any other American meddling. Kliest himself denounces the act committed by the United States as a "blatant act of terror towards the German People." In the LEAGUE OF NATIONS, the German Delegation calls for action against the United States. (Mod for LoN.) Fighting between red and grey forces in Bavaria. -Meanwhile, at the Front, the Grey German High Command do not rejoice yet for their victories in the civil war. Soldiers that were stationed in Silesia are transferred towards the mainline adjacent to Bavaria and the Rhineland. The 1 million new recruits gathered from Prussia, albeit poorly trained, are thrusted into the action as they distribute the men evenly into the Armies. As of now, the Grey German Army stands at some 2.7 million men. Army Groups B and C, led by Rupperecht and Falkenhayn, numbering roughly half the 2.7 million, move for a thrust into Bavaria, hoping to gain some massive ground and capture, or at least encircle the Red Government in Munich. Meanwhile Kliest with Army Group A continues the battle for the industrial Rhineland. Supplies, Equipment, and Trucks flowing from the Sobieski Pact are distributed amongst the men on the front, especially to the new blood of the force, which are often unequipped and rather poorly trained. The Luftwaffe continues to Fight in the skies as well, pursuing long and drawn out dog fights against opposing red forces, and bombing their positions. (Mod for War) -Reconstruction efforts begin in Silesia. While the campaign in Silesia was rather bloodless with the Red Army surrounding after an ingenious maneuver carried out by German soldiers in Breslau, there is still crumbling infrastructure and buildings as a result of the hostilities that ensued in the region. Ruined buildings hit by shells and bullets are fixed, factories that were rendered out of service as a result of bombs or shells are reopened to further the industry in the area of this key region to Germany. Most importantly the coal mines and quarries are reopened to be sent to factories in the Ruhr and other industrial areas to produce arms and weapons for the battle against communism.(Mod) -The German Economy continues to produce a variety of tanks and planes to be sent into the Front lines of the war, -The SS is stationed in the newly conquered territories to prevent a counter revolution, all leftist protests, propaganda, or speech is prohibited and restricted in the conquered areas,
  6. Grey Germany WAR! Gray Soldiers engaging communists opposite their trenches near Silesia. -Immediately following the coup in Berlin, the government begins to file troops into Kliests line, a name given by a red lieutenant out of anger when his company utterly failed a rather bold thrust directly into the heart of the defensive line established by both sides of the conflict, left and right. Kliest, as interim president of Germany, immediately begins his offensive. The Greys 1.8 million troops are divided into 9 armies, and each and each of the armies are filed into 3 Army Groups divided by fronts. The First Army Group, A, is led by Kliest himself, and begins the process of recapturing the Rhineland. The second, Army Group B, is led by the Crown Prince of Bavaria, Rupperecht. Army Group B is given the task of beginning the spearhead of the assault into the mainland of Bavaria, and blessed with much more space then the other armies, hopes to Blitz the red forces and encircle the red forces stationed from Anhalt to Kassal. The third, Army Group C, is led by the respected World War I veteran Erich von Falkenhayn. (Mod for war) -The Luftwaffte is deployed en masse as the Grey's attempt to establish Air superiority over Red Germany. Flak guns and other AA alternatives are incorporated as part of the big guns of each Army. The Greys also hope to abuse their advantage in tank numbers to give their side the advantage. Tiger I's are melted down to produce Panzer IV's, which form the main bulk of the Grey Army. (Mod for Air Superiority) -The Gray government begins to mass produce mainly fighters and Panzer VI's for the war effort. -Kliest personally asks for recognition from major powers of the world,as swell as support and backing in his endevours in Germany. Hitler observing the front near Anhalt in car. -Adolf Hitler, after being invited personally by Kliest himself, arrives by car in Berlin. His arrival is well publicized and he gives many charismatic speeches approving and garnering support for the coup. Kliest tasks him with the creation of a anti-communist police, called the Schutzstaffel, or SS for short. The SS will be responsible for brutally putting down and arresting all communist manifestations in Gray Germany. Most of the time the members of the SS are radical anti-communists, who have no remorse in killing leftists whats over and do so relentlessly. The SS is dispatched all around the country, however in higher numbers in area of known communist support. Intellectuals or persons that could be of benefit to the future reich are spared and simply imprisoned. -Recruitment for the Gray Army begins heavily as military and nationalist propaganda is spread throughout Gray Germany, especially in the Prussian Regions, where support for the coup and the army is extremely high. Soldiers that are recruited are immediately filed into training camps where they are drilled by respected Prussian Aristocrats and tactitians, to be introduced into the main German line.
