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Posts posted by Viltaren

  1. 22 minutes ago, Skyrunner said:

    An old librarian and an old minister of law sat at their home far from everything reminiscing about old times, while a blue and gold set of armour rusted outside.

    It had been quite a blessedly long time since the old Minister turned her sights to the goings on of the descendants. She was happy her old friend had sent a copy her way. Happy to be thought of. She was even pleased that the representation of her was not only fair, but spoke to the truth she had always known. Leaders do the best with what they have, and never anything more. She should send that man a letter, thank him for writing this, for caring about the nation she had devoted her life to once. But first, dinner needed making. She hoped the librarian liked the new recipe she had come up with. 

    "Ah only to have done it over. To have supported my child Mika. To have made Alstreim my royal family. Ah to have done it all over again. Oh well." she hummed to herself, setting to chopping the carrots from their garden.

  2. 9QGrsM9ZxhAi26gzC2b0FhpZaG24AyUzSBTE42UjKextXEF_sbbj9kKqaIOPQpbmgmbcp2_9TYftNHV5bpq0OO5xCk9Uy5BV60qPA1eIS7oYsqj1nVrI9mkUW-SLqg-JFAvv2iCj

    Abdication of the Sutican Throne


    As of the public posting of this decree I am abdicating the Sutican throne,

    Ser Corwin of the House of Alstreim is my chosen heir. 

    As of the posting of this letter, he shall be considered the Sutican Trade King or Emperor,

    with all titles, lands, and powers such a position grants.

    It is my desire, stated openly here that Trade Emperor Corwin be granted Primary Region Overseer.


    All those whose loyalty runs deep to me shall do as they can to support Trade Emperor Corwin.

    All those whose loyalty runs deep to me shall do as they can to remove Blair Fester from all positions held within Sutica.


    My final desire, noted here for the public, is that Blair Fester be removed from her position of Triumvir.

    The sutican council shall do whatever is in their power to remove this threat to the nations sovereignty.



    Sutica Eternal
    Trade Emperor Corwin Alstreim Eternal!




    Writ of Sutican Governance


    Writ of Sutican Governance

    • Foreword

    • Title II - Trade Monarch

      • Definition

      • Selection

      • Powers

      • Title

      • Abdication

      • Royal Family

    • Title III - The Council of Sutica

      • Definition

      • Selection

      • Powers

      • Ministries and Departments

      • Mandatory Positions

      • Department of Public Health and Safety

      • Minister of the Interior

      • Minister of Seals and Stationaries

      • Department of the Treasury

      • Regency Council

      • Titles

    • Title IV - Governmental Agencies

      • Definition

      • Creation

      • Library of Sutica

      • Office of Stewardry

      • Medical Corp of Sutica

      • Office of Inspectors

      • Knightly Orders

      • Titles 

    • Title V - Residency

      • Rank of Residency

      • Subjects

      • Citizens

      • Patrons

      • Inalienability, Revocation, and Grandfathering

    • Title VI - Auditing

      • Reasons for Auditing

      • Auditing Process

      • Selection of Auditors

    • Title VII - Definition of the State

      • Official Names

      • The City

      • Greater Sutica

      • Ethics

      • National Symbols

    • Title VIII - Land Use

      • Rules

    • Title IX - Governorates

      • Creation

      • Rules for Operation

    • Title X - Taxes

      • Levying

      • Punishment

    • Title XI - Neutrality

      • Sutican Neutrality

      • Role of Citizens and Officials

    • Title XII - Writ of Governance

      • Editing

      • Supremacy

    • Signatures 



    Much like an actual ship, the Ship of the Sutican State is one which constantly changes courses, it has a purpose of delivering its occupants safely to their goals, it has to keep the harsh weather of the world outside and it’s occupants safe inside, it has a hierarchy of leadership as to put the ship on course and prevent it from being lost to the shouts of the confused masses, and most importantly it is built to provide refuge. However even a ship must undergo renovations and restoration in order to keep floating for years to come and so does the Ship of the Sutican State. The waters of the future shall be terribly unforgiving of carelessness, incapacity, or neglect and we must build a ship capable of pushing through the storms of the future though we do not know what they may hold. We will never abandon this ship and never let it sink, for we must uphold the promise of peace and hope to our kin eternally. 


    Title I - The Triumvirate


    Article 1 - Definition


    The Triumvirate of Sutica is a position to be held by three individuals who oversee all matters of the Sutican Government, spare a select few.


    A Triumvirate shall serve for the full extent of their life unless they abdicate early.


    The Triumvirate Combined refers to the full participation by all Triumvir. In places where this is written, it means that all Triumvir must participate.


    Article 2 - Selection


    The Triumvirate shall be elected by the Sutican Council whenever there is a spot open on the Triumvirate.


    If the council cannot come to a consensus in two elven weeks, The Patrons, Managers (anyone who oversees a smaller governmental subgroup such as guard officers), and council will work together to select an appropriate replacement through a direct democratic vote with the Triumvirate serving as tiebreakers. 



    Article 3 - Powers


    The Triumvirate holds supreme and absolute power in all matters which do not conflict or pertain to the Writ of Governance.


    The Triumvirate holds permission to edit the Writ of Governance with support of 2/3rds of The Council of Sutica, and or the Trade Monarch.


    The Triumvirate combined hold the power to create laws and governmental policies at their discretion.


    The Triumvirate combined holds the power to appoint Council members and other government figures.


    The Triumvirate combined holds an absolute veto over legislative and executive decisions made by the Council without them.


    Any Triumvirate has the power to call together meetings of the Council in emergencies.


    Any Triumvirate has the power to call a vote of the council and should endeavor to consult the council before any significant choices are made.


    Any Triumvirate has the power to Knight significant members of the public.


    The Triumvirate combined shall have the sole power to handle treaties with foreign nations and must hold their signatures to be legally binding. 


    Article 4 - Title


    The Title of A Triumvirate member shall be Triumvir


    When declaring their name upon formal documents or ceremonies, a Triumvirate must include a state-recognized greater title and any leadership positions held in the Government. With so, a Triumvir is to use the stylization of His or Her Grace within formal documents.


    For example, His Grace, Jon Snowell, The Eternal.


     Article 5 - Abdication


    When a Triumvir chooses to step down, they may select along with the other two Triumvirs a successor.


    The council may veto a chosen successor.


    If they veto a choice, the council may opt to offer new candidates or simply bring the Successor Vote to the whole council.


    A new Triumvir must be selected in two elven weeks. If they are not selected, the Trade Monarch may assist them in choosing a replacement. If consensus is not reached, the council will vote on who may take the position from their ranks.


    With a ⅔ majority vote by the council and the full Triumvirate, a person may be selected from outside the Sutican Government.


    Article 6 - Monk Relations


    One member of the Triumvirate will be selected by the council and Triumvirate together through a direct democratic vote to hold the sacred position of Primary Region Overseer (PRO).


    The PRO shall have final say over matters of the land as is written in the laws of the Monks.


    PRO shall only be held by a Triumvir and shall be first handed over to the longest-serving member of the Triumvirate. Longest-serving here refers to Service to the Sutican Government.


    Title II - Trade Monarch


    Article 1 - Definition


    The Trade Monarch is a royal bloodline that oversees the Writ of Governance and its modification.


    In times of great need, the Trade Monarch may retake executive control with simple majority of a Council Vote, for the sake of adjusting or changing how the Sutican Government functions, for the explicit sake of ensuring the survival of the state.


    Article 2 - Powers


    The Trade Monarch is tasked to mend the Writ of Governance when needed and may make legislative changes as required in the interest of maintaining the Sutican State in times of need.


    The Trade Monarch must work alongside the Council when adjusting the Writ of Governance. 


    The Trade Monarch oversees all modifications made by any party to the Writ of Governance.


    The Trade Monarch may retake executive control over Sutica and the role of PRO with a simple majority vote of the Council for the explicit task of reforming or adjusting the government to ensure the survival of the state. This power cannot be revoked by any party, including the Trade Monarch. 


