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Posts posted by Laeonathan

  1. All of you are thinking about this issue from a player perspective, which I understand.


    However, as one of the people largely handling it, pastes were a ******* pain in the ass. Why?


    1.) Chest evictions. Good Lord. Item loss was genuinely inevitable due to: technical error, human error, and pure stupidity. You have an unlocked chest? Items gone. Do you have items in a double chest? Well sorry, your items might not be properly evicted. And thus, lost. And well, sometimes the staff member, after doing 10 pastes a day simply fucked up.

    2.) People constantly come up with singular houses to be pasted, sometimes small trees.

    3.) People think it's just //paste. Good Lord, any paste takes 20 minutes MINIMUM, yet often one hour. The constant coordination with people often in different timezones etc. makes it super hard. In the end, very few staff members actually understand world edit and world guard well enough to not **** up all the time. Even I, who has used these plugins since may 2013 (yes thats 10 years) was prone to mistakes.

    4.) People give you wrong coordinates and let you figure out on your own how to paste it. Takes so much time.

    5.) Collecting the money was so damn annoying.

    6.) People would be unwilling to wait a day for the paste and complained why I did someone elses paste first. Because they were around when I was. Bruh.

    7.) Having to check for illegal blocks every time was a pain.

    8.) Half the time the file upload servers would not work.

    9.) People. Just people.


    This is why pastes won't ever work again without immense staff effort that will take up resources elsewhere.


    How could the system actually work?

    1.) A high base cost. A minimum price of 2000 mina so people would stop asking for pastes for their damn houses.

    2.) Making the players responsible for what happens. Make it their job to ensure everything is properly evicted.

    3.) Make sure players figure out the right location beforehand.

  2. [!] This missive can be found in front of the Starlight Winery in Leyu'sil, capital of Celia'nor







    A Guide to the Village of Celia’lin

    Home of the Celian People

    Published 145 SA. / 1941 IA.



    The Village

    Starting off as a little winery with white walls, purple roofs, a yellow tree and a pond in which the ducks quacked once more was established a mere two years ago by a few Celian Settlers. Yet soon, this small winery turned into a village, with many Celianorians making their way there. Many of them nostalgic of their old home Fi’Andria, these elves soon created a small community.


    The Opening Festivities of the Winery.


    Most people within the village pursue wine-, juice- or drinkmaking as well as farming. Often they will venture outside their little village to sell their goods. Typically, they make their way to Petra, Haense and Aaun, where they strike deals with the local human population.


    The Celianorians messing around at their pond.


    The Location

    (OOC: Coordinates 3700 -100. Best head there from Aaun or Lurin.)


    The Village of Celia’lin is located in the Most Serene State of Lurin, easily to be found on the way from Aaun towards Lurin. The white houses and purple roofs are hard to miss amongst the small vineyards surrounding the village.


    ilMaehr’sae ilkun’ehya




    Raziel Amethil, 

    Vintner-Captain & Protector of the Celian People

    OOC: We are largely European & American, most active between 11 am est and 5 pm est.


  3. "Oh Ava, are you still not over what had happened? Have you not understood, what I have done?" Raziel wondered, upon hearing the news.


    "But so be it, we shall talk."



    OOC: There's no beef with me and fooldude "lemonke". Just so we're clear, its just our characters beefing.


  4. I really love the spell.


    However I think there should be more clarifications on how this would behave on certain materials. While I do agree vagueness leaves space for roleplay I fear this will in the end cause that there'll be different verdicts. Especially since this spell can be quite useful against armoured foes I think its important to have clear redlines like:


    - Melts Iron in 2 Emotes of contact

    - Melts Ironwood after 3 Emotes

    - Melts Moonsteel after 5 emotes


    While it is oddly specific I think such a usefull spell should have it defined in the case it will go over into lore properly one day...


    morning phone rant

  5. [!] This missive can be found all around the world.





    Celian Folklore: The Deer of Fi’Andria

    Published 144 SA. 



    80 years ago, the Starlanders established Fi’Andria, on the western shores of Almaris. Ever since a strange occurrence has followed them: The Deer of Fi’Andria. While none has ever truly grasped its nature it has been found to be immensely long lived. It was first seen attracting settlers after around a year of the establishment of the Celian Capital.


    (Artist unknown.)

    It had not been sighted for 40 years; yet upon the establishment of Celia’lin, the “Starhome” it appeared once more. It jumped around happily amongst those gathered to listen to Ailer Anordal; quite to his own dismay. Several theories have been established regarding its origins:


    1. Upon the suggestion of a local druid, some believe it to be a mani, a greater spirit of the wild. Due to its connection it despises the unnatural powers of the void. Such seems befitting as the deer disappeared around the time the Celian Tear must have been created and started revisiting the Celian People once they had settled in Celia’lin, this time free of a voidal rift. However, an elder druid had remarked that no such mani was known, rendering the theory a mere myth by a trickster druid.


    2. Yet others expect it to be a strange and new spirit gifted by the greater powers to guide the Celian people and morally support them during times of peril, with some Celianorians claiming its “Nyeh!” sounds would calm and inspire them deeply, almost touching their very souls.


    3. Many however disregard those theories and simply claim that the deer is what it is: A deer that follows after the Celian people, likely contributed to the fact that the tree bark of the golden Trees of Fi’Andria have a high nutritional value and apparently quite liked by deers in general.


    No matter what is true, in the end one thing can be certain: The Deer of Fi’Andria will always be a blessing when it visits the Celian people.


    ilMaehr’sae ilkun’ehya




    Raziel Amethil,

    Vintner-Captain & Protector of the Celian People

  6. 3 minutes ago, Moribundity said:

    "How very two-faced of our old friend, Raziel." A certain elfess mused from the safety of Haense where her faith in GOD shielded her from prosecution. "He's gone from hating the Ibarellens with all his being to brown-nosing his way to adoption. What a parasite."

    "We shall speak once you learn to pronounce Ibarellan." Commented the elf.

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