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Posts posted by Gemini



    Issued as of 20th of The Deep Cold, 1789


    Dear Okarir’nor, Effile Ker’vulnir, 


    Where are you? What is that you are doing?


    Many years since my returnal to the Silver State, I have seen you not once. No missives, not publications, nothing. 

    You were placed upon a seat of trust from the people, the Protector of our lands yet you fail the very Mali that voted for you. You are the very definition of an incompetent council, doing nothing but riding along on a fancy title, without doing anything. 


    I am ashamed. 


    Thus, I demand you be removed as Okarir’nor under an order from the Maheral and the seat be opened up for election. 

    - Nuala Uradir, a socialite

  2. Committing villainy using your staff pex? That’s a big Nono to begin with. 

    Not to mention that you people were so busy running around stealing stuff from unlocked chests, you failed to consider that who would have a nation filled with unlocked chests?


    it doesn’t matter did a Manager tell you to burn the books or not you already committed your abuse. 
    you are fully aware that there are quite clear rules fir staff members regarding their pex and how to use it. 

    overall your best explanation just seems so quickly far fetched because you realized how much you like the server and how much you like to be on ST. 


    At least take responsibility for your actions rather than trying to blame it on others. That’s just childish 

  3. oEOLyGA.png

         Published on 2nd of Sun’s Smile, 1788


    Third From The Silver Wordsmith

    Of the most gracious & rebellious


    The Inferi


    The day came when we had to travel from the safety of our walls to the city of our cousins, Aegrothond.
    Many of us amongst other races stood against the evil beings we call Inferi. Demons that are on a mission taking over Arcas. World domination. 


    Many cities have been lost and many brave soldiers have fallen defending what is their own.
    Defending their homes. 


    Unfortunately not a lot is known of the Inferi nor do we know for sure what their goal in the end is. But what we do know, is that they are up to no good and are a threat to every descendant. 

     As a formal warning from the staff of The Silver Wordsmith, we urge all Mali’thill to remain within the protection of the Silver Walls. If you are obligated to leave the walls we advise you inform a friend, family member or someone otherwise relevant the details of your journey, destination, names of people you are meeting and so on.  




    The Interview of a concerned citizen


    The Inferi were not successful taking over the Crown of Elvenesse, city of Aegrothond. The crown remains strong, standing against the evil lingering within these realms of ours. 


    But the help of what? I do not hear of Azdromoth involving itself in defending this city nor did dragonic wards prevent the evil from stepping a foot in their city. With the help of other descendants, the demons were kept at bay. 


    Is there evidence that the dragon kin will help us? Is there evidence that the Inferi will even bother to travel across Arcas all this way north to Haelun’or? 

    There is no. There is zero evidence of this. 


    We have only achieved impurity during our pact with the titan, Mali’thill disowning Larihei. Mali’thill altering their blessed bodies in the name of “Greater Purity”. 

    Let me say this once, there is no greater purity than what her Blessed self has given us, for she has suffered more than any of us can ever comprehend. Larihei. 


    Forsake the dragonic beings that corrupt the minds of our children, our councillors and even our loved ones. Forsake the titan that demands that we forsake Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya and bow to a lesser. 

    Forsake impurity. Welcome purity. 



    The Silver Tavern of Haelun’or


    A place of joy for almost, if not every citizen inhabiting the gracious walls of Silver, the Silver Tavern. A tavern not once lost when escaping from the realms. 


    Destroyed by the September Prince back in Atlas, but was then place for every socialite to gather on many occasions a day back in Fi’halen. Reconstructed by the ever so competent Laurir Uppori Visaj and now run by the Mali liked by everyone, Aestenia Aevaris. 


    It is always the very keepers of our taverns that stay within the hearts of our people. Not elokariran, not ellauriran, not even elsohaeran. The innkeepers. 


    The current tavern welcomes all citizens and non-citizens alike to come together over a celebratory drink, to put disagreements aside, enjoy the warm environment and good music. 


    The Tavernkeeper is the highest figure of the tavern, running all the daily operations and ensuring everything goes smooth. That would be Miss Aestenia Aevaris. 

    Under her work many employees whom are tasked with many things by the Tavernkeeper. 


