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Posts posted by Gemini

  1. “For years we disagreed with one another, fighting each-other to the last nerve. One would surely say we were the nemesis of one another. Yet, that never stopped either one of us to seek progress and bestow the best care upon the Motherland and her citizens. We worked tirelessly towards a happy nation and cared citizens. Never did you let our disagreements stand in your way towards progress. 
    Your death shall not be in vain; You shall forever live in our memories as we work towards a better nation for all of us” Nuala talked to herself as she was sitting somewhere in the Uradir farms, gazing at the sky “It is a shame I will never get to call you a friend”

  2. MsYZsNxfEJxYCrboNIkKuwqWkM116aU600oE56luGSgH0YZjb_KUkNJzhB17CTCmCJFpyvxg2UcqRCmC3PVrXZcQPlvG-VIkUW6J38qgzx2fwSdjZlir8N7ND_nceAfxy8XPsMVZ


    From the office of the Okarir’mali



    Horrendous actions of the impure lead to the horrific death of our beloved Maheral, Azorella Elibar’acal. 


    For years the actions of the former Sohaer, Sulraell whom I decline to call a Visaj; the prosperous Talonnii of Malaurir Dimaethor shall not be tarnished, lead to this. 

    The Sohaer was working behind Elheial’thilln with rogue members of the society, planning to murder the Maheral, most blessed in cold blood


    The Maheralship is most blessed, such a ‘thill represents Larihei in flesh. 


    The Maheral simply is, most pure and second to none. 


    These actions are a crime towards Larihei herself and I shall not stand behind them. Rest assured, Mali’thillYour government will not rest nor will the vision Larihei hindered. I, as always, a true servant of Larihei am declaring my loyalty to Larihei and her Maheral Azorella Elibar’acal. I will also be standing trial if such will be called upon me, I’ve nothing to hide. I, Nuala Uradir am not an ‘ata filled by greed and a mind of the impure. The office of the Okarir’mali shall function as normal under the interim leader Acaele Lazul and shall keep functioning as Elheial’maheralan will anoint a new Maheral.








    Nuala Uradir







    [!] Sent directly from the office of the Okarir’mali as of  1st of the First Seed, 1764



    I have worked tirelessly with a team of dedicated Mali’thill to ensure the prosperity of our ever-progressing Bastion. 

    Alongside my Tilruir’mali and other assistants it is within my pleasure to announce a fund. 


    The Common Maehr’sae fund of Haelun’or. 


    It is our duty as Mali‘thilln to ensure the growth and self-sufficiency of the Motherland as it can by no means survive without her competent citizens. 

    The Motherland provides us with protection by means of walls. Food by the means of fertile soil and water by the means of purity. 


    • Little carriages will be installed within the city of Lareh’thilln that will be providing participation slips. 

    • With this fund, we will be covering the expenses that come along when for example hiring lesser workforce. 

    • Participating in this fund will be voluntary but highly advised as it is meant to progress our beloved bastion.


    Merchants of Haelun’or


    All merchants, citizens and non-citizens alike are to apply for a “Merchant permit” issued by the office of the Okarir’mali. 

    This permit can be applied for if you meet the following criteria: 

    • You have no pending investigations by the Sillumiran.

    • You have not committed a crime within Lareh’thilln or any other cities of Haelun’or.

    • You are not facing trial. 

    The merchant permit will be your key into the city. 

    • All merchants within the Silver City have been invited by the Okarir’mali, thus they are to be let in the city without delay or other disturbances. 

    • The permit is to be put on a visible place for everyone to view.

    • You may request two (2) copies. Another one will be hanged by your shop and the other you will carry with you.

    Common Maehr’sae Fund for merchants

    • Partaking in the Common Maehr’sae Fund will be obligatory for all merchants. 

    • Maehr’sae fund slips for merchants will be provided in a small carriage by the vicinity of the Silver Bank. 

    • There will be two slips. Stall and Shop. 

    • A storage unit within the lower levels of the Silver Bank will be where you return your slips. There are chests with a word and a number burnt onto it. Ex. “Shop 5” - If you own this very shop, return your “Mahr’sae fund slip - Shop” tag there. 

    • Contributions will be expected to happen per annum. 

      • we will allow three (3) failed contributions. 



    Nuala Uradir, Okarir’mali

    Seth Calith, Tilruir’mali


     Advanced issue found

    Collecting the merchant slips will begin the next Sunday 26th of April! So you have a week between each collect!
    Also a big thanks to @Demented_Delilafor the idea of merchant tags!! Love you ❤️ UwU





     [!]Issued from the office of the Okarir’mali as of 1st of the First Seed, 1763

    Blessed Diarchy, 

    The many lost souls that stray within the affectionate embrace of our Silver Walls, under the blessed ever-loving bounds of Larihei's beatified sanctuary. 

    The many Oem’iian wandering aimlessly, deprived of direction, abandoned by their parents. 


    They are alone. 


    An ordained servant of my people, It is my duty as Elokarir’mali, Guardian of the Citizenry to grant these distraught Mali'thill a safe haven, thereby providing them competent caretakers that will ensure their success for their centuries of existence to come - warranting their right to be guided in Larihei’s teachings and embracing Elmaehr’sae Hiylun’ehya. 


