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Posts posted by JokerLow

  1. On 6/30/2019 at 6:09 AM, JokerLow said:


    The Wronged:

    Hekakes Goldhand

    The Assailant:


    The Wrong:

    The questioning of Hekkaes’s position as the only true Clan Father of Goldhand clan and its blood as a Goldhand

    Terms of Settlement:

    Payment of 1000 minas or pleading services to the Goldhand clan


    Grudge settled.

  2. Goldhand Defences

    Powered by Goldhand Trading Co.

    10th of Malin’s Welcome, 1726


    [!] All across Arcas, flyers would be seen with the following content.


    With the uprising of threats, such as war, raids or thieves, people tend to think that they might be helpless. Lets be fair, between your house and a thief, a limp door blocks its path, but we think that it is not enough to defend your treasury, yourself and your loved ones!

    We belive that there is nothing worth more than having your home defended, thats why we are coming with an innovative idea!




    What are we? We are a group of dwarves with a special set of skills that can be used to make your house, your hold, fort and even a city, unbreachable and totally safe.

    How we do it? Don’t bother yourself with such question, the real question is, will you be ready to make your house an unbreachable fort?

    Now, we all know nothing is free in this world, but ask yourself, is your safety or the safety of your loved one lesser than gold? 

    Each price is different, speaking of houses, holds or cities, they can be negotiated:


    -Houses: 1.000 minas

    -Holds: 4.500 minas

    -Cities: 8.000 minas


    Keep in mind, the basic prices stand for a full defence, prices are to be negotiated depending on the size or level of security wanted.

    For further information, contact Hekkaes Goldhand or Durlak Goldhand via birds or pay a visit to the under-realm of Urguan.

    [!] At the bottom of the flyer, the sigil of Goldhand clan would rest.





    ((OOC contact info
    Hekkaes Goldhand’s discord:  JokerLow#1312

    Durlak Goldhand’s discord: Haunter3#8440 ))




    7th of Sun’s Smile, 1725

    The pact of the Bloody Sword


    I. The signatories agree to have a defensive pact between their groups. Meaning that both signatories agree to seize any agressions between themselves and defend each other in times of need, in this case Scotlandia and Uialbens.


    II. The signatories agree to allow trade flow freely between the two groups.


    III. When either side are in a situation which could cause issues within either side, the leadership will offer their help in sorting the situation that the other side is in.


    IV. The treaty shall rests until one of the party’s leadership changes or until one of the parties desires a change.







  4. 7th of Sun’s Smile, 1725

    The pact of the Bloody Gold



    I. The signatories agree to have a defensive pact between their groups. Meaning that both signatories agree to seize any agressions between themselves and defend each other in times of need, in this case Goldhand clan and Uialbens.


    II. The signatories agree to allow trade flow freely between the two groups.


    III. When either side are in a situation which could cause issues within either side, the leadership will offer their help in sorting the situation that the other side is in.


    IV. The treaty shall rests until one of the party’s leadership changes or until one of the parties desires a change.




    Signed by, Hekkaes Goldhand, Clan Father of Goldhand clan, priest of Da Kirjka Dverga

  5. 7th of Sun’s Smile, 1725

    The pact of the Golden Sword


    I. The signatories agree to have a defensive pact between their groups. Meaning that both signatories agree to seize any agressions between themselves and defend each other in times of need, in this case Goldhand clan and Scotlandia.


    II. The signatories agree to allow trade flow freely between the two groups.


    III. When either side are in a situation which could cause issues within either side, the leadership will offer their help in sorting the situation that the other side is in.


    IV. The treaty shall rests until one of the party’s leadership changes or until one of the parties desires a change.


    V. When needed Scotlandia shall aid Goldhand merchants on transporting their goods.





    Signed by, Hekkaes Goldhand, Clan Father of Goldhand clan, priest of Da Kirjka Dverga


  6.  3nd of Malin’s Welcome, 1724



    [!] Posters in many nations would hang

    Urguan got talent



    With the ending of Urguan’s First Trading Festival, the dwarves of the under-realm of Urguan are happy to announce, the first edition of Urguan got talent.

    What is ‘Urguan got talent’, you may ask. It is simple as its name, its a festival at which people attendt to show their talents, with hope to win the prize.

    The prize of the festival shall consist in the winner receiving the title as honorary dwarf, a golden trophy, 1.500 minas and the winner shall remain in history as the winner of Urguan got talent edition I.

    The event will take place in the under-realm of Urguan, more exactly at the Bearded Lady tavern at the upper level. After the festival, a feast shall take place where everyone will be fed and drink like never before!


    Invited nations:

    -The Princedom of Fenn

    -The Rajdom of Thyra

    -The Holy Orenian Empire

    -The Silver State of Haelun’or

    -The Druidic Order

    -The Jade Republic of New Jing-Taiyun

    -Clan Raguk


    Banished nations:

    -The Rexdom of Krugmar



    The talent of each competitor shall be evalued by a highly trained team of judges. The judge team, consists of:

    -Hekkaes Goldhand

    -Ozneat Treebeard

    -Thumril Grandaxe

    -Howler Silvervein

    The presentators of the festival shall be:

    -Utak Ireheart

    -Gimli Grandaxe

    [!] A picture would be drawn of the judges and presentators




    The festival shall take place in the upcoming Sunday, may the best win!




    Signed by, Hekkaes Goldhand, clan father of Goldhand clan, priest of Da Kirjka Dverga.





    The event will take place on 14.07.2019 at 5PM EST.

    For those who have a talent that involves singing, they are required to sing in VC with the judges.







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