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Posts posted by TrendE

  1. 10 minutes ago, Hiebe said:

    More charters means more spread of roleplay.

    It really doesn’t. The evidence is literally in the activity checks – charters barely pull roleplay from other places as so many have failed activity checks. I’m unsure how this is ever even accepted as a valid argument.

    I fail to see how you can believe that the majority of charters need to be axed for low activity whilst also saying that charters pull activity away from main nations. The two points prove one another wrong.

  2. 30 minutes ago, Aethling said:



    You don’t know **** about me honey, I’ve never roleplayed with you and you’ve barely ever been involved with Druids. Your time with the Welven playerbase was pretty fleeting too.


    Here’s one for you- if I’ve been at work, why should I have to stay up until 5am my time to defend against raiders who’ve never once brought anything to my playerbase? I’m not toxic, I’m tired.

    So really you’re just upset because somebody who chooses to play the server in a different way to you decides to kill your Minecraft doll which you use to escape real life, lol? 

    These rules will not stop your ‘issues’ & the same people will bandit you regardless, just with their RP cleaned up for it to avoid getting punished. Alternatively, you could deal with it IRP, and just pay people to protect you which will release the burden, so you can oncemore sit around & roleplay sipping herbal tea all night.

    There are much better solutions, and ways to help people empathise with you, over being needlessly condescending & bitchy towards people on a Minecraft forum.

    Also – nobody is making you stay up until ridiculous times to defend against raiders, lol. I’ve had scenarios before where I’ve had to call it quits mid-rp / mid-pvp. Just tell a Moderator, explain that you must leave as it is X-oclock, and they’ll give you the all clear to leave. Stop blaming other people for your own decisions.

  3. 23 minutes ago, L0rdLawyer said:


    @TrendE is a perfect example of using mercs to take care of your bandit problems. He does dynamic roleplay. Banning and blacklisting isnt dynamic. 


    We are most likely going to be stopping what we were doing in regards to the mercenary stuff as it is almost impossible and certainly not worth the effort to do under these new rules. I also doubt I’ll be sticking around much longer with these rules if they really are this restrictive to server progression, and I already know that others will move on as well. People have much better things to do than walk on eggshells.

    GM ticket time is incredibly slow as it is; and an Administrator who is so disconnected from the communtiy that players who have joined in the last month or so are more connected than him is creating unnecessary rules to pander to individuals who cry too much and already gain access to defender default.

    These are not rules that rectify the issues of the previous war. They will create more issues with war, and will create even more issues on the day-to-day of both players and staff alike.

    If he truly believes that people will willingly work with one another during periods of war & can avoid clogging GM tickets, or will consent to risking losing what they worked for, then it is very clear that this server is only going to be going in one direction – a slow downwards drop – in a time when the game itself is getting more attention than ever in recent years.

  4. Q: How can you push the buzzword of ‘dynamic RP’ whilst putting a barrier up to block consequence RP for nations (Wars)?

    Dynamic roleplay is roleplay that progresses. What kind of progression is this scenario:

    1. Nation X abuses Nation Z RPly over an extended period of time
    2. Nation Z has had enough, and ‘proposes’ to war attack Nation X
    3. Nation X says no, and keeps abusing Nation Z through RP

    If my nation constantly provides what would formerly be CBs, but then does not provide consent to go to war with the other faction, that is completely OOC and not RP - which is that you’re trying to prevent. 

  5. 4 minutes ago, Zacho said:

    Why facilitate so much PVP and Raiding when it leads hardly any roleplay and pvp being the total opposite of PVP.

    I’ve never read such a low-effort response from a GM before in my life. Literally have no clue what you’re even trying to say lol

  6. Why speak to NLs to begin with when I do not think that I can name one that actively PVPs / raids, instead of speaking to the people that do?

    I can already tell that this is going to create a laughable set of rules that is completely incomparable to what you have described here; then again, seeing that there are going to be no raid ladders, that might be for the best.

  7. ZIBR9HRpZUtoVIz_RbbD4qfsRiTSuS_Eu4hURKifg_BZYQJdJ6ehcnimYimz9Cqk7Hnw3myWUrAoTxYA7vtqt9p50iJiBMyhmqWzfptUgkq8hDhlodjWshnV3lzT42LqiBBuID36


    Tensions are high in Arcas once more as war is on the verge of breaking out between the Kingdom of Urguan and the Holy Orenian Empire. In turn, the Phoenix Band offered their services to both sides; offering both a buy-out of 20,000 mina or for them both to bid against each other in an auction esque manner.


