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Posts posted by critter

  1. Fabianin an uncharacteristic but perhaps understandable state since his father's death, chases the courier foolish enough to deliver a copy of the hearsay to his door out, whacking them upon the head with it repeatedly.


    "A prinzenas is a prinzenas, nie matter how heavily with sinful child!

  2. Fabian Kortrevich learns of his childhood friend's passing upon the return of a wedding invitation. He recalls a soft-spoken girl for whom he travelled a tundra to deliver flowers; a stoic princess who guided him through a stony labyrinth to freedom; a wounded warrior upon his door. 


    He leans back in his office chair overlooking Valdeva city Rosalind will never see; a city, he thinks to himself with a sniffle and a bitter smile, she would have hated. The tears were coming, then, hot and unwelcome; he was a man now, a grown man, not the tow-headed child who thought the pagan princess who pressed a diamond in his hands for his homeless friend was the nicest girl he'd ever met, and now she was gone. 


    She was gone. 


    It would be a long and quiet night in the soon-to-be-wed's apartments, save for the occasional, broken sob, and murmured prayers to a God she had not believed in.



  3. Ynszt2q.png






    Gronna ag Droba, 481 E.S | Tobias’ Bounty, 61 B.A

    [[June 10 / 1PM EST / 5PM GMT]]


    It is the delight of the Houses d’Arkent and Kortrevich to announce the long-awaited nuptials of Augustina Catella and Fabian Otto. Their courtship first bloomed at the Symposia Pragma of their youth, and in the tumultuous years since has not only endured, but flourished into a love rooted in mutual respect and creative spirit. Their matrimony shall unify not only two young hearts, but dignified Houses of the North and South, and it is with great pride that both families invite their dearest friends and extended kin to the festivities which will mark this most joyous occasion.



    [A depiction of a noble wedding.]


    The Prelude

    The couple and those who wish to join them shall shatter plates outside the sacred walls of the chosen Basilica to ensure no ill spirits encroach upon the day. They shall then drink from one cup of wine, representing the blood of the family and the shared times, both bitter and sweet, which lay ahead.


    The Ceremony

    The Ceremony shall be held in the Church of the Holy Supernals in Portoregne, Capital of the Kingdom of Balian.

    The couple shall walk down the aisle together, united before GOD, and upon their vows have their hands bound with cloth; lives and customs both entwined. 


    The Reception

    The Reception shall be hosted near to the Ceremony.

    Following the ceremony, the celebration shall move to a dinner featuring cuisine of both Balianese and Haeseni origin. The couple shall observe a number of post-ceremony traditions from both cultures, along with dancing and revelry.


    Gifts are not expected, but will be gladly accepted.


    [Portraits of the bride and bridegroom by Lady Augustina herself.]



    His Excellency, Fabian Otto Kortrevich, Grand Lord of Hanseti-Ruska, Archivist of the House Kortrevich

    Her Ladyship, Augustina Catella d’Arkent, Lady of Salia, Court Painter of the Palatio Arancione


    Alongside the immediate Families, the following Individuals are Personally Invited to join in celebration:

    His Royal Majesty, Georg I

    Her Royal Majesty, Sofia of Hyspia

    His Serene Highness, Aleksandr Otto

    Her Serene Highness, Amaya Milena

    Her Royal Highness, Elena Casimira

    Her Royal Highness, Lydia Antheia

    Firress Marian

    Her Ladyship, Nataliya Amador

    His Lordship, Aleksandr Audemar

    Her Excellency, Josefina Barclay

    Her Ladyship, Theodosya Cecilya Barclay

    Her Grace, Roslin Baruch

    Her Ladyship, Ailsa Baruch

    His Lordship, Alasdair Baruch

    Her Ladyship, Alyona Godunov

    His Lordship, Malcolm Gant

    Her Ladyship, Callista Kervallen

    Firress Franziska Morovar

    Her Ladyship, Emigliana O’Rourke

    Her Royal Highness, Briar Pendraic

    Her Royal Highness, Rosalind Freysson Ruric

    Her Serene Highness, Analiesa Josefina

    Her Ladyship, Aleksandra vas Ruthern

    Her Ladyship, Stefaniya Ipera vas Ruthern

    Firr, Gawyn Tiber

    Her Ladyship, Allessandra de Vend

    His Lordship, Haus Weiss-Vuiller

    His Lordship, Walter Weiss

  4. Fabian Kortrevich is pleasantly surprised to receive a personal invitation, having been drafting similar for his own impending matrimony. He beams, delighted for the long-awaited union of his cousin and the Baroness, and at once begins elaborate gift plans heavily featuring fresh cuts of poppies and kaffa lillies.

