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Application Comments posted by Aquaquean

  1. J8iR9lAcgE2084Erxq5QpTY69jua2sRqHKXfA-aOIP-8kCqxfxMjodpZ5aLrirvEvODczh3WLijXJLgFEM517Y5Ap-3LBKckYJQPLGSjQRp5aA7Z7iTCjhCdiQz76BTEP-O42vy7




    Welcome to LOTC! As soon as this is posted you should be whitelisted on the server. Contact me or make a /creq in game if there’s any issues with this.


    If you’d like some help in-game, you’re welcome to contact me or another Community Team Member. You can even request a Wilven Monk to guide your character around the server!



    A few resources you might find useful are the LotC Wiki, New Player Discord and New Player Guide. If you ever need help in the future you can also send me a message on discord. My account is Aqua#5363.

  2. J8iR9lAcgE2084Erxq5QpTY69jua2sRqHKXfA-aOIP-8kCqxfxMjodpZ5aLrirvEvODczh3WLijXJLgFEM517Y5Ap-3LBKckYJQPLGSjQRp5aA7Z7iTCjhCdiQz76BTEP-O42vy7




    Welcome to LOTC! As soon as this is posted you should be whitelisted on the server. Contact me or make a /creq in game if there’s any issues with this.


    If you’d like some help in-game, you’re welcome to contact me or another Community Team Member. You can even request a Wilven Monk to guide your character around the server!



    A few resources you might find useful are the LotC Wiki, New Player Discord and New Player Guide. If you ever need help in the future you can also send me a message on discord. My account is Aqua#5363.

  3. Changed Status to Under Review


    • Unfortunately, it’s impossible for your character to be from Vjorhelm because this is a city from a previous map/continent that has been vacated for hundreds of years. Due to your character’s age, they would have been born in the current map/continent, ‘Arcas’. While the Nordish people didn’t have a city at the beginning of this map, when your character would have been born, the Norlandic city of Dunharrow was constructed at the time a little after your character would have been born, and so your character would have been able to grow up there.




    You have 24 hours to make the edits above. Shoot me a message either here on the forums or on discord (my account is Aqua#5363) once you’ve edited your application. 


    Please don’t hesitate to contact me or another Community Team member if you need help or have any questions whatsoever. You can also issue the /creq command on the server to place a ticket should you require assistance.




    Feel free to join our New Player Discord! You’ll also find the LotC Wiki helpful when searching for information on the server’s lore.

  4. Changed Status to Under Review


    • You must include at least two valid server Lore References in your character biography (other than your character’s race, family, a date or one of the server’s maps). This lore reference could be something like the name of the city your character was born in, the religion they follow or an event such as a war that your character has lived through. Please fix this using the LotC Wiki.
    • You cannot use lore from other games or literature such as Moradin from D&D – everything included in your application has to be a part of the server’s own lore. I’d definitely recommend checking out the wiki (linked above) to get a better idea of the server’s setting! Also don’t hesitate to ask any questions you have, lore-related or otherwise, in the New Player Discord.




    You have 24 hours to make the edits above. Shoot me a message either here on the forums or on discord (my account is Aqua#5363) once you’ve edited your application. 


    Please don’t hesitate to contact me or another Community Team member if you need help or have any questions whatsoever. You can also issue the /creq command on the server to place a ticket should you require assistance.




    Feel free to join our New Player Discord! You’ll also find the LotC Wiki helpful when searching for information on the server’s lore.

  5. Changed Status to Under Review


    • You must include at least one significant Flaw in your character’s personality traits/quirks. 




    You have 24 hours to make the edits above. Shoot me a message either here on the forums or on discord (my account is Aqua#5363) once you’ve edited your application. 


    Please don’t hesitate to contact me or another Community Team member if you need help or have any questions whatsoever. You can also issue the /creq command on the server to place a ticket should you require assistance.




    Feel free to join our New Player Discord! You’ll also find the LotC Wiki helpful when searching for information on the server’s lore.

  6. Changed Status to Under Review





    Welcome to LOTC! As soon as this is posted you should be whitelisted on the server. Contact me or make a /creq in game if there’s any issues with this.


    If you’d like some help in-game, you’re welcome to contact me or another Community Team Member. You can even request a Wilven Monk to guide your character around the server!



    A few resources you might find useful are the LotC Wiki, New Player Discord and New Player Guide. If you ever need help in the future you can also send me a message on discord. My account is Aqua#5363.

  7. J8iR9lAcgE2084Erxq5QpTY69jua2sRqHKXfA-aOIP-8kCqxfxMjodpZ5aLrirvEvODczh3WLijXJLgFEM517Y5Ap-3LBKckYJQPLGSjQRp5aA7Z7iTCjhCdiQz76BTEP-O42vy7




    Welcome to LOTC! As soon as this is posted you should be whitelisted on the server. Contact me or make a /creq in game if there’s any issues with this.


