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  1. The_Pusher


    Ignacio is the orphan son of a Courlandic True Faith missionary and a Santegian Canonist deacon. When they first met they attempted to convert each other but instead fell in love. Ignacio was a a young child when his parents were killed although no one has told him how they died. Ignacio was brought up in an orphanage rune by Canonist Church and although the upbringing was far from affectionate, the nuns and the priests all played apart in raising Ignacio. Ignacio loved the Creator but felt something was missing in his life. Perhaps it was the lack of parents or the calculated yet plain upbringing he had. But what tugged at Ignacio's heart strings the most was his love for the Santegian sport of wrestling. He would get into wrestling matches with the other orphans and would sneak out of the orphanage past his bed time to watch wrestling matches in the entertainment district. Ignacio is now 18 years of age and while his peers have matured, he is still immature. He prefers having fun and playing with the new orphans today because of his own background. In contrast to the cold upbringing offered by the church, Ignacio is lighthearted and willing to play games with the orphans and has become somewhat of a big brother. He hopes to officially join the Church's clergy and be able to make religion fun.
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