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Posts posted by SimplySeo

  1. 1uqELCR.png


    [!] The following could be found at the Legion’s noticeboard, in the city of Kal’Evraal.


    ”Attention Legionaires, my soldiers. During this time of conflict there has come an influx of warriors and leaders alike to pledge their service to our King. In order to make best use of these experienced officers, our King has seen fit to permit the creation of a wartime council comprised of veteran Longbeards, former Marshals, and former Kings alike. This council is to be headed by the King himself, and one Axel Ireheart, who I have temporarily relinquished overall command to for the duration of this conflict. This is not a resignation from the Marshalship as I fully intend to not only continue my duties for the duration of this conflict, but carry them out to my best ability once it is over. However, I am no fool, and I admit when one’s experience far outweighs my own. Consider all orders from the war-council or it’s leaders as if they were the King’s own. With such veteran’d leaders in place, our victory will be even more assured now than ever.”




  2. Jorvin Starbreaker pulls a small clay capsule from his pocket, and rolls it between his fingers. He contemplates biting down on it for a moment, before sighing.


    ”Nae t’dae, auld friend.”

  3. Jorvin Starbreaker scowls as he glances over the third section.

    ”What makes jumped up lawsdwed ah’n authority oan grudgelore? The Book™ belongs in tha’ ‘ands ov tha’ ‘Igh Remembrancer, only ‘e knows tha’ history of ah’re folk well enough to declare ifin ah’ grudge is ‘er ain’t valid.”

  4. Jorvin Starbreaker did not know Benedict personally. However, upon hearing of the death of a fellow void-slayer in passing from the folk of Aegrothond, he makes a point to pour out a drink to him upon the fires of the Shrine of Dungrimm, Dwarfen God of the Dead.




    Anyone, especially a halfling, who went to that hell and survived, warrants a Dwarf’s respect.

  5. Jorvin Starbreaker leans forward with a tired sigh as he braces himself against the wall, reading the document.


    ”More priestly folk seekin’ to disrupt tha’ peace.”

  6. ”To serve one’s folk dutifully, there is no greater honor.”

    - Ancient Dwarven proverb


    Final letters of the Lord Chancellor


    Sons and daughters of Urguan, my brothers and sisters. For nearing forty years have I served our great nation as it’s chancellor, ascending to the position on the same day Utak Ireheart was named King. Despite the hardship, the difficulties, and stresses of the job, I can at the end of the day say it was my honor to serve you all. While I have not always agreed with our king, or my fellow councilors, I have only ever acted in what I believed to be in the best interests of our people. In my decades of service, I have seen both the best and worst that our folk have to offer, and I can say without doubt I do not regret having served.


    I will not bore you, nor gush in some grandiose speech. I will instead say this.


    As of today, I hereby resign from the position of Lord Chancellor of the Constitutional Monarchy of Agnarum and Underrealm of Urguan. I have served in this position for nearly half a human lifetime, and even now, there are beardlings born at the beginning of my tenure who in the coming years, may themselves be able to vote for our next king. I believe I have done my duty well, and now wish to serve you all in other capacities, as well as focus on my own self-betterment, and that of my clan. I will not be deserting you all, as there is still much I have yet to do, I simply believe that my skills have been tested, and now are to be applied elsewhere.


    Glory to the sons and daughters of Urguan

    ’till the Age of Reckoning we stand as stone.




    Charged as we are by Yemekar

    Narvak oz Urguan


  7. ”To cling to one’s beliefs until death, is something any Dwarf is capable of.

    To kill for the greater good and knowingly condemn your soul, takes a man of far greater mettle.”

    Proverb of the Blood Ages, unknown author. Circa 9th century


    The Council Chambers of Kal’Evraal


    Jorvin Starbreaker sat among many of his kin as the letter was received. To his left sat his loathsome relative Mafraedon the traitor, who boasted and jested upon the upcoming conflict with their mutual friend, Darek Irongrinder. To his right upon his pedestal sat his King, Utak sharpened an old blade with gleam of excitement in his eye, eager to bloody his steel once again. Beside him sat the Queen Darrega, who diligently wrote the letter that would no doubt be a declaration of war.


    Opposite of him sat the Goldhands and Frostbeards respectively, both eager themselves to commit for battle, as such was their nature. Despite the disdain he held for barbarism, the Starbreaker would not call for peace now. He merely remained silent over the chants of war, and skimmed over the letter one final time, before letting out a tired sigh.