    If you’d like some help in-game, you’re welcome to contact me or another Community Team Member. You can even request a Wilven Monk to guide your character around the server!



    A few resources you might find useful are the LotC Wiki, New Player Discord and New Player Guide. If you ever need help in the future you can also send me a message on discord. My account is Aqua#5363.

  8. J8iR9lAcgE2084Erxq5QpTY69jua2sRqHKXfA-aOIP-8kCqxfxMjodpZ5aLrirvEvODczh3WLijXJLgFEM517Y5Ap-3LBKckYJQPLGSjQRp5aA7Z7iTCjhCdiQz76BTEP-O42vy7




    Welcome to LOTC! As soon as this is posted you should be whitelisted on the server. Contact me or make a /creq in game if there’s any issues with this.


    If you’d like some help in-game, you’re welcome to contact me or another Community Team Member. You can even request a Wilven Monk to guide your character around the server!



    A few resources you might find useful are the LotC Wiki, New Player Discord and New Player Guide. If you ever need help in the future you can also send me a message on discord. My account is Aqua#5363.

  9. J8iR9lAcgE2084Erxq5QpTY69jua2sRqHKXfA-aOIP-8kCqxfxMjodpZ5aLrirvEvODczh3WLijXJLgFEM517Y5Ap-3LBKckYJQPLGSjQRp5aA7Z7iTCjhCdiQz76BTEP-O42vy7




    Welcome to LOTC! As soon as this is posted you should be whitelisted on the server. Contact me or make a /creq in game if there’s any issues with this.


    If you’d like some help in-game, you’re welcome to contact me or another Community Team Member. You can even request a Wilven Monk to guide your character around the server!



    A few resources you might find useful are the LotC Wiki, New Player Discord and New Player Guide. If you ever need help in the future you can also send me a message on discord. My account is Aqua#5363.

  10. Changed Status to Under Review



    • Your Metagaming definition is partially correct but it’s only one example of metagaming. You need to give the broader definition of the term. You can always refer to our wiki page on metagaming to find LotC’s accepted definition (just remember not to plagiarise!).
    • Your Powergaming definition does not match the server’s definition of powergaming. Please refer to our wiki page on powergaming to find LotC’s accepted definition (just remember not to plagiarise!). Also, on a side-note, humans and all of the other descendant races are able to die.
    • Your character’s Background is too short. Please extend this to at least two decent sized paragraphs. You could include more information on things such as your character’s place of birth, upbringing, family, profession and any other important events that have happened to them.
    • Your character also cannot know any nobles, as nobles are played by characters in game and must be met through roleplay. If you’ve received permission from the player that owns that character to include this in your application, they can message me and tell me that they’ve given their permission – otherwise, you just have to remove this from your character’s backstory.




    You have 24 hours to make the edits above. Shoot me a message either here on the forums or on discord (my account is Aqua#5363) once you’ve edited your application. 


    Please don’t hesitate to contact me or another Community Team member if you need help or have any questions whatsoever. You can also issue the /creq command on the server to place a ticket should you require assistance.




    Feel free to join our New Player Discord! You’ll also find the LotC Wiki helpful when searching for information on the server’s lore.

  11. Changed Status to Under Review


    • You must include at least two valid server Lore References in your character biography (other than your character’s race, family, a date or one of the server’s maps). This lore reference could be something like the name of the city your character was born in, the religion they follow or an event such as a war that your character has lived through. Please fix this using the LotC Wiki.
    • The server is set in a fantasy world and so your character cannot be from a latin family as this isn’t part of the server lore. 




    You have 24 hours to make the edits above. Shoot me a message either here on the forums or on discord (my account is Aqua#5363) once you’ve edited your application. 


    Please don’t hesitate to contact me or another Community Team member if you need help or have any questions whatsoever. You can also issue the /creq command on the server to place a ticket should you require assistance.




    Feel free to join our New Player Discord! You’ll also find the LotC Wiki helpful when searching for information on the server’s lore.

  12. Changed Status to Under Review


    • Remember to include at least one clear Flaw in your character’s personality traits/quirks.
    • Your character’s Appearance does not fit with the server lore for snow elves as snow elves have very pale skin and don’t have yellow eyes. I’d recommend taking a look at the images on the our wiki page on snow elves for help with this. You’re also welcome to check out the LotC Skin Archive for use and inspiration!




    You have 24 hours to make the edits above. Shoot me a message either here on the forums or on discord (my account is Aqua#5363) once you’ve edited your application. 


    Please don’t hesitate to contact me or another Community Team member if you need help or have any questions whatsoever. You can also issue the /creq command on the server to place a ticket should you require assistance.




    Feel free to join our New Player Discord! You’ll also find the LotC Wiki helpful when searching for information on the server’s lore.

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