    Not only does the Silver Tavern offer food and beverages beyond anything else, but all citizens are welcome to host their own private events under the discretion of the Innkeeper. Public events however, require approval from the Okarir’hiylun. 


    I urge all citizens to head to the tavern and enjoy their magnificent offerings. 



    - The Silver Wordsmith


    Thanks @Heerofor the amazing inferi event pics!! ❤️ If anyone needs pictures form the event go to them!


  4. oEOLyGA.png


    Second from The Silver Wordsmith

    The beauty of cooking


    A skill only mastered by a few and even more a rarity is to apply the mysteries of the void in order to reach an explosion that will sooth the mouth of the taster. 




    We teach our children the Blessed word of Larihei and her teachings. We teach our children the arts of self-defense against the impurities of the other realms. But sometimes we forget to teach our children how to gain sustenance, in which temperature meat must be cooked in order for it to be edible. Which vegetables can be eaten, eaten raw and which need cooking. 


    Here is the smallest of instructions for children and those not familiar with cooking to start with, 




    Chicken - A good tender meat that is best boiled or cooked with some water to maintain moisture. Chicken must be cooked to the fullest. 

    Pork - A delicacy not everyone enjoys, best in different stews. Must be cooked to the fullest. 

    Beef - The usually most liked of meats, can be used for more or less any food there is. Can be eaten raw but a small cooking is recommended. 




    Carrot - Orange and elongated vegetable that is alongside with the ones below a basic ingredient for many dishes. Carrots can be eaten raw and cooked. Delicious both ways.  

    Potato - A brown-ish/yellow vegetable that grows in the ground. Potatoes can be eaten raw but they offer little to none taste and feel rather flour-y in the mouth. 

    Tomato - Round and red. Delicious and is a great base for many sauces. Can be used in cooking or for example on a sandwich. Tasty cooked and raw. 

    Celery - A taste not meant for everyone but those who enjoy it uses celery for many a things. It is green and has small leaves on top of it. Celery can be eaten raw and cooked. 

    Onion - A round, bitter when raw but sweet delicious vegetable that is used in almost every food.



    Black pepper - One of the most used spices known for Mali kind. This one grows in warm areas in big bushes. Do not eat on its own but add the dried acorns into a soup or a stew. 

    White pepper - White pepper is often used in dishes that need a peppery bite but where you don't want black flecks, such as in white sauces and potato dishes.

    Bay leaf - The bay leaf is an aromatic leaf commonly used in cooking. It can be used whole, or as dried and ground.




    Basil - Goes well with different sorts of pasta foods as well as cheese. Mozzarella for exampple

    Oregano - Commonly used in different tomato based sauces. 

    Thyme - A lot like Oregano and basil. Can be used in cream based sauces as well. 

    Dill - This one is perhaps my favourite. Commonly used in fish foods but I suppose only your imagination is the limit. 


    These are the most commonly used ingredients in the realm. Go on everyone and surprise your friends with a newly acquainted skill. 


    - The Silver Wordsmith



    [!] Once again, a bunch of newspapers would be delivered within the Silver Walls to Her esteemed citizens. Children running around, seeming proud of being useful to the Motherland. As previously, a small note would be attached to every magazine. 

    ”I hope you enjoy my Diarchist propaganda, hope it tastes well” – Clearly, this was written in a sarcastic tone but who knows.- You can not hear the writer through writings. 


  5.  Haelunor2.png.9d42df2385017a940386eb04516d33ef.png


    Issued on 2nd of The Sun’s Smile, 1787

    First from The Silver Wordsmith

    The Followers of Azdromoth




    The pact between the titan and the Silver Bastion of Haelun’or has surely changed the Blessed Bastion and her citizenry. Mali’thill and Azdrazi - Brothers in arms, working together to keep the Inferi at bay.
    To protect the City of Silver we made a pact with the dragon named Azdromoth. Now lies the draconic wards in the corners of Haelun’or, protecting us. Protecting us from the evil, from the corruption. 

    But do they?

    Do they really?


    After talking with many Mali and the Laurir of the Uradir talonnii, Anethra Uradir herself confirmed these horrible accusations I did not believe to be true. Okarir’tir, Celiasil Uradir was accused of mutilating one's body, destroying what was given to him by Larihei, the Haelun of all Mali’aheral. 


