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Posts posted by JokerLow

  1. 8th of Sun’s Smile, 1731

    [!] The Goldhand sigil would rest on top of the parchment


    Issued in Kal’Varoth, capital of the under-realm of Urguan




    For a long time, brothers and sisters, the Goldhand clan remained dormant within itself...But that shall not remain from now on! Months of me, re-reading the history of my clan, admiring the deeds of the old clan fathers have made understand that a second reform of the Goldhands must take place for a brighter future for the Goldhands and that second reformation shall take place under my reign as Clan Father.


    I, Hekkaes Goldhand, the legitimate and only true Clan Father of Goldhand Clan, declare the Second Reform of Goldhands to begin by this day! This reform shall honor the first reform, made by Durack Goldhand, son of Finian Goldhand the one that gaved Goldhands their greatest revival in the times of Vailor.

    By all that, the Goldhand clan shall not focus ultimately only on trading and merchanting, but from now on, our plans are bigger than ever before! We shall take the brightest of the brightest and head into the deep realms of Arcas to search for the most valuable relics and artifacts to ever be found by a descendant and all that shall be done in the name of Goldhand Clan and Brathmordakin.


    Our duty shall be blessed by the Merchant Brothers, for they smile upon us from the great halls of Khaz’A’Dentrumm.

    Let the death of Thoak Goldhand not be in vain, for he left he clan in good hands before taking arms and marching with his kin to battle, back in Atlas. Let the death of Dwifur Goldhand not be in vain, for he expressed himself which had him slaughtered. Let the death of  goldhand not be in vain, for we shall make them proud for the time we will live.


    By now, I summon all Goldhands to answer to their Clan Father call. Old or new, you’re called to your duty as Goldhand and expected to answer it, make your ancestors proud, make yourself the greatest of all!






    Signed by, Hekkaes Goldhand, Clan Father of Goldhands

  2. 15 minutes ago, Man of Respect said:

    Most of my cousins are alcohol addicts since their 14’s or 15’s, but since their youngest years their biggest objective was to get older to have alcohol since it’s pretty normal between my uncles and aunts to drink beer.


    I had alcohol once, got drunk and it was cool, but then I began to crave for alcohol again for some time and it was like “What the ****, I gotta stop with this right now”

    I was just kidding if you didn’t catch it, but wow.

  3. -=Issued in, 4th of Snow’s Maiden 1731=-





    Urguan’s Warden Project






    After the catastrophe that resulted in Kal’Varoth to be burried into stone, sons of Urguan have stood for a long time without a stable house. But from this day, with the hard work of many dwarves, I Hekkaes Goldhand, Warden of Urguan happily declare the instauration of Urguan’s Warden Project.

    What does the instauration of this project means? It means that literally everyone can now own a house in Urguan!

    We have set up, two different areas for housing in Urguan.


    The Class B Dwelling




    Everyone deserves a roof above their head and we dwarves of Urguan do not discriminate! If you have a low monthly income and look for a cheap house then dwellings are for you!

    To buy them you need no minas and the rent is almost dirt cheap!

    50 MINAS WEEKLY and you can have your own home right now in the under-realm of Urguan!


    The Class A Dwellings





    If your monthly income is above minimum wage and comfort is all that matters to you, then Class A Dwellings are for you!

    At the higher level of the city, most of the Class A Dwellings have stunning views of the city. With a bigger space to live in, some Class A Dwellings come in with a higher protection from burglaries.

    The buying price of a Class A Dwelling is 300 minas with a weekly rent of only 200 minas!

    So if you’re looking for comfort at a great price, then Class A Dwellings are for you!


    Manors of Kal’Varoth




    If money is not a problem and comfort is one of the most important things to you, then you are lucky! The under-realm of Urguan allows its citizens to buy land in Urguan enough for a manor.
    Prices for manors begin from 10.000 minas depending on the place and size of the desired manor. If wanted to have it built by someone else, a tax will be applied.


    Contact Urguan’s Warden!




    Whenever you are ready to buy a house, feel free to contact Urguan’s Warden, Hekkaes Goldhand or send a bird!








    Beardmancy is an ancient dwarven magic, which would allow the user to control his beard by bending it, giving it different forms, having it float, etc.

    Firstly discovered in Aegis, by 5 companions, the word about their power got out pretty quick and people became aware of the new magic dwarves discovered.

    Once casting the magic, the user would have his manly testosterones would amplify, making the beard of the beardmancer grow instantly 2 inches more.

    The use of Beardmancy would allow the user to grow his beard by maximum 1 meter, shape its beard in any forms he could think of, sharpen his beard which can be used in combat but also can be used in daily needs. But their beards can also be used for the user to sleep in, making a comfortable bed for him. Also, beardmancy allows the user to control not only the hair from his beard, but any hair from the body.




    It was in the early of Aegis, when 3 dwarves and 2 supposedly humans, summoned to discuss voidal matters. While discussing, the mattter of their masculinity, to which the humans stated their distress about the size of their beards and their admiration towards the sons of Urguan and their beards.

    After discussing, the dwarves came with the an idea, they belived  would help their human friends. The dwarves used their powers to manipulate their level of testosterone. The humans were amazed by the powers of dwarves and sure they were happy, for they finally came to what we call today, perfection.

    Time passed by, many days of training, but the dwarves came to the point where they could not do anything more, they did anything that can be done with their beards.

    It was at that time, that the 3 dwarves, gaved birth to the magic we know today as Beardmancy. These 3 dwarves, are known as the beard fathers of all dwarves, for they were the ones who spread the magic among their kin.




