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About FireHazard

  • Birthday 05/13/2002

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  1. im honored that u use my character for ur application

  2. FireHazard


    I changed the definition of power-gaming and the eyes are now a green, instead of a red. Also, thank you for both the links and the bunny gif! ?
  3. FireHazard


    (Original name was kakusa) He doesn't remember how life was, before his parents were killed. The Glogals raided the settlement when he was only a child. They took all the people of that settlement as slaves. He was a slave for 13 years. Until one day, he was being overworked and on the verge of dying. His childhood friend, Lithe, tried protecting him; however, she was soon made as an example and was killed. Kakusa lost all sympathy and empathy. He became nothing more then an empty shell. With nothing but hatred harrowing his soul. Nagg'Glogol saw Kakusa's flame of passion and hate. Unfortunately he took interest in him. He tortured him trained him to kill, Kakusa became his Gladiator. He killed countless and yet, he was the one dying inside. Until one day he heard a voice, it was lithe's. Kakusa lost the fight and was gravely injured. The orcs lost all interest in the boy. They then disposed of him in the forest with the others (thinking he was dead). However, he did not die. He was found by an old member of the order of druids. Who was exiled due to his compassion and bias for humans and elves. Kakusa lost all memories before that day, he couldn't even remember his name or how to talk. The druid taught him like his son, he also named him Diadara. Soon Diadara learned all his basic skills. How to read, talk, walk. The past slowly crept up on him though. He heard his past self one day. Telling him to kill the druid, that the druid was deceiving him. He did just that. He woke up from this trance alone. Diadara realized what he had done, He was about to kill himself. Until Lithe spoke to him, comforted him. Diadara was torn between three personalities. One was Lithe, who his mind made up to maintain humanity, to maintain hope. She was the tender and kindred personality. There was his present self, Diadara. Secluded and alone, he was taught by the druid that everything in life is an equilibrium and that both good and evil must be balanced and lastly his past, Kakusa. The hatred and resentment that boiled within him. After killing his foster father, (the druid) Diadara tends to seclude himself from others. In truth he is reluctant to talk, because he is afraid he will only bring harm to them. So, he walks alone in fear being alone.( what I mean is He fears he will kill his friends so he is reluctant to make friends.) Wishing to make peace with his crimes... And get revenge on those who made him this way.
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