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Posts posted by JokerLow

  1. Hekkaes would drop a tear from his normal eye T’ey gruw su fast....he’d then let out a long chuckleOi will get ‘im drunk loike Oi did wit’ Beorn....” he’d say to himself with a villain laugh.

  2. 18th of The Amber Cold, 1722


    The pact of Gold and Silver



    I. The signatories agree to have a non-agression term between their clans, such as word violence or by sword, in this case Goldhand and Silvervein.


    II. The signatories agree to allow trade flow freely between the two groups.


    III. When either clans are in a situation which could cause issues within either clan, the Clan Father/Mother will offer their help in sorting the situation that the clan is in.


    IV. The treaty shall rests until one of the party’s leadership changes or until one of the parties desires a change.






    Signed by, Hekkaes Goldhand, Clan Father of Goldhand clan, priest of Da Kirjka Dverga


  3. Bhammil Frostbeard, would read the missive with tears falling from his eyes, he would wipe the tears off his face, he would clear his throat “Da Frostbeard kazamar needs tu be’ reunited once agaen, under da banner ov Urguan! Same as da rest ov dwarf ov Kaz’Ulra’! We da dwarves ‘re stronga’ toget’a! Narvok oz Frostbeard! Narvok oz Urguan!” Bhammil would exclaim.




    Hekkaes Goldhand would stay in his house in the under-realm of Urguan, when a Frostbeard would take the missive from the Frostbeard going to open it...he would read the missive for a few seconds, as PTSD attacks would strike Hekkaes, feeling nausea and almost vomitting, Hekkaes calms himself down before saying ”Oi was born as a Kaz’Ulra’ dwarf, but we all dwarves s’are da same bluud frum Urguan! Even t’o Oi felt Ulra’ fall like a stab en moi ‘eart, Oi got ova’ et, et es toime fo’ da rest ov Ulra’ dwarves tu du da same ‘nd return to their kin!” Hekkaes would say that, as he would go to sit on his bed, trying to relax after the PTSD attack.

  4. 13th of The Grand Harvest, 1722

    Related image

    The First Trading Festival of

    The under-realm of Urguan


    [!] Posters are hanged in every city of Arcas with the following message

    With the Golden age of dwarves arriving, the so wanted unification of the sons of Urguan finally achieved and with the recent tensions in the atmosphere, I have decided to calm things a little bit down.

    But for the sake of peace and prosperity, I Hekkaes Goldhand alongside my good friends from Hefrumm and their leader Thorin Treebeard, decided to organize this festival. It shall take place within Hefrumm (the village near Urguan) in 5 stone days. The stalls are free for citizens of the under-realm of Urguan, for those not having a citizenship, the tax will be 50 minas per stall for the whole day.

    Alongisde trading, there will be planned events in Hefrumm, such as:

    -Arm wrestling

    -Sumo fights

    -Sword duels

    The events during the festival shall be hosted by Hekkaes Goldhand, each duel having a prize of 1000 minas, anyone that wants to partake in the events will have to sign up in person.

    Narvok oz Brathmordakin! Narvok oz Urguan!


    -Signed by Hekkaes Goldhand, Clan Father of Goldhand clan, Priest of Da Kirkja Dverga.





    ((The event will take place on 05.07.2019 3PM EST))

  5. -={=+=}=-

    The Wronged:

    Hekakes Goldhand

    The Assailant:


    The Wrong:

    The questioning of Hekkaes’s position as the only true Clan Father of Goldhand clan and its blood as a Goldhand

    Terms of Settlement:

    Payment of 1000 minas or pleading services to the Goldhand clan


  6. I hope you will get the best, same for your family bro!
    I really had a good experience with you as a Moderator and oocly you were a chill person.
    I of course hope to see you back, but if this is your decision I will respect it. 
    See you later bro.


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