    Celiasil Uradir, Silvyr Uradir and even the Laurir of the Uradir talonnii was confirmed succumbing into impurity. Of forsaking the blessed teachings of Larihei simply in order to show loyalty to the dragon kin. Is this the cost of our pact? Is our purity the cost of keeping our people safe? 


    Laurir Uradir also stated the Okarir’hiylun, Sohaer and Maelunir being worshippers of dragons. “If such is true one can but only hope they only believe in its power but refrains from destroying their blessed body”, says an anonymous ‘Thill. 


    What do you think, dear reader? 


    Do you think it is proper for a Mali’thill to cut themselves? Do you think it is just for an Okarir who succumbs to impurity to lead Her blessed people forward.


    - The Silver Wordsmith



    [!] A many a newspapers would be given to every citizen of Haelun’or by the means of small children, running around and giggling as they did so. In every newspaper, there would be a small note attached:
    ”With this, it is within our pleasure to announce the very bringers of truth, the Haelunorian newspaper called The Silver Wordsmith.”


  6. As I doubt it comes of surprise to anyone, there is but one Talonnii that is capable of leading the blessed bastion to prosperity. There is but one person to rise to the seat of Sohaer.” Nuala Uradir spoke out in a small gathering, taking a few breaths before she continued Anethra Uradir – She is not only a Laurir of much greatness, but a Lari’onn whom without I would not be here. She is not only doing what she can, but making sure she always gives her everything to the states.

    With that note; I, Nuala Uradir shall offer my vote to my Lari’onn, Anethra Uradir.

    I urge you all to giver her endorsement as well.





    Concluded the Uradir, sipping her wine with a proud smile 




    The Girl with the flower crown

    Born circa 1553, a Mali’thill with really no family or anyone else on that matter. She was all alone in a world filled with lesser races, dangers and impurity. Alone without parents, siblings or any other Mali’thill to raise her, to teach her Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya and to show her the path of Larihei. 

    But was she never truly alone? 


    Travelling across the realms, studying all those of lesser; food, culture, ways. But was this ever satisfactory? Of course not; she craved for a company of equality.

    The elfess was close giving up, her craving for something better was never satisfied. Topics such as Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya was stranger to her. Purity was but a distant dream to this young Mali. 


    Well, who was this young female elf? 

    She was called Nuala, that’s it. For she didn’t deserve more. A simple scholar living as a house servant to some humans. She was but an elf who lived a simple life. 

    But the more she studied, the more she did wanted was given to her by blood. Her right for knowledge.. 

    She wished to visit the place she was sure to be her home. For she was a Mali’aheral. 


    Nuala was scared; she never wanted to cause distress to those of her own. She had to make sure her purity was not questionable. The elfess decided to take a family name, make her own talonnii. Then, became the Dorberos. 


    Nuala Dorberos, first of her name took a journey and escaped from the ranks of the lesser races to join her own. To join those true to the teachings of Larihei. So she did; went to Haelun’or but was met with a view that broke her heart. 

    Her home was destroyed, it was filled with something hard to describe, something poisonous. 

    The once esteemed city of Silver was destroyed and her citizens were gone, placed all across Atlas. Once again, she was alone. All by herself. 


    Years had passed, and this growing elf had given up on the idea of meeting her own. Of joining her one true home. Haelun’or. 

    But the idea was always there, buried deep in her head. Like a constant voice whispering to her. 


    Nuala decided to travel across the realms of Atlas, from Dominion of Malin, all the way to the outskirts of Fenn; begging for someone to help her. To help her find her kin.
    The elfess then heard that a sanctuary was built somewhere close to the old city of Okarn’thilln, Fi’Halen. 


    Nuala went there in her best dress and a beautiful crown she made out of the most beautiful flowers. 

    She was met with slander and insults. 

    Her dress made a her a scarlet woman and her crown a druid. This broke her spirit. 

    But just like Larihei, she did not give up. She was destined to join her own. 

    And so she did. 


    Nuala Dorberos suffered, but she was not the one to give up. 