    Executive control taken in this manner cannot ever exceed the time span of one elven month and must be initiated by a public statement of intent and goal. When said goal is achieved, the power reverts to what the Writ of Governance details.


    Article 3 - Selection


    The Trade Monarch shall be elected by the Trade Monarch during their reign designating them for the position and nullifying all bloodline claims to the position.


    If no heir to the throne has been elected in the case of an untimely death the position shall be passed through a Matrilineal Preference Primogeniture Succession in which the position shall be passed through the oldest blood daughter of the Trade Monarch.


    The oldest blood son shall be appointed upon a lack of blood daughters available to fulfill the position.


    Kin of the Eldest Daughter shall be preferred to their younger siblings and their kin.


    In the event there is no heir apparent, the heir shall be elected by the Regency Council of Sutica.


    In the event the Regency Council of Sutica fails to select a Trade Monarch in a timely fashion of one week, a Citizen referendum shall be immediately started to select a new Trade Monarch from members of the government. 


    Article 3 - Title


    The Title of the Trade Monarch shall be stylized with regard to the Trade Monarch’s wishes but standardized successions have been implemented for ease of use.


    In addition to the name the style of “Her/His Highness” shall be used in addressing the Trade Monarch.


    Trade Monarchs of Elven descent shall use the title Trade Princess/Prince


    Trade Monarchs of Human and Dwarven descent shall use the title Trade Queen/King


    Trade Monarchs of Orc descent shall use the title of Trade Chiefess/Chief


     Article 4 - Abdication


    The Trade Monarch shall be removed from power upon abdication or upon the complete permanent death of the Monarch.


    Upon the complete permanent death of the Monarch, the heir shall be crowned with all due haste not allowing a full year to pass without a new Trade Monarch.


    Upon the passing of the position via abdication which is not because of abuse the Trade Monarch shall be granted a non-voting Advisor position in the Council of Sutica and a guaranteed rank of Patron for their immediate family for life and cannot be removed. This shall be applied retroactively to Former Trade Prince Alem’shun


    Article 5 - Royal Family


    Immediate members of the Trade Monarch’s family hold no power over Sutica but they may be granted a non-voting Advisor role in the Council of Sutica.


    The Father and Mother of the Trade Monarch shall be titled in accordance with the Trade Monarch with the titles of Monarch Father/Mother.


    The Spouse shall be titled in accordance with the Trade Monarch with Monarch Consort except in the case of a same-sex Spouse in which the title shall be titled Royal Consort as to avoid confusion.


    The Trade Monarch may title their children with a diminutive form of the title being used removing the term trade.


    All Titles of the Royal Family shall be removed upon the abdication or death of the Trade Monarch as far as they do not pertain to benefits incurred from the Trade Monarch’s position.


    Article 6 - Current Monarch


    Trade Monarch Lilith Helenson-Anarion shall serve in this capacity until she ceases to live or chooses to abdicate. 


    Title III - The Council of Sutica


    Article 1 - Definition


    The Council of Sutica shall be composed of the full collection of Triumvir, Ministers, Director and Advisors to collaborate on the running of the Sutican Government.


    Council Members shall serve for as long as necessary and may be removed upon resignation or termination.


    The Council is to be composed of Advisors and Ministers.


    The Ministers are granted a Governmental Agency and Advisors are granted power over specific policies as dictated upon appointment

    Article 2 - Selection


    Council Members are to be appointed by the Triumvirate upon their discretion


    Ministers are to be appointed with all due haste letting no more than three years pass without an appointment to a vacant office.


    Upon Selection Advisors must be granted a specific policy for which they may pass laws unless they are a Non-Voting Advisor. 


    Article 3 - Powers


    Council Members shall be semi-independent executives of their area and are not allowed to act outside of their jurisdiction unless granted permission by the specific Council Member for that position.


    Council Members are free to create policies and legislation regarding their area of expertise with permission of the Triumvirate. 


    The Council has the power to create legislation with a simple majority vote. 


    The Council has the power with a 2/3rds Majority vote and the approval of the Trade Monarch and/or Triumvirate to edit the Writ of Governance.


    Council Members may veto a choice made by the Triumvirate for the sake of opening said choice to be voted upon by the council. A ⅔ Majority will decide how to proceed.


    Article 4 - Ministries and Departments


    A ministry is a large organization that contains a hierarchy. A minister leads a ministry, and they oversee all duties of the ministry.

    A department is like a ministry, but much smaller in scope and total function. This will allow Director to hire people to assist them in their duties without needing the bloat that a ministry usually creates. The specific definition is that a Department hires directly and on a small scale, and a ministry oversees a hierarchy of people. 


    Article 5 - Mandatory Positions


    The Council of Sutica requires the Minister of Interior, Director of Seals and Stationaries, and the Director of the Treasury.


    Other Ministers and Positions may be made and added to the Writ of Governance if they are seen to be essential.


    Article 6 - Department of Public Health and Safety


    The Director of Public Safety oversees the protection of Sutican Citizens from threats prioritizing the information and organizing and informing the public about such threats as seen fit.


    The Director of Public Safety also oversees issues of Public Health and is therefore responsible for the Medical Corp of Sutica.


    The Director of Public Safety is granted the power to enact policy decisions as it regards to the health and safety of Sutican Citizens and may advise the Triumvirate on legislation which may be beneficial.


    Article 7 - Minister of Interior


    The Minister of Interior oversees the administration and development of the Capital City and the Greater Sutican Region.


    The Minister of Interior is responsible for processing of housing, bannishments, construction, taxes, citizenship, and handling of the collection in the library.


    The Minister of Interior oversees the Office of Stewartry of Sutica and the Sutican Library.


    The Minister of Interior is granted the power to enact policy decisions as it regards to the responsibilities of the MInistry of Interior and may advise the Triumvirate on Legislation which may be beneficial to the Interior.


    Article 8 - Department of Seals and Stationaries


    The Minister of Seals and Stationaries oversees the processing of documents and legal items of Sutica including the organizing of titles and the ensurement of proper paper quality standards. 


    The Minister of Seals and Stationaries oversees the Office of Inspectors in order to further the task of organization of titles and paper qualities throughout Sutica.


    The Minister of Seals and Stationaries is granted the power to enact policy decisions as it regards to processing of documents and legal items of Sutica and may advise the Triumvirate on relevant legislation.


    Article 9 - Department of Finances


    The Director of Finances oversees the inventory and treasury of Sutica ensuring the city has enough supplies and resources and may procure them if it is required.


    The Director of Finances is granted the power to enact policy decisions as it regards to the lending of city resources and may advise the Triumvirate on legislation regarding the taxing of residents.


    Article 10 - Regency Council


    If no heir has been selected and there is no relevant heir available the Council of Sutica shall be fashioned into the Regency Council of Sutica which shall oversee the hastey selection of a new Trade Monarch and Triumvirate positions.


    The Regency Council may also be enacted if there is an extended interim between the death of a Trade Monarch and the Coronation of the next.


    The Regency Council of Sutica maintains all normal powers of the Council of Sutica with the only exception being the ability to rewrite the Writ of Governance.


    During the Regency Council the Minister of Interior shall have all powers of the Trade Monarch and Triumvirat outside of Foreign Relations and in allowing edits to the Writ of Governance, but they may still act as the Head of State.


    In absence of a Minister of Interior the power shall be granted to the Minister of Public Health and Safety, Minister of Seals and Stationeries and the Advisor of Finances in that order, and if none of these positions are held an immediate Citizen Referendum shall be held for selection of a new Trade Monarch.


    The Regency Council of Sutica is granted the power to pass treaties with other nations in emergencies with a 2/3rds vote of the Council.


    In the event the Regency Council is unable to select a new Trade Monarch  a citizen referendum shall be held during which the Regency Council shall remain in power during the duration.


    In accordance with the Triumvirate, the Regency Council will act with the same positions of the Trade Monarch given the circumstances.


    Article 11 - Titles 


    The official name of the Council shall be, “The Council of The Free State of Sutica”


    “The Sutican Council” and “The Council of Sutica” may be used as abridged versions


    Ministers and Advisors shall be stylized as “His/Her Excellency” followed by their title.


