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Posts posted by Olox_

  1. Jan Jazloviecki frowned as he thought of his friendship with Heinrik "Friends to foes within a year. How quick does one's attitude change." The Count then took a moment to think "It matters not, for our soldiers will march through that cursed Duchy and our Dragon Banners will flutter in the wind once more. We'll win or die with Charlie" He sighed heavily before pinning the King's statement to Warsovian noticeboard

  2. Jan Jazloviecki sighed, remembering how he found Leon's dead body on the road. He recalled all deeds of Leon - the good and the bad "You fought against my father in the Harvest Revolution, but later you have been one of the few to welcome me and my kinsmen back to the Heartlands with open arms. I will probably never understand where did that sudden change of attitude come from but it does not matter on this day. You were a hero. A hero who saved Prince Henry's life. I will personally make sure Aaun will never forget that. Wherever you are right now Herzog Leon, I hope you have found peace." He said to himself before walking to the Merryweather chapel in order to pray

  3. 5 minutes ago, Pancho said:

    Make minas more valuable and gained through a more roleplay based market system using NPCs and make resources somewhat rare for nations to spur trade

    I agree so much here, imo the nations lack certain products that would be impossible to get anywhere else, like mountain nations having gems, coal, iron and so on. It could be done through various trading companies having their shops in various cities and so on. I wouldn't personally mind doing some good old merchant RP 

  4. Jan Jazloviecki smiled warmly at his children "One day I will be with our ancestors in the Seven Skies while you, dear children, will carry our banner forward, under King Henry..." The Count said to his four infants - three sons and recently-born daughter 

  5. 6 hours ago, Drew2_dude said:

    Otto Gant would look upon the missive puzzled, "Well, considerin' we've never been informed or invited to a Diet, hard to go. Clearly these fools do not wish for our attendance. Maybe its time we make them honour an oath that has been unkept and broken for too long."



    Friedrich von Alstreim, twin brother of Lord Vandalore frowns at the response "But you are calling..." He said to himself and shook his head  

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