    The more Nuala was integrated into the high elven society; she learned that he was not mean but kind. The Maheral saw a child who was lost, a daughter of silver who was abandoned. He took it upon himself to guide her back to the right path. Maybe, just maybe did this esteemed Maheral catch feelings towards this little elf with no history. 


    When the storm made its way to Atlas, and it was time to flee. Nuala and Dimaethor got closer and closer. Even “adopted” a child, two actually. Elrion Visaj and Celia Fiym’khel. 

    Those two will stay within the mind of Nuala forever and she shall carry their memory as their mother. 


    Unfortunately, whatever was between Nuala and Dimaethor was lost and they decided to end it on the day of the wedding.

    The young Dorberos was devastated, for the emotional kind she was. 


    [A dozen ripped pages here]

    These ripped pages are just like her. One day the elfess woke up in the sanctuary where the monks reside, confused and once again lost. She had lost everything she for so long built.


     Her memory was gone. 


    The only thing she knew was that she had to go to Haelun’or. Something was calling her, a female voice guided her through the dangerous roads of Arcas back home. 


    The road to recovering her memory was long and at one point she even decided to start her life again as a  new member of the society. 

    She tried to get to know her friends once again; some she was close with were offended by the fact that she didn’t remember them. 


    It appears Nuala and the Okarir’maehr back then, Rinaedith Seregon were friends before the Dorberos disappeared for decades.
    She was close friends with the esteemed Uppori Visaj. None of this she remembered. 

    Then it was the time to meet the Sohaer, former Maheral, Malaurir Dimaethor Elervathar who was now in courtship with Maheral Iaria Elervathar. 

    It seems even this cold-hearted Mali’thill was sad to see his ex-wife-to-be, his friend, like this. 


    She never told anyone, but she was broken inside. She saw her old friends hurt, but could not do anything. 

    But the one thing she was most afraid of was having children. This puritan could not fathom the possibility that she had left children all by themselves. Without a mother. 


    Her memory was recovered. 

    Did she tell anyone? No. She already started life as a new person and did not want to stress her friends anymore. But all those emotions she once had were now gone.


    Life went on and slowly people began to realize she had recovered her memory but it wasn’t a big deal anymore. 


    Years passed and time continued its never ending jorney towards. 


    Nuala Dorberos is no longer Dorberos. She was not abandoned but stolen. She was taken, or by other means lost from her parents, Gwynaeth and Moederai Uradir.
    This elf who always thought to be nothing but a servant was actually a Mali’thill, an Uradir by blood. 


    Nuala Uradir then married and got children with the esteemed Delos Telperion. Delos, whom this elfess loves from the bottom of her heart.

    For decades these two loved each-other. Got many children, children they will always love. 


    No one knows what happened to the esteemed Uradir. They are gone missing, perhaps dead. Perhaps elsewhere. 

    But who knows. 


    One day, the butterfly shall emerge from its cocoon.



    [!] Once the Uradir family heard the news of the missing Nuala, who was assumed dead – They went to check her room, her belongings in the Uradir manor. 

    They found a book, signed by no one, filled with pages and envelopes. Each envelope would be sealed with wax, the Uradir emblem decorating it. 



    OOC: Just to clarify, this is not a PK post. Simply a post now that Nuala, my character is assumed dead and her belongings were found. 

    Also no hate I suck at forum posts. 


    [!] To my beloved firstborn, Ithia. 


    So much, yet so little time we had together.


    I shall hold tight to the memory of you; your smile brighter than any star in the sky. 

    Your tight embrace; that comforted me in need. 


    I apologise for leaving you so early. 



    But you are not alone, you have a family that will always carry you. 
    You are my firstborn, I will never forget that. 

    Please take care of your siblings, Haelun needs to rest. 





    [!] To my second daughter, my star, 


    It is unfortunate what happened to us, to you. 

    I am so sorry. 

    I am and will always be your Haelun.


    Stay safe, Celia Fiym’khel.




    [!] To my first son, 

    My love for you is eternal, my protection over you is eternal. 

    We carry memories, good and bad; but all of them remind of how much you mean to me. 


    I saved you from the claws of that failed mother of yours, but most importantly you saved me. 
    Go now, Elrion – Haelun will always look after you. 