    In internal documents the names of Ministries and Positions may be abbreviated and in external documents the names may be abbreviated with a TFSS to signify it as the Sutican Ministry.


    Title IV - Governmental Agencies


    Article 1 - Definition


    A Governmental Agency is a body put in place by the Triumvirate or by The Council of Sutica through legislation and may be appointed under a Minister or may left independent, answering only to the Triumvirate. 


    Each Agency shall be granted special privileges and service to the governmental workers of each Agency and have clear responsibilities which must be upheld for continued service which may be further outlined in internal rulesets for the Agency.


    Article 2 - Creation


    Governmental Agencies may be made by the Triumvirate or through legislation of The Council of Sutica.


    Each Agency requires a specific purpose and list of rules and duties for operation in Sutica.


    The Council of Sutica may make no agency regarding foreign matters without the permission of the Triumvirate.


    Additions to these rules may be made in the future through further legislation. 


    Article 3 - Library of Sutica


    The Library of Sutica shall exist for the Conservation and Proliferation of Sutican Knowledge and the upkeep of relics of historical significance.


    The Library of Sutica shall exist under the Minister of Interior and run by the Head Librarian who will manage the contents and run the Library.


    Librarians shall maintain access to the Library of Sutica and shall be responsible for the copying, collecting, writing, and all other duties needed to achieve the goal of the Library.


    Article 4 - Office of Stewardry


    The Office of Stewardry will exist to manage the housing, residency, and stalls within Sutica


    Stewards shall be granted the power to move people into the city, grant and revoke citizenship status, and monitor houses to ensure no damage has been done to the property.


    Stewards maintain several rights in their operation:


    1. The Right not to grant a house in the city.


    1. The right to evict you from your home with 3 days notice for any reason.


    1. The right to request access to a home to inspect the property for any reason.


    1. The right to request citizens return to their homes for their own safety.


    Stewards have the power to fine individuals as it relates to breaches of legislation regarding housing in the City. 


    Article 5 - Medical Corp of Sutica


    The Medical Corp of Sutica is a body responsible for upholding quality medical practice in Sutica and providing medical care when necessary.


    The Medical Corp of Sutica shall remain under the Ministry of Public Health and Safety.


    Medical Personnel in the Medical Corp maintain several rights in operation in Sutica:


    1. The Right to Remove any individual, barring a superior in the Medical Corp or the Triumvirate, from a medical facility.


    1. The Right to provide immediate aid to any individual barring no gross negligence if there is no time to bring them to a medical facility.


    1. The Right to request access to a third-party medical facility for inspection.


    1. The Right to administer drugs publicly and privately barring gross negligence.


    1. The Right to request access to any property if immediate medical aid is needed.


    Article 6 - Office of Inspectors


    The Office of Inspector shall exist for the to oversee the distribution of legal documents and to uphold the standards put in place.


    The Office of Inspectors shall remain under the Minister of Seals and Stationaries.


    Inspectors maintain the right to enter into any area barring Government Buildings in Sutica.


    The Inspectors have the power to process Censuses of the population, advise Ministers on proper etiquette, and to fill out guides on Sutica.


    Article 7 - Knightly Orders


    The Knightly Orders shall exist for the overseeing of defense and law keeping within Sutica.


    Knights shall be granted the power of upholding and enforcing the laws of Sutica within the borders of Sutica

    Knights shall be selected for knighthood by the Triumvirate and be appointed through a knighting ceremony.

    Grand Knights shall be appointed by the Triumvirate and will be responsible for the internal organization of the Knightly Order.

    Actions outside of the mission or borders of Sutica must be approved by the Triumvirate.

    The Knightly Orders may allow the keeping of further retinues, but they are responsible for the actions of said retinues.

    The Triumvirant may remove any member of the Knightly Orders that they deem unfit for service.
    The Grand Knights may petition the Triumvirate for either additions or removal of any members.

    The Triumvirate shall be able to appoint Knights-Errant for members of other State’s militaries who wish to have permission to enforce Sutican Law in Sutica.


    Knights and their Retinues shall maintain several rights in operation in Sutica:


    1. The Right to use any Arms/Armour within the State..


    1. Right to search any Citizen with consent.


    1. Right to use lethal force in defense of themselves, the state, and upholding the laws of Sutica.


    1. Right to deny entry into the city to anyone.


    1. Right to remove mal-contents from Sutica.


    1. Right to levy fines for crimes committed in the State in accordance with the punishment level of the crime.


    1. Right to arrest any criminal.


    1. Right to search any home suspected of affiliation with a criminal with a stewards permission.


    The Order of the Lubba shall bear the colors of White, Blue, and Gold.

    Members of this order are to be taken from distinguished families, members of the government, doctors, scholars, and all manners of people which the Triumvirate deems fit.

    The Order of Lubba exemplifies the virtues of Courage, Loyalty, and Honor.


    The Order of the Catacombs shall bear the colors of Black, Red, and Gold.

    Members of this order are to be taken from members distinguished for their skills, artisans, merchants, soldiers of fortune, and all manners of people which the Triumvirate deems fit.

    The Order of Catacombs exemplifies the virtues of Hard Work, Surprise, and Endurance.  


    Knights are expected to uphold the law more than normal Subjects and Citizens and shall be charged one crime higher for any crime committed.


    Article 8 - Titles


    Officially these bodies shall be referred to as “Governmental Agencies” and the members collectively “Government Agencies” names such as “Government Employee” and “Bureaucrats” should be avoided but are acceptable.


    Members of Government Agencies may stylize themselves as “The Honorable” followed by their position


    Members of Knightly Orders may stylize themselves as “Sir” or “Dame” 

    In official internal documents names of Governmental agencies may be abbreviated to LS (Library of Sutica) OS (Office of Stewardry) OI (Office of Inspectors) MCS (Medical Corp of Sutica)  KOL (Knightly Order of the Lubba) and KOC (Knightly Order of the Catacombs).


    Title V - Residency

    Article 1 - Rank of Residency


    Any individual who lives in the territory of Sutica will be a Resident of the Nation. 


    Different ranks of residency shall be assigned according to different qualifications which should be met and each having different rights and responsibilities assigned.


    Processing of the Ranks of Residency shall be overseen by the Office of Stewardry and the Minister of Interior.


    Article 2 - Subjects


    Any individual who lives within the Federation with no other qualifying features shall be granted the rank of Subject and shall have a basic set of rights and privileges from the State.


    Subjects reserve the following rights for life in Sutica:


    1. Subjects reserve the right to proper and clean healthcare.


    1. Subjects reserve the right to live a lawful life without inhibition of Sutican Law Enforcement.


    1. Subjects reserve the right to keep and use all drugs in designated areas and within their own home.


    1. Subjects reserve the right to be united in matrimony by a member of the government.


    Article 3 - Citizens


    Citizenship shall be granted to Subjects who have lived in Sutica for four uninterrupted years, have been lawful for at least two years uninterrupted for application, have maintained a dignity proper of a citizen, and are not wanted in any foreign bodies for crimes which apply to Sutica and the foreign body.


    Service to a Governmental Agency guarantees Citizenship.


    In addition to the rights of subjects the Citizens are also granted the following additional rights:


    1. Citizens reserve the right to an audit for crimes of Class B or Higher.


    1. Citizens reserve the right to lawful privacy.


    1. Citizens reserve the right to legal free trade & enterprise.


    1. Citizens reserve the right to voice their complaints to the Triumvirate and The Council of Sutica.


    1. Citizens reserve the right to keep Indentured Servants as long as proper paperwork is provided to the Ministry of Seals and Stationaries. Paperwork required in the form of a contract listing out the details of the servitude signed by both parties and signed by either the Minister of Seals and Stationeries or the Triumvirate (Any changes made in regards to the indentured servants servitude or who they are indentured must be approved by the Triumvirate.)