  5. Peals of delighted laughter disrupt the quiet of a Kortrevich's reclusive garden, as his very own invitation is waved triumphantly in the air. 


    "At last!" The Grand Lord cries - before the enormity of the oncoming festivities hits him, and his laughter gains a far more manic, exhausted edge, face soon buried in his hands. "And, oh, Godani - already..."

  6. Player Appreciation

    May 2023




    It’s that time again! 


    Player Appreciation is a unique tradition of the Haense community as a means of recognizing someone who’s hard work and passion makes this space what it is, both IRP and OOC.


    May’s Player of the Month has certainly contributed both, particularly in this busy period on the server. Whether choosing to play a character who’s kindness and generosity brightened the refugee camps of Savoy, working long hours on the Haense build server, or sending their nightly fun facts (always with a cookie), this player takes every opportunity to create a welcoming, warm experience for all who meet them.


    It is my honor to give thanks by introducing May’s Player of the Month…









    Anna is such a bright light and never fails to brighten anyone’s day. I love that she always reminds others that they are appreciated and goes out of her way to be kind to others. She is a pivotal part of our community and I appreciate all the work she does. She truly is a hardworking and kindhearted individual that I admire and am grateful to call my friend.




    DUDE, YOU ARE AWESOOOME. You CARRY the library, and you’ve put so much work into the rebuild. Both the systems, and the actual build itself. Don’t go thinking we haven’t noticed!!! That, and you are an awesome friend. You go out of your way every night to wish people goodnight, with a fun (or slightly terrifying) fact. It makes my day, seriously. You earned this gwurlie, go get it!




    An incredible player with great talent and drive that she puts to the community, always writing posts or planning events. One of the best RPers I've met, I can roleplay with her for hours without pause and she has a great understanding of characters and what makes good character interactions. I am grateful she is part of this community, and my friend. Truly dedicated, and a hard worker.





    Please join us here in giving Smol some well-earned thanks and appreciation, and tune back in next month for another awesome player in our community!



    Another highly-nominated player for this month was the much-beloved @tadabug2000, a marvelous leader who has put in a world of effort playing Haense’s Queen Consort. If you’d like to drop Tada some well-earned kindness and gratitudes, please add onto her player appreciation post here!

  7. 7 hours ago, Lirinya said:


    "He must have walked past them.. several times," commented an Amador woman, "perhaps he is blind to colour?"

    Fabian Kortrevich is, in fact, terribly colorblind. For those willing to profit, though, this has only made his BEET QUEST all the more frenzied.

  8. A simple missive on rough, handmade paper and painted in faint inks circulates the realms of Failor.



    If this missive finds you, it is from a man with a most simple request. 


    I will trade most any Valuables and Wares in exchange for knowledge of where to find Beets or for Beets or for Beet Seeds upon the fair lands of Failor. I shall Find These Missives; do leave a Note attached if I might meet with you in regards to Beets.



    His Excellency, Fabian Otto Kortrevich, Grand Lord of Hanseti-Ruska

  9. Fabian Kortrevich was never meant to be a soldier. Too thin; too sick; too soft, down to his beating, loving heart.


    And yet, fate.


    He had fired and he had fought alongside better men. He had tended their wounded, sat soaked in their blood and murmuring unheard prayers. He had followed Amayaa someday-Queen, as loyally as his own hunting-hounds once had. He had called to Baldrum Colborn with such glee - reporting that one of his sons would live, was healed, hoping to give the man one more reason to fight. 


