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Posts posted by critter

  1. 16 minutes ago, erictafoya said:

    With no political opinions or any true thoughts, the bastard warrior of Jerovitz knew only one thing: the herd must be protected.

    The Dryad of Jerovitz, having long since lost her wits and, quite literally, the Kortrevich blood which ran from her veins to her now-dutiful son's, sways with pride.

  2. On 1/8/2023 at 10:01 AM, puffables said:

    ....first step to changing community attitude is, even when encountered by bad faith, allow it - can rly make an impact on not only you (might feel like it sucks, letting 'some upstart newbie powergamer play-to-win self-insert' inconvenience your mighty lvl100 grizzled soldier-mage , but trust me - situations with some element of loss is fun rp, and really forces you to engage more with the story being built!! winning always doesn't let you incorporate actual character into your character, its setbacks that do so.) but also the other player. when other players encounter good-faith rp, especially in the long-run it encourages them to also participate in good-faith rp by creating an atmosphere of such.


    this is absolute gospel truth. asking lotc players to be willing to lose is not my effort to ask them to stop having fun; it's to begin a deeper process that enables us all to have better, more consistent fun, and to share that fun with others


    thank you Puffables for this addition

  3. 7 minutes ago, satinkira said:

    the server isn't advertised as a place to build a collective narrative. if it was, we'd likely get far better new players more interested in developing the story. instead..



    Yeah, when writing this I had to refer to the community guidelines where it states


    Together, we write a story. We write it in such a way that no single person owns a chapter, or even a full page. Gradually, as we discover more of this tale it reveals the exceptional appeal of our server: Thousands of people contributing verses to a grand narrative—simply by playing their own character.

    to make sure I wasn't about to outright and utterly contradict the server mission. Putting the "collaborative" side first in advertising would be a huge relief to me, for one.

  4. 19 minutes ago, Bonito said:


    this alone is very good advice. such a small thing that ive noticed so many people do (including myself at times) and making that little change goes a long way. good post.


    what do u think about players who are the exception to the character/person separation? ive had my fair share of rp interactions with characters that turned out to be pretty similar/idealized versions of the irl player and their goals. im definitely not the only one whose experienced this. do u have anything for dealing w that?

    such a good question and also the thing that i struggle with the absolute most.


    at LARP i tend to straight-up avoid these players tbh, but there's also a physical element there that we dont have online.


    the most important thing is to encourage players, esp new players, to consciously and deliberately give their characters traits they, the player, do not have. a good persona tends to be a blend of relatability and contrast to its player (as most of us know, subconsciously or consciously), but obviously if you're already entangled with an idealized-self character that's not really an option. in those situations, distance and OOC check-ins to keep your boundaries steady + a line of communication/feedback open are probably the best moves, with more of one or the other depending on how things are going. alternatively if the player is not receptive to OOC check-ins re: the flow of rp/safety, forcibly keep everything wholly irp.


    i wish i had more concrete advice, but i'm still navigating this one myself! thanks Bonito!

  5. Wynanya Arvellon, once more perhaps overly invested in the ventures of her favorite valah Talonnii, lights a cigarette and gestures wildly to the missive - complaining to anyone who would listen about the many virtues of Lady Ric'ii, and what fuss is a wedding worth in the Second-Age Century, anyway?

  6. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    Epiphytes are dryads or demi-fae beings, the soul of a Descendant with a body remade of plant matter. The plants which consume them are the result of a seed/spore/etc slipping through the fae realm and into growing within the world.

    Epiphytes are created when they are lured by or fall asleep near this plant, and are thusly consumed. The plant sets the soul aside, absorbs the body, plugs the soul back in and regurgitates the epiphyte form. his largely effects appearance, though not beyond the physical restraints of the epiphyte's Descendant form, and sensitivities to magic. Epiphytes are also more sensitive to physical harm, blight, and other effects which would harm any fae/being of nature.


    The bond between origin plant and epiphyte is then similar to hivemind, or parent-child. The epiphyte must have an incredibly strong connection to the plant which transformed them, sharing health and, essentially, a mindset, though the plant cannot inform them of their own death or other such fine details. The epiphyte will always act in the interests of protecting their plant. Their physical needs will match that of the plant (sunlight, water, et cetera). Their personality may shift, but cannot completely revert or change without supplementary RP, as any person/character. 

    - Should be reborn about once every real-life year, with no access to magic during their week of regrowing. 

    - Epiphytes still die of old age as per their descendant species' lifespan.

    - Souls carry over, memories are optional.

    - Must have a fae plant planted on the map. Fae plant must be a mundane plant easily found. One plant at a time, one seed at a time.

    - Can't commune with any plant besides theirs unless a druid.

    - No void magic, no forcing other characters to transform.

    - Cannot become pregnant/give birth

    - Only mundane descendants can become epiphytes


    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 

    Persephae's feet and hands appear to be roots wrapped to resemble the appendages they once were. Her hair is a snarled curl of pine needles, her skin smooth and mottled with rings like pine wood would be, fading into coarse bark where her limbs begin. Her eyes are milky, like sap. Her bicep might feel like a wooden bannister, and her wrists like fine tree branches.


    Overall, she resembles a tall, broad, human woman in silhouette, though her physical features reveal her as a warped creature of an evergreen tree. Her appearance is based off the real-world Siberian pine.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this creature is shelved, your character may be given the option to revert or be indefinitely shelved?



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand.


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  7. Quote

    One persona with the feat will be randomly pk’d each elven month in order to ensure the masses do not grow too complacent.



    Upon acceptance LT is legally required to make Chery give me the kids back it’s been 5 years.


    You're a genius and I love you.

  8. kKrp3sW.png

    ALL of the Grand Duchy of Balian are invited to the Grand Opening of THE CHRYSALIS LOUNGE for an evening of music, cuisine, and the best of company.


    THE CHRYSALIS LOUNGE seeks to provide communal space for scholars, artists, and families. It includes traditional tools for Balianite artists; a small library; a growing collection of artworks from across the Continent; an astrology and cartography workshop; and a number of games and seating arrangements for more casual pursuits.


    Grangraza is extended to Dona Johannes A. Vuiller, Heiress of Aquilae, owner of the Bazaar and Lounge, for her generous patronage.


    7th of OWYN'S FLAME

    24 B.A

    Malin's Welcome - 95 S.A


    ((Thursday, September 22nd, 8PMEST))


    Forever dutiful,


    Luciana Livarai de Melphestaus

    Mater Familia

    Nezier de la Chrysalis


     A Personal Note

    It is my intention to establish our Lounge as a refuge: a place for not only youth, scholars, artists and travellers to intertwine, but for mali’cihe such as myself; we Elves who have, for reasons of religion, circumstance, habit or mere whim, chosen to weave our homes in the ever-changing crossroads of culture, invention, and people that the Children of Horen so excel in building. 


    I intend to create a space of growth - a chrysalis, where our ancestral customs and bonds to our homeland are celebrated, and friendship between Mali and Men wound ever-tighter -- perhaps, I will admit, a lofty goal for a mere lounge. 


  9. A Wildcat, hearing the thrum of nature's song and knowing she will not be about for the celebration proper, sets to an early gathering of offerings for Mabon, buzzing with excitement for her seedmother's guidance through the season.

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