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Posts posted by Gemini

  1. "You speak of violence, yet the world watches while we are being slaughtered. You speak of kinship, yet the world watches while the false princess is but a puppet to dark beings, aiming to destroy us. You speak of elvalah being our greatest enemies, yet it is the mali'fenn that murder my people under the pretender and you speak of unity while the other mali do nothing but betray us." A mali'thill named Usamea An'asul would comment, snorting upon receiving the missive "I have stated multiple times, Haelun'or will always defend elmali from persecution but when will the other mali defend us? When will the other mali protect us instead of turning our kin into nothing but earless slaves? We have offered them peace, yet they break their oaths. We have offered them aid, yet they turn down our requests. The world is busy polishing their own halos, painting us as the devils. Blindness is what roots within the mali kind, only when you open your eyes, may we all truly be united." The Okarir'san of Haelun'or would begin to speak. She was in the tavern of the Silver City, surrounded by a few mali and a few lessers, the elfess sipping wine as the conversation began "I hope our lesser cousins one day open their eyes, realizing what they have done - and when they do - we will not be heartless like they are, we shall offer them absolution." Usamea finished, turning to around to see who wishes to speak next

  2. “I ne care what lesser nations support her claim for they ne matter, only those of silver. Let us see whether she indeed is a legitimate ruler and respects our tradition, our culture and the authority of the Maheral. If the false princess does not recognise the Elervathar or accept the generous offer of elsohaer, she indeed is nothing but a hideous monster of the fennic remnants.” A citizen of Haelun’or would comment upon hearing the news, the elfess quite excited about this. “Ah, I can only think what they call us nowadays, barbarians? They constantly attack our bastion, kill our citizens and spread lies about slaving poor Mali. elmali’ker that used to work at the tavern was killed by the false principality, turning him into a ghost and we are the barbarians?“ Usamea would make her final remarks, the councillor returning to her daily duties. 


  3. “A shame to see him go, well I must invite him for tea as soon as possible” Usamea would smile as the news reached her “I look forward establishing contact with the newly appointed Chancellor, I must draft a letter.” The Okarir’san of Haelun’or pondered, the busy elf commented before she returned to her duties.

  4. “Let this be a reminder to all Mali of Almaris, the non-existent principality is filled with impures, violent murderers that seek to slay down our children.” Usamea stated to some allies in a diplomatic meeting “Worshipping The Glorified lizard has turned their brain into mush. As you can see, they are but a stain of ink on a piece of paper. Perhaps we should offer a chance for the Norrmen to apologise, just this one time.”





    Signed on the 5th of Malin's welcome, Year 56 of the Second Age




    Article I: Sovereignty

               The Silver State of Haelun’or and the Jade State of Yong Ping, hereafter “the signatories”, do pledge mutual recognition of sovereignty and agree:


    • THAT the power of the rule of each signatory in their respective territories shall be fully respected by the other;
    • THAT the signatories accept the authority of the Zhu of the Jade State of Yong Ping and the and Sohaer of the Silver State of Haelun’or as representatives of the will of their peoples and thus the signatories shall recognize no other position claiming such.
    • THAT signatories enumerated do mutually agree to refuse to acknowledge the legitimacy of the Aheralic Principality and reject their claims of dominion over the Mali'aheral.

    Article II - Non-aggression

               The signatories enumerated do mutually agree that any forces affiliated with their banner, nation, reigning bloodline, etc., shall not engage in military or hostile action against the other signatory or their residents. If such were to occur, the signatories shall endeavor to resolve the issue diplomatically.

    • Signing parties formally enter a pact of non-aggression. The pact will last for the duration of this treaty. After the expiration of this pact, a renewal may be negotiated.
    • Signing parties refrain from participating in any conflicts that put them at odds with one another.
    • Residents of the Silver State of Haelun’or are protected while in Yong Ping territories, and residents of the Jade State of Yong Ping are protected while in Haelunorian territories so long as they act within the laws of the respective realms.
    • Guilds or mercenary contracts stationed within the Silver State of Haelun’or or the Jade State of Yong Ping will be subject to legal prosecution if they violate the pact in city limits or on citizens of either city.
    • Signatories enumerated do mutually agree that the philosophy of Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya shall not consider the citizens of the Jade State of Yong Ping, unless individuals would wish to follow such out of their free will. 

