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Posts posted by EnderMaiashiro

  1. Bianca smiled from within her shop as she saw Kalgrimmor emerge to send out this missive. She paused in her work at forging a new blade to 'steal' a copy from him as he passed. A light grin showing as she read the paper and gave her grandfather an encouraging pat on the shoulder. "You're almost there Grandfather. Yet another amazing feat!"

  2. The palace of Aaun was eerily quiet following the death of the Lord of Alba. The only sound that echoed through the upper chambers being that of a weeping mother. Edith sat in a chair by the hearth, clutching an item of her son's, his first circlet. It is likely that there would be some time before the aging Reinmaren would emerge from the royal chambers but for the time being she spent her time in mourning of the loss of one of her twin children.

  3. naVBWRlB0v48VDz3GkhOYWDnSeSUj-6fw9RW6kpI20pbqaCStaK7UWkCDW4EeBUqx81GJdEGkMQ7KtbCeFYc8XSyRJJ8jPIJYFhGAC2rzb069mGuA7JV8gdbUNViGTGlkfBCUb5KYb5IGHAJ_EhTb20

    Crest of the Val'athri clan - Original curator has been lost to the seas but her message remains.
    "It is the stars that guide our path. The ocean is our calling, to live or die, it is the temptress who decides."





    Clan Val'athri began in the early days of Axios, calling the underground city of Magara’lin home. In these days, the Val'athri served as a devoted group of dark elves, dedicated to being among the few to venture to the surface for food and trade. Their specialties lay within canvas sails of their vessels as they sailed upon the rivers and oceans surrounding the continent, seeing them as an extension of Luara’s domain like the underground lake that they called home. Those that remained behind spent their time on Luara’s Lake, fishing and taking ‘ker to the Temple of the Moon, which sat near its center under an open part of the caverns where moonlight could filter through.

    During the rebellion of Azul, the Val'athri served a vital role in the evacuation of Magara’lin, utilizing their ships to escape the attacks with the survivors. The fleet was led by Vaermina, who was the matriarch of the clan, out to the safe waters away from the continent. With the fall of their home, the clan strove for a nomadic lifestyle, hoping that they would not meet the same fate as their kin that remained. Over time in this new lifestyle, the number of Val'athri began to dwindle. Resources on the open ocean between continents were scarce, leading every fish and bit of plant to be a sacred resource when caught. Despite this, they remained true to their beliefs and traditional methods over the centuries at sea. While much of their history was lost with sunken vessels, stories of the past were told by elder members of the clans to the new generations to pass to their children in turn to maintain the history with what few sea damaged texts remained.

    A number of generations having since passed, the Val'athri heard of the dark elven spiritualists beginning to congregate once more in the city nation of Nor’Asath. This provided a new hope for the long-time seafarers as they now had the prospect of reuniting with their kin, settling down from the nomadic lifestyle that they were forced into in order to have a chance at seeing a better future.





    Members of Clan Val'athri display a variety of characteristics that can fall into two categories. Members of this clan usually have black hair with red or silver eyes. While their skin tones vary widely, many decide to adorn themselves in gold jewelry along with leather and lighter armor useful in their sailing lives. Due to their extensive travel, many adopted tattoos as a way to document their lives. Many held tattoos to represent places they had been or their personalities to those knowing the meaning behind them. Due to their constantly moving lifestyle, most Val'athri have become medium build, being well suited for heavy lifting but not so much so that it could restrict their movement in fast paced situations. Men often reach up to 6’3 and their female counterparts reach 6'0.





    Due to their nomadic lifestyle on the open ocean, Clan Val'athri spend most of their time on vessels and fishing as their ancestors once did. Trade often is integrated into this by trading their catch for other goods such as cloth and grain. Their adept sailing skills make members of the clan excel at leading combat at sea with swift maneuvers only achievable by those spending a life on the ocean. Their weapons of choice tend to be short swords, harpoons, and khopesh, all of which give superior speed in tight quarters such as below deck on a sailing vessel. 