    It is within my wishes to establish an orphanage for the lost - “Eloem’iian ito’Larihei”.

    This orphanage will work as a temporary shelter for the lost to sleep, eat and get proper care and proper counsel, before they are to be appropriately assigned a ward.

    As Elokarir’mali I shall oversee the activities of this institution, however it will be of my utmost priorities to personally seek out someone who may act as a competent, dedicated leader for this charitable cause.


    With this letter, I plead the Blessed Diarchy for support in this righteous endeavor, I entreat Sohaer Visaj to take action for the betterment of our state and I implore Maheral Azorella Elibar’acal to recognize my grievances for the sake of our traditions. 





         Nuala Uradir, Okarir’mali



     Advanced issue found

    Again, thanks to @Johann for proof-reading and editing this with all the fancy words :3






     Issued as of 4th of Sun’s Smile, 1761 from the office of the Okarir’mali


    To the Blessed Citizenry of the Silver Bastion of Haelun’or.

    It is common knowledge amongst the people of our blessed nation that we have embarked on a path of prosperous change, one that is for the sake of progress, orientated towards our governance - Elheial'thilln, and the blessed Diarchy.

    I would like to begin by congratulating the former Diarchy, Malauriran Iaria Elervathar and Dimaethor Elervathar for their hard work. May you now enjoy the days of retirement, while contriving new ways to ensure the progress of our blessed race and the Silver State. 


    Secondly, I welcome the newly ascendant Diarchy; Maheral Azorella Elibar’acal and Sohaer Sulraell Visaj.
    May the light of Larihei guide you both in your ordained duties to cultivating the prosperity of our nation and her people.


    As the former Medi’ir of the Okarir’mali, Azorella Elibar’acal it is logical that I am to succeed her in this position, for she has ascended to a position of a much greater significance, one only worthy of the most blessed.


    I, Nuala Uradir, shall accept the position of Okarir’mali in elheial’thilln, rightfully continuing my duties as a steward for the people. 


    In light of this, I would like to make an announcement:

    •   All second-class citizenships are hereby revoked
    •  Every lesser citizen will be stripped of their citizenship and all rights that come along with it. 
    •  Every lesser will also be stripped of any housing rights and will face immediate eviction. 
    •  All lessers will lose access to the citizen doors and will have to go through the gates operated by the Sillumiran. 
    •  Extraordinary exceptions to these edicts are to be directly contacted by the Okarir’mali


    Worry not, favoured lessers. These impositions do not insinuate expulsion or the prohibition of entry from the city, but they are rather an effective scheme for myself to eradicate the dereliction of ‘thill within our walls, for the most coveted sake of promoting their contribution, productivity and sustenance, vital constituents of upholding the hiylun of our people.


    If you wish to regain your citizenship status within the city of Lareh’thilln, do submit an application letter directly to me as set out below, stating the following: 

    •  Full name
    •  Birth year
    •  Marital status and additional occupants (Spouse, children, relatives.)
    • Occupational status
    •  An open letter appealing your worthiness for citizenship




    Nuala Uradir 


     Advanced issue found

    Thanks to @Johann for the proofreading and all the fancy pants words and editing. 

    Also, send the letter to me via forums or deliver it to me irp! Aka don’t answer to this post with your application. Thanks!


  6. 3 hours ago, Dragoon Crow said:

    "Wait who are you" says elf 


    3 hours ago, Goblinberg said:

    “Isn’t he your father?” Maya mumbled at Evelon  she’d show the missive to her  @reko


    1 hour ago, WhereIsMySpoon said:

    “did the man really just dine and dash?” Mutters an amused ‘Ame.

    As the words of the strangers would reach the  ears of the young Uradir, she began to wonderHow did all these strangers even hear about this?” Nuala pondered ”The missive was sent directly to the Diarchy, inside our walls of silver where lessers are not even welcome.”

  7. 6 minutes ago, FlemishSupremacy said:

    While a good change in theory, I fear some of these things being put into practice. When you have vague guidelines set for ‘giving’ and ‘taking’ in rp, I fear it might be used as a tool to target ban your opponents in a war when they do something typically warlike to you, such as capture and execute important officials, or bandit the roads. 

    Things like “Driving players away” is subjective. I’d also like to point out that I hope that ‘If there’s no report, there’s no problem’ also includes reporting things via a modreq, instead of the BR system, which often takes far too long. 

    It is always up to the moderators discretion to decide possible punishments! Moderators are there to ensure these rules will be fairly applied and enforced! When it comes to “driving new players away”, like you said, it is subjective. Yet I am sure we all agree with being a tad lenient towards new players! Rather than throwing them under the bus we should safely take them across the road.


    And lastly, reporting anything to the moderators; a simple In-game /msg can be considered a report. 