    Article III: Trade

    • The Signatories shall enter into an agreement of Free Trade. Both nations shall be allowed a tax-exempt stall that will be allowed for any legal trade purpose. Goods that are sold within these stalls shall not hold any tariff or duty between each respective nation.
    • The signatories enumerated do mutually agree that large scale trading agreements between each party can be of either the purchasing kind (meaning that wares are purchased for minae) or of the bartering kind (meaning that different wares are traded on rates mutually agreed upon or previously set by precedent)
    •  Further business transactions or dealings between the signatories shall be entered into further agreements. 

    Article IV: Diplomatic correspondence

    • The signatories enumerated do mutually agree to convene once every four years to promote closer diplomatic relations and cooperation with one another.
    • Were any of the terms of this treaty violated by either signatory, such a violation must be attempted to resolve through diplomacy before the usage of hostilities. 

    Article V: Anti-Azdrazi Provision

    • The Signatories shall cooperate and assist one another in the eradication of the vile race of heretics and Iblees spawn known as Azdrazi. This provision will compel them to share intelligence and assist each other in operations pertaining to the destruction of the Azdrazi, where those actions are not against the Sovereign interests of their respective Signatory.
    • In the case of signatories getting attacked by Azdrazi, both are required to send military assistance to each other. 

    Article VI: Duration

    The signatories enumerated do mutually agree that this Pact shall last a period of eight years, with the option to renew or abrogate upon the expiration of that period.




    Braxus Ni’leya, Sohaer ito’Haelun’or  



    Usamea An’asul Okarir'san ito’Haelun’or



    Tianrui Ren, first Patriarch and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Yong Ping




    Chen Wenping, the Illustrious Chancellor of the Jade State of Yong Ping, former Honorable Minister of Justice of the Jade State of Yong Ping.

    陈  文平

  6. This ideology, this comedy of the aheralic Princedom whom openly support the spawns of Iblees and ally with the criminals that make the murdering of Mali an Olympic sport seems rather funny.Usamea would comment upon seeing the missiveA shame Norland had to declare a war on us but I suppose they have no idea that this is but yet another attempt over thousands of years, impures trying to take over us. Elokarir’san would chuckle along with the rest of council. The Mali preparing for a meeting, the topics not including this play-pretendI wish you all the best false princess Ivarielle when the Norlandic cut the ears of yourself and your people, forcing you into servitude, serving elvalah as the creatures you are. nae uvul’thrur ito Bortu illera.


  7. [!] A beautifully decorated missive inked upon silver parchement had been pinned to the Haelun’or notice board. ((Using this information will be considered metagaming if not seen in Haelun’or))




    It is the workings

    of the most wicked

    to steal from ‘thill

    Written by Usamea An’asul

    20th of The Deep Cold, Year 55 of the Second Age



    Laws are absolute, laws are there to maintain order within chaos, none of us above them. 


    Dear Mali’thill and other residents of the Blessed Bastion, 


              While we are beings uncomprehendable to many others, only the Most Pure is perfect. We are beings not controlled by emotion however sometimes we make mistakes. This karim a Mali’thill will be brought before pariran’tir, to be judged for their crimes. 


    Sillumir #61 has been accused by the competent Mr Seth Calith of stealing a statue of olden times, an artifact very dear to this older mali. 

    Sillumir #61 will be brought before the pariran’tir for a trial, a chance to defend themselves. Other witnesses will also be heard during this blessed tribunal. 

    The accused is also accused of the following crimes: [REDACTED]


    Elpariran’tir will be chosen amongst the citizenry (depending on attendance) in the following order:

    • Maheral
    • Sohaer
    • Okariran
    • Citizens


    Let it be reminded, the accused remains innocent until proven guilty. 


    May the wisdom of Larihei guide us and Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya ensure justice. 


    Signed on behalf of Elheial’thilln, 

    Okarir’san Usamea An’asul






    [!] A little note at the end of the missive would state the following: the contents of this missive are subject to change



    The trial will take place today 22th of December, 20:30 GMT, 3:30pm EST, 12:30pm PST



  8. [!] A beautifully decorated missive inked upon silver parchement had been pinned to the Haelun’or notice board. 