        When not engaged in fishing or sea battles, the Val'athri reach back to their roots to explore the oceans around them, returning home with tales of far away lands and tattoos to accompany those stories. Older members of the clan often dedicate their lives to shamanism once they can no longer sail, as the lifestyle is tough on the body. It is these elder members that provide guidance to the will of the spirits and remembrance of the ancestors and their tales as once told between members of the clans in the high seas.

    When not at sea, those of clan Val’athri often use their swiftness and agility gained from traversing a ship as effective rangers and scouts. Often taking a more covert approach to warfare, using longbows and daggers/short swords to silently eliminate their quarry. Val’athri utilize their skills and experiences to contribute and aid their kin whenever not on the open ocean.


    The Two paths


    Wave Walkers

    Those who follow this path devote themselves to the sea, commanding or operating seagoing vessels and aiding their kin through trade and naval warfare. These Val’athri spend their lives on and around the ocean, waiting to see where she may take them next.



    Dawn Blades

    To the Val’athri that call the night their own, they do not wait for the waves of the ocean to guide their step, but rather make it themselves. Those among the dawn focus on stealth and tracking, skills often developed around the sea but taken further ashore to serve and protect their kin that remain behind.






    Sea Trials

    Upon reaching 50, members of the Val'athri clan will choose between the Wave Walkers and Dawn Blades. Should they choose the way of the oceans, newly fledged adults will head out on their first journey to sea, tasked to spend a week out on the water with nothing but a choice in fishing gear and a small sailboat made of bark and canvas sails. Part of this task is to bring home a trophy to bring back to the people as a symbol of their dedication to the clan as their ancestors once provided. This trophy would then be presented as a sacrifice to Ankrus, the Spirit of Seafaring, who provided calm waters to return their kin home from sea.


    Wilderness Trials

    For those selecting the Dawn Blades instead, members of the Val’athri clan will be sent into the wilderness alone and tasked with returning to their clan's home without aid. They’re given basic supplies for survival, being a bow, arrows, a dagger, and a small pouch of travel rations. From there they must use the stars to guide them and bring back a trophy as an offering for Aztran who granted them the stars to chart their way home.


    Walk of the Ancestors

    Upon completing their trials, showing their devotion to their kin, a shaman will take the fledgeling ‘ker on their first spirit walk as a Val'athri to meet a spirit of their choosing that they will devote their lives to, among the three that the Val'athri worship as their patron spirits. The trophy that they return with is portioned off between the clan but the best selection being given to the intended patron of the newly fledged Val’athri.
    Individuals spending most of their time on the ships at sea often select Ankrus, the Spirit of Seafaring, to guide their ships in safe waters. Those which wish to dedicate themselves to Drelthok, the Spirit of Dreams, often fall into the Shamans of the clan, lending themselves as a guiding light to those kin which call to them. Finally, those that find themselves carried by the wind to many locations dedicate their lives to Aztran, the Spirit of the Sun and Stars, which gives them the brilliant skies to guide them back home.


    Significance of Dreams

    Individuals in Val'athri will often see their dreams as windows across time and into the spirit realm. While they may not be shamans themselves, elements of one’s dreams can often be linked to a message being told by the ancestors to their kin. Oftentimes, individuals will seek shamans to join in on spirit walks to see the true meaning of their dreams.


    End of Life

    While death is not always something to be celebrated, members of Clan Val'athri take it as both a moment to grieve but also celebrate. Elders and those lost early would be bundled and laid to rest in a boat with a few of their belongings to take with them on their passage into the spirit realm to join their ancestors. The close family of the ‘ker will often leave gifts to comfort them in their eternal life until they themselves arrive at Stargush. All members of the family would then prick their finger or cut their palm to contribute a drop of blood to fall upon the fallen ‘ker, to signify the piece of them leaving with their family member. Once the small boat was prepared, straw and dry bark would be added in a layer over the individual before the boat is let off to float into the sea. Once a distance away from the shore, either the partner or other close family to the deceased would fire a flaming arrow towards the boat, setting it on fire until it and its contents are taken into the sea they once called home.