  7. The People's Republic of Germany Interior Young Students recieving their education in Kassel, Germany. -The German Government begins a plan of revolutionising and modernising the school system and universities of the nation. The state invests heavily into purchasing the finest equipment, teachers, textbooks and more, and from Berlin, a new curriculum is created which is then replicated across the country, coupled with a series of standardised tests reviewing mathematics, the sciences, and national history. It is hoped that these new procedures can increase the overall intelligence and technological advancement of the entire nation.(Mod) -Efforts to increase birth and fertility rates commence, as the German government associates reproducing or having a child a ‘good service to the motherland’. Birthing rooms and hospitals are refitted and financed with the best, and most comfortable settings for giving birth. Condoms and other common contraceptives are discouraged heavily and restricted, however not banned completely as to combat the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.(Mod for increase in birth rate) Germans completely dismantle and rebuild a bridge near Dresden crossing over the Rhine. -The German government begins to undergo a sweep of the nation to repair and modernise infrastructure. Roads are rebuilt, crumbling buildings are destroyed and rebuilt, old ones are refurbished to their former glory, and factories are given funds to upgrade their machinery and techniques. With these upgrades it is hoped that this can not only boost the economy and create jobs, however also modernise the state. (Mod) -In conjunction with the efforts to increase birth rates, the German Government also begins to modernise and revolutionise its medical and health system. As the state has universal health care, patients often receive treatment that doesn't match their condition or treatment that simply does not work at all. Hospitals and medical centres are given extra funding to achieve modern and quality treatment and cures in hospital. It is hoped that with this program Germany can achieve and obtain some of the most advanced medical centres in all of europe.(Mod) A newly constructed Factory in Danzig. -With the newly obtained Danzig Corridor, efforts to industrialise it begin. The Germans seek to create a modern city near a polish sea resort, which is called Gdingen, as well as the German city of Zoppot. While Danzig will serve as the main industrial center, while these other two soon to be cities, all which are in extremely close proximity to each other and on the coast of the Baltics, while serve as a new industrial region which will be focused on imports, a shipyard for the Kriegsmarine, and da port of entry associated with a future project.. Railroads connecting Danzig and the tricity area, which is what it is being called, to East Prussia, as well as various large cities in Germany, especially on the Rhine, begin. Over 100 million dollars are spent on industrialising and creating hundreds of factories, roads, docks, and shipyards in both the cities of Zoppot and Gdingen. The German Government employs the use of both Germans and Poles, exploiting this opportunity to highlight the ability of both ethnic cultures to coexist and work happily together for a common and universal cause. (Mod) Military A built prototype of the massive bomber. -The state orders a long range bomber to be manufactured from the nation's well renowned and experienced companies. It is ordered to be a long range bomber, to be able to bomb positions in Somalia held and fortified by Italian Fascist troops. While the state expects it to be made from Heinkel, Messerschmitt, Dornier, and others are given the task. The state calls the project Somaliabomber, and told to have a minimum range of at least 5,000 km. Because of its massive range expectations, it is also no doubt going to be a massive, as well as an expensive bomber. 100 million dollars are placed into the research of this plan. (Mod) -The Kriegsmarine, relatively offset by a rather controversial order in building the 2 new aircraft carriers, are granted the development of a new submarine class. The submarine is ordered to be diesel powered, and operate a snorkel, a revolutionary piece of equipment in regards to submarine technology. It is also ordered to be stealthy, incorporating sleek designs and textures to escape the sights of even the most sophisticated radars in the world. Some 30 million are granted to this project. (Mod) German Soldiers drilling with a Krupp Artillery gun during a hot summers day near Konigsberg -Efforts to increase the quality of the German officer staff commence on orders by distributed by the high command. Junckers are given the opportunity to accept 10 prodigies each for the chance to earn various benefits and bonuses. To go along with this, a new batch of Junkers are also given the chance to work in the military, granting them officer positions. This process is monitored as well by the state to ensure the Army remains loyal. (Mod for quality of soldiers) -The newly created Afrika Corps is demobilised as German High Command begins to look for an alternative route on the invasion of Somalia. The Kriegsmarine begins to work hand in hand with the Heer to formulate a plan to conduct an amphibious assault of Somalia on a beach head from the adjacent Gulf of Aden, or even the Arabian Sea.(Mod for construction of plans) Foreign Affairs -A promise and apology is issued to the British Government, where Liebknecht personally writes a letter to whoever the prime minister is, stating that the republic had no knowledge of the rebellious member of the Stasi who seeked to undermine the respectable and Honourable British Nation. -A trade agreement is offered to the Scandinavian nations. (Mod)