    To follow Larihei,

    to progress

    and learn

    Written by Usamea An’asul

    5th of The Deep Cold, Year 55 of the Second Age




    The most blessed of Mali shall never cease progress, scholarly work must continue


    Dear teachers, masters of the arcane, 


              I am writing this missive with a genuine heard and a wish to progress myself in the field of the arcane. I have read more books than I am able to count, while I believe theory to as important as action itself, one may not learn without a teacher to guide them. 

    The artisans of the arcane rarely, but sometimes take upon them to continue their legacy, to sheir their sacred knowledge with an apprentice; so that knowledge may be passed on. 


              I am looking for a teacher, someone to take it upon themselves to ensure that these sacred arts are not lost in time. I am hoping to become an apprentince, to finally begin my jorney as a progressive sorceress. Hard it will be, full of many ups and down however I am prepared. Years of consideration and after hundreds of interviews I have decided that this is the path I wish to take. 


    To whomever this may be of concern, 


              As it was with Larihei, us Mali’thill are perhaps the most fluent wielders of the voidal arts. Thus I am seeking to progress myself especially in the voidal field. I am seeking masters in the following voidal arts:

    • Fire evocation
    • Sensory illusion
    • Voidal translocation

    Were my search proven unfruitful, a search shall never cease. A Mali’thill shan’t ever stop seeking knowledge.



    Usamea An’asul










    ahah sorry I need to practice my forum posts so Im just turning everything into post :DDD also thanks to reko for the white pieces of art


  9. VsJtlEQ6KLBqPf5bZ7rdmz00RgUfvngdpns3XSwON0D-eA0AAkq7rnHcmta_qM1Mqm09riAwTa7120u9oAonMOsqwLR46oaR6LBtR9FV-64GrjDJrHsY23mYb2Jx-aIiy4nR3PHH


    Genocide of Mali’thill

    Written by Okarir’san, Usamea An’asul


    22nd of The Sun’s Smile, Year 55 of the Second Age




    Hunted, hated, murdered. Monsters are spilling our blood.


    Dear Mali’thill, other residents of the most blessed Silver State and whomever this may be of concern, 


    During my tenure as Okarir’san ito’Haelun’or I have seen missives, heard lies and witnessed lessers and Mali’ata sharing misinformation about our blessed bastion. I have come across enemies that wish to slaughter us and to decorate their necks with our ears. Brutal monsters spilling our blood around on whatever ground we walk on. We are hunted, persecuted for just existing. 

    These vicious behemoths claim the realms would be better off without us, they claim we pour acid on everything we do not like. They claim us to be violent beings while having little to no idea what Maehr’sae Hiyulun’ehya truly means. 


    We are not violent, we are not Mali that condone harming others. We are all but humble servants of the State, scholars dedicating their lives to studying and progressing oneself and the Motherland. It is impure to harm another sentient being out of hedonistic glee, one should always aim to resolve conflict with the use of one’s mind and verbal skills. One should rely on a sword only when one’s life is in danger or if someone is a threat to the well-being of one’s blessed body. 


    It is true we are well known for our acid pits, however those are reserved purely to the most abhorrent such as murderers, beings siphoning the power of Iblees and those having non-consensual relations. We do not kill anyone for being impure, we just detest their presence and thus they are banished from our sovereign lands unless they are deemed salvageable; they are offered the chance to regain their purity, to be ‘thill once more. If one is beyond salvation, they may go seek life outside our lands, free from our laws. 


    No one has been killed by a Mali’thill in over a century, however Mali’thill have been killed by lesser beings simply for breathing. Yet you dare to call us violent? 

    Thus I implore beings of the realm to choose peace over violence, no more blood should be spilled over nonsense, over bickering that could be resolved over a healthy debate, a dialogue.

    If our enemies keep spilling our blood, let me ensure that shall be the last thing you will ever do. While we detest violence, we will always protect ourselves even with force if necessary. 


    I implore all other Mali states to protect one another, while we are different, we are all Mali, children of Malin. The Silver State of Haelun’or shall always offer refuge to Mali who are persecuted by other races. The Silver State is open to those who wish to learn, who will respect our laws and culture. We should stand together against common enemies instead of remaining to ourselves. 