  4. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    Originating from the Eternal Forest, fae appeared and disappeared in waves, often tied to the Aspects by the Mali'ame. Sprites took the form of Flora Echos that disappeared with the rise of the September Prince, only recently returning through reincarnation and natural energy to develop new bodies that gained sentience once more, regaining memories of the past as they started to return to existence within our realms, often unnoticed as small beings of Nightfall Domain, Dayward Lands, or the Twilight Domain as they live tied to the Aspects and the natural world around them. Generally little mind is paid to these creatures however most live carefree and causing some chaos in their wake. In current times, the Sprites enter the mortal realm by being trapped in a fae ring, their body being left behind and their spirit ends up in the mortal realm, drawing natural life, plant or insect, to themselves until it forms a new vessel, a small winged body for their soul to inhabit.

    Generally, Sprites are six to ten inches tall, similar to a descendant with humanoid features. While they have eyes, ears, and mouths, they cannot form complex speech, at most rough common that is broken up. Their bodies made of plant and insect matter, which varies depending on the closest organic matter that their spirit comes in contact with once leaving the fae circle in the mortal world. Sprites do have wings and can fly a maximum of 5 meters before fainting due to the strain of fighting against gravity with their delicate wings. This flight ability can't be used to pass mechanical barriers and is too exhausting to use in combat scenarios. Sprites have a core that serves as a heart and stomach as well as a circulatory system that moves sap, otherwise there are no other internal organs. Sprites do have bones and other connective tissues to hold their humanoid shape. Sprites cannot reproduce. Sprites do produce alchemical reagents, but this must be willing and has no properties outside alchemical uses, these vary depending on which domain the sprite comes from.

    Sprites are susceptible to any blight that can influence nature, however, will not react as brashly as a normal plant would unless it reaches their core, resulting in quick withering and slow for the first hour, death in three. Once at the core only a druid can purge blight and heal. Sprites are vulnerable to dark and voidal magics, experiencing pain if within ten meters of a spell. Sprites can bleed out just like any descendant if not easier, their weakest point being their wings. If killed, a sprite can be reincarnated like in the Eternal Forest, some memories are lost (Plus those of their death) and small personality changes can be seen, potentially appearance.



    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 


    Aesthetic choices for this race come through the land that the Sprite originates from as well as the organic matter that they are made up of. The primary determinant of their physical form in the mortal world is the organic matter they first come in contact with once leaving the fae circle, usually plants, fungi, and insects. Additionally, their spirit may have a selectiveness if they are within their reincarnation cycle, during which the spirit will look for familiar matter to make up their physical form, without straying too far from their circle. The composition of their bodies may vary depending on the lands they come from as well due to the idea of redemption, to try to appeal to their respective Aspect to return to the Eternal Forest. For example, sprites of the Nightfall Domain will have more death involved in their lives, which may lead to more insect-based forms. Dayward Lands tend to be more passive, which may result in a more plant-based body. Sprites from the Twilight Domain have a more aggressive spirit, making them more apt to make small swords and weaponry, which would manifest in perhaps being made of more harmful materials like thorny vines. (Note these are not explicitly stated in the lore but implied under the section of Redemption, prediction of this felt appropriate for the plasticity of these creatures.)



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this creature is shelved, your character may be given the option to revert or be indefinitely shelved?



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  5. On 2/23/2023 at 6:47 PM, Snelfma said:

    Why are you such a nerd

    Because that is my job!

    On 2/24/2023 at 9:17 PM, megavolter said:

    How many times has a woman beat you over the head with a rock/  How many times have you considered beating a woman or aengudaemonic deity with a rock?