    The Holy Orenian Empire purchased the Phoenix Band and their services through the process of a buyout while the Kingdom of Urguan declined the buyout, and thus the terms for such are detailed below:



    1. The Phoenix Band will assist the Holy Orenian Empire for a singular saints week upon the official start of the war ((Warclaim)).
    2. The Phoenix Band and the Holy Orenian Empire will enter a military alliance during the period of the contract.



    1. A deposit fee of 10,000 mina (50%) shall be paid upfront to secure the buyout.
    2. This contract begins at the official start of the war, once this happens then another 10,000 mina will be paid immediately - completing the buyout agreement. 
    3. [REDACTED]








    The town of Brannby was full of cheers and celebration for the Phoenix Band had embarked on an extremely difficult contract and returned home victorious. For those travelling past the town they would spot several carts of gold being hauled into the castle walls. William Alstion, Lord of Jrent had provided mina and equipment to undergo the contract.


    The mercenaries of the Phoenix Band had breached the city walls of Curon using subterfuge and disguise to gain an audience with the target, this was unfortunate for him as he would soon meet a timely end at the end of Owyn Alexander’s sword.



    (( OOC cinematic screenshot; at no point should you use this for RP info unless you were there!


    [!] A copy of a missive would be attached, offering the services of the Phoenix Band throughout Arcas.




  9. ZIBR9HRpZUtoVIz_RbbD4qfsRiTSuS_Eu4hURKifg_BZYQJdJ6ehcnimYimz9Cqk7Hnw3myWUrAoTxYA7vtqt9p50iJiBMyhmqWzfptUgkq8hDhlodjWshnV3lzT42LqiBBuID36



    Success begets further success; such was made clear after the company held a notorious raid against the Elves of Vira’ker.


    With their new-found glory, the phoenices were called to protect the Baronetess of Napoliza, Nikoletta Varoche, as she was summoned to trial within her family’s own palace. No one dared to attack the woman as it seemed they were disinclined to quarrel with the famed ordermen; Vesnian officials even took to departing upon adjourning the trial with haste as to avoid them – fleeing from the prospect of a trial by combat.


    Later that day, the men traversed the lengthy roads to Helena in order to fulfill a third contract commissioned by the Imperial House of Cascadia. Under their watch, the Springtime Ball held by one Lady Theodosia Tiber went without issue and the revelers returned to their homes all around the Imperium.

    [!] A copy of a missive would be attached, offering the services of the Phoenix Band throughout Arcas.








    The smell of salt rung high throughout the air, for the men of the Phoenix were on the shores of Arcas. Staring down at the settlement owned by the Vira’ker, there was little vexation they held for the Dark Elves - for they had some populating their ranks; there was still no remorse to be offered. For a contract is a contract. A lump sum of mina had been provided by the High Elves to dispatch with the proclaimed “Impure” wedding that was being facilitated in the halls of the Vira’ker.


    With no hesitation the men rushed in to the halls, steel drawn as they overlooked the ongoing procedure, “Deal with them all.” was harked out by their Captain, Owyn. Then a flurry of steel slashed through the air and then the wooden floorboards were stained red from crimson ichor seeping on to it.





    Owyn placed the leader’s head down upon the altar, his sword severing his neck. The head rolled off his body; the Phoenix band left. A successful contract, the first of many to come. 

    [!] A missive would be released, offering the services of the Phoenix Band throughout Arcas.









    The Sons of the Phoenix flock to the land, forming the Phoenix Band; let it be known that the self-proclaimed, Haeseni “Sons of Liberty” shall receive no mercy and shall be offered no pleasantries from the men of Our Company.


    Let the Phoenix be the first to declare that in no world shall we ever recognise the “King” of Hanseti-Ruska. We publicly denounce Andrik and shall never recognise him as the rightful claimant to either of those titles.


    I beseech the men of the realm to call into question the legitimacy of Andrik and permit one of the rulers of a human-bound nation to call a council in order to have the realm speak together, once again, on such this pertinent issue.


    Furthermore, we do hereby declare that our company WILL FIGHT GRATUITOUSLY for anyone who dares take up arms against the false King of Haense until they forsake their unrightfully claimed titles. We will take the utmost pleasure in slaughtering the woeful citizens of their demesne.






    The Phoenix Band




    Looking to hire us?


