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Posts posted by Laeonathan

  1. 14 hours ago, Rigorous said:

    I advise the people who despise bandit rp so much to actual rp consequences and politely communicate with the people they're role-playing with. A lot of the time, if you show an openness for discussion and a willingness to negotiate consequences, other players will respond positively.


  2. "Right," Noted a priest who gave himself the name Father Monfort. "Darkspawn threatening to uncover the evil. Da... that makes sense. Surely, they must speak truth!" He jested before storing the missive in his priestly robes.

  3. [!] A strange parchment could be found anywhere in souther Middelan; bearing the old sigil of Adria and House Sarkozic. It looked like drops of water fell onto it, wherever it was found, even in the desert. Odd…




    4th of Amber Cold, 1962




    In these times many tell you who you are. They might even dare and say: You are not Adrian. But it matters not, for you are who you are. But so; let me tell you who your ancestors were.


    They were Adrians. Adrian Dogs.


    In the shadowed annals of Adria's lore,

    Resounds a saga from an age of yore.

    "Adrian Dogs," a title steeped in scorn,

    Bestowed by Lorraine, in malice born.


    From Arcasian Renzfeld, this epithet came,

    A brand of shame, staining Adria's name.

    For Lorraine's miscreants, vile and low,

    Wrought havoc and terror with each blow.


    Skirmishes erupted, a clash of steel,

    As Adria's sons defended with zeal.

    Lorraine's treachery, a fire unchained,

    Threatened to scorch Euler Fields, profaned.


    Yet justice prevailed, the Emperor's decree,

    Brought Lorraine to heel, setting Adria free.

    The land cleansed of its sinister breed,

    Lorraine's power crushed, its evil deed.


    Yet the Empress-Mother, with guile and lies,

    Sought to tarnish Adria's noble guise.

    But Adria stood firm, its honor secured,

    Her falsehoods vanquished, her deceit obscured.


    Now "Adrian Dogs," in victory crowned,

    A symbol of courage, the people renowned.

    For though once reviled, they rose above,

    In triumph, their valor, a beacon of love.





  4. "Are they... absolutely... I am baffled to speak. How? What?" Wondered Father Monfort in his utter confusion. "You deny Oren, but call yourself Princess of Providentia, the capital of the last Empire? What? Just what? I have never seen so much oddness. It just makes no sense." The poor priest read the strangest missive again. "Duchess of Helena? Another Orenian capital... why. NOTHING here adds up. Pick one! But Oren and not-Oren at the same time makes no sense."


    "Also. It is Renzfeld and not Renzfield... Arrrrggghhhh!"





  5. "She's got a point, but elves are more stubborn than dwarves, for some reason." Mused Raziel, "Petty Lords and Ladies of small towns are too busy to call themselves King, High Prince or Emperor. Just because they rule a backwater village."

  6. 49 minutes ago, Amayonnaise said:


    Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure I saw one of those skins on a player's name.mc during Almaris. I think it was a military dress uniform that very heavily resembled it.


    In Almaris a group called "Rhein" used those uniforms alongside the names of high-ranking Nazis such as Heydrich. I called in mods and the mod told them to change that - funnily enough, instead of changing name and uniform they racially insulted the moderator's character ooc... Strangly enough I've never seen them again :D I wonder what happened.


    Sorry for being offtopic.

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