    I've been hit in the head with a rock before... not fun. Wasn't a woman though. I have never considered beating another woman up much less with a rock. I have though been part of smashing an aenguldaemon in the face with a rock back in Atlas. Barely remember it other than a failed fire evo cast and then a rock going hurdling through at its face. This was right near the end of Atlas... can't remember much otherwise lmao. I do not condone stoning anyone ever.

    On 2/25/2023 at 10:25 AM, tcs_tonsils_ said:

    What is an unusual action that someone does that irritates you? [For example, when people put milk in before cereal]

    Unusual action... that's a hard one because I've been told chewing with your mouth open is normal... That's perhaps the one thing that pisses me off to no end. I've nearly puked before because of it.  You've definitely got me here though since Idk much that's truly unusual... Perhaps putting the milk in the fridge door on its side. Seen that a couple times... Same with salsa and it got everywhere because the lid wasn't on right.


    On 2/25/2023 at 11:18 AM, Elite Snipes said:

    I want Bianca Ireheart back, when is she returning

    She never really left, I am actually somewhat active on her now though!


    On 2/25/2023 at 1:56 PM, AnimeWolf0080 said:

    Have you drank water yet today?


  6. 46 minutes ago, Puglord said:

    A:How often can your ireheart even get in contact with the blue dwarf


    B:what was the oddest experience you’ve had. Be it an event that just seemed off or a persona that was 100% on crack 

    Oh lord... lmao

    With Kalgrimmor... maybe once a month. I do talk to him oocly almost daily though.

    Oddest experience is hard because there have been many. Perhaps the weirdest was when I was running my tavern in Holm. An orcess came in, closed the windows and doors. Then threw a 1 lb brick of cactus green into the fireplace. Effectively hotboxed them both in there. Mind you my kha had never smoked before... Needless to say she had to be drug out by two humans because she couldn't coordinate herself enough to walk. A funny story to say the least.

    45 minutes ago, valecu said:

    what do you do on usual friday/saturday night?

    what is your favourite nation on lotc throughout your whole playtime?

    favourite person on lotc?

    Well usually on Friday/Saturday nights I'll get either a cider or stout (I don't like drinking but it's nice every once in a while) and rp or play another game. If I'm rping there's a decent chance that I'm either doing a more involved game at the same time or painting. That's at least my plan when I get home tonight, we shall see...

    Favorite nation... Probably Holm. It had its own issues but it was relatively free without the brain melt that could be experienced in other 'melting pot' nations of the past. Though short lived, pretty much anyone could come there and live, work, or start a business. Met some of my favorite people that way. Haense is probably a close second because of how open it has been, though it also varies widely depending on who was leader at the time.

    Favorite person... oh god. Perhaps my favorite person is Xarkly. We've been through a lot together and he's one of my favorite people to talk to. Of course, it is hard to just pick one but I wouldn't change a thing about him.

  7. 3 minutes ago, Frymark said:

    Do you think that there are Martians on Mars?

    No, I don't. I do think there is life, however... On Jupiter's Moon, Europa.

    1 minute ago, Fionn__TWG said:

    Do you have an explanation for Frymark's strangeness? (apart from his geographical position)

    I think he is trying to cover for something... Alcoholism? A lack of it? Wishing he was Irish? I don't really know.

    19 minutes ago, Borin said:

    How do you tolerate Barclayism

    What do you do on your Dwarf persona

    Because Mad and I started them... I gotta see it through!
    My dwarf is now a mage studying under her grandfather, Kalgrimmor. Perhaps hypocritical to be an Ireheart and a mage... But not impossible.

  8. 6 minutes ago, Itz_Cookie said:

    Who’s your most progressed character, and why? And have or did you enjoy their story/development? 