    No more blood should be spilled, the world is but crimson coloured from all these wars.












    Okarir’san Usamea An’asul


  10. VsJtlEQ6KLBqPf5bZ7rdmz00RgUfvngdpns3XSwON0D-eA0AAkq7rnHcmta_qM1Mqm09riAwTa7120u9oAonMOsqwLR46oaR6LBtR9FV-64GrjDJrHsY23mYb2Jx-aIiy4nR3PHH


    So the Maheral Returns

    Written by Okarir’san, Usamea An’asul


    22nd of The First Seed, Year 55 of the Second Age



    For She was the first Maheral, now represented by a direct descendant; the epitome of purity.


    Dear Mali’thill, 


    The Malauriran have convened, deliberated and chosen after a long while — and their wisdom is beyond questioning — the leaders of the past, after much consideration have anointed the Maheral, the epitome of purity. 


    The Blessed Child, heir to Haelun’or and the daughter of Malauriran Dimaethor and Iaria Elervathar, the grandchild of Iatrilemar Elervathar. She was forced to escape the Motherland ruled under tyranny, she was forced to abandon her kin to protect what was given to her by our Haelun. However, she remained vehement, now returning to the Motherland to ensure progress and health, to lead our kin. 


    Thus we, Usamea An’asul and the signatories, pledge our perennial allegiance to the most blessed, Maheral Elesia Elervathar. May her reign be eternal and may she lead our people into everlasting progress and health. 


    She is eternal, she is the epitome of purity, she is the representative of Larihei. 














    Okarir’san, Usamea An’asul

    Okarir’mali, Idendril Elassidil


  11. “I’ve never had the pleasure of meeting an Elervathar myself, however I have heard they obtained quite the arsenal for making an entrance.” The An’asul would smile as the news reached her ears “A true servant of Larihei, the Elervathar talonnii. I now understand what Idendril meant, Ay’Maheral” She would conclude, the elfess shoving cloudberry cake down her throat while hugging a bottle of white wine

  12. OOC

        ((MC Name: Geminisole))

        ((Discord: Geminisole#3927 ))

        ((Timezone: GMT+2 ))



        What is your name?

    - Usamea An’asul

        Why seek membership to the Mages Guild?

    - The world is in ruins, wars and conflict staining the realms. I hope to meet scholars, minds alike to help with a mission to achieve peace. I wish to learn, to progress myself. 

        What arts, if any, do you currently practice?

    - Unfortunately, none 

        What position do you desire to attain upon acceptance?

    - Practicus

        When should you be contacted for an interview?

    - Whenever is suitable for you. 

  13. 2 minutes ago, Ryloth said:

    "How stupid of them again," Haskir aridly drawls, shaking his head, "To banish the only elf in elvendom who could save them from themselves. The only elf of ten who opposed me and my men and protected the Sohaer in his capture."


    He scoffs, "The only Haelun'orian elf alive deserving of respect is Orinmon, for Haelun'or would have stopped breathing without him."

    Usamea would wonder where in her missive did it state someone has been banished. Over and over she would read the paper without any luck. 

  14. Haelunor2.png.9d42df2385017a940386eb04516d33ef.png


    Published as of 4th of the Amber Cold, 50 SA


    When found guilty of impurity, a once called child of silver is but a tarnished resemblance of all we fight against. While impurity shall not be appraised, we are not beings of harsh brutality. 


    All those who walked these realms as a child of Larihei shall be offered a chance to redeem themselves, to call themselves Mali’thill once more. They will be offered to take the path to purity, guided by a Blessed Citizen whose purity is beyond questioning. Once the guide is satisfied with the path the mali’ata has taken; they shall summon a meeting where all citizens will vote whether this ‘ata will once again be a pure member of our society or if deemed unworthy; they shall forever vacate our sovereign lands and bear the mark of an impure. The guide will task the mali'ata with all sorts of tasks that are to be completed.


    Mali’ata Orinmon Viradiraar was accused and found guilty of impurity by Pariran’tir consisting of Malauriran. He was assigned a guide who unfortunately is unable to carry this sacred mission — I have been named on his behalf. 


