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Posts posted by Riftblade

  1. 4 minutes ago, Lionbileti said:

    Where’s the guns rift 

    Tythus held a gun to the back of my head. Out of fear for my own life, the next Story Admin will be the best candidate to implement guns.

  2. This man is an absolute villain. I've seen him commit terrible crimes numbering in the dozens. He is a callous, cold-blooded, and ruthless individual that is driven by nothing more than a desire to shit-post.



    Nah, for real though. I'd like to think that Aengoth has a pretty solid grasp of how player groups interact with one another, and in particular he has a good understanding of conflict. He's an oldie so he's got tons of experience.



  3. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:

             Dark Elf


    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?



    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    The Magic in general:

    Paladinism is a deific magic in which players are granted boons by Xan, the Aengul of Order and Guardianship. By forging a connection with Xan – in which a teacher ignites an ember within their soul – a player, now a Paladin, can make use of Xan’s power which is also known as Xan’s Mists. A Paladin can choose one of three colors for their mists to take on: Gold, Emerald, or Silver which represent Guardianship, Healing, and Order respectively amongst the Paladins. Sapphire (or some variant of blue) can only ever appear if and only when a Paladin who knows the connection ritual connects another player. The presence of an ember within a Paladin’s soul will passively provide them with a comforting warmth and ward off the effects of coldness albeit not to a significant capacity. Paladins historically have been the foes of dragonkin as seen with the conflict between the Order of the Golden Lance and the Drakaar Setherien.


    Connection, Creeds, and Disconnection:

    If and when a Paladin who has been taught the connection ritual wishes to connect a worthy candidate who they’ve tested, they may be brought to a chancery to be connected. A chancery is a sacred location that has been consecrated with Xan’s power and serves as locations in which soon-to-be Paladins are connected. It is only during the connection ritual that a Paladin can manifest Xan’s Mists with a sapphire or blue color.

    Paladins have been given six creeds by Xan which must be followed. If one of these six creeds has been broken by a Paladin,  they will typically be eligible for a disconnection if they have not chosen to follow a path of redemption or if they’ve broken the same creed for a second time after having redeemed themselves once. Disconnection for breaking a creed bears terrible consequences for the disconnected individual whereas a willing disconnection will not affect the disconnected individual. Disconnection, like connection, must be taught in order for it to be used.


    How Spells work:

    A Paladin has access to nine spells excluding sacred artificery which can be compared to enchanting. Only one of these nine spells – Mist Manipulation – is available at the first tier of the magic. A paladin must progress to the higher tiers in order to unlock and make use of the remaining spells. Some of these spells will progressively exhaust a Paladin who casts them which each use: a Paladin may only use five of these spells (this is excluding the use of items enchanted through the use of sacred artificery) before exhausting themselves entirely and may no longer make use of Xan’s Mists for the rest of a combat scenario. There are exceptions to this as a Paladin can use spells like Mist Manipulation and Holy Affinity for example without expending one of their five slots. A Paladin cannot, however, use spells which do not expend one of their five slots if they have already expended all five slots in a combat scenario. Sacred artificery allows a Paladin to imbue objects with Xan’s Mists and store within them several of their nine spells and/or minor spells that provide varying benefits to those who are in possession of those objects. Objects enchanted through sacred artificery can provide up to three additional spell slots to the original five spell slots.



    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    There used to Vindicators and Wymstalkers in the past, however, these two subsections no longer exist in the current iteration of the lore.


    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?


    I will provide an example for the Sun’s Spear spell.


    Velenius squints, staring at the winged figure soaring through the skies up above. He slides his right foot back, twists his torso slightly, and moves his right hand up. Silver mist starts to appear within the palm of his hand and slowly coalesce to form a small nebulous cloud of Xan’s Mists.


    Argent arcs of electricity bounce around inside of the cloud as more of Xan’s Mists are funneled into the volatile creation that the Elf holds. The silver cloud then elongates and condenses itself to resemble a shaft of a spear. Packed within this newly formed weapon is raw power, which attempts to escape in the form of a multitude of electric arcs branching off of its surface. The Elf takes aim and rears his throwing hand back as his gaze lingers upon the figure which changed its course. 


    The spear is thrown with great might. It hurtles through the air in the form of a silver bolt of lightning and flies toward one of the wings of the creature that the Paladin set his eyes upon. Should the spear make contact with the creature, it would almost certainly and immediately render the struck wing useless and stun the creature for some time. 



    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?


    “Today you shall learn how to create arrows with Xan’s boon. I do hope you’ve been practicing weaving with the Mists as it’ll prove very helpful in today’s lesson.” Velenius clasps his hands behind his back as he looks upon his student, his countenance stern and naught more.


    The student nods in response, thereafter staring at a nearby hay bale with a target painted onto it. They lift up the longbow that they held at their side. 


    “You need not utter an incantation or prayer when making use of our Sunlit Lord's blessings, especially in the thick of battle. Go ahead and manifest Xan's Mists with your thoughts; you must imagine an arrow, understand?”


    The student nods again. They place their index, middle, and index finger along the bowstring and start to slowly pull it back. Particles of emerald mist start to form in the air near their hand, coalescing to form a line that starts from the bowstring and extends somewhat past the bow’s handle. The shaft of an arrow, wrought of what looks like starlight, is formed as the student draws the bowstring back more.


    “Good. Now the fletching and the arrowhead – do not forget those.” The Elf unclasps his hands and instead crosses one arm over the other in front of his chest. He continues to watch as his student makes use of Xan’s Mists.


    A broad arrowhead is shaped from many more of the remaining  emerald wisps and so too is fletching for the arrow. The student’s hands tremble as they struggle to keep the longbow drawn all the way back as they start to take aim.


    "Fire." The Elf calls out. 


    The arrow is let loose from the longbow. Unfortunately, the arrow misses its mark and flies past the target and embeds itself within a wooden fence. The student would frown.


    “Not bad. You managed to manifest the arrow and fire it at the least.” Velenius grins somewhat before calling out another order. “Now do it again. See to it that you hit the target at least once.”




    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    I would message the player either in game or on Discord depending on whether or not they powergamed during or after teaching respectively. In either case, I would first correct the player on what they might have done wrong, what they could have done differently, run them through the basics and need-to-knows of the spells, and remind them that no one enjoys it when someone powergames. I would then remind them that powergaming, especially more than once, has its consequences and can result in their magic application being revoked, a magic blacklist, a ban from the moderators, or even more than one of those. If the player continues to powergame and they refuse to acknowledge it, I will approach a member of the Story Team or a manager and ask to drop the student and provide screenshots of them powergaming.



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


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