    Well... it depends on what you mean by progressed. If you mean most time spent/most done, it is my snow elf Velatha. Mostly by sheer virtue of her being ancient as hell. That being said though, she has been through a lot. So far I have enjoyed her story, however it is not fun and games, most of it. She has had a lot of hardships in her life that honestly, I'm surprised she is even alive to this day. Between the injuries and mental toll, she should be dead, not 506/507 and still kicking. She has had many good moments as well, so I don't regret rping her and all she has been through, even if I am not as devoted to her as I was in the past.

    Along with what I described in replying to Lithium about the journey, she has lost all of her family. Several crippling injuries and other experiences that would render someone incapable of moving forward, which she does struggle with. However, she is rebuilding and making things better, something I wish I could do more irl but something she has struggled with for centuries.

    4 minutes ago, AlienPebbles said:

    Do you miss the old pinging mechanic? Punching the air at someone from a distance to get their attention

    Yes, yes I do. It would make it so much easier to get some people's attention that run around while bored and won't sit still for you to emote...

  9. 2 minutes ago, LithiumSedai said:

    What was your journey from Famous Snow Elf to Human Queen (Soon™) like?


    Who is the most memorable character you can think of, played by someone else?


    What are your honest thoughts on James's mustache?



    Oh god where do I even begin... There has been a lot in that time if you can't tell by my persona list... Snow elf is an acid trip as I started with them until Fenn died out a 2nd time. On Vel I led the Fennic Remnants, all the evacuees from the city when it was destroyed. Not long before that I led their military. As things died out there I had a kha and eventually led the kha for about 1.5-2 years or so. Honestly a blur. In that time I also led the Irehearts on my dwarf who is still kicking. Around that time I was given Marcella to play, who as we know married Madone as Wilheim and ended up being the first female alderman in Haense. Once she was dead I returned to spend more time on my snow elf and kha until those also declined a bit. After a while I returned to Haense to play Marie who was forced to an early death. A story for another time... And led to me playing Mariya, a Crow knight that never had children of her own. Eventually Xarkly had me play his child as Edith... which is where we are now. Ofc there's more to it but that's a lot of talking for one question!

    Believe it or not, this one is someone no longer among the LotC community, but someone I miss dearly. LionEY_ rped as Dwarger Silvervein, a half-brother to my dwarf. While his time with me is long since passed, he was perhaps the best family member that I've had that wasn't a direct family member the way the Barclays are to me. A complicated prompt to answer there however, one I would like to mention because not many talks about him anymore.

    As for James' mustache, I haven't seen a finer mustache on the server yet. Just the right amount of flair without poking his eyes out.

  10. 3 minutes ago, Ramon said:

    Do you have any favorite characters? Maybe favorite RP items/relics you've had too?

    For favorite character, top is Marcella Barclay, but second is Velatha Sylric, my elf I've had nearly since I joined the server. Favorite rp item/relic I've had is probably the staff I got from Marcella's father, Richard the Rude. The staff is with the Barclays as a heirloom now but it had a spirit trapped inside the emerald, an evil one ofc. He would be awakened and just slew a large swatch of insults at both the user and the one being hit with the staff. A weird propensity for racist slurs, but it's probably the most unique one I've had.

  11. Just now, ncarr said:

    the usual..


    favorite rp experience? 

    fav char? 



    Favorite rp experience... That's actually hard because there are a decent few. However, my favorite character and event are linked. My favorite one was Marcella Barclay (Rip). Though she had a rough start, she lived a good life. My favorite rp was when I took StillAMiniGuy and his sister irply out to a field full of bees while the men were all drunk at a celebration inside. We just chilled, watched the sunset, and Erwin became the bumble bee child. Rather simple, I know, but it's those wholesome moments that don't happen all that often that I miss. He will forever be my bumble bee child, even if it may annoy him that I still talk about it. <3

  12. Ok... I don't normally do these things but feel free to ask me anything.


    It'll be 5 years March 14th that I've been on here with you nerds, give it your best shot. I'm doing this now because I know I will forget when March rolls around.

