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Posts posted by Keefy

  1. 8 hours ago, Nathan_Barnett36 said:

    No thank you. Had multiple run ins with Wullfery where he showed a very toxic attitude when it came to roleplay, has straight up refused to roleplay with me before because he thinks I am toxic. Have had to call Wolfkite over 3 times in a day because he was breaking rules.


    I'll post a few screenshots below

    Downing and arguing about downing with no rp:






    No rping people /breaking his door:





    Another situation where I got downed and Wulfery was present in the situation. They emoted tackling me in quiet so clearly I would not have seen it, they knew that and downed me to reemote it:





    Would not be a good addition to the event team at all.

    I guess you could make the argument that I oocly hate haense. That argument would be pretty dumb since I've been with Haense now for around 2-3 maps. I don't oocly hate haense. My current character, Siegmund hates the guard force and goes there to disrupt the guards activities for reasons which I won't get into on this post. I have not been toxic to anyone in haense, situations only come about when you lot begin to bring ooc into rp. 

    Let me put this in no uncertain terms as a FM and ET myself.

    If you felt this strongly against this rp, please file a player report. Your bad encounters does no encompass the entire servers opinions, thought you enthusiastic comments are appreciated. Your encounters alone do not set the standard for his rp as a whole.


    As for my own personal opinion, I have been near his rp and it is of quality. He conceives ideas and implements them with good intentions to following his personas intentions, in order to form a positive storyline for the playerbases he interacts with. This shows promise to his ability to do the same on a larger scale than just himself. I'll give him a +1.

    Again, Nathan, if you had qualms against him, speaking them up during a staff application is not the place to do it. Player Reports exist for a reason.


  2. 1 minute ago, WuHanXianShi14 said:

    Whether or not you trust the LT regulating the lore has no baring on the lore itself, and isn't our concern tbh. I know delmodan won't let us get away with ****, butted heads with her too many times to know that  

    Delmodan is my mom so you can expect that from me as well, as of currently im the ET who tends to get pulled into the majority of Druid-Related ET needs.

  3. 1 minute ago, HolyTortoise said:

    Lore-wise yes, but in the purpose of players receiving special events nobody will ever get vaporized by them 

    Players don't make that call. We of the LT and ET do. To my knowledge only one mani summoning was successful. The other two, got pissed off mani who did absolutely nothing for them and left. Those were all summon the more amiable mani.

  4. The Mani are very much similar in regards to the Aspects as in that,

    3 minutes ago, WuHanXianShi14 said:

     the process of summoning a Mani is risky in the sense that the mani can simply choose not to help you, or worse yet (and quite plausibly) turn on the descendants, out of anger or offence.  

    They do not care about descendants. You're just as likely to get vaporized as they are to actually help you.

    They serve the Aspects. And much like the Aspects they do not interact with druids regularly, and do not expect to, so when such a ritual occurs, what you get will vary highly.

  5. 1 minute ago, HolyTortoise said:

    I am confused, isn't druid magic about requesting roots to move and ****, not forcing the tree to move them. Why does literally every time a druid casts, nature agrees to whatever they want doing, like no.

    We're literally attached to nature via the aspects by our very soul. A t5 druid will rarely be denied unless it's physically impossible, outside of it's nature, or a redline is involved. 

  6. Keefy here. 


    First and foremost a word from the FM. Keep this post civil or I will lock it down. 


    Thank you


    Secondly, ET LT only can represent the Mani. They don't empower randomly. You're not going to see one in combat during a raid. You're not gonna to see one be buddy buddy even with the most devout druid. 


    If you believe this steps on the toes of your spirit worship in regards to Shamanism please, by all means, reread your lore. It doesn't. This isn't something druids can form contracts with. They don't grant permanent abilities. The one Mani related ability that did got shelved into Oblivion. 


    This is not a new toy. This does not make druids stronger. This is not combat magic.  This does not take away from anyone else's magic. This is basically flavor/aesthetic lore. 



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