  8. The People's Democratic Republic of Germany Interior Affairs Men in the military service pay their respects to the deceased -A large state funeral is given for the assassinated Jurgen Kuczynski, the Minister of Economics and the well known and respected, even among the higher circles, Aufersteher. Over 20,000 civilians, military officers, respected politicians and speakers attend the funeral. A smaller funeral, yet just as lavish, is held in his home town in Elberfeld, near the city of Wuppertal. He is eventually buried in Berlin, with a large park dedicated and named in his name with a large statue of him placed in the center of it, with his tombstone below it. Kuczynski was a pivotal member of Liebknechts cabinet, and his death had a ripple effect both at the executive and at the civilian level. -With the death of the minister, Liebknecht and his advisors scrambled to find a way to reverse, or at least mitigate and stop the effects of the incoming recession without the leadership of Jurgen. Several key companies and organization are released from state control to alleviate pressure and hopefully create more jobs and revenue for both the state and the company. Some companies included in this list are Heinkel, Messermicht, Krupp, JFM, Mercedes Benz, Porsche, and others. [Mod] Kuzcynski, the new Minister of Economics, in Niagra Falls in America. -In the wake of the death of Kuzcynski, the economic wing of the German State is thrown into disarray and chaos. Without the leadership and guidance of Jurgen, who essentially micromanaged the entire German economy, local governments and economies are thrown into unrest and disorder. Unemployment rises 2 more points to 15%, however Liebknecht is only told it rose .5%. The state scrambles to find a suitable replacement for Jurgen to fill the whole and the power vacuum left in his death. Eventually after much deliberation, Jurgens father, Robert Rene Kuczysnki, is chosen to become the new economic minister. Him himself being an economist and communist intellectual, the German state hopes that it is like father like son, or in this case like son like father, and Robert can lead the German economy and dig the Economy out the the ditch that it finds itself currently. (Mod for reversing effects of depression) -Following the complete failure of the metro system, the German government completely censors all reports of all deaths or mishaps that occurred in the project. The families of the workers are given secret compensation in return for their loss, and the Stasi assures that they comply with the press censors at all costs. -As both a new, modern system of transport as well as a method of providing jobs, the German government begins a commercial airliner project. Planes, airfields, and airstrips are built solely for the purpose of transporting civilians from place to place. As of now, airliners only hold some 15 men and only travel domestically from major cities to major cities. However, if the project is successful, it will be expanded heavily on in the future.(Mod) German Soldiers removing Polish Insignia and replacing it with German Insignia. -Following a deal with Poland, the city of Gdansk and the danzig corridor is returned to German hands. As a part of this deal, 50 million dollars are given to the Polish state to invest in the Soviet port of Klaipeda, which will be handed over to the Polish state as recompense for the loss of Gdansk. Poles in the Danzig region are given full rights and are treated as German citizens. The German Government begins to fully integrate the heavily industrialised lands of the Danzig corridor, nationalisation of certain industries occur, as well as collectivisation. Like the rest of Germany, some businesses are granted special rights to freely trade in Germany. It is hoped that with Gdansk and the Danzig Corridor, this acquisition can boost the German Economy. [Mod] Military Affairs -The brand new weapon produced roughly a year ago, begins to enter mass production this year as the military establishes the K-40 as the primary weapon of the military. Factories in the Rhineland, the Ruhr valley, Berlin, and major cities begin mass producing the Karabinier 40 rifle. -Liebknecht, who is enthralled at the ‘marvelous’ design of the superb Tiger I, orders for the construction of 1,500 Tiger I tanks to become part of the main line of tanks of the state. This decision becomes the humour of many generals, especially the old prussian junkers, who find Liebknecht now hysterical and disillusioned. Their concerns are mainly kept in their own circles, and Liebknecht never hears of his jeerers and mockers. [Mod] Prints of the famed aircraft carrier. -2 Graf-Zeppelin class cruisers, renamed Aufersteher class in memory of the assassinated Minister of War. [Mod] -Intense training and drilling of the soldiers at the hand of the junkers continues in an effort to increase the quality, combat readiness, and prestige of the German Red Army. The junkers are still heavily monitored in the tactics and doctrine to ensure that they do not enshrine the army with nationalist, or reactionary ideals that can endanger the goals of the state as a whole. -The German Military begins to mobilise some 400,000 men into a group called the 'Afrika Korps'. German Military officials begin to plan land invasion of Somalia from Saudi Arabia, in an amphibious assault. Some 1000 Panzers are included in this, with , with 1000 bombers aswell. German Soldiers rest for lunch after a hard day of training near Brieg.
