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Posts posted by Eryane

  1. 1 hour ago, sunflowerist said:

    After word travelled that the Orenians had successfully capture two Haeseni and the Invasion was called, Eugénie Cécile scampered out from within the confines of the Sedanite keep. She hastily fastened her crossbow to a belt across her cuirass as she leaped from the Haverlock walls unto a shrub below, but not before she was certain her partner in the Invasion, Joanna, was in tow. 



    A woman of disguise removed her helmet for but a moment upon their return, as soon as they were ordered to return to Providence. Beneath it revealed the empress, Anastasia, as she let out a laugh and clapped a hand on the shoulder of Eugénie. “At least we got a little personal tour of that shack, no?” 


  2. CVMZs1Cg6a86htnMwv7QCS1JuFQLmuHFk6pkJeU-COFbSz12B88nvK3B1id46rPvhDn8BHAOT58uu2eO_zp9kWiY44Mxf5MjEk6uoI4GHHuA44wVe31P6XXzArt2XMirPlbO9kI1




    To my dearest confidants and friends, the people of the empire, 


    As I have risen from my illness, such having broken after several harsh months, I walked the streets of our beloved Providence only to be overwhelmed with a sense of nostalgia. This sudden rush of past memories are ones not directly from my own experiences of daily life, yet rather I was exhilarated by the remembrance of my dreams. 


    As a child, I dreamed of an empire where cultures flourished and people expressed their individualistic identities equal to that of their Orenian nationality. A multicultural society, where the prominent culture of the capital coincided with Raev, Rhenyari, Kaedreni, and the hundreds of others. I dreamed of an empire where I did not feel ashamed of expressing my Raevir traditions and ancient familial history. Empires have risen and fallen, yet the strength of the people and what we build never fades. It shall never fade. I see it now as I walk the streets, as I converse with the people. To see a dream come to life is a magnificent thing that I hope that all who call themselves Orenian shall feel a multitude of times throughout their lives. 


    Vividly can I recall being scolded for wearing the traditional wedding dress I donned on the day I was wed to the then Prince Philip Amadeus, or being requested to receive tutors to adjust my accent. Not once shall this occur during my husband and I’s reign, nor that of my son. The future grows brighter for the individual, for the families, for those who wish to express and cultivate their own customs and heritage. 


    We live in unprecedented, ever-changing times amidst this empire. The work of our ancestors — their blood, sweat, and tears — shows now. Even women and men work equally side by side for the betterment of our empire. We cannot fail them now, and must continue their battle to glory and greatness. 


    I shall always remember those who stood with me as I rose a cross into the air and cried out ‘rally the faithful’. I shall always remember the tears of those who chanted those same words, and marched for Providence together to Unification Bridge. I shall always remember us all united under one cause, and one hope: a better tomorrow. 


    With each fight, no matter the outcome, we remain stalwart and grow stronger. We grow as a people, together as one, even as we endeavor in independent goals such as the prospering of these new imperial circles in the four regions beyond Providence. When one of us grows, we all grow a little more as one nation and one people. 



    HER IMPERIAL MAJESTY, Anastasia I, Holy Orenian Empress, forever August, Queen of Renatus, Curon, Kaedrin, Salvus, and Seventis, Grand Duchess of Ves, Duchess of Helena, Novellen, Furnestock, Adria, and Lorraine, Baron of Renzfeld, Protector of the Heartlanders, Orenian Highlanders, and Farfolk, etcetera







    It is hereby announced, by order of Their Imperial Majesties Emperor Philip III and Empress Anastasia I, that HIH The Prince of Providence and TH Lady Ioanna of Susa are to be wed upon the succeeding of the war. Such a marriage is to unite the Houses of Novellen and Basrid, and is to be held at a future date deemed proper by the Imperial family. 







    HIS IMPERIAL MAJESTY, Philip III, Holy Orenian Emperor, forever August, King of Renatus, Curon, Kaedrin, Salvus, and Seventis, Grand Duke of Ves, Duke of Helena, Novellen, Furnestock, Adria, and Lorraine, Baron of Renzfeld, Protector of the Heartlanders, Orenian Highlanders, and Farfolk,



    HER IMPERIAL MAJESTY, Anastasia I, Holy Orenian Empress, forever August, Queen of Renatus, Curon, Kaedrin, Salvus, and Seventis, Grand Duchess of Ves, Duchess of Helena, Novellen, Furnestock, Adria, and Lorraine, Baroness of Renzfeld, Protector of the Heartlanders, Orenian Highlanders, and Farfolk, etcetera 


  4. From her chambers where she began to endure a long recovery from her illness, Empress Anastasia I received word of her councilor’s passing. With that, she sent a servant out to order candles be placed throughout the palace in her honor. 

