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Posts posted by TrendE

  1. 1.) Why are unlimited 2 man ‘attacks’ allowed, but the minute you have 3 it suddenly becomes a raid?

    2.) Why are you able to infinitely heal horses that can run 3x the speed of players on foot, with 10+ health?

    3.) How come you’re able to /status recording, and only follow one side around day in, day out, without being punished when you’re clearly ghosting?

    4.) Why is there still no form of cheater prevention other than ‘Did u record it? If not can’t do anything sorry’?

  2. Roleplay

    The primary events leading up to such were the activites conducted within the forest; including the construction of multiple bandit & mercenary camps. We wish to eradicate this by claiming the land in the name of the Duke of Adria; removing such scum from our doorstep. In addition to this, we wish to remove the vile Druid ents from our borders, looming over our safe town. In response to our request to vacate the lands, they threatened us back - claiming that the ents will squash the Duchy. Finally, we have given them several chances to vacate the lands – though despite this they continue to sit upon our borders, attempting to spread their forest deeper into our borders. The Halfling that is responsible for the forest also attempted to claim my own land, placing his trees all over it; which were hastily cut down. We now wish to cut the rest of the forest down, as we are sick of the activites conducted within.


    Offensive Building


    Duchy of Adria


    Old Dunshire

    Proposed Time

    December 24 @ 3PM EST



    Old Dunshire Forest: https://imgur.com/a/DndAid8

    Contact Information

    Will give upon request


    1694 Maer Elections


    Belvitz town centre, Circa 1693


    The bells of Belvitz can be heard all around Adria; surprisingly audible over the tavern’s general rabble and brawling.


    Comrades o’Belvitz, gather ‘round!” Maer Darius Ault calls from the square; stood tall upon the wall in his swanky Maer coat and feathered hat.

    The time ‘as come t’elect a new Maer, for my time as such be comin’ at an end. Get yer campaignin’ boots on, for it be campaignin’’ period. One year from this date we shall be ‘olding the elections. If youse’ve any questions ‘bout t’role n’responsibilities as Maer, come n’av a chat wit’ me - I’ll break it down for youse, though a quick breakdown be managin’ Belvitz on a day t’day basis such as tax, property, expansion n’city projects. Oh, n’also working closely wit’ t’Duke on t’larger things in life; such as t’future o’t’Duchy!

    T’best o’luck t’our candidates; n’be sure t’start campaignin’ as soon as possible, for it shouldnae be overlooked!he continued; finishing off his simple speech - not beating around the bush, as always.



    Role of Maer:

    - Act as the face of day-to-day activities

    - Manage taxation & property within the town

    - Advise the Duke on motions concerning the town

    - Grow the town, whilst sustaining its current activity

    TL;DR - Act as the day-to-day manager of Belvitz



    Candidate registration requirements:

    - Be 18 years or older

    - Be a citizen within the town of Belvitz

    - Have lived in Belvitz for at least 2 days (IRL)

    - Be of Canonoist faith, or some form of denomination



    Register as a candidate below:





    *Candidate application also includes individual’s voting paper application.



    You MUST:

    Be a resident of Adria for at least 2 days (IRL)

    - Own legitimate land within Adria

    - Be in an acceptable legal standing

    - Be registered to vote

    Be at least 18 years of age

    - Be of Canonist faith, or some form of demonination


    *The vote will take place on the 16/12/18; finishing at midnight. Boxes for individual candidates will be placed within the town hall with signs, indicating each candidate’s box. Physical papers are to be dropped into these boxes during the allocated day. Between this announcement and when the vote is called to an end; all legal forms of campaigning is allowed.


    Register as a voter below:





    *When you have registered to vote, come to Maer Darius IRP requesting your physical papers.


    ~ Maer Darius Ault of Belvitz, 1693


    Declaration of Candidacy, Adria, 1693


    Belvitz’ Firstlight Tavern, Circa 1692

    Darius took a long gulp of his Black before climbing atop of the bench that he was previously sat on within Belvitz’ Firstlight Tavern. He peered down to his wedding ring, sighing slightly before looking back up once more - clearing his throat and raising a hand to silence the tavern as they gave him the attention that he rightfully deserves.


    Comrades o’Belvitz..he begins, grinning as he looks around the room


    I suspect that most o’youse know me by now; though if youse do nae then allow me t’introduce m’self as Darius Ault, Maer o’this beautiful, n’successful town that we drink in t’day. Whilst I ‘av been ‘ere, servin’ as your Maer, I ‘av lent a ‘eavy ‘and in t’revival o’t’town - bringing new homes t’folks comin’ in, recreatin’ n’reintroducin’ a fair tax system t’the Duchy - a system allowin’ us t’fund initiatives such as t’mines, t’library, n’possibly t’most important o’all - t’Adrian Ducal Retinue.