    His thoughts drifted to that of battle, the coppery smell of blood in the air, the howls of pain and rage alike, and then silence save the crash of metal as Mynebor’s hanging fortress came crashing down into the deep pits below. His blade was not tested that day, save against those wounded who he put out from their misery, though his heavy crossbow had claimed more than a few lives.


    He inhaled deeply, bringing his senses back to the present. He did not like playing the villain, the butcher. But the lives of a few stubborn remnants of a once defeated foe, over that of Dwarven kind? The unity which they had paid the price for in blood? To call it a hard choice would be a lie. Briefly he wondered if such violence was necessary, but quickly dispelled the notion from his mind.


    Once the council came to it’s decision (which happened remarkably quickly) Jorvin took his leave, and rose from his chair.



    The Fortress Monastery of Varoth’Akvel, five miles from the Crownhold.


    The imposing fortress of Varoth’Akvel towers over the volcanic plains beneath the White Mountains. Rising from the lake of fire dominating the central plain, it occurred to Jorvin how the sight of this fortress, was the last one many’a heretic ever saw, especially after the purges that saw the population of Mynebor hunted after it’s fall. The Kingdom forgave them in time, but Jorvin and his comrades did not for many years later.


    Many warriors of the Legion once filled its halls, now they stood eerily silent, save his own echoing footsteps. The silence left Jorvin to his thoughts, and as so often he did these days, he brooded on his actions. He was not as much an eager warrior as his comrades, that much was obvious. War against kin weighed on him like a thousand stones, in whatever the case.


    But the Ironkilns caused too much strife to live, he thought it truly a shame they did not accept one final offer of mercy. As he entered those barracks, vacant for decades he looked up. Old and tattered hung the banner of his order, the moon of Dungrimm over a night sky. The time for Anbella’s mercy was over, Dungrimm’s mercy would be exacted upon Kaz’Stailininn. Maybe then he’d be able to put this whole sordid business behind himself.


    With a huff, he dawned the plate and mail of the Legion, and prepared to enact that same terrible mercy he’d done so fifty years before.

    Kinslaying was kinslaying, no matter whom was slain. But he did so for Urguan.

  8. “If aware that another is wicked, say so:

    Make no truce or treaty with foes.” 

    - Commandment of Dungrimm




    Know ye this, followers of Balrog II Ironkiln


    I write this on behalf of my Kingdom, my Clan, and my Folk. Myself and my comrades have bled your people once before, and sundered your mountain into ruin for your transgressions. Heresy of the worst sort, murder and treason against the Obsidian Throne, all crimes in recent memory.  Mynebor and those who reside within it have brought nothing but ill upon my kin, yet even so, when your leader was clapped in irons and brought to the halls of our King, he was offered a choice, a generous offer. In return for his fealty, we stood prepared to forgive him for his attempted resurrection of that treasonous heretical stronghold.


    And despite it all, he still stood to make demands of us.


    The memory of when we marched north and brought that deviant kingdom crashing down is still fresh in my memory. Twas myself and my comrades in the Legion of Mercy who led the vanguard, and twas us who brought down your ‘chandelier’ when the battle was ended. Despite trickery, despite desertion, the True Sons of Urguan vanquished that heathen army, an army of mercenaries and worshippers of the Neverborn. Perhaps ye folk have forgotten these acts, but I have not. Despite it all, I do not wish to exact upon you that same terrible vengeance. If you are truly repentant, pray your leader acquiesce to our demands, or do so yourself.


    If you do not, than I solemnly swear this. I, Jorvin Starbreaker, Slayer of the Demon Photania, Lord Chancellor of Urguan, Resurrector of Clan Starbreaker and veteran of the Legion of Mercy, son of my father Kazrin, himself son of Gardath, son of Osram, son of Koryk, son of Kazraden the Prophet, himself son of Skalf, son of Gotrek the Starbreaker, himself son of Urguan Silverbeard, will see that the utter annihilation of your folk be done, as charged upon me by Dungrimm. And Yemekar will not judge me harshly for it.


    Choose then the mercy of Urguan’s King, or Dungrimm’s mercy be upon you.

  9. 1 minute ago, JokerLow said:

    Ivär Goldhand would nod in agreement with the statement, moving his right golden gauntlet over his chest “Long live da king ov all dwarves!