  5. 15 hours ago, Taketheshot said:

    Joseph d'Azor frowns, he stormed downstairs to the palace rapping on the office of the Empress before simply barging in. "We had a deal!" He shook his fist to the Empress, the door closing behind him as the pair began to argue. @Eryane

    “I will not take your bribes!” shouted the Empress Anastasia from her office, which was likely echoed throughout that portion of the palace and into the imperial gardens. She promptly rolled up the gossip missive and whacked him over the head. 

  6. Word reached the empire swiftly of the pontiff’s death. In spite of their few, unpleasant interactions to one another given the past few years as well as his accusations, Empress Anastasia I bowed her head in silence for some time nonetheless. He was still a faithful Canonist, and deserved a peaceful rest.

  7. “My, do I feel old,” commented Empress Anastasia I as she received an invitation to the wedding of her flower girl from all those years ago.

    A relief seemed to wash over her as she recognized the name of the groom then, for no one but the best should be wed to such a sweet girl. “You’re quite lucky with this one!” she shouted to the Archchancellor, whose office was close by. @Taketheshot

  8. In passing, word reached the empress of the priestess’s death. Although at first unaware of the full content of the situation, she later pressed for further information. 

    It might have been surprising to many, given the priestess’s public protests against the excommunicated monarchs and shouts to see them overthrown, but Anastasia mourned in her private chambers - as she reflected over a woman dedicated to her faith. Perhaps in another time, another place, they might have been good acquaintances if not given the circumstances of years ago.

    Ileana was dutiful, faithful, resilient. Anastasia could not help but admire it as she thought of her few interactions with the woman. “We must all fulfill our duties in life. She was only doing hers.”



    Really cool character @Burnsiderand genuinely enjoyed the RP interactions we had between Ileana & Anastasia. o7


  9. Spoiler

    did you draw that picture of gmro’s character bc if so that’s the most adorable art

    Empress Anastasia I finds this missive to be the greatest of all she has seen so far, and ventures to tell her children so she may purchase hats for them.

  10. Empress Anastasia I laughs as she sees this proclamation and continues on with her day. "Anyways," she begins, and proceeds with the meeting she had been having prior to it having been disrupted by the missive given to her by a courier. “Our work shall continue as always.” 

  11. Just now, argonian said:


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    Wondered to myself, which came first, you leaking Cruz's logs or me leaking proof of you metagaming? Well it seems that I held my punches just a tad longer, huh?


    Good luck explaining this.

    Jurgen gasps!



    We knew in RP through a few people telling us themselves. If needed, staff may contact us and we will sort this out. I am more than willing to speak with them if necessary.


  12. A S T E R C A L I A

    T H E   I M P E R I A L  T E M P O R E



    1856 - 1857




    Preparation for the Presentation of Debutantes 

    Throughout the months leading up to Astercalia, debutantes and bachelors are encouraged to prepare for the upcoming series of events with their respective families or, for the common born, sponsors. However, a formal preparation and lesson shall be hosted by HIH Princess Amelia of Renzfeld to ready the lady debutantes for the upcoming presentation. 

    Thursday, 20th of January - 7pm EST



    Ceremony of Nobles

    All nobles are summoned to the imperial throne room by the Emperor and Empress for a private court known as the Ceremony of Nobles on the month of Godfrey’s Triumph; wherein, nobles are asked to bring the full capacity of their household before the imperial crown. Nobles shall present their finest accomplishments of the past years as each noble household presents themselves before the dais in the finest clothing, if not a representation of the family’s traditions and formal attire. 

    Friday, 21st of January - 6pm EST



    Presentation of the Debutantes 

    The Presentation of Debutantes is one of the most important moments within Astercalia. A decades long tradition entailing the showcase of the high standing ladies of our Empire. Each noble family presents their daughters before HIM The Empress and the Aster Council for commentary and approval of their behavior and etiquette.