    1. Citizens who are 18 and over reserve the right to vote in Citizen Referendums


    1. Citizens reserve the right to request Sutican aid in foreign legal matters.


    1. Citizens reserve the right to carry reasonable arms and armour within the State.


    Citizens may not be extradited from the territories of Sutica except with permission from a Knight or higher.


    Citizens shall be required to sit on the Audit council if called into service unless dismissed by the Auditor.


    Article 4 - Patrons


    Patrons of Sutica are the highest form of residency in Sutica having given a portion of their wealth weekly for the betterment of Sutica and with it various rights and duties have been granted in return for their generous donation.


    A donation of 500 minas a week shall be required for entry into the rank of Patron in the city along with further requirements of never having committed a crime in the past year, never having committed a Class B crime in five years, and never having committed a Class A crime, as well as all debts for previous crimes being paid, dignity must be upheld, and there must be no reason to believe that you might cause harm to Sutica and must not have been removed from Patron previously.


    Patrons of the State reserve a number of rights in addition to the rights of Subjects and Citizens which and they follow:


    1. Patrons reserve the right to request an Audit of any crime they have been charged with


    1. Patrons reserve the right an additional 5 days to the normal eviction time.


    1. Patrons reserve the right to vote in Patron Referendums when called upon.


    1. Patrons reserve the right to request meetings with the Triumvirate or a representative.


    1. Patrons reserve the right to carry all manners of arms and armour with them.


    1. Patrons reserve the right to access the State animal farm. 


    Patrons shall be granted access to the Gatehouse inorder to operate the gate; this access may be revoked by a Grand Knight at their discretion.


    The Rank of Residency of Patron is a privilege and not a right and may be revoked at any time if the privilege is abused. 


    Article 5 - Inalienability, Revocation, and Grandfathering


    All rights, unless otherwise stated, are inalienable and cannot be removed as long as one stays at the Rank of Residency,


    The Sutican Government reserves the right to revoke and refuse Resident status to any individual for gross abuse, repeated mal-content behaviour, or for threatening the continued peace and neutrality of Sutica.


    Rank of Residency shall be revoked upon loss of residence, however one may request an accelerated process to return to previous rank from the Minister of Interior.


    All Citizens of Sutica at the time of the signing of this document shall be granted the rank of Citizen immediately.


    Title VI - Auditing

    Article 1 - Reasons for Auditing


    An Audit may be called upon by Citizens or Patrons upon relevant crimes of which they have been charged for and they wish to clear their name, in disputes between Citizens and/or Patrons, or in various situations in which damages from the Government of Sutica may have occurred.


    Article 2 - Auditing Process


    An Audit may be started by a Citizen or Patron contacting by Contacting a Minister or The Triumvirate about one’s request for an Audit.


    In regards to damages from the government the defendant may request a jury of five citizens led by an Auditor who is independent of the office being charged, or they may request three Auditors to oversee the case. 


    In regards to disputes the defendant is the one allowed to choose the method for Auditing


    Either the Jury or Council of Auditors shall oversee the presentation of arguments and evidence, and they shall make a decision at the end of the case.


    Citizens and Patrons are allowed to request an appeal to the Triumvirate if they believe the previous Audit to have been insufficient.


    In the event that the Triumvirate is the one being Audited The Council of Sutica as a whole will oversee the Audit and come to a conclusion.


    Article 3 - Selection of Auditors


    Auditors are formed from Knights, Ministers, and Advisors independent of the Audit, and they may not be in the same Ministry or Knightly Order as the one who charged the crime, or committed possible damages.


    Auditors shall try and be independent of family ties, but the Sutican government understands this is not always possible.


    Title VII - Definition of the State


    Article 1 - Official Names


    In Official documents regarding current Sutica shall use the name “The Free State of Sutica” this may be shortened to “State of Sutica” with the term “State” being used if there is no need to differentiate about what state is being referred to.


    The name if needed shall be abbreviated TFSS


    Sutica shall also recognize previous names and all derivatives of for the purpose of showing continual government and recognizing previous legislation and treaties these names include “The Trade Federation of Sutica,” “The State of Sutica,” “The Merchant City of Sutica,” and “Isles of Sutica.”


    Article 2 - The City


    The term “City of Sutica” shall refer to all territories surrounded by the walls of Sutica


    The City of Sutica exists as the capital of Sutica and is directly managed by the Minister of Interior and the Triumvirate.


    Article 3 - Greater Sutica


    The term “Greater Sutica” shall be referred to all territories in which the laws of Sutica apply


    Greater Sutica includes all Governorates, Protectorates, and Vassals of the Free State of Sutica as well as territory held directly by the Government of Sutica.


    Article 4 - Ethics


    Sutica strives to be neutral and accepting of all people regardless of race, origin, religion, and should remain a bastion of peace and acceptance in which all may find shelter so far as they do not wish to bring harm to the refuge as a whole


    Article 5 - National Symbols


    The national animal is the Lubba.


    The national colors consist of Blue, Gold, White, and Black.


    The Coat of Arms of Sutica shall consist of a Square Shaped shield supported by two Lubbas on either side with light blue scales and gold fins running down the spine, a singular wave compartment which begins high at the shield goes down and rises back at the Lubbas, An anchor shall serve as a divider running straight down and outlining the edge of the shield, a 2x2 checkered pattern with blue and white shall be used on the shield using a gold Horenic Cross on a blue background in the upper left and lower right part of the shield and in the upper right and lower left a gold scale and white background shall be used, and a gold nautical crown shall be placed on top of the shield and anchor.


    The Flag of Sutica shall consist of a 8:10 proportional flag consisting of two crosses and an outside color. The cross shall divide the flag into equal portions. The interior cross shall be 2 length in thickness on both lines going through the middle of the flag and shall be white in color. The exterior cross shall be parallel with the interior cross without crossing over and shall be 1 length thick on either side of the interior cross. The exterior of the crosses shall be colored Blue. The Coat of Arms may optionally be placed in the center at a 4:4 ratio.


    The motto shall be Sutica Eternal.


    Title VIII - Land Use


    Article 1 - Rules


    All construction must be approved directly by the Triumvirate and if applicable, a developer who has been granted permission over an area.


    Construction must be done with all deliberate speed, or else one may lose the right to construct on the land.


    The Triumvirate reserves the right to levy a cost for construction rights.


    Sutican Land may not be used to harbour terrorist groups which intend to bring harm to other nations.


    Sutican Land may not be used in any way which would breach Sutican Neutrality.


    Sutican Land may not be used in any way which would breach the Sutican Codex.


    Non-Permanent Features such as Boats and Carts must comply to similar rules


    All users of land will comply with searches requested by Government Officials.


    All constructions which sit on Federation land will be considered a part of the State directly and holds no special privileges or recognition as an entity, but this is exempt if the construction is classified as a Governorate.


    Failure to comply with these rules shall begin the eviction process.


    Title XI - Governorates

    Article 1 - Creation


    Creation of a Governorate must be approved by the Triumvirate.


    Governorates must have a compelling reason for autonomy, significant permanent population, an established presence, and several other reasons which are held at the discretion of the Triumvirate.


    Article 2 - Rules for Operations


    The Governorate shall have the right to select a Governor over their lands who may sit on The Council of Sutica as a full fledged Advisor, and it is the responsibility of the leader to notify the Triumvirate in any changes to leadership.


    Governorates will hold the right to create internal governments, local security forces (Rules applied as defined in the Sutican Codex), and internal laws as they do not conflict with Greater Sutica. 


    Governorates will refrain from foreign affairs with all agreements requiring permission through the Federation of Sutica.


    Governorates will enforce the law of Greater Sutica within their lands.


    Vassals are expected to levy taxes or manpower in times of dire need, at the discretion of the Triumvirate.


    Failure to comply with these rules can lead to revocation of Governorate status and even eviction depending on the severity.


    Title X - Taxes


    Article 1 - Levying


    Taxes may be levied by The Triumvirate of The Council of Sutica when deemed appropriate.


    General Resident Taxes of that type which require repeated payment of taxes over a period of time shall be levied in specific emergency circumstances or for specific projects which require immediate funds and shall not last for more than four years and may only be renewed with a Citizen Referendum for another four years.


