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Application Comments posted by Aquaquean

  1. Changed Status to Under Review





    Welcome to LOTC! As soon as this is posted you should be whitelisted on the server. Contact me or make a /creq in game if there’s any issues with this.


    If you’d like some help in-game, you’re welcome to contact me or another Community Team Member. You can even request a Wilven Monk to guide your character around the server!



    A few resources you might find useful are the LotC Wiki, New Player Discord and New Player Guide. If you ever need help in the future you can also send me a message on discord. My account is Aqua#5363.

  2. K3Y6AP1QCV1L7lqj8o1Z6gSzRNrp35lxOh9V0XpGeMIxqDl3lJbvTpjz_phWu3jTDYkPVVpfAnM-kl97K28gVRts5UE_kLjAZNEflvAcdYCfp8aLpZEKDF90gGHRBpOVzAlb4LAE

    • Please try to correct the Spelling & Grammar across your application before you submit any changes.
    • Your Powergaming and Metagaming definitions are incorrect. Please refer to our wiki page on metagaming and powergaming for the server’s accepted definitions, just keep in mind that plagiarism is not tolerated.
    • Please try your best to avoid Clichés in your character’s backstory such as your character’s parents were murdered so they became bad. Unless they’re particularly developed, these tropes can be very bland and lead to boring roleplay.
    • Your character’s Background is too short. Please extend this to at least two decent sized paragraphs. You could include more information on things such as your character’s place of birth, upbringing, family, profession and any other important events that have happened to them.
    • You must include at least two valid server Lore References in your character biography (other than your character’s race, family, a date or one of the server’s maps). This lore reference could be something like the name of the city your character was born in, the religion they follow or an event such as a war that your character has lived through. Please fix this using the LotC Wiki.
    • Your character cannot be Mystical or magic in any form. Please change this.
    • Your character Description is vague and needs more detail. Remember that this should be used to describe the physical attributes of your character, such as their build/stature, eye colour, hair colour and any other distinguishing features.
    • You must include at least one clear Flaw in your character’s personality traits/quirks. A flaw is generally something to do with a character’s personality/behaviour.
    • Please add a face to your character’s Skin because currently it makes your character appear supernatural or magical. If you’re having trouble editing your skin or finding a new one, feel free to check out the LotC Skin Archive for use and inspiration!
    •  Your response to the Roleplay Scenario doesn’t make sense. You need to write a sentence or two that describes what your character would say and do in response to the roleplay scenario found underneath the field. If you’re struggling with this, feel free to contact me!




    You have 24 hours to make the edits above. Shoot me a message either here on the forums or on discord (my account is Aqua#5363) once you’ve edited your application. 


    Please don’t hesitate to contact me or another Community Team member if you need help or have any questions whatsoever. You can also issue the /creq command on the server to place a ticket should you require assistance.




    Feel free to join our New Player Discord! You’ll also find the LotC Wiki helpful when searching for information on the server’s lore.

  3. Changed Status to Under Review





    Welcome to LOTC! As soon as this is posted you should be whitelisted on the server. Contact me or make a /creq in game if there’s any issues with this.


    If you’d like some help in-game, you’re welcome to contact me or another Community Team Member. You can even request a Wilven Monk to guide your character around the server!



    A few resources you might find useful are the LotC Wiki, New Player Discord and New Player Guide. If you ever need help in the future you can also send me a message on discord. My account is Aqua#5363.

  4. Changed Status to Under Review





    Welcome to LOTC! As soon as this is posted you should be whitelisted on the server. Contact me or make a /creq in game if there’s any issues with this.


    If you’d like some help in-game, you’re welcome to contact me or another Community Team Member. You can even request a Wilven Monk to guide your character around the server!



    A few resources you might find useful are the LotC Wiki, New Player Discord and New Player Guide. If you ever need help in the future you can also send me a message on discord. My account is Aqua#5363.

  5. Changed Status to Under Review





    Welcome to LOTC! As soon as this is posted you should be whitelisted on the server. Contact me or make a /creq in game if there’s any issues with this.