    Beardmancy is a voidal magic, it requiers the user to firstly connect to the void. Once connected to the void, the user’s beard would grow 2 inches. 

    As every voidal magic, for the user to cast the spells, it takes time to connect to the void. For Beardmancy to work, the user has to connect to the void while having an action with his beard.

    Once connected to the void, the beardmancer can cast direct spells to his beard or someone’s else beard, but the beardmancer is also able to write runes or enchant stones, that would cast a spell to the user of the runes or enchants, of course the effect of the runes and echant being less stronger and not lasting a long period of time.

    Tier List



    Tier 1 [Beardless]:

    • The beardmancer is at the beginning of his journey, connecting for the first time to the void, if not done before.
    • The first week since the beardmancer started his lessons, it will be a time of intense study, time when the beardmancer will study the growing of any type of hair.
    • The beardmancer may not cast any type of spells at this point, but only study the magical art with the guidance of a teacher.
    • [One Week]

    Tier 2 [Bearded]:

    • At this time, the beardmancer has the basic knowledge of the magic, able to cast simple and little spells, such as growing its own beard size only by a few inches and even then, it would be exhausting for the caster, no matter what its background is with voidal magics.
    • [Three Weeks]

    Tier 3 [Beardmaster]:

    • The beardmancer at this point, has a vast knowledge on beardmancy, able to cast bigger spells than before, the beardmancer can now control his beard easier.
    • The current spells a beardmancer is able to cast at tier 3: beard growing spell, small beard shaping spell, beard dance spell, beard carry spell.

    Tier 4 [Beardlord]:

    • The beardmancer has a bigger knowledge about beardmancy now than ever before, able to cast stronger spells and finally cast combat spells, not extremly efficient in combat though.
    • The current spells a beardmancer is able to cast at tier 4: beard shaping spell (combat shape), beard growing spell (on someone else), beard levitating.
    • The beardmancer is able at this point to write runes.

    Tier 5 [Beardmancer]:

    • The beardmancer at this point masters the magic at this point. Able to cast every spell with little exhaustion, the beardmancer is now able to cast a special spell, which only a tier 5 beardmancer can only cast.
    • The current spells a beardmancer is able to cast at tier 5: beard control.


    Tier 1


    At the beginning of the journey, the beardmancer can only cast a spell which would increase the lenght of his beard by maximum 2 inches. Upon exceeding the 2 inches limit, the beardmancer would faint and have nausea symptoms. Of course there would be a difference with casual voidal users, as the effect of firstly connecting to the void would not take part, the user would still be unable to go over the 2 inches limit without fainting.


    Tier 2


    At this point, the beardmancer would be halfway through his journey. Able to cast spells to grow the size of his beard to 1 meter. At this stage, the beardmance can use his beard for little works, such as picking up rings, pipes or any light object, or tickle someone under its chin, but any other exhausting works will result in the beardmancer to faint.


    Tier 3


    Getting used to the magic at this point, the beardmancer can give shape to his beard and lift heavier things than before, such as swords or hammers. At tier 3 a beardmancer is able to give his beard the shape of a dagger and making it solid. The beardmancer can also increase his beard’s thickness and grow someone else’s beard quicker than before.


    Tier 4


    Almost at the end of his journey, now the beardmancer grows stronger in power. His previous powers upgrading at this point, making the beardmancer able to shape his beard into greater forms and have it take thicker levels than before. The beardmance can make his beard levitate at this point at the snap of his fingers, the spell almost draining no mana from the beardmancer. The beardmancer is able to grow someone else’s beard quicker than ever but still cannot control it.

    At this tier, the beardmancer is able to write runes and enchant gems with spells for the user/reader.


    Tier 5


    At the end of the journey, the beardmancer achieved the highest peak of powers one could dream of. Able to control his beard at any time, the beardmancer is also able to use his beard as a real weapon in combat, the thickness of his beard able to turn as the same thickness of an iron sword, the beard became the real weapon.

    For the beardmancer to control someone else’s beard, it would take a longer meditation and it will cost more mana than other spells. Tho failure can happen even to a tier 5 beardmancer, as it takes a lot for one to be able to fully control another beard, than theirs.





    1.If a beard would go longer than 1 meter, it would result in strangulation of the beardmancer. The beardmancer is not able to make someone’s beard grow longer than 0.5 meters.


    2.If a beardmancer’s beard gets hit by a stronger object, while casting a spell for its beard to take shapes of weapons, the shaped beard would shatter, aswell as half of the beardmancer’s beard would fall, lowering the powers of the beardmancer.


    3.If the beardmancer has its beard cut, he is cut off all his powers. The only option is forming an artificial beard, which would not be bigger than half the height of the previous beard.


    4.Attempting to shape someone else’s beard without their consent its the hardest spell one can do. Avoiding powergaming, the beardmancer and the defender have to roll, if the beardmancer’s roll is higher, he has control over the beard, if not, the beardmancer would feel a power pushing him away, draining him a lot of mana.


    5.Runes written by beardmancers, can work only if they are written in a specific alphabet, known only by beardmancers, they requier the writter to be posser of the magic. The effect of the rune will last lesser than the effect of an enchanted gem.


    6.It is not impossible for non dwarves to learn Beardmancy, but their powers would be lesser than the powers of dwarves. The power of male Orcs, Elves or Humans would be the same as the powers of female dwarves.


    ((This was a one man work.))

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