    Malaurir Dimaethor Elervathar,


    My love for you is eternal. 


    You guided me, taught me and protected me. 

    In-return I offered you my love, my loyalty. 


    I am eternally grateful to you.



    I would like to ask two more things; rest. You deserve it. 


    Secondly; Help, guide and teach my children. There will be a time when they need you.


    Tell them stories of me.




    [!] This letter I pledge to my sister, Matriarch of the Uradir talonnii, 


    Ahern Ito’naeleh. 

    You saved me, Lari’onn. 


    You gave me family when I needed it. Love, when I needed it. Listened to me, when I needed it. Protected me, when I needed protection. 


    I hope we departed with a goodbye.


    I hope someday you have the courage to open your heart. To find the love you so deserve. 


    Lari’onn, I am safe. I am okay. 

    I am with the rest of the Uradir. I am with Larihei. 


    Worry not; I left with a smile on my face. 



    [!] To my youngest child, Filarion, 


    You will be a great Mali’thill. Haelun knows. 

    Wherever I know am, you will be the one I picture when I go to sleep. When I miss my children. You are the one I failed the most, forgive me for that. 


    But never succumb to impurity, always follow the teachings of Larihei.- Anethra will guide you along the path. 



    [!] To my greatest friend, Laurir Dele Seregon, 


    You never judged me and you always accepted me. With you, I could unleash the emotions I for so long kept to myself. 

    You saved my life, more than once. You were a friend I did not deserve. 


    I am sorry about everything I could not do for you but I hope you will someday bloom. 


    You deserve nothing but the best. 


    Ahernan, Laurir, Ahernan. 



    [!] To the one I can never repay, 


    Seth, I always looked up to you and your seniority. You were always the one I turned to for advice. 

    You saved my face in many situations and you always supported me. 

    You advised me and on many occasions took over me when the nation needed. 


    You are my family. If you ever wish to use the Dorberos name, you may. 

    I wish we could’ve shared more moments together. 




  8. If my words show any value within the once esteemed Silver Bastion, the place I could call home. 
    I Nuala Uradir, the former Okarir’mali will be giving my vote to the esteemed Laurir Dele Seregon. Her tireless personality and the never ending working that she showed as my Medi’ir will be something I greatly miss. 

    She is is a dear friend who has saved my life more than once with her skills as a physician. 


    Mali’thill, she ne cares for power but your wellbeing. She is the last light that shines within elcihi. Let her save it. 


    When any votes occur, please use this missive as my official vote.” Said the missives that were sent to the Silver City by the means of paper butterflies. Each of the parchements would be decorated by the Uradir talonnii emblem, a silver butterfly and in the end of each missive would be a signatureNuala Uradir” 

  9. “Was it not Elheial’maheralan that came to this conclusion? Foolish, I say. All of you are foolish. Denouncing the word of the most Blessed and his predecessors. 
    You spread slander and disobey the words of your Okarir? I speak of unity and you give me this.” Said a certain Okarir after taking a long, long sip of wine 

    “Dear me, you Mali will be the destruction of our Blessed Bastion” She added with a loud sigh, returning to whatever she was doing prior.

  10. MC Name: Geminisole

    Character's Name: Nuala Uradir

    Character's Age: 200+


    Character's Race:

    High Elf


    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?

    Arcane Evocation


    Summarise the Lore of this magic(s):


    In arcane evocation the mage is conjuring pure arcane energy from the void that will be the same color with the aura of the mage. 


    This energy, whisps or however you wanna call it can be solidified into different shapes and sizes under their various specializations.. 

    there are five (5) different specialities. 

    • Shielding

      • This certain specialization allows the arcane mage to solidify these mentioned whisps into shields. 

      • Some of the shields are stationary and some can be moved. 

      • However, the more complex the spell the more taxing it is. 

      • Based off the balance of the character.

    • Projectiles 

      • This specialization allows the mage to solidify these whisps into certain projectiles.

      • Depending on your tier; you naturally have more variation on what to cast. 

      • From all the way from small missiles to large rays called down from the air.

      • Can very rarely one-hit-KO anyone but offer a rather effective way to deal with concussive damage. 