    If you’d like some help in-game, you’re welcome to contact me or another Community Team Member. You can even request a Wilven Monk to guide your character around the server!



    A few resources you might find useful are the LotC Wiki, New Player Discord and New Player Guide. If you ever need help in the future you can also send me a message on discord. My account is Aqua#5363.

  6. K3Y6AP1QCV1L7lqj8o1Z6gSzRNrp35lxOh9V0XpGeMIxqDl3lJbvTpjz_phWu3jTDYkPVVpfAnM-kl97K28gVRts5UE_kLjAZNEflvAcdYCfp8aLpZEKDF90gGHRBpOVzAlb4LAE

    • There isn’t an ancient warrior tribe named the Cindering Nethermane in the server lore and it doesn’t fit into the server’s history for them to have fought in the wars you mention as these wars were done by players and alliances/similar arrangements were all role-played out. It’s best to try and make up as little as possible in your application because otherwise your character won’t fit into the world that LotC is set in. Because of this, I would strongly urge you to remove the part in your application about the tribe and either find a settlement/nation on the wiki that your character was part of or only create a family that lived away from civilisation, rather than an entire tribe. Perhaps your character could have grown up alongside a tribe of orcs, which has resulted in the way of life you describe.




    You have 24 hours to make the edits above. Shoot me a message either here on the forums or on discord (my account is Aqua#5363) once you’ve edited your application. 


    Please don’t hesitate to contact me or another Community Team member if you need help or have any questions whatsoever. You can also issue the /creq command on the server to place a ticket should you require assistance.




    Feel free to join our New Player Discord! You’ll also find the LotC Wiki helpful when searching for information on the server’s lore.

  7. Changed Status to Under Review


    • Your Powergaming and Metagaming definitions are partially correct but don’t encompass the server’s full definitions of the terms. Powergaming must also include the definition of poweremoting. Please refer to our wiki page on metagaming and powergaming for the server’s accepted definitions, just keep in mind that plagiarism is not tolerated.
    • Your character’s Background is too short. Please extend this to at least two decent sized paragraphs. You could include more information on things such as your character’s place of birth, upbringing, family, profession and any other important events that have happened to them.
    • You must include at least two valid server Lore References in your character biography (other than your character’s race, family, a date or one of the server’s maps). This lore reference could be something like the name of the city your character was born in, the religion they follow or an event such as a war that your character has lived through. Please fix this using the LotC Wiki.
    • Your character’s Appearance does not fit with the server lore for orcs. Unfortunately, orcs can’t have bright or luminescent appearing eyes and aren’t black (although there is a broad range of colours they are able to be). I’d recommend that you take a look at the wiki page on orcs for more information on them. This also means that you will have to change or update your skin - if you’re having trouble with this, please check out the LotC Skin Archive for use and inspiration!
    • Remember that your character’s interesting Facts & Traits must be written as full sentences of at least five words.




    You have 24 hours to make the edits above. Shoot me a message either here on the forums or on discord (my account is Aqua#5363) once you’ve edited your application. 


    Please don’t hesitate to contact me or another Community Team member if you need help or have any questions whatsoever. You can also issue the /creq command on the server to place a ticket should you require assistance.




    Feel free to join our New Player Discord! You’ll also find the LotC Wiki helpful when searching for information on the server’s lore.

  8. Changed Status to Under Review


    You have not read the rules. Please read the rules before your reapply.



    Please don’t hesitate to contact me or another Community Team member if you need help or have any questions whatsoever, my discord is Aqua#5363. You can also issue the /creq command on the server to place a ticket should you require assistance.




    Feel free to join our New Player Discord! You’ll also find the LotC Wiki helpful when searching for information on the server’s lore.

  9. GBNetpj3tNTNGsEJo2uFLrxAb8G3G_8rl9PErB5vHhHm9kVHyBpnwMhFZaj8-Kv0v6WMt7uPDgvwsvnq1S2K7Yy0OPwqPOPoiyIjnXiagxKMzs8i70VkFKH02VJCxuFMgclCdyBN

    You have failed to make the required changes within 24 hours.

    Please make the changes below in your next application.