    Thus, I Usamea An’asul as the appointed guide, strip the Mali’ata Orinmon Viradiraar of any and all rights and privileges that come as Mali’thill. Orinmon no longer serves the silver state as nothing more than as a lost individual, once a child of silver now in need of guidance.

    Orinmon Viradiraar must wear a golden crown at all times and he will be given the title Uthir’ata, the King of the impures. The Mali’ata is not worthy of a name, thus he shall only be addressed as Mali’ata by the blessed mali’thill and other residents of Haelun’or. 


    Were the Mali’ata unable to perform the duties presented before him in a timely manner, nothing but forever deemed beyond salvation is the answer.



    Usamea An'asul







  15. 13 hours ago, Tulan said:

    "Your people are quite possibly delusional, hanging onto your outdated ideals of racial 'purity', only thing you end up with is incestual degeneracy from years of inbreeding, which would explain every one of you succumb to this twisted perception that you all are omnipotent in comparison to the rest of Mali. Truly a testimony that no Mali'ker, or Mali'ame should ever submit to the brutal regime of the Silver State." Ruathar Indoren shuddered at the thought of the horrible bloodshed that continue to go unhinged. "To all those deemed 'Mali'ata' by the Silver State, you should be welcome among any of your friends in any of the other Mali states, rather than needlessly be thrown in the acid pits at the whims of these monsters. Velulaei y nae ilumeh lliran." He returned back to his duties after penning his response.


    Monsters? Have they no idea how many of our lesser cousins have we saved from the brutals that hunt down our kin. And they think we mindlessly acid others?” Dear Usamea sighed as she saw the response “I am willing to educate anyone who lacks knowledge this much, to teach them our ways. To teach them what Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya truly means. May Larihei guide the path of every blessed Mali’aheral, especially those lost. 

  16. 15 hours ago, High_On_Math said:

    Luthriel clenched her obsidian fist, "Whoever wrote this is will be the first individual to taste the obsidian of my fist in their mouth! How dare they call Orinmon an Ata?  I hate myself and my body, when people call me impure perhaps they are correct.  But Orinmon is the epitome of purity."


    As the elfess who wrote the missive would hear similar comments, she would idly state to those around her 

                           "To question the judgement of pariran'tir consisting of Malauriran is to question the will of Larihei. Former Maheralan represent the very purity of our blessed bastion, their judgement is not at fault. Those believing to be above the wisdom of Malauriran are nothing but stains to be cleansed by means of acid. Purity of our Blessed Bastion must be restored."

  17. Haelunor2.png.9d42df2385017a940386eb04516d33ef.png




    [!] Published as of 21st of the Snow's Maiden, 50 SA


    The Bastion is ever so stagnant, impurity halting the process of purity. 

    The leaders of the past graced us with their presence to anoint a new Maheral, however, their progress was halted due to impures, such as Mali’ata Orinmon Viradiraar. 


    But fear not Children of Silver, hope is on its way. 


    While our blessed bastion has stopped progressing, the Mali’thill shall never cease living up to the standards of Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya. It is within my pleasure to announce the names of the most competent Mali’thill that have seen the state of our nation and decided to rise up and to nominate themselves for the position of Maheral. 


    • Laurir Alfér Elibar’acal
    • Braxus Ni’leya, tilruir’san
    • Miss Laerdya


    These ever-so-progressing Mali’thill saw our nation’s cry for help and decided, it was one of them who shall get the ball rolling. I am touched by these servants of the state who will not wait a single moment when the public is calling. 

    May Larihei guide the blessed heial’malauriran in their sacred mission. 


    Regarding elheial'thilln,

    Sohaer Kolvar Uradir, our state as of now is devoid of Okariran, none but you running the nation. Stagnancy is staining our blessed bastion of Progress and Health. While I ne wish to ignore the work you have done to the Motherland, you simply can not do it alone. 

    On behalf of the Mali’thill and other residents of Haelun’or, I urge you either appoint Okariran as soon as possible or declare the seats to be filled by a fair election.


    I trust you, Uradir. Aim towards progress instead of stagnancy. 



    Usamea An'asul



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