    I will make a custom item (Weapon, jewelry, housemagery, or otherwise basic-ish with my limited magic) item for most creative question. I'll judge it based on most upvotes and just being a good question.

    May the odds be ever in your favor...

    One of the most frequent questions I get... What is my Discord profile picture:


  13. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Bianca Ireheart


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Water Evocation


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?





    Declared and published in the year of Our Lord, 1906



    On the birth of the Royal Twins




    Ever since peace has been returned to these Heartlands has the restoration of our Realm seen great success. Security, sovereignty and stability have returned and increased to heights not seen since the death of the Empire, but for long has a piece been missing from the equation to prosperity - that being the security of the Royal line and succession of the Crown.




    With great joy, do we announce the successful labour of the Lady of Alba - Edith Alstion - who has on the 7th of Sun's Smile, in the Year of our Lord 1906, given birth to a baby boy and girl. The boy was born into this world mere five minutes before his sister, and they have both been fit with good health as per the diagnosis of Castle Ardor’s Royal Physicians.




    Do we present our children to our united realm, and ask that they be kept in the prayers and celebrations of the Aaunic people, for they will one day lead us to a brighter future with the principles of the Great Charter and the Aaunic peoples.













    His Royal Highness, James Leopold Alstion, Crown Prince of  Aaun, Lord of Alba

    Her Royal Highness, Edith Klaire Alstion, Lady of Alba



    Post credit to @Frymark


  15. VHNmXKPAJjYrPooGPfJ1lBSqxoCo4C2Nae2Q2jEg0fEgx9WqdjvSbgqZZyNhscooIusAOLBaahPuDVjZv8zhPtmpEKpDRqne00-9VmOJ2ncL-7SISxdSuqBG_YUgUkzg7VIAsBeagP5eFE9tF9__tP0AgkFybX_VuhMEF_vO-d--vjlyFFsYLXkqGkX_qA

      Issued the 13th of Owyn’s Light, 1905 - 13th Wzuvar Ag Byvca 458 E.S.


    QolHUPRnGjZJc0tlps3OIY-0yzBhWeyEeSXrzaBRIUK10sTPkGACcBQZMPId8O2QDdeSy86vQBBiCch3DAsAtRWrUh5YNypUZ94IYwFiyTjTeqZucBdZBw7xi5JYvI70tQTjCWKuSfCmPleNS-Eeotr6ZY9LTfGQ5OQvetjAiAz_stbqm2Qghs7ZRgTiPA    x5u9DNkSw3fPFNc6gE8LKoWnVhjDcGr3AIn5dPeWq5fsfOkHgM9SSAyoJHG_1q72MxUF9nVaoqDfKnjuiwedZ3AWY9pMpaZDX27P0zybjrBdP8EFr2A5vXSF-sCNJdEnKT8JbujXQ7sMwWSibIxkseuQ1YWsCvqntM5W-mFRy2GWVSlCh3DlGCqgRoINhw




    You are hereby invited to the union of His Royal Highness, Prince James Leopold and Her Ladyship, Edith Barclay. Who request the pleasure of your company at the celebration of their union at the Holy Church of Minitz next month to be married under God's watchful gaze as family, friends and those of all walks of life may witness the holy union.





    Wedding - 4 pm EST 

    The Wedding itself will take place in the Holy Church of Minitz with those they hold dear. After such a reception shall be held within the castle of Brandthof where refreshments will be served to the guests and anyone who wishes to partake with the festivities.



    Bull Fight - 4:30 pm Est

    The men of Aaun get together to take down a ferocious bull to be committed to the feast and reception after the wedding. Any are welcome to participate in the occasion.


    Evening Dance & Feast - 5:30 pm Est

    The final event of the wedding is the evening dance and feast. The fallen bull will be used with the feast to feed the guests along with a variety of other dishes. The evening closes out with a selection of song and dance, serving as a final celebration for the royal union. 



    Formal Invitations have been delivered to the following. 