    As a preface, all payments must be done up front before any action is carried out - these are base prices and once the contract ends then another side may hire us. During a war contract, it is not a first come first serve, but rather to the highest bidder. We will not switch sides during a contract. Contracts can be paid for in mina value, item value or a mixture of both.


    To contact us, contact Owyn! (TrendE#6928)


    Wars | 5000 Mina base price

    We do not sell ourselves out for the entirety of a war, we take “war contracts” in one year periods ((1 IRL Week)), during this period we will rally for skirmishes, defend from raids and attend warclaims.


    Raids | 2000 Mina base price

    If you wish to bolster your raiding forces with our own then we sell our mercenaries out for this, if you wish for us to conduct the raid ourselves with our own forces then you must pay an additional, to be discussed, fee dependant on the difficulty of such a raid.  This accounts for skirmishes too.


    Security | 1000 Mina base price

    If you wish to have your event, village, town or city protected by our company for one day (1 hour). The length of the contract will be protecting against raids, attacks or even policing your city as a temporary garrison (guard duties will require keys to military buildings and gatehouses).

    We also accept other alternative contracts – simply contact Owyn to open up the discussion about such.


    As an alternate method of payment, we accept items instead of mina - using the values and items listed below:




    Note: If an item is not listed here, it is highly probable we do not want it.

    Arrow | 0.3 Mina

    Steak | 0.5 Mina

    Iron | 1 Mina

    Gold | 3 Mina

    Diamond | 20 Mina

    Saddle | 30 Mina

    13 Speed Horse (Max 1.) | 500 Mina

    Soggy Stompers | 1000 Mina







    Captain | Owyn Alexander Renai

    The Captain is the leader of all of the mercenaries of the company, hailing as one of the most prestigious combatants of the company. Having no bias to any nation and remaining as a neutral figure in picking and choosing contracts, all members of the company answer to the captain as the main authority figure.


    Leftenant | Tamir | Alexei | Isaac

    Two Leftenant shall always be present in the company, as advisors to the Captain himself. They also act as skilled combatants that can lead the company in contracts or general times of absence of the Captain. They have the ability to challenge the Captains words, but not to undermine him.


    Sergeant-at-Arms | Recruit Rank

    The recruit rank of the company, and the core of it. All new recruits, no matter what, are placed in to this. There is no need for a trial rank in the company as all recruits are thoroughly vetted as skilled fighters before being allowed entry.



    Looking to join us?

    To join us you must seek out the mercenary Captain (TrendE#6928). We do not accept all of our applicants – only the most elite and skilled combatants may have the ability to join.




  13. 1 hour ago, Legoboy7984 said:

    Ser Henrik Ludovar hearing upon the news would throw his glass against the wall.

    “Too many people have died to this war that Renatus wants to continue as this went from many dear friends like Ser Dominic Grimm to now my cousins. This war must stop as this amount of bloodshed and deaths of the Canonist people must stop as this war will never bring mankind to trust or work with one another.”


    “You started it, they’re ending it.” an old man would shrug as he passed by.

  14. 3 hours ago, edelos said:


    William Jrent would hope Ser Darius Ault understands resigning from his post doesn’t disqualify him from being able to call himself a Dragon Knight, as they don’t lose their titles or privileges when honorably discharged – which is why Darius Ault is still called Ser Darius Ault.


    Darius Ault was, as far as he is aware, not honourably discharged after his letter to the Emperor & Empress, as he has received no response concerning such.

  15. Ser Darius Ault would read the missive and frown deeply over his work being called ‘a failure’ after it successfully reformed the shoddy previous system of Knighthood – which this is putting into play once more, progress only put on hold by the rebellion. Tutting, he’d also ponder why he was listed as a Dragon Knight.


    Disappointed, he decided he’d pay Ser Rodrik a visit sometime – and perhaps swing by the Palace whilst he’s at it.


    The Dragon’s Slumber



    [!] A painting of the Ault keep, Whiterock - c.1719



    A nightmare gripped Darius - mingling within a large crowd, the man peered to the front of such. Bound to a pyre, a vile, twisted, brown haired male would be claimed by flames as they danced around him - setting him alight. The man’s face was recognisable to Darius; a throwback to a past that had only been spoken of in whispers. Woken from his nightmare by his wife, Artumee, the aged Knight would remove himself from the bed and walked down the stairs to his dining hall. Sitting down, he would be handed a missive - declaring that the Empress had signed a treaty with Ves. Pondering if the man was still asleep, he would pinch himself - though to his dismay the reality started to sink in. Darius’ final war was coming to an end, a harsh reality for the man to accept.