    Materials may be used in place of minas with permission of the Triumvirate or relevant officials.


    Article 2 - Punishment 


    Taxes must be paid as specified or else seizure of goods and property may occur.


    Tax Fraud shall be punished according to relevant legislation.


    Title XI - Neutrality


    Article 1 - Sutican Neutrality


    The Free State of Sutica, its government, and all Governorates shall uphold an active neutrality in foreign affairs in which the State does not choose a side in current wars nor shall choose a side in future wars except in the direct defense of the State. 


    The Government shall be barred from entering the State into any Military alliances either offensive or defensive in nature unless such agreements are entirely for the defense of Sutica.


    The Knights may be deployed on diplomatic and peacekeeping  missions with the permission of the Triumvirate or levied against large super-natural threats which the Triumvirate decides is a threat to all descendants.


    The State shall bar itself from trade with belligerents who are at War with each other.


    The State shall not allow the quartering or movement of belligerent troops within its borders during times of War.


    An exception to the quartering and movement exists in the case of wounded who may be freely brought into the State for medical aid indiscriminate of side.


    Article 2 - Role of Citizens and Officials


    Citizens and Patrons that bring aid to any country in their hostilities shall render one’s self liable to legal restrictions which shall include up to but not necessarily the stripping of one’s Citizenship and Patron status and disavowment from this community. 


    Furthermore, the Free State of Sutica shall offer no protection to any citizen aiding in hostilities if they are to be captured. 


    Any official of Sutica found aiding in the war shall be immediately stripped of their position along with all previously stated punishments.


    Violation of keeping Sutica a safe refuge through destruction of its ethics in the means of physical and emotional harm shall see them undeserving of residence in Sutica.


    Title XII - Writ of Governance


    Article 1 - Editing


    The Writ of Governance and its entire contents may only be edited with the permission of both the Triumvirate and 2/3rds of The Council of Sutica on which the changes must be confirmed with the Signature of the Trade Monarch and Triumvirate and 2/3rds vote of the Council.


    Article 2 - Supremacy


    Within the Free State of Sutica the Writ of Governance shall be the supreme law of the land and shall surpass all treaties, legislation, declaration, and proclamations of any Minister or the Triumvirate themselves, and all Government Officials shall commit themselves to the upholding of the Writ for as long as it remains.


    Thus forward, with the review of this document by The Advisory Council of Sutica which was placed forward by Her Highness Trade Princess Lilith Helenson-Anarion and advised by Her Highness Royal Consort Utaria Helenson-Anarion it is to be signed thus guiding the future government of the People of Sutica in hopes that it shall last for eternity as it is said in the motto of the government Sutica Eternal it is henceforth with the following signatures as witnesses and attestments to establishment of this Writ.



    Her Highness, Trade Princess Lilith Helenson-Anarion of the Free State of Sutica, Sovereign Lady of the Whispering Isles



    HER GRACE, Triumvir and Minister of Coin Mrs. Blair Cohnal Fester, Head of Fester Family, The Vibrant of the Free State of Sutica


    ℭ????? ???????? ??? ????????

    HIS GRACE, Ser Corwin of the House of Alstreim, Lord Protector of the Sutican State and the Triumvirate, Lord of Alstreim and Blackwater, Renatian Knight of Alstreim and Waldenia, Blood-Raven of Lorraine, Keeper of the Blood Chalice and the Opal Crown, The Honorable of the Free State of Sutica, Pilgrim to Aesterwald


    HIS GRACE, Mr. Jon Snowell, Minister of the Interior of the Sutican State and the Triumvirate, The Eternal of the Free State of Sutica



    Her Highness, Royal Consort Utaria Grandaxe Helenson-Anarion Head Librarian, and the Unwavering of the Free State of Sutica



    His Excellency, Minister of Seals and Stationary James Kellian Nevermore, The Loyal



    Her Excellency, Director of Public Health and Safety



    His Excellency, Minister of Peace, Mika Goldhand Uialben, Leader of the Uialbens,
    The Resourceful 


    Conservation Director

    His Excellency, Director of the Department of Conservation, saver of sea turtles



    Her Excellency, Director of Events and Projects Miss Emeline Le Doulcet



    Her Excellency, General of the Sutican Navy, Dock Administrator




    An Open Letter Concerning 

    The Shade Mother, Mayan Avern

    I come to the public with a painful personal betrayal.


    While Sutica remained in Athera, there was an incident in which a teen sprouted shade tendrils and moved to attack citizens of Sutica.


    I received notice from Mayan Avern that she was seeking to have said citizens and guards punished or removed for attacking her child.

    Upon continued conversation, Mayan revealed in a letter to me that the Teen who attacked Suticans was a shade, something Mayan knew as the teen’s mother.


    Below is the letter.

    [!] The letter is attached to the bigger letter paper of the announcement.
    Understand when you read this letter that her account of the events is in direct disagreement with some four to five others who felt the horrid pain of the teen shade’s inability to control her power.


    Mayan’s betrayal hurts me, but there have been many such as her whose word and actions differ greatly.


    Whatever nation is sheltering this shade mother, this corrupted woman who has no morals and whose word is so lacking in value, I only wish that you know of the heinous truth. 

    Mayan Avern is a women who shames the Avern name, who once flocked to me simply because I was a different leader than Myssy, and then left waiting for the next leader to take my place.

    She holds no loyalty. She has no ties. She commands a group of healers while knowingly hiding a beast that harms innocents.


    My soul is hurting, but I will not falter from my duty.

    If Mayan Avern enters Sutica, I will detain her and hold her liable for all laws broken. As she herself admitted to it, she will be sentenced to death for her Class A crime of harboring or helping a dark mage or being.


    Her child, if seen in Sutica, will be detained and purged by a paladin.


    Under my authority, Mayan Avern’s titles are revoked.

    All claims in Sutica are also Void pending the approval of the Triumvirate.



    Trade Princess Lilith Helenson-Anarion the Free State of Sutica,
    Sovereign Lady of the Whispering Isles, Protector of the Free






    The Sutican Triumvirate Is Established!

    As I write this, I look back upon the first time I stepped down from the leadership of this nation to which my life is tied forever. I had believed others could take up my mantle well, and run the nation as adequately as I was able to. I was wrong.

    This is my solution to that. This is the Solution I said I would create when I retook the throne. Three people of startlingly good skill and character shall take my place, and do as the first of those who came after me should have.

    They are entrusted with my only hope, my only desire.
    That Sutica is brought to a new hight upon the groundwork laid by myself and my wife, Utaria, and all others that have put their life into it. 

    All approaches flaw with time, and as such, it is of the utmost importance that a new generation is taken in to breathe fresh life into Sutica.


    These three will have a chance to represent themselves in the coming days through an announcement of their own. For now, I shall list their names.

    Minister of the Interior, Jon Snowell, The Eternal.


    Minister of Coin, Blair Cohnol Fester, The Vibrant.

    Lord of the State, Corwin Freiherr von Alstreim, The Honorable.


    Sir Jon Snowell will hold the position of Primary Region Overseer (PRO).



    Trade Princess Lilith Helenson-Anarion the Free State of Sutica,
    Sovereign Lady of the Whispering Isles, Protector of the Free


    [!] A portrait of Lily lies below her Signature. 




    The Sutican Triumvirate

    What is The Sutican Triumvirate?

    It is a group of three people, currently two ministers and one well-qualified honorable person, who lead sutica together. The guidelines below state how they will operate and what their powers are until I, The Trade Monarch, edit The Sutica Writ of Governance to include this and other adjustments to the law of the nation.


    The following is a summarization of edits and needed clarifications not yet in the Writ of Government, and are not a complete representation of the Writ Of Government. Until such time as the Writ is mended, the Triumvirate and Government may look to this document for details into the function of the Triumvirate and Trade Monarch 


    Writ of The Sutican Triumvirate


    • Title I - Triumvirate

      • Definition

      • Selection

      • Powers

      • Title

      • Abdication

      • Monk Relations

    • Title II - The Council of Sutica

      • Definition

      • Interactions

    • Title III - Trade Monarch

      • Definition

      • Selection

      • Powers

    Title I - The Triumvirate


    Article 1 - Definition


    The Triumvirate of Sutica is a position to be held by three individuals who oversee all matters of the Sutican Government, spare a select few.