  9. The Peoples Republic of Germany Internal Affairs -The German Army remains in the Rhineland whilst talks are being conducted with France and Britain in Switzerland. They remain on the Siegfried Line. -News of the leak is prevented from being published and distributed completely to the masses to prevent the regime losing the trust and support of the people. Construction underway deep below the city of Cologne -The German Government pushes through with the underground metro system. It is designed to not only modernise the city to be not only on par with other major European Capitals, but to also be able to surpass them with technology and alleviate traffic. The system will run through Berlin for now, as a test, and the regime makes plans to expand to other modernised and advanced cities, especially in the more industrial zone of the Rhineland or Rhur. 50 million is invested in the project in Berlin. It is dubbed a Metro. (Mod) -The Central Government takes another crack at decreasing unemployment to at least 8%, by providing more simple jobs, such as garbage collectors, milkmen, cleaners, or even the Army. The government also takes a risk by allowing some businesses, mainly in the more industrial centers such as the Ruhr valley or the Rhineland, to be privatised. This is something strangely out of the ordinary with the communist government, however the state is built and determined to eradicating unemployment so that it does not have to spend as much welfare money. (Mod) -In compliance with the Italian deal, religious freedom is instituted around the country. This applies to catholics, men of protestant faiths, and the Jewish one. -More defenses are built on the borders of the countries of Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg as the Siegfried line undergoes a massive expansion in retaliation of the French plan. 100,000 more men are brought in to man these new defenses adjacent to the French lines. Liebknecht states that if French Troops leave their defenses, so will German troops, and he once again states that the country never had the intention of invading France, or any country of the low countries. The Government stresses the fact that these men are there purely for a defensive purpose, and no tanks, or heavy artillery is brought with them, they simply assume defensive positions. Military -The military hopes to recover from the blunders committed with the light tank, with a new class of tanks, this one being called the Tiger I. The tank is ordered to be a heavy tank, with thick armour and a huge barrel to be able to penetrate through the skins of enemy tanks. The shells are made to tungsten, which is arguably the most effective material to produce shells out of. 40 million is invested into this. (Mod) A blueprint for the Tiger I. --The High Command of the German Red Army begins to allow more and more Junkers to be able to hold elevated command posts in the Army. The government remains weary of them, and are usually maintained under close supervision by the state. This is done to hopefully further increase the quality of the Army. (Mod) -The German Military division also begins to research and develop a doctrine for amphibious assaults and invasion, which the nation is currently lacking in. This endeavour leads to the creation of the Marinesoldaten, or Marines. It is to be part of the Kriegsmarine. The task force dedicated to developing this field take inspiration from the elite German Shock Troops and attempt to incorporate it into something that can be used while fighting on the beaches or coastline. Paired with this, the Navy department begins to research an Amphibious Vehicle that can be coupled with the newly researched doctrine. Another 40 million is used in this action. (Mod) -1000 Panzer VI’s are ordered for construction in preparation for an armed excursion into Africa, to be able to be placed on the in-the-works amphibious craft.(Mod) -2,500 Messermichts Bf109’s and 2,500 Junker JU 88 are ordered to be constructed in preparation for an armed excursion into Africa. (Mod) Foreign Affairs -The trade offer with Brazil is accepted. -Germany requests a meeting with Saudi Arabia. -”These allegations rae preposterous!” responds the German Ambassador to France in Paris when questioned about the leaked plans. “The German nation has no intent of invading the French nation, or the nations of the low countries, we seek nothing but peace. The one behind this is simply trying to ruin it.” -The Government makes no comment on the subject of Hitler at all.