    Thoughts of such would run through Darius’ mind as he reread the missive multiple times; shaking his head slightly to such in disgust. Wishing that he was younger, so that he could continue killing the rats of Ves regardless of the treaty - he knew that his days were numbered. With the parchment in-hand, he would pace back up the stairs and sit at his desk - penning out a response to what the Grand Knight saw as a betrayal to his fallen men, a sour taste in his mouth.



    Your Imperial Majesty,


    It is with a heavy heart that I must inform you that I can no longer serve as the Grand Knight, knowing that those of the House of Horen, that I swore to protect and serve, have betrayed not only myself but also the Order of the Red Dragon by not providing the appropriate justice demanded by the actions of the Vesnian people both prior, and during, the ‘War of the Two Emperors’.


    This morning I woke to hear that the true justice deserved through the deaths of men within the Order of the Red Dragon, including the honourable Ser Jan Ritter, had been traded for some petty vassalized land and the dissolution of a title that has not been used for many-a-year. Even if those of Ves do not accept this treaty - the mere fact that such a vile declaration had been signed by the Empress disappoints me to no end, and leaves a bitter taste in my own mouth. By not heeding my private council on the matter, I believe this to be a betrayal that can not be overlooked through the desire of duty.


    On this day, the 5th of Owyn’s Flame, in the holy year of 1719 - I retire, without desire of approval, from my position of Grand Knight of the Imperium Renatum and Ordermaster of the Order of the Red Dragon. With my retirement noted, I in-turn recommend the honourable Ser Rodrik Kortrevich as a replacement; an appointment that I pray shall be made appropriately and in a timely manner. Furthermore, It is to note that upon my retirement at the age of sixty eight, I shall reside in the independent keep of Whiterock until the end of my days, and therefore have no need for land to be afforded to myself.


    With this in mind, I shall conclude this letter with a final thought for you to ponder and remember in the years to come during your reign:
    Dragons are nothing without their impenetrable scales, and destructive fire, simply greedy lizards that have been fed far too much.

    ~ Ser Darius Ault

    (( Please DO NOT metagame this information, this is exclusively directed to @Vege & @Trinn unless shared further by them. ))

    Concluding his letter to both the Emperor and Empress, he would stamp the letter with a wax seal, and pass it to his raven as to be delivered to the Imperial Palace. Dipping his quill back into the ink, he continued to pen out several other letters to his friends and comrades; which would be sent in complete privacy at a later date. Throughout this entire process, he swore to himself repeatedly that he would not allow for these acts to occur again to another member of his family - undoubtedly instilling these values into his children’s lives, and the House of Ault’s, as they continue to grow around him.

    [!] Word of this letter being sent would undoubtedly become common knowledge to those within Helena - though the specific contents of such would not. The citizens of the Capital would simply know that the Grand Knight had willingly retired from his position, presumably due to old age.

    The old man had fought his final war to the very end - though was ultimately disappointed that those he had sworn to protect had betrayed the interests of those that honourably protect them without question of duty. Finishing his letters, he’d pull out a bottle of red wine from the drawer of his desk - taking a deep sip from such as he pondered how best to spend his final years atop of Whiterock, though figured that he’d start by catching up on a good few years worth of lost sleep.

    (( I plan on shelving Darius soon for another char, as he hasn’t died during what was going to be his final war to anyone other than Seannie who I caught cheating. If you would like to speak to him IRP up at Whiterock then PM me & I’ll jump back on him for it.

  17. Ser Darius Ault frowned deeply at the news; sinking into his chair, placing the missive upon his oak desk. Overlooking the Capital from his keep atop of Whiterock memories of serving with his fellow Dragon Knight, as well as fighting the man for a period through his mercenary days as a man long-lost to time, would occupy his mind; pondering how many more years he has left of this world himself. Taking a lengthy sip of his red wine, the aged Knight would recite a silent prayer for his fallen comrade.

    A harsh reminder for the Grand Knight that not even Dragons are immortal.

  18. As the person who has been accused of ‘misusing’ the buddylist to add people that I want to kill; I know for a fact now that the adjustments that they’ve made will not solve this ‘issue’, even if it is true. If I really wanted to kill somebody; I could type their name in chat & hit tab on it to see if they’re online. Or, alternatively, just look at tab if they have a low-alpha-numerically ranked name.

    This removal of an entire system to try and combat a singular rumour, when there are equivilents to the issue, is entirely stupid & wouldn’t even stop those that are supposedly abusing it.

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