    • Please try and correct the Spelling & Grammar across your application to the best of your ability! It doesn't need to be perfect but at the moment it hinders your application and makes it difficult to understand.
    • Your Powergaming and Metagaming definitions are correct in essence but vague and lacking in detail. Please expand on these and add an example as well – make sure to add the definition of power-emoting into your powergaming definition too. You can refer to our wiki page on metagaming and powergaming for the server’s accepted definitions, just keep in mind that plagiarism is not tolerated.
    • Your character’s Background is too short and doesn’t give enough detail about your character’s past. Please extend this to at least two decent sized paragraphs. You could include more information on things such as your character’s place of birth, upbringing, family, profession and any other important events that have happened to them.
    • You must include at least two valid server Lore References in your character biography (other than your character’s race, family, a date or one of the server’s maps). This lore reference could be something like the name of the city your character was born in, the religion they follow or an event such as a war that your character has lived through. Please fix this using the LotC Wiki.
    • The character Description field should be used to describe the physical attributes of your character, such as their build/stature, eye colour, hair colour and any other distinguishing features. 
    • Your character’s interesting Facts & Traits must be written as full sentences of at least five words.
    • You must include at least one clear Flaw in your character’s interesting facts/traits. A flaw is generally something to do with a character’s personality/behaviour. 
    • While this is not at all necessary to change, I wanted to make sure that you’re aware your character’s age will mean that they will be considered something like a child or adolescent in most elven cultures. Generally speaking, elves aren’t considered adults until they reach at least 50 years of age.



    Please don’t hesitate to contact me or another Community Team member if you need help or have any questions whatsoever, my discord is Aqua#5363. You can also issue the /creq command on the server to place a ticket should you require assistance.




    Feel free to join our New Player Discord! You’ll also find the LotC Wiki helpful when searching for information on the server’s lore.


    You may reapply at any time.


  10. J8iR9lAcgE2084Erxq5QpTY69jua2sRqHKXfA-aOIP-8kCqxfxMjodpZ5aLrirvEvODczh3WLijXJLgFEM517Y5Ap-3LBKckYJQPLGSjQRp5aA7Z7iTCjhCdiQz76BTEP-O42vy7




    Welcome to LOTC! As soon as this is posted you should be whitelisted on the server. Contact me or make a /creq in game if there’s any issues with this.


    If you’d like some help in-game, you’re welcome to contact me or another Community Team Member. You can even request a Wilven Monk to guide your character around the server!



    A few resources you might find useful are the LotC Wiki, New Player Discord and New Player Guide. If you ever need help in the future you can also send me a message on discord. My account is Aqua#5363.

  11. Changed Status to Under Review


    You do not appear to have read the application guidelines when creating your application.



    Please don’t hesitate to contact me or another Community Team member if you need help or have any questions whatsoever, my discord is Aqua#5363. You can also issue the /creq command on the server to place a ticket should you require assistance.




    Feel free to join our New Player Discord! You’ll also find the LotC Wiki helpful when searching for information on the server’s lore.


    You may reapply at any time.


  12. Changed Status to Under Review


    • You need to include at least two valid server Lore References in your character biography (other than your character’s race, family, a date or one of the server’s maps). This lore reference could be something like the name of the city your character was born in, the religion they follow or an event such as a war that your character has lived through. Please fix this using the LotC Wiki. Here are some pages that might come in handy for you:
      • The pages on dwarves and forest dwarves.
      • The page on the previous map Atlas, where your character would have been born, and the page on the current map, Arcas, where your character would live now.
    • Remember to make sure that your character’s interesting Facts & Traits are full sentences of at least five words!




    Your application is very close to being accepted, there are just a few small changes that need to be made first. You have 24 hours to make the edits above. Shoot me a message either here on the forums or on discord (my account is Aqua#5363) once you’ve edited your application. 


    Please don’t hesitate to contact me or another Community Team member if you need help or have any questions whatsoever. You can also issue the /creq command on the server to place a ticket should you require assistance.




    Feel free to join our New Player Discord! You’ll also find the LotC Wiki helpful when searching for information on the server’s lore.

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