  8. 3 minutes ago, Harrison said:

    the Moderator team (I know you’re gonna get up in arms about this) do not Moderate role-play, ever. I can not think of the last time I actually saw a Moderator be called over to judge whether someone’s emote is powergaming and suggest to them what a more suitable emote would be (anything along these lines). With people just powergaming like anime characters becoming the norm, and Moderator tickets going up to hours at a time, as well as the lack of actual Moderation that comes to those rare few who answer tickets quickly, mechanical combat with a clear ‘who is better’ way of life became the norm.

    This is an issue that will be tackled!

  9. 32 minutes ago, Harrison said:

    Glad you guys actually are focussing on role-play after the longest time, on a role-play server, so it’s a pleasant thing to see on the forums.

    Few things:

    • Roleplay that takes from a player has to contribute character development/story building – I don’t think this very well written or a fair expectation. Whilst I very, very much agree that role-play that aims to take from another person (whether it be the experience playing or a physical item(s) on them) I think that the requisite of ‘character development and story building’ is very vague and a bit much to be expected every single instance. On top of that, a story can only be built and a character developed with the co-operation of both parties, and people don’t take too kindly to being put into a losing position. Over all: glad you’re focussing on low effort ‘me kill u’ rp, just don’t over police it because it’s still a two way street.
    • Moderators won’t ban for it unless it’s reported – What exactly do you mean? Do you mean it won’t be acted on unless a report of an action is actively disrupting the player reporting it? I’m just forseeing possible worst case abuse of this in the future, so would like a clarification before we dive down the rabbit hole.
    • You’re offering a grace period to avoid bans right now – what exactly are you getting at here? Are the bans for this going to be lengthy, serious offences? Whilst I don’t think you should treat purposefully poor roleplay lightly, I also don’t think you should be banning people any more than a week for it, and that’s for repeat offenders. I hope you utilise things like 1 – 3 day bans. Shorter bans inconvenience people rather than dishearten them, and actually convince them to improve in their lacking field.
    • 72 hour response time – actually stick to a time for once, please, especially with your whole ‘new leaf’ thing. Roleplay reports spiral out of control the longer they are left and become more and more troublesome to solve, especially with how lazy moderators have proven to be when it comes to checking logs.


    Overall – very happy you are trying to promote better roleplay! Just don’t want it to turn into ‘conflict bad !!’.

    1. The moderation team will continue as we always have! Just that unless something is reported, we might decide not to act on it. 
    2. The Grace-period is something where everyone can begin to learn and get adjusted. After this, we will take a stricter hand when it comes to enforcing the rules, guiding the players. 
    3. The 72- hour response time is fairly little to be fair. Moderators have a life outside of LotC as well that takes time off their hands. 
      1. Going through all the evidence that has been provided by both parties takes a lot of time. Not to mention listening to the stories from both sides.
      2. When a moderator goes through a substantial amount of evidence, it takes time for a fair verdict to be made.
      3. Once all set, a verdict must be reached; hours of pondering. 
  10. 3 minutes ago, Harrison said:

    there is nothing to get adjusted to, its the exact same as before just reiterated to people who have forgotten

    they’re saying that y ou guys will be way too strict and just encourage 10000 reports a day and warn / ban people over and over because their roleplay isnt up to your personal standard 


    not flaming, conveying the original point of the post that u missed

    We of course wont be too strict and common sense is added to every case we act on! 
    When role-play isn’t up to our personal standards there is nothing we do. When it breaks the server rules, it is our duty to stop it and guide the players involved to follow the right path. 

    If a player X has broken rules earlier and is fully aware of all the rules but still decides to act in an ill-manner we are there to stop it

  11. "You talk about peace, yet you betray us. You talk about honour, yet you betray us. It is a shame to see, you wish to follow the foot steps of Mali'fenn and throw away everything we so graciously offered."

    The high elf frowned upon the missive

    "Well, if you rather ally with the barbarians who wish us death, wish to enslave us... So be it."

  12. "It seems our cousins of the Elven Tripartite are following the lead of our good Sohaer; showing mercy when there are basis for none." Nuala Telperion-Uradir snorted a little once the missive made its way to her "I hope they accept these rather.. generous terms.The elfess commented to Delos Telperion, her husband

  13. 5 minutes ago, Parion said:

    [!] Even in the stable swathing of the forums, the collapsing world cannot be evaded, the instabilities spreading to curse the forum square. Many questions had been ashot in the air – qualms and flurried anxiety disturbing the peace. They’d relied on the reliability of at least one platform of Tythus Ltd., but here again they were tormented... but how and by who? As the error messages quickly cursed their browsers, it all grew clear...


    Iblees had sent his one faithful DDOSER, the exiled Dewper.


      Reveal hidden contents



    2 minutes ago, Goblinberg said:

    Maya felt something strange within her, a disturb in the force. "No.. It can't be..." She grasped her clothes onto the chest, where the heart was positioned, her breath heavy and her facial expression anxious. "D-Dewper...?" she'd quickly pull out her shortsword and would walk out of the clinic, glancing around in panic

    As this exiled Dewper arrived from the realms where ever it used to linger, Nuala Telperion’s eyes would simply widen. Slowly, making  her glance would move towards the halfling. Halfling; scared and anxious, which seems to be visible to everyone

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