    Jorvin Starbreaker nods in agreement with the sentiment, raising his glass, before going back to writing.

  10. RP Name:Jorvin K. Starbreaker

    MC Username: DixieDemolisher.

    Discord: You already got it homeboy.

    What Nation Are You Affliated With?: Urguan.

    Why Do You Wish To Come?: Utak can’t have all the glory, and Jorvin’s always been a history buff.

    What Skills Can You Bring?: I possess a flamethrower.

  11. MUSIC


    In the deepest chambers of Kal’Evraal, though the temple of the Brathmordakin, and past the library which held the collective histories of his folk. Jorvin Starbreaker stands with his brother Azdal ( @Zarexan ) and father Kazrin ( @DrHope) before the most ancient of tomes, started by Urguan himself in the days of yore. The Book of Grudges. A fresh wound drips from his palm as he crosses out the grudge below.


    Clan Starbreaker

    The Creatures of the Voidal Invasion

    { THE WRONG }
    The Invasion of the Yemekar-Forged realm of Arcas
    The Defilement of the Yemekar-Forged realm of Arcas
    The Corruption and/or murder of an unknown number of Yemekar’s creations
    The grievous injury of Azdal Starbreaker at the hands of the being known as ‘MOTHER’
    The injury of Lulubelle Starbreaker at the hands of the being known as ‘GRIEF’
    The attempted slaying of Jorvin Starbreaker at the hands of the being known as ‘MOTHER’

    The utter capitulation of all voidal beings currently assaulting the realms of Arcas
    The complete removal of all voidal corruption from the realm of Arcas
    The death of the being known as ‘MOTHER’
    The death of the being known as ‘GRIEF’


    Narvak oz Gotrek

    Yoth da Brathmordakin

    Victory is ours



    After crossing out the grudge, Jorvin wraps his hand, and merely looks down on the page for a moment in silence. Shortly after, a grin creeps upon his face and he would nod to his father the High Remembrancer, handing off the book. His battle finally won, he had a feeling he wouldn’t need the book again for quite some time, he let out a tired sigh, and a sense of ease took him. He would then leave the chamber with the intention of heading down to the tavern, and enjoying his Dwedsmas over a pint or two. He liked to believe he earned it.

  12. Music


    Marching back to Kal’Evraal, Jorvin Starbreaker stops upon the roadside for a moment. Withdrawing a small idol to Dungrimm the Dwarven God of Death, he’d clutch the statue in his hand and mutter a quiet prayer by the roadside, before withdrawing several coins (one for each of the fallen) and tossing them into the stream that ran along the road.


    ”Ta’ w’ate’aer god t’ey worshipped, bid ‘ighly oan t’eir souls, fer t’ey deserve tha’ much.”


    With that, the Dwarf carries on his path, once more returning to the depths.

  13. Now, I ain’t one of them big magic or creature fellas, hell I don’t have one of either, my opinion is just one of the average player.


    I adore it! The general idea of driven but sentient undead really appeals to me, with an overarching goal but enough space to seek it in their own way, and actually develop a personality beyond a ‘grr bad guy’ sort of sense. They’re not brute strength big bads (obviously) which I like because, from a player perspective it really makes you need to strategist, and think before you get into a fight. If one were to fight them as well, it would very easily make someone underestimate them.


    They’d be fun antagonists, but good lord would it be even more fun to play as one. They’ve got enough room to develop their own personality, while not being able to develop as a ‘token evil team-mate’ so to speak, unless it outright benefits them to cooperate with someone.


    Finally, and something I really appreciate is that, overall they don’t need to rely on a shadowy cabal of Necromancers, on specific cliques to give them an ‘in’. They have to rely on each other, teamwork and all that, which I think is a really nice touch, and from an OOC standpoint makes them not only actually more accessible, but the general vibe a lot more inviting since, as you said yourself it’s not so much a ‘you need to know a guy’ type deal.


    Sign me the **** up if this submission gets approved, as I adore the overall concept.


    PS, sorry for typos it’s five in the morning.


  14. Jorvin Starbreaker sets down his quill, huffing as he momentarily leans back into his chair to collect himself. Rising from his seat shortly after. Casting a coat of chainmail over his tunic, he shrugs a coat on atop it, and finally withdraws his warhammer from it’s mount on the wall.


    ”Narvak oz Urguan.”

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