    A Triumvirate shall serve for the full extent of their life unless they abdicate early.


    Article 2 - Selection


    The Triumvirate shall be elected by the Sutican Council whenever there is a spot open on the Triumvirate.

    If the council cannot come to a consensus in two elven weeks, The Patrons, Managers (anyone who oversees a smaller governmental subgroup such as guard officers), and council will work together to select an appropriate replacement through a direct democratic vote with the Triumvirate serving as tiebreakers. 


    Article 3 - Powers


    The Triumvirate holds supreme and absolute power in all matters which do not conflict or pertain to the Writ of Governance.

    The Triumvirate holds permission to edit the Writ of Governance with support of 2/3rds of The Council of Sutica, and or the Trade Monarch.


    The Triumvirate combined hold the power to create laws and governmental policies at their discretion.


    The Triumvirate combined holds the power to appoint Council members and other government figures.


    The Triumvirate combined holds an absolute veto over legislative and executive decisions made by the Council without them.


    Any Triumvirate has the power to call together meetings of the Council in emergencies.


    Any Triumvirate has the power to call a vote of the council and should endeavor to consult the council before any significant choices are made.


    Any Triumvirate has the power to Knight significant members of the public.


    The Triumvirate combined shall have the sole power to handle treaties with foreign nations and must hold their signatures to be legally binding. 


    Article 4 - Title


    The Title of A Triumvirate shall be Triumvirate.


    When declaring their name upon formal documents or ceremonies, a Triumvirate must include a state-recognized greater title and any leadership positions held in the Government.

    For example, Minister of the Interior, Jon Snowell, The Eternal.


     Article 5 - Abdication


    When a Triumvirate chooses to step down, they may select along with the other two Triumvirate a successor.


    The council may veto a chosen successor.

    If they veto a choice, the council may opt to offer new candidates or simply bring the Successor Vote to the whole council.


    A new Triumvirate must be selected in two elven weeks. If they are not selected, the Trade Monarch may assist them in choosing a replacement. If consensus is not reached, the council will vote on who may take the position from their ranks.

    With a ⅔ majority vote by the council and all existing Triumvirate, a person may be selected from outside the Sutican Government.


    Article 6 - Monk Relations


    One member of the Triumvirate will be selected by the council and Triumvirate together through a direct democratic vote to hold the sacred position of Primary Region Overseer (PRO).


    The PRO shall have final say over matters of the land as is written in the laws of the Monks.


    PRO shall only be held by a Triumvirate and shall be first handed over to the longest-serving member of the Triumvirate. Longest-serving here refers to Service to the Sutican Government.


    Title II - The Council of Sutica


    Article 1 - Definition


    The Council of Sutica shall be comprised of the full collection of Triumvirate, Ministers, Advisors, and Directors to collaborate on the running of the Sutican Government.

    Article 2 - Interactions


    Council Members are to be appointed by the Triumvirate upon their discretion.


    Council Members may veto a choice made by the Triumvirate for the sake of opening said choice to be voted upon by the council. A ⅔ Majority will decide how to proceed.


    Title III - Trade Monarch


    Article 1 - Definition


    The Trade Monarch is a royal bloodline that oversees the Writ of Governance and its modification.


    In times of great need, the Trade Monarch may retake executive control of their own volition, for the sake of adjusting or changing how the Sutican Government functions, for the explicit sake of ensuring the survival of the state.


    Article 2 - Powers


    The Trade Monarch is tasked to mend the Writ of Governance when needed and may make legislative changes as required in the interest of maintaining the Sutican State in times of need.


    The Trade Monarch must work alongside the Council when adjusting the Writ of Governance. 


    The Trade Monarch oversees all modifications made by any party to the Writ of Governance.


    The Trade Monarch may retake executive control over Sutica and the role of PRO at their volition for the explicit task of reforming or adjusting the government to ensure the survival of the state. This power cannot be revoked by any party, including the Trade Monarch. 


    Executive control taken in this manner cannot ever exceed the time span of one elven month and must be initiated by a public statement of intent and goal. When said goal is achieved, the power reverts to what the Writ of Governance details.


    Article 3 - Selection


    The Trade Monarch shall be elected by the Trade Monarch during their reign designating them for the position and nullifying all bloodline claims to the position.


    If no heir to the throne has been elected in the case of an untimely death the position shall be passed through a Matrilineal Preference Primogeniture Succession in which the position shall be passed through the oldest blood daughter of the Trade Monarch.


    The oldest blood son shall be appointed upon a lack of blood daughters available to fulfill the position.


    Kin of the Eldest Daughter shall be preferred to their younger siblings and their kin.


    In the event there is no heir apparent, the heir shall be elected by the Regency Council of Sutica.


    In the event the Regency Council of Sutica fails to select a Trade Monarch in a timely fashion of one week, a Citizen referendum shall be immediately started to select a new Trade Monarch from members of the government. 


    Article 3 - Title


    The Title of the Trade Monarch shall be stylized with regard to the Trade Monarch’s wishes but standardized successions have been implemented for ease of use.


    In addition to the name the style of “Her/His Highness” shall be used in addressing the Trade Monarch.


    Trade Monarchs of Elven descent shall use the title Trade Princess/Prince


    Trade Monarchs of Human and Dwarven descent shall use the title Trade Queen/King


    Trade Monarchs of Orc descent shall use the title of Trade Chiefess/Chief


     Article 4 - Abdication


    The Trade Monarch shall be removed from power upon abdication or upon the complete permanent death of the Monarch.


    Upon the complete permanent death of the Monarch, the heir shall be coronated with all due haste not allowing a full year to pass without a new Trade Monarch.


    Upon the passing of the position via abdication which is not because of abuse the Trade Monarch shall be granted a non-voting Advisor position in the Council of Sutica and a guaranteed rank of Patron for their immediate family for life and cannot be removed except in the case of gross abuse. This shall be applied retroactively to Former Trade Prince Alem’shun


    Article 5 - Royal Family


    Immediate members of the Trade Monarch’s family hold no power over Sutica but they may be granted a non-voting Advisor role in the Council of Sutica.


    The Father and Mother of the Trade Monarch shall be titled in accordance with the Trade Monarch with the titles of Monarch Father/Mother.


    The Spouse shall be titled in accordance with the Trade Monarch with Monarch Consort except in the case of a same-sex Spouse in which the title shall be titled Royal Consort as to avoid confusion.


    The Trade Monarch may title their children with a diminutive form of the title being used removing the term trade.


    All Titles of the Royal Family shall be removed upon the abdication or death of the Trade Monarch as far as they do not pertain to benefits incurred from the Trade Monarch’s position.


    Article 6 - Current Monarch


    Trade Monarch Lilith Helenson-Anarion shall serve in this capacity until she ceases to live or chooses to abdicate. 


    May The Creator and All Gods and Spirits watch over Sutica.


    Sutica Eternal




    [!] A poster is hung from the memo board in Vanguards Rest, formerly known as Salvus. Extra copies lie below.




    The Sutican’s have made a discovery!


    In our new city of Vanguard’s Rest, we found an ancient forge!

    Its embers only flare to life for those who are not connected to the void, but when they do, an Elemental Forge Spirit will bestow upon you a list of ingredients.


    Obtain these ingredients and offer them to the fire.

    When you do so, the forge master will create for you a magical artifact.

    He will make one per person, and the ingredients could be very challenging to obtain, but well worth it.


    All are welcome to our city in general, but more than welcome to approach the forge master!


    Illustrations of the location can be found below.




    Trade Empress Lilith Helenson-Anarion the Free Empire of Sutica,
    Sovereign Lady of the Whispering Isles, Protector of the Free, 

    Reclaimer of The Dead City Salvus





    Coords: x 1175, Y 54, Z 1265


    Directions: Go to the atherawarp sign in your camp that takes you to CT.

