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Posts posted by Laeonathan

  1. "Ah yes- surely. We'd have taken peace, if we Adrians could just settle elsewhere. But you wish to rob us not only of homes and lives for defending ourselves! Alas no, you intend to kill us all.


    Your own ally, the Queen Sibylle has admitted of your wishes: You do wish to destroy us all."


    Vasyl Otto thus returned to the monastery. 

  2. 56 minutes ago, Destructokeith said:

    Artel drums his deamonsteel fingers on his desk as he reads the words "Adria" he mutters "once more they change their name to try und get away from their past mistakes, Adria died und Veletz took its place, now Veletz has died und once more Adria returns" the drumming stops suddenly "if our leaders fall for this again ich fear for all of Aevos"


    "Adria never died. We were always still here. A simple vassal." Vasyl stated plainly, "Perhaps you should have checked more closely."

  3. Comparing humans and elves is a really bad thing, that does not work in itself.


    Elven Subraces are essentially already cultures. While this is an immense oversimplifcation - but most wood elven cultures, high elven cultures etc. are not that different. Elven cultures, from wood elf to high elf for example differ significantly more. Core believes are utterly different.


    However, another issue why you should never compare Elves and Humans is that their niche of RP is completely different. Or moreso, their attitude towards roleplay. People who play elves usually tend to focus more on individual stories, compared to humans who typically are involved in noble roleplay, that in addition is significantly more focussed on a national story, or the story of a culture, family etc. If you care more about your individual characters story, you will care that you roleplay in an active city - which causes elves to clutter.


    And, the most important thing - ambition and organization. That is something I've noticed while being active in both groups VASTLY differs. Most people who play elves have little intention of starting their own group - why would you, if your characters story comes first? Human players, from my experience - are incredibly amibitious. Far more people will try to go further with their characters to strike out on their own and so, as you said create their own settlement.


    But that is exactly the issue - that ambition is why they never sit in a city for long. You've had such phases in Oren or Haense - but even then there's a certain ambition. Because typically, all these families in - lets say Haense, have a background: For example the Waldenian Barclays. They are not a Haenser family, but have their own lore and history. Human characters are typically created as such, a part of a family with a history you can in 70 % of cases trace back 10 irl years. Elven characters are just often nobodies. Elven bloodlines that go 10+ years are much more rare.


    Look for example at Celia'nor: Their relevant families are: Ibarellan (~3 years old), Cerusil (2 years old), Py'lrie (3 years), Wynasul (3 years - kinda. But they can be traced back further), Nullivari (7-8? They're kinda the expection.), Athri'onn (3 years). Why are most of them roughly that age? Because thats when Celia'nor came to be. They even barely care about cadet branches, or they are vastly unknown. Haense' families in comparison: Barbanov (from Carrions, so 12+?), Ruthern (from Carrions, so 12+?), Stafyr (12+?), Barlclay (idk but I saw them 4 years ago already...) When elves know their lineage perfectly it is usually for simpler reasons: My current Celianorian is 108. His father is ~450. His Grandfather is ~880. Aaaaand... we're in Aegis already.


    What I am trying to say here - the focus of Elves and Humans is so different, and its only natural for humans to split up. Even if they're not in different realms, they'll just create 100 vassals. It does not really matter.

  4. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Vasyl Otto


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Bardmancy (Words+Movement)


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             BOOK (Self Teach)


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?


  5. "Let us go!" Vasyl grinned widely to his friends and distant relatives. "This time we are not after Haensers! Let us hope for boar. Boar tastes well." He concluded, his mindless chatting ceasing soon after.

  6. "A shame," Raziel murmured then. "But they all die, sooner of later. So you, was he not only 80 or 90? He was a good one, I like him. He shall be missed." He sighed before leaving once more. Other things required his attention.  A small memorial would be erected in his honor.

  7. Hmpf.


    Admittingly I'm really not a fan of the idea of battle-pets in general, since we've got magics centered around that already.


    Both Druidism and Life Evocation go (somewhat) in that niche. A creature this size would be considered "large" by life evocation lore standards, meaning for combat, you would need five (!) emotes to summon it (T5 Life Evocationist casting Terrestial Conjuration). Even for a druid, who are quite literally centered around animals/nature would need two emotes to convince a creature that size to fight for them (T5 Druid casting Beastspeak). However, both the druid and the conjurationist need to keep focus on said animal.


    If you look at the creatures immense size - this is way to overpowered, especially since you'd not need to focus on the animal...


    4 hours ago, Benleft said:

    Creature bloat is not a problem as-is... If there are too many lore pages, they can just be compiled into AWESOME creature compendiums. 

    That being said, I feel like “big, semi-obedient” ferret would not be a staple of the setting… I feel like a  “general battle animal pet” piece with VERY good (restrictive) redlines would save lore reviewers a lot of time…


    The druidic communion lore says:


    "A Druid’s animal companion must adhere to ST guidelines concerning pets, if used in combat. As such any companion larger than a golden retriever is prohibited from combat scenarios."



    "Current ST policy concerning summoned, independently-acting animals requires them to be no larger than a golden retriever. This means any animal called to fight for the Druid must adhere to this."


    ...so apparently such a guideline does exist? (I can't find it though)


    Looking at this statement within the druidism which cites some guideline by the ST I admittingly cannot find would really make the lore obsolete - since you can just downsize it into a reasonable size and then go on.

  8. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Raziel Amethil


    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Anordal Elverhilin


    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?



  9. "...weren't the Yisars invented by Lisse a few decades ago?" Pondered Lord Raziel upon the writings of the Fartebinder. "I don't think that works. Maybe Lisse imported the ritual...?"  Thus he turned to the second yisar ever made amongst tge descendants, "I suspect this mathematical inconsistency is some sort of sorcerous mystery."

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