  10. The People's Democratic Republic of Germany -German newspapers all around the nation buzz with the same same words, as what has been avoided for decades since the Great War occurs by the order of Liebknecht. Waves upon waves of German soldiers, clad in their grey uniform and helmets, make their way into the Rhineland has rearmament has begun. The soldiers make their way through cities such as Mainz, Cologne, Dusseldorf, and Trier, through elaborate parades as hundreds of children, men, and women line the streets to see soldiers for the first time in decades deployed outside their very homes. After the parades, the soldiers are entrenched out among defensive positions in cities, and on the Siegfried Line. Among the German Government and high command, this action was viewed as an almost necessary one given the rising tensions and the general trend of remilitarisation and rearmament that is spreading throughout the European Continent. -A massive recruitment effort takes place alongside the widely reported on rearmament of the Rhineland. The German Army capitalises on the rising levels of militarism and nationalism to increase the nations military capabilities, while also using communism and Marxist Ideas to bring even more manpower to the Army.[Mod] -Trained and experienced German generals, begin to drill and train the German Army to become, hopefully once more, the most professional and well trained army in Europe. Inspections are both regularly and periodically conducted by known loyal generals and officers to ensure that the soldiers aren't being indoctrinated by capitalist and imperialist ideals. It is the hope of the high command that in a couple years all training goals are completed and met and the German Military will become a feared threat once more.[Mod] -German weapons manufacturers such as Walther, Mauser, and Krupp are hired to fabricate a new standard rifle for the Germany military. 5 million dollars in marks are sent to each company to each make a different rifle version. 15 million is invested in this project with the hopes that out of the three manufacturers, one can provide a stable, reliable, accurate rifle to outfit the entire German Army. [Mod] A picture taken in a factory in Dusseldorg manufacturing hundreds of Panzers. -1,500 Panzer IV’s are ordered to be manufactured as part of the Grand scheme of militarisation. -The German High Command submits a request for a new variation for a Heavy tank-the Panzer V. [Mod] Internal Affairs -The German Government revamps and emphasizes the importance of border safety. The Customs and Border Patrol, or Zollgrenzschutz, is completely revamped and given much more funding, with checkpoints, fences, walls, guard towers, and more being placed its entire border. The Goal of this is to keep people out-and at the same time, keep people in -The central Government’s grip on the press also increases heavily, with the government, which already nationalised the media industry, keeping both a tight grip and a watchful eye on what is being printed and distributed to the masses. Anything that is deemed harmful or counter-intuitive to the overall interests and goals of the nation is blocked from being printed. This information is barred from being distributed to the press. A group photo and the world renowned physics department professors and scientists, including Einstein, and Bohr, among others. -Heavy investment is placed into higher education institutes all across the nation. They recieve overall increase funding of roughly 30 million dollars in marks in most of all fields and specialities which are taught. Extra funding is received at the world renowned universities and colleges such as Gottingen, Heidelangen, Erlangen, Munster, and others. Funding is furthermore increased for fields which are currently being pioneered by scientists worldwide, as the German Government strives to become the international frontrunner in terms of technological advancement. [Mod] -The Minister of Economics, dubbed the ‘Aufursteher’, or resurrector in German, for his ingenuity in revitalizing the German Economy during the depression and bringing unemployment levels to roughly 10%, is recognized as a national hero all around Germany. He is ordered to continue building and formulating plans to continue lowering the unemployment rate. More factories are built to provide more job opportunities for unemployed Germans, and at the same time, increase the economic output and the GDP of Germany, while in turn lowering the unemployment rate. [Mod] -Sports academies and coaches are also given extra funding, as the national government views excelling in competitions against foreign government important in protecting and showcasing the superiority of the German race. [Mod] Men working on rails on the edge of the Ruhr valley. -As another alternative for unemployment Germans, hundreds of positions open up for the expansion of the railroad network in Germany.The railroad system is expanded to not only connect major cities together, but also to connect smaller cities and towns to the major ones, as well as provide resources to military institutions and bases much quicker-and in greater quantities than before. [Mod] -The possibility of establishing an underground railroad system, or metro system, is investigated in the city of Berlin.[Mod] Foreign Affairs -The German Government, in a public declaration, reassures the international community and especially League of Nations members, that Germany does not wish to cause war or aggression in Europe, and justifies its actions in the Rhineland as, “reestablishing German presence in the lands of our forefathers.”
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