    Then take the sign to beachsutica.

    Once in sutica, follow the line of birch planks until you go up the mountain. 

    Head into the city after that, following the sign to the Capital building.

    It will be on your left. 


    Alright so this event is free to be approached by anyone, but only turns on if you don’t know a voidal magic.


    The go-to ET is Meteor Dragon#8579


    All ingredients are obtainable in athera.

    You do self-run events to obtain them.

    The best experience is with two or more players for the self-run events.


    Each item is selected not by Meteor, but an example of the one we got is: 



    They are not limited to this theme or type, the above is just an example.

  7. [!] A poster is hung from the memo tree in Sutica. Copies would sit in a small stack at the base of the tree.





    Taxation Is On Hold!


    Sutica will not be taxing its people for the duration of the trip to Athera.

    This is both for logistic ease and also a reward and

    celebration of how much we have earned so far!





    Trade Princess Lilith Helenson-Anarion the Free State of Sutica,
    Sovereign Lady of the Whispering Isles, Protector of the Free




    [!] A poster is hung from the memo tree in Sutica. Copies would sit in a small stack at the base of the tree.







    The Sutican boat sets sail for Athera today, Captained by Sutica’s Navy General Honour Rakan!

    All peoples are welcome on the Sutican boat!

    All nations are welcome on the Sutican boat!

    We will share our supplies with any who need it!

    We will join any in battle who would like our support!
    We are going to Athera to preform our penultimate duty! Supporting the people of Arcas in any endeavor they perform for the betterment of our realm!


    I encourage any faction to reach out 

    to us if they have any need!


    Anyone who wishes to join us must come in the next elven day! Simply go to the boat in the harbor with the magnificent redstone barding!



    Trade Princess Lilith Helenson-Anarion the Free State of Sutica,
    Sovereign Lady of the Whispering Isles, Protector of the Free



    ((the password to the sutican warp sign is lubba))
    Coords: baXI6Pf.png

    You must join the athera discord to participate.

    contact @Mystery#1104  or any other ET for an invite

  9. 45 minutes ago, TheAlphaMoist said:

    Unequivocally false. Flam is the last train station for the vast majority of things, and almost nothing can take off without him.

    Just saying what i was told was outright the truuth backed up by a series of events that support the information.

    17 minutes ago, Sykogenic said:


    This is both true, and not true regarding Unsound magic. Yes, I did not vote to push it through. Why? Because Kill already voted against pushing it forward at that moment and said that we needed to obtain a list of pieces that we could push through pending edits to ensure we did not either push something through that wasn’t ready, or that hadn’t actually made any edits.


    This new manager voting policy that you’re referencing was literally set up on Monday. It was not in place during the lore games and we had been routinely left with the choice of either waiting for Flam or just blindly push things ahead and hope it didn’t conflict with Flams vision and any work he may have already done and not told us about. 


    Oh, that makes alot more sense, thank you for that clarity.
    i really do appreciate what you said, and honestly its tough because I both think the lroe team should be enpowered and entrusted to maintain the show with a council approach when flam isnt around but I also want to trust in flams vision for the lore games.

  10. 5 minutes ago, _Jandy_ said:

    LT Managers (multiple) have told me the exact opposite.

    Unsound magic was delayed in being accepted by one manager abstaining the manager vote until flam got back. Luckily he did get on and got it dealt with. So it is a thing, and something that has been used in the last 24 hours.



    4 minutes ago, ReveredOwl said:

    Is this going to be the only response from admins on the matter?

    No, there will be more said but probaly not in this thread. thats the usual admin way of doing things.They want to give everyone a chance to say their peice and then respond to all of it.

  11. 4 minutes ago, NotEvilAtAll said:

    It’s the “once its done” part that matters most here.


    If loregames were done quickly, nobody would’ve complained and no damage would’ve been caused.


    They were not done quickly.

    I 100% agree, and even said as much in my post.

    I would just like to make sure and qualify that statement with the reality of just exactly how much lore bloat there was. This was always going to take a long time, no matter who tried to do it.

  12. Full disclosure, I think loregames was 100% needed and will lead to a much greater quality of life once its done.

    i dont think you can claim that the base idea is flawed or a bunch of stuff like that, its just the delays that make it bad.
    I love the **** out of flambo, but like it took him like an irl year and a half to teach me arcanism. Dude gets busy, and maybe im just used to it, but this doesn't seem absolutely ball wrenchingly horrid.
    Yeah it ain't great but cut the theatrics and stop trying to mob out for blood like its actually helpful. Truth is flambo has systems set up in lore chat for them to decide things without him. If they choose to wait for him, its their fault not his.

  13. MC Name: Viltaren

    Character's Name: Lily Anarion

    Character's Age: 200's


    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Unsound Magic


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is undergoing an activity trial and fails said trial, that you will lose the magic? And that if it is apart of the Lore Games, it might drastically change soon?:



    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  14. 14 hours ago, Crevel said:

    literally nobody asked for this except prepubescent children who are trying to save the man who fell into the river in lego city


    1 hour ago, Callum said:

    This is so ******* retarded my brain actually smoothed just reading this. Why is this a thing?

    ((This is an RP thread, please properly mark your responses as OOC. Unwillingly, thank you for spoilering your ooc comments!

    Also, I wasn't actually involved in any way with this ruling or anything. The players in the event requested this and mystery consented.
    Also dont look at us, the dwarves have a ship the size of a city that can drive on land. ))





    People of Sutica, Mages everywhere!

    Sutica is sailing for Athera with our fellow nations!

    Our sole purpose is to support those other nations in their endeavors and carry supplies!

    We shall provide back up, medical support, food, and anything else we can

    to assist our fellow noble nations in the recovery of their history!

    We shall fight alongside any who may need it!

    We shall heal any who need it!

    Our boat shall be a home to all who need it!



    We are already equipped with what may be the most powerful magical device ever constructed on a ship, easily capable of removing a mountain, monster, or any such threat the people of Arcas may encounter on their journey!


    There is much more that could be done!

    Any who are looking to innovate with our magics

    Any who are looking to fight the good fight with their fellow descendants

    Any who wish to simply create what has never been created before,


    We sail in Five Elven Days!

    Anyone who provides enchantments will gain a lifetime tax break, patron status, or other reasonable request!


    Trade Princess Lilith Helenson-Anarion the Free State of Sutica,
    Sovereign Lady of the Whispering Isles, Protector of the Free




    ((OOC: Okay for those who dont know, Mystery has given us all permission to exceed what may be normally allowed in terms of enchantments. Everyone who is going on the Athera event will have the same ability to exceed the normal limits on enchantments specifically ONLY FOR USE IN THE ATHERA EVENT. So, I am openly inviting anyone who may desire it a chance to create a new level of insane magic mind-bending power. You want to make a super weapon? You want to make an entire boat turn into a lizard or disappear into thin air? Get over here and just talk to us.


    Seriously, if you have some hair brained idea or stupid thing you always wanted to try but didn't want to get slapped by an LT, this is your chance!


    Let’s all make some memories on a once in a lifetime trip!))

  16. pKMrzLJJV4eXI7eAmomdSjRSfLA6xsVop4PpCc_d_nvfAi7nct5NIojbfIi__AfnrLRKOmUVLzRUweLi7D-x8MwCJNuCoUgyDqJV8i-IJJLYdH3u5Ap9DS0MgyaAg-tC_GQFKPyG



    This letter is addressed to The Kingdom of Renelia-Gladewynn.

    When I retook my position as Trade Princess I was not told of many factors of the world around me and how it changed since I had stepped down.
    There were many things I had not known about some of the nations around me, and I am still catching up.


    It is due to this that I wish to both make some things clear, make a minor announcement, and request to meet with the leaders of The Kingdom of Renelia-Gladewynn.

    Sutica has staunch laws that enforce a number of things, and these are detailed in our writ of government. This document sets out what positions exist, what powers they have, and many other things. But chiefly in our current situation, there are a few things that matter most.