    • Weaponry 

      • Very similar to projectiles, this specialization allows the mage to solidify whisps into different weapons. 

      • Easier to move than other spells and have no weight to the mage, to others they weight the same as a regular weapon. 

      • The weapons however are dull BUT the mage can conjure them sharp… Again it is more taxing.

      • Are never as sharp as regular weapons. 

    • Life/Art

      • The more artistic side of the magic that is purely non-combative.

      • However non-combative, can be used for distractions.

      • With art the mage can change the texture of these whisps to gas for example. 


    Conjuring arcane energy and solidifying from the void is more or less on the discretion of the mage, depending in their tier of course. 


    Arcanism interacts with your aura that will be awakened once the mage has been connected to the void. This aura can be any color but the mage can not choose it. The aura takes the color depending on the personality etc. of the mage. 

    This aura decides the color of your arcane spells. However translucent they will be the same color as the aura. Like MC stained glass.


    The arcane energy is a natural temperature meaning it doesn’t cause burns or frostbites. 

    It also doesn’t mix well with other evocations; which would mean you can not make lime green flames using arcanism. However, you can conjure this energy look like flames. 


    Regardless of the magic being based on solidifying whisps, they are not unbreakable. 

    Hard? Sure but the density depends on how the mage casts it. The more solid the more mana it takes. 

    Whatever casted, will eventually break but is a rather working opponent to a regular sword or a shield. 


    The arcane mage can master all specialization, but it is recommended you pick one at a time to make sure you still offer quality RP to yourself and with whomever you use the magic with. 

    P.s All spells and more detailed redlines can be found in the original lore by BrandNewKitten. 



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:

    I do


    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  11. Haelunor2.png.9d42df2385017a940386eb04516d33ef.png


    Issued as of 17th of The Deep Cold, 1768 from the office of the Okarir’mali

    To the Blessed Maheral, Acaele Lazul and The Blessed Citizenry of Haelun’or,



    Hard times, I say. Hard times indeed. 

    Not ever has a Maheral been assassinated before. Shall Malaurir Azorella Elibar’acal become one with Larihei and shall her name live forever. 


    Firstly, I wish to congratulate the former Maelunir, the newly anointed Maheral on his ascension towards much more significance. 

    Shall the light of Larihei guide you through your future endeavors.

                                            ”The Maheral simply is” - Lucion Sullas

    The Office of the Okarir’mali shall be at your full disposal and it is within my pleasure to work alongside you.


    Secondly, it has flown to my ears that my dear citizens are dividing in two - Maheralists and Sohaerists. 

    I urge those all, whom go by either title to cease immediately.

                                             I shall not have the name of the late Maheral Elibar’acal dilapidated by groups of

                                             radicals hoping to push their vendetta forward. 


    These are not the times we stand face-to-face, but rather support each-other, working as the

    very structure that holds our blessed bastion together. 



    Okarir’mali, Nuala Uradir





    It was a beautiful day; the sun was shining. Birds were singing and the tireless Mali’thill working around the city. 


    There was a certain family that consisted of many people. There were Mali’thill from many talonnii. Uradir, Telperion and Visaj. These high elves were all somewhat familiar. The elders were showing magical tricks to the youngsters and the newly wed couple held each other looking around 


    - Someday we will have as many children as Miss Uradir, the newly wed husband commented to his wife.


    The wife simply looked at him, smiling. 


    Somewhere in the distance there was a bit of a weird individual. This high elf was very pale and socially awkward. He did not have many friends, he simply could not make them. How would someone so weird as him be able to have friends? 

    This elf was cursed with a stutter and a character not for everyone’s palette. 

    He stared this enjoying family with envy-- His face changing as he saw someone walking towards him. 


    Tall body, long ears and a hair resembling the purest of silver. 


    - Come with us, your family awaits. You should not be by yourself, you make us sad every time you leave. You are my grandson, you’re a cousin and you are a son, Said this beautiful ‘Thill

    I p-p-romise. I-I wi-will never l-leave you, Stuttered this weird, yet very loved boy. 


    Then she woke up, Nuala Uradir all by herself having to face the reality:

    The Primrose has faded. 

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