    Saturday, 22nd of January - 7pm EST



    Amadistus; the Amadean Ball 

    As per what is to be tradition of Astercalia, Amadistus is to be hosted amidst the month of Sun’s Smile - one saint’s day following the debutante’s presentation. Peers, consorts, debutantes and bachelors shall be announced upon entrance to the ball at its beginning. It is recommended that all families, including their respective debutantes and bachelors, enter the ball together. Following the commencement of the first ball of this imperial tempore, a brief period of mingling shall begin before the official waltzes. 


    During this time, lady debutantes must have a slip of paper known as a ‘name card’ on hand with 5 open slots, and debuting bachelors may approach varying ladies to ask for a dance. Going down the list, the ladies must then - if accepting the bachelor’s dance - proceed to waltz with those as listed on their card. To identify debutantes, it is encouraged for them to wear a flower in their hair. Other attendees will be lined up with women and men on each side, and step forth into a formal waltz whilst the debutantes and bachelors go through their name card lists for dances. 

    Sunday, 23rd of January - 7pm EST



    Debutante House Calls & Noble Feasts 

    The noble families of the empire are thus given the entire month of Harren’s Folly to host house calls within their own respective lands or within the imperial palace itself (upon request to the Aster Council). It is asked that those who do host house calls do so with the entire family of the debutante present for when a bachelor is to attend, although such is at the behest and decision of each participating family. 


    However, beyond the debuting portion that is Astercalia, it is furthermore encouraged for nobles to host feasts between one another upon invitation. This may be an additional part of house calls, where the debutante and bachelor meet together there, or a separate event.

    Monday, 24th of January - ALL DAY



    The Emperor’s Grand Hunt 

    In customary form, HIM Philip III will host a grant hunt for the lords and ladies to partake in. The event will start in front of the city and horses will be rode to the forest beside Dobrov to partake in the fetching of game. The house who fetches the best catch will receive an honorary trophy from the Emperor and Empress.

    Tuesday, 25th of January - 8pm EST 


    Events may be hosted from Sigismund’s End ((Tuesday)) to Owyn’s Flame ((Thursday)) upon being arranged with the Aster Council. Upon their official arrangement and confirmation, they shall be promptly added to the Astercalian Calendar. 



    Performance of “To the End” [Pending] 

    In the New Providence city theater, all citizenry are welcomed to attend the tragedy known as ‘To The End’, which is a fictitious retelling of the final days of Emperor Philip I, known for his rise to power in the aftermath of the Year of the Four Emperors and the destruction of his capital city, Johannesburg. This play stars Lord Edward Novellen-Aldersberg as Emperor Philip I and Miss Rosemary Gendik as Princess Charlotte of Alstion.

    Friday, 28th of January - 7pm EST 



    Solis et Lunae Masquerade

    The closing masquerade will feature the theme of the sun and moon, colors relating to each. Oranges, reds, yellow and gold attire will represent the sun and stars. White, blues, grays and silver colors and clothing shall represent the moon. It will announce the pairings who met through Astercalia, as well as the most outstanding noble house that has earned the respect and notice of the monarchs and the Imperial family.

    Saturday, 29th of January - 6pm EST 



    Grand Tourney of Furnestock

    A showcase of strength, among all else, is deemed fit and necessary amidst the festivities and ceremonies of Astercalia. The finest imperial soldiers, swordsmen, and knights from each family’s household are to join in a variety of matches against one another to inevitably reveal the champion of the eve, who shall be declared as the Champion of Furnestock. Such a title will be held until the following Astercalia, where the title will be contested once again. 


    At the event itself, debutantes are welcomed to be present in the front seats to be gifted any roses from participants, or to exchange a handkerchief (or to otherwise symbolize a token of their favoritism, or wish for those participating to have good luck) from the debutantes themselves.

    Sunday, 30th of January - 4pm EST

  13. 2 hours ago, Toffee said:

    "There are Imperial peers deprived of their estates, and the Crown sets aside land to be used by those who do not, and are not required, to adhere to the laws of the Empire or faith of the Canon?"


    Josephine Aleksandra clicked her tongue, wondering how many noble manors and common farmsteads may have fit in this plot of land, had it not been reserved for non-humans. And it was the dwarves who were considered heathens? What in heaven's name is happening to our fair Empire?


    Empress Anastasia continues to work with peers, alongside her husband, for the relocation of estates after having published an edict that had been long before approved and drafted - too busy to focus on those attempting to sow dissent.

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