    The first is that Sutica does recognize your nation as a fellow nation. I made a statement when you reached out to me in the past that I couldn’t claim that you were the one true dark elven state. What informed that choice was a fellow council member who told me there was more than a single nation claiming to be the only dark elven state, and thus to adhere to Title X of the Sutican Writ of Government, I declined the offer you so graciously extended to us.

    As this situation has progressed, I became aware that I do not know as much about your nation as I would like to, nor the overall state of the dark elven people.

    I will detail more at the end of this letter about why I brought this up.


    The Second is that Mystery Uailben is not a leader of Sutica. He gave himself the title of Trade Father, however, his actual title is Monarch Father. This is detailed in Title I, Article 5.


    “The Father and Mother of the Trade Monarch shall be titled in accordance with the Trade Monarch with the titles of Monarch Father/Mother.”

    This is not a position, and Mystery is not a leader of the Sutican state. He is simply a man who adopted me some hundred or so years in the past now and once showed me kindness. 

    Further on in that section, it details:


    “All Titles of the Royal Family shall be removed upon the abdication or death of the Trade Monarch as far as they do not pertain to benefits incurred from the Trade Monarch’s position.”

    I am not blind to the sort of man Mystery is. He is complex, often stupid, and with many well-earned enemies.


    Finally, Sutica has a pact of Neutrality as a core part of its Nation Identity and ethics. This is detailed in the writ in Title X. I bring this up because I believe I may be lacking knowledge of some events including Mystery and Xavis. I want to speak with your leaders to better understand the details of the situation in full.

    However, there is something that needs to be done now.



    I have two announcements to make.
    Specifically, I will be utilizing the following section of our writ of government in Title X:



    “Article 2 - Role of Citizens and Officials


    Citizens and Patrons that bringing aid to any country in their hostilities shall render one’s self liable to legal restrictions which shall include up to but not necessarily the stripping of one’s Citizenship and Patron status and disavowment from this community. 


    Furthermore, the Free State of Sutica shall offer no protection to any citizen aiding in hostilities if they are to be captured. 


    Any official of Sutica found aiding in the war shall be immediately stripped of their position along with all previously stated punishments.


    Violation of keeping Sutica a safe refuge through destruction of its ethics in the means of physical and emotional harm shall see them undeserving of residence in Sutica.”


    Under this article, Xavis Ashwood and Mystery Uailben will have their citizenship, positions, and rights within Sutica stripped under my authority as Trade Princess as is applicable to each person. 

    Mystery has been notified already and understands that his actions have been in poor faith in the past. He seeks now to atone for the hurt he has caused, but that is his own path. We can talk about that too when we meet.

    I am too unaware of what the other members of the Ashwood family may have done to exercise Title X Article 2 upon them. However, once I meet with your people and discuss things, that is subject to change.


    Please, if there are any other sutican people who have acted in bad faith towards your wonderous nation, reach out to me and tell me. We have many rules in place and any actions that harm another nation are strictly prohibited. If someone has broken a law in your nation, come to me and tell me and it will be dealt with.


    The second announcement is something that requires a small bit of explanation.
    Here in Sutica our city in this land was built with the intent to house places of worship for every faction who desired to have one here.
    We have a shrine to Xan, to The Aspects, and Aeriel. 

    I wish to extend the same chance to The Kingdom of Renelia-Gladewynn. I wish to set aside a section of land within Sutican borders for the creation of a temple or sacred space to the ancestors that you pay respect to in your worship. I am a woman of old faith, brought to my family by my ancient father who was there in the motherland to witness a time where all we knew of was Aeriel and Ibleese.

    As time marches forward, I want to offer all people who may come within my land the chance to experience and learn about the many different cultures and religions present in this world. Personally, I am excited to learn more about the ancestor spirits.




    Finally, I want to mention what I spoke of above. 

    There is so much that I do not know, and I want to learn. I wasn’t aware that Xavis is not just another citizen in Sutica. I was not aware of Mystery and what he had done to your nation. These are things that are not acceptable to me.  I want to spend time with the leaders of your great nation so that I may learn about a culture I had not known before, and if not that simply learn of the acts my former citizens hid from me.


    I ask you to reach out to me, to speak with me over a letter or in person at the cloud temple where neither side may fear bad faith interactions.


    It is my only desire that the damaged relations between our two nations heal. There is more we could do together than we ever could apart. I had already been planning a rough system to inform people on magic, but I believe there is a great depth to the faiths of the world, and I now want a space to be created that will allow new souls, old souls, and all in between to learn of the great faiths such as your own.





    Trade Princess Lilith Helenson-Anarion the Free State of Sutica,
    Sovereign Lady of the Whispering Isles, Protector of the Free








  17. As someone on that team Id like to make it clear that we got so little direction or explanation whatsoever and were specifically told by telanir to just come up with what we were on our own.

    20 minutes ago, Telanir said:

    This is not the announcement I had planned for this, but there is nothing else to do here. What was the Safety Team going to be originally? At the time I had a plan for a few reliable people to keep their eyes locked into cases reported to [email protected] so that even were I gone on holiday then cases would still get the attention they deserve. These people were not meant to have any ranks, powers, or special authority. They were to cooperate with the staff to find information and compile details for me, advocate for community safety, and ensure timely execution.

    This is more direction than we ever received what so ever.
    The announcement was made with an Admin’s permission as well.

    The failure here was Telanir’s communication. 


    [!] A poster is hung from the memo tree in Sutica. Copies would sit in a small stack at the base of the tree. The lettering is occasionally embellished in gold flecked ink.



    Dear Suticans, I have once again taken the throne.


    It had been my belief that with the writ of governance in hand, it would enable anyone who comes after me to effectively lead the government. However, I have seen each and every successor to myself come into a position in which their stress in leading has extremely hindered their ability to not only regularly communicate with other parts of the government, but their ability to make clear-headed choices. 


    It is due to these failures of the system that I have returned once more. Sutica as a constitutional monarchy relies too much on the ability of individuals to bear the weight of duty and leadership. This is a failing system, and thus I will see it as my goal to rework and adjust our system until we have a government that can properly function without heavily relying on any single person.




    This is my goal in the second term of my leadership. A reworking of the government to allow Sutica to prosper as it always has. Through the efforts and belief of key individuals who desire nothing more than Sutica’s total success as a nation and as a space for freedom.




    To work towards this goal, I must establish a few key things to be elaborated on in a later posting.


    First amongst this list is the description of what a Department is. A department is like a ministry, but much smaller in scope and total function. This will allow Advisors to hire people to assist them in their duties without needing the bloat that a ministry usually creates. The specific definition is that a Department hires directly and on a small scale, and a ministry oversees a hierarchical

    Next is the codification and promotion of the Department Of Conservation into a proper department with discrete powers and a law making role for the purpose of regulating our conservation efforts and coordinating with nature aligned groups.


    Third, to fill my previously held position, Blair Cohnal-Uialben will be promoted to the Advisor of Coin. She will also helm the Department of Taxes and Treasury.


    Fourth, The Ministry of Seals and Stationary will be converted into a department, lead by the Advisor of Seals and Stationary.


    Fifth, I will lead under the supervision of the Trade Father and my father, Terr'hi (Mystery) Uialben. This is the same arrangement as was had with Myssy Uialben, My sister, and Terr'hi. This is to ensure leadership can remain clear-headed and objective as needed.


    Finally, other changes will come to pass. Some ministries may be made into departments, and some ministers will be shifted into advisors.


    To be clear, this is NOT a legal document, simply a notification of intent in the continued operation of the government under my leadership.


    To wrap up this posting, I must clarify some things. A few years back I made a ministry as a joke and as a part of that include claims to many different titles I did not have.
    To be clear, the Sutican Ministry of Drugs was not an actual ministry. It has no purpose and is of no consequence or any power.



    My title is as follows, and limited to at the time of writing,


    Trade Princess Lilith Helenson-Anarion the Free State of Sutica,
    Sovereign Lady of the Whispering Isles, Protector of the Free

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