    His Holiness, Pontian IV, High Pontiff of the Holy Mother Church and his clergy


    His Majesty, King Karl III Sovereign of Haense and his royal pedigree

    His Princely Grace, Wilheim II Barclay, Duke of Reinmar and his noble Pedigree

    His Grace, Valdemar Baruch, Duke of Valwyck and his noble pedigree

    His Grace, Aleksandr var Ruthern, Duke of Vidaus and his noble pedigree

    The Right Honourable, Adele Ludovar, Countess of Otistadt and her esteemed Pedigree

    The Right Honourable, Matviy Kortrevich, Count of Jerovitz and his esteemed Pedigree

    The Honourable, Ada Colborn, Viscountess of Venzia and her esteemed Pedigree

    His Lordship, Aurik Bishop, Baron of Ostervik and his esteemed Pedigree

    His Lordship, Sviatoslav Godunov, Baron of Verskaya and his esteemed Pedigree

    His Lordship, Felix Weiss, Baron of Zvaervauld and his esteemed Pedigree

    Her Ladyship, Adalia Aleksandr Morovar and her esteemed Pedigree

    Her Ladyship, Allyssa Liliana Colborn


    His Majesty, King Charles I Sovereign of Aaun and his royal pedigree

    His Highness, Ottomar von Alstreim, Prince of Merryweather-Rhine and his noble pedigree

    His Grace, Leon Barclay, Duke of Minitz and his noble pedigree

    His Grace, Heinrik Sarkozic, Duke of Adria and his noble pedigree

    The Right Honourable, Louis de Rosius, Margrave of Haute-Epine and his noble pedigree

    The Right Honourable, Guinevere von Reuss, Margravine of Velen and her noble pedigree

    The Right Honourable, Jan Ivanovich, Hetman of Krostov and his noble pedigree

    The Honourable, Cosima von Augusten, Viscountess of Hohengarten and her noble pedigree

    His Excellency, Helsuren Verethi, Syndicate Envoy to the Waldenic Diet and his diplomatic corps






    His Royal Highness, Prince James Leopold

    Crown Prince of Aaun, Lord of Alba



    Her Ladyship, Edith Barclay

    The Carrot Heiress of Haense


  16. Renewal of the Oath




    Join the Celia'diraar in welcoming the new Mordu'lar, Senna Cerusil! This day the Celia'Diraar will gather in formal presentation of arms to the palace for their new leader to swear her oath to the nation, followed by all Diraar present repeating the oath in support of the coming change, reaffirming their oath with the nation.

    All are welcome to attend this historic event of Celia'nor.



    TODAY 11/27 at 2 pm EST


  17. [!] A new note has been pinned to the notice board!

    Men and women of the Celia'diraar,

    We have been tasked with helping to protect the Adunians that are fleeing Norland. They will be joining us as citizens at risk. As such they are to be protected and treated just as any citizen as they make their homes with us and join our ranks as citizens.

    Piraar Velatha Sylric

  18. Weizenbier Festival


    An invitation is posted across Almaris for taverns and their patrons alike!




    Come one, come all, to the first ever Weizenbier festival of Haense, hosted by the Old Stout Crow Pub. Join us for alcohol filled entertainment found in games such as:


    Spinning Wheel

    Pretzel Eating Contest

    Keg Throwing

    Log Saw

    Stein Stacking

    Winners are announced at each competition with prizes for every game.

    Own a tavern? Join us and bring your own stall to sell your wares. Trade with other taverns! Enter your best brew for a tasting contest for champion beer.

    Own a brewery? Join in on the fun and make your claim to fame. Sell to taverns and visitors alike.

    Open to all who wish to attend and are in good standing with Haense.



    [OOC] Event to take place at 4 pm EST on Tuesday, July 12. Tavern owners should reach out to EnderMaiashiro#7430 to participate and set up a stand. 10 mina donation asked to fund prizes for competition winners.


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