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Posts posted by Laeonathan

  1. A publication was spread through the city of Númenost and all Canondom- notably those cities in close proximity to the late Midland Realm.







    Many by now know of the election which has occurred this way, this missive is here to allow people to be updated on the result of the election. The Race was a tight one and in the end, the honorable Gentleman Canonius landed a victory. As the victorious nominee of the election, he shall now be made Maer of Little Belvitz for the tenure of 1964 to 1970.

    We would like to thank Stefan Euler for his participation in the race, and for coming a close second. We would furthermore like to thank all who have come to vote and or witness this historical event.

    As Maer of Little Belvitz, it shall be Canonius’ duty to bring unity and prosperity to those who live within the Adrian quarters of the city of Numenost. He shall be expected to administer over Little Belvitz, coordinating the stewards and merchants to have a steady supply of both home and work for the Adrian Diaspora, and it shall be his duty to both speak to and for the people of the Diaspora.







    The Right Honorable, Canonius

    Maer of Little Belvitz


    The Right Honorable, Markus Marie Sarkozic

    Count of Aldersberg, Defender of Dumacracy

  2. A publication was spread through the city of Númenost and all Canondom- notably those cities in close proximity to the late Midland Realm.







    With our arrival in Númenost, the capital of the Exilic Kingdom of Númendil, we have once more established a home, even if temporary. During this time of Refuge, if we wish to preserve the legacy of Adria and reclaim its dignity upon the coming DUMAGEDDON, then we must work to renew its institutions.


    Therefore that most ancient of ADRIATIC traditions is engaged, and a call for a mayoral election is made so that our provisional home Little Belvitz shall have a steward charged with promoting Adrian life and flourishing within the ghetto. 


    The Election shall go as such;

    The election shall be held within Little Belvitz on the 8th of Owyn’s Light, 1963 [Thursday 4 PM EST] with drinks provided by the BULL’s HORNS Bar and Grill. 


    Any Midlander-Adrian of righteous disposition shall be permitted to attend as elector to both nominate and vote.


    Candidates for Maer shall be made to give short speeches describing their vision of Adrian flourishing.
    Speeches dubbed too long shall be interrupted by the Count of Aldersberg throwing the speaker into the Waters of the Oasis.


    Candidates for Maer shall be made to wrestle so that the Midlander-Adrians can observe their physical constitution.


    Upon election, the Maer shall go through the Rite of Office consisting of a variety of birds, darkspawn tests and oaths. Thereafter, he shall be the dutifully elected leader of Little Belvitz.






    The Right Honorable, Markus Marie Sarkozic

    Count of Aldersberg, Defender of Dumacracy

  3. 21 minutes ago, Qizu said:

    Freebuild on arcas was such a hassle staff wise to deal with landscars and mega builds never getting finished. There are loads of realms handing out land for merely approaching them with a group and asking. 

    On another note, I hope a system is found to reduce the tiles mega nations own with hardly any RP. 


    freebuild ptsd


    whoever was in charge of handling freebuild burned out

  4. "Sigrun yeh focken bullet points are off again yeh goober." Noted the immensly obese Khenarlum Doomforged, from the clanhall. "Eets da same shoite evrytoime ey."


    An elf by the name of Raziel Amethil raged too, for he had discovered a spelling mistake! The nit-picking elf wildly gestured at 'Silver Pheonix'.


    Silly and petty fellows, the both of them.

  5. "Damn," Is all Brother Vasyl had to comment for a moment. He ripped one of those missives off the tree and took them with him as a souvenir. "I trust Haense a lot evil but this... this seems a bit far-stretched. Not to say I think someone is making up stories... though- it would make a good one! Maybe I should write missives about the King of Aaun actually being Azdromoth? I bet that would sell..." Yet, he decided against either and went back to honest farming.

  6. My spook character I played for almost 2 years now has never been spook tested. Most people dont even oocly do not know he is a spook CA. It's glorious. Well, besides the people who got their souls sucked out.


    But if you have 'notorical spook rpers' who rp really edgy looking characters. You are black and red dressed? Talk about Xion all the time? Man - it's obvious youre no paladin.

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