    Later, in Savoy, it would fall to Fabian to arrange Ser Baldrum's memorial. Later, in Savoy, it would be the same hands never meant to pack a cannon that would pass wood-scraps along the builder's line; that would till the soil for some small garden; that would stock pantry-shelves, and pass around candles.


    Later, in Savoy, that which Aleksandr had foretold would begin. Slowly. In small ways. A cold bottle of Carrion. A driftwood Lorraine. Matters which felt more right, more natural, to the Kortrevich; means, however small in the grand shadow of the threat they faced, of rebuilding.

  10. Just now, VerminHunter said:


    Now is the time for the Wyrm to express its ambition and strength. The constellation of the Wyrm is the only one that can be clearly seen still in the darkness, and it somewhat overlaps with that of its rival The Crow, indicating the two should put aside their differences for the time being.

    Fabian Kortrevich reviews the horoscope as he readies his quiver and his healer's bag on the door of war.


    He nods, with a steadying breath, and slides his helm on.

  11. Fabian Kortrevich smiles to himself, having won a wager of words on John's second-borns, and at once sends for his shears to arrange a congratulatory bouquet - pondering, meanwhile, if he shouldn't write the twins' loveliest aunt to offer babysitting assistance.




  12. Somewhere, deep in the holds of the Song, Vines felt a tremor and a shift in the rhythm of her dance and remembered, thoughts unbidden, the gruff figure who held her hand through the delivery of a child; who walked through their village with a rugged grace; who had guided so very, very many. 


    She paused.


    And, like all the rest whose path the Lynx had left her mark upon, she mourned.

  13. Fabian Kortrevich heard word of his friend's illness through the churn of the Haeseni rumor-mill, and set down his papers with a sigh, staring balefully at a cup of tea with a purse of his lips.


    "So, mea friend," he informed the curls of lavender steam, "rest has found vy."


    Then, with a wry smile, he rose; drained the last of his cup, and threw the cloak over his shoulder, calling for a page to ready his horse. Lilac fields and superstition had kept him away from visiting the Weiss lands, but the concerning matter of Haus Weiss-Vuiller's condition overruled such worries as the fellow healer-man set out to find the truth of the matter.

  14. 11 hours ago, CelestialBoba said:


    Marija looked a bit perplexed at his person and took note of the distress only to softly smile and nod. "But of course I can wait. I also gift you a lovely tea blend of almond black tea with a small jar of spiced honey to go with it." She gathers the items from her iconic basket and sets them away from the paper work onto his desk. Stepping back she curtsies once more and straightens up. "I look forward to the placement and hope you do rest well. Gudi natt." Her tone full of warmth before she'd excused herself and continued to the Colborn's apparment to rest.

    A letter would arrive for Marija in the coming days, delivered by a Kortrevich courier-boy along with a spring of white daffodils; a sign of happiness and renewal. 


    Dear Lady Marija Colborn, Court Baker,


    My apologies once more for the oversights in my Proposal, and a sincere thank-you for the jar of honey, which is lovely and now all but essential to my daily routine. 


    After much Conference with her Majesty, the Post of Court Baker shall be placed betwixt that of Assistant and Mistress; free to hold your own Wards and instruct the Chefs of the Servantry, though ultimately beneath the Purview of the Pantry as a whole. I leave it to you and Nona Fable to determine your exact division of duties and corresponding chain of command within the Pantry; she is a most accommodating woman and not one for Hierarchy, so I am sure you will not find yourself particularly restricted by the good Mistress. 


    Your position, as granted by their Majesties in recognition of your most impressive skills, shall be the only instated in such a way as the Courts continue to grow. There is such a thing, after all, as too many cooks in the kitchen; and all service is good and worthy service. 


    Thank you again for your grace in these burdensome times. I do most look forward to how you shall wield your Post, and hope this general compromise satisfies. If you have further concerns regarding the Proposed Structure or any other matter, do not hesitate to seek me out.


    Sincerely, His Excellency,

    Fabian Otto Kortrevich

    Grand Lord of Hanseti and Ruska 


    A revised copy of the FABIANITE CHART would be thus attached, and posted throughout the Palace.


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