    Darius motions to the table of uniformed ADR guards sat within the tavern.


    Our Duchy’s guards ‘av been workin’ tremendously ‘ard recently, bringing t’guard back from t’state that it were under folk that neglected it - allowing groups such as t’slavers o’Krugmar t’run rampant.

    Hard workin’ soldiers, like t’men within this very tavern drinkin’ wit’ us today, that dedicate ‘emselves, and are ambitious enough t’rise through the ranks t’become Officers should be favoured over those tha’ are awarded Knighthood through their family’s fortune n’success; for I’d rather take one o’our self-made men than five o’t’noble’s entitled Knights! Make Knighthood mean somert; n’award it t’those that truly deserve it - nae t’those born int’ it!

    Trust me t’represent youse in parliament under t’Aurelian Party, as I do already within Belvitz. In return, youse will see yerselves represented on a scale tha’ t’current Prefect - Antanios Rutledge - is nae capable o’, n’will see an even greater rate o’success than we ‘av already seen in t’last few years within our town!

    If t’people youse trust t’protect youse trust me t’represent ‘em, then wha’ does that say?



    An Empire for t’people, by t’people!Maer Darius declares patriotically, raising his tankard of Black to the other individuals within the tavern.



    ~ Maer Darius Ault of Belvitz

    (( ARP platform // Register to vote in your prefecture )) 



    Transcript for those that can’t read the accent:


    Darius took a long gulp of his Black before climbing atop of the bench that he was previously sat on within Belvitz’ Firstlight Tavern. He peered down to his wedding ring, sighing slightly before looking back up once more - clearing his throat and raising a hand to silence the tavern as they gave him the attention that he rightfully deserves.



    “Comrades of Belvitz..” he begins, grinning as he looks around the room


    “I suspect that most of you know me by now; though if you do not, then allow me to introduce myself as Darius Ault, Maer of this beautiful and successful town that we drink in today. Whilst I have been here, serving as your Maer, I have lent a heavy hand in the revival of the town - bringing new homes to folks coming in, recreating and reintroducing a fair tax system to the Duchy - a system allowing us to fund initiatives such as the mines, the library, and possibly the most important of all - the Adrian Ducal Retinue.”

    Darius motions to the table of uniformed ADR guards sat within the tavern.


    “Our Duchy’s guards have been working tremendously hard recently, bringing the guard back from the state that it were under folk that neglected it - allowing groups such as the slavers of Krugmar to run rampant.”

    “Hard working soldiers, like the men within this very tavern drinking with us today, that dedicate themselves, and are ambitious enough to rise through the ranks to become Officers should be favoured over those that are awarded Knighthood through their family’s fortune and success; for I’d rather take one of our self-made men than five of the noble’s entitled Knights! Make Knighthood mean something; and award it to those that truly deserve it - nae to those born into it!”

    “Trust me to represent you in parliament under the Aurelian Party, as I do already within Belvitz. In return, you will see yourselves represented on a scale that the current Prefect - Antanios Rutledge - is nae capable of, and will see an even greater rate of success than we have already seen in the last few years within our town!”

    “If the people you trust to protect you trust me to represent them, then what does that say?”


    “An Empire for the people, by the people!“ Maer Darius declares patriotically, raising his tankard of Blackto the other individuals within the tavern.


    • Minecraft Name (s): TrendE
    • Blacklist Reason: Meta-gaming
    • How has your blacklist helped you improve your overall/villain RP?: It's provided me with time to try different playstyles on LOTC, and given me different perspectives of alternative character types. This makes me value RP more as opposed to breaking the rules & ruining their immersive roleplay. In addition to this, it encouraged me to read the rules, meaning that I understand meta-game rules and initiation rules a lot more among others.
    • Are you aware receiving another blacklist after this one, will be more severe?: Yeah
    • Why should you be un-blacklisted?: Not only do I understand my mistake that got me VB'd; I also feel that the only way for me to truly understand and correct my actions in the future is to make mistakes like this and learn from them. No RP actually occured harming others to result in my VB; therefore it was an innocent offence, providing me with more of an understanding of rules at nobody else's expense. At the time of my VB I had played for a week, making about a third of my time on the server being restricted roleplay due to a VB. This doesn't allow for people to improve themselves in practice, especially new players. All it provides is a push to play in alternative methods, and also re-read the rules - which obviously does improve their RP, but not specifically villain RP that greatly. I feel that I have learnt my lesson and will refrain from meta-gaming in the future; which is evident through the fact that I've already corrected my actions and started sending/prompting people to send birds IRP & etc.
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