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Posts posted by BobBox

  1. 5 minutes ago, rukio said:

    How will it be handled when everyone argues that they are wearing clothes/gambeson under their plate/chain/etc to prevent being attacked by malflame? 

    Presumably the naztherak will see that their spell was not as effective and will switch to one of the ball ones which can have light force or attempt to summon a demon in order to remove the armor / tear at the cloth. Also if someone has their eyes visible & the likes they wouldn't have cloth there, though I know only some plate skins do that. Voidal weakness was something suggested by the LT and so I implemented it for balancing. 

  2. Spoiler


    Amendment - Naztherak




    Physical Strength Changes


    Current Lore:


    - A Naztherak will experience an effect similar to Voidal poisoning experienced by Mages in the past. This limits their ability to obtain substantial muscle mass, meaning although they may swing a sword and so on, they will quickly tire. 
    - They are however capable of wearing platemail and casting while wearing it.


    To be updated to:


    Stemming from previous distrust between a Zar’akal and a soon-to-be Naztherak, there is a natural layer of unease between the teacher and their student. In a weak attempt to stop potential students from climbing the infernal hierarchy and ascending above their teachers, there is a stipulation inserted into every deal, be it knowingly or not. Every time a Naztherak is connected, their teacher allows the hells to restrict their body and naturally, their strength. Use of the hells is not free.




    - A Naztherak will experience an effect that mimics Voidal poisoning experienced by Mages. This limits their ability to obtain substantial muscle mass, meaning although they may swing a sword and so on, they will quickly tire. 
    - They are however capable of wearing half plate and casting while wearing it.



    Cursed Fire Changes


    Short Brief: Cursed flame is put in an awkward spot currently in Naztherak lore. Firstly, there is the issue that Revolt is incredibly more powerful compared to the other cursed flames (which are essentially just normal flames with such little flavor players are sure to ignore them). For example, in the current lore part of revolt reads: “Fireballs, Brands and Whips may explode upon impact against any surface, resulting in an expulsion of Malflame no greater than one foot beyond the flame’s diameter,” and “Walls, Pillars or Storms of Malflame imbued with Revolt will combust projectiles passing through the flames, such as sling pellets, arrows, crossbow bolts etc. destroying them upon contact.”. Compared to desolation which says “Malflame spells imbued with Desolation will cause the victim to experience anterior-grade amnesia, meaning that their short-term memory will be spotty at best.”. See the issue? One is a light suggestion to RP while another is a powerful hellish alteration, not to mention that revolt doesn’t have any effects that revolt should have. This part of the amendment aims to fix that by upping their previous abilities and allowing them all to stop projectiles. Finally, we have amended it so that cursed idols may be created with malices that the user does not have to eliminate trying to min-max and pick the first malice when the magic is gained. We wish for people to pick the malices that make sense for the character, not those which are the strongest or most useful, though the malices still do affect which cursed flames you may cast.


    Current Lore for ease of reference:


    Malflame spells imbued with Woe cause the victim to experience existential despair. One might abandon whatever hope or conviction drove them, or merely feel that whatever victory they achieve is hollow. Eventually, they may become sluggish and feel weary, despite being well-rested and healthy.


    Malflame spells imbued with Lies cause the victim to feel compelled to lie in one fashion or another. These may be simple erroneous replies when asked yes or no questions, or they may attempt to spin elaborate falsehoods about themselves or others. Even when they have nothing to gain from such deceptions, they will still feel the need to spread fallacy and mistruth.


    Malflame spells imbued with Revolt manifest it as a fiery combustible in the Prince’s accursed flame. Fireballs, Brands and Whips may explode upon impact against any surface, resulting in an expulsion of Malflame no greater than one foot beyond the flame’s diameter, bearing the same soul-scorching effects as mundane Malflame. Walls, Pillars or Storms of Malflame imbued with Revolt will combust projectiles passing through the flames, such as sling pellets, arrows, crossbow bolts etc. destroying them upon contact.


    Malflame spells imbued with Madness cause the victim’s mind to be sundered by a supernatural psychological assault. This causes them to rapidly develop some manner of abnormal mental functioning, such as visual and auditory hallucinations, paranoia, schizophrenic-like delusions and, other phobic or compulsive behaviours etc. These are likely to be distracting and to earn the concern or disgust of observers.


    Malflame spells imbued with Desolation will cause the victim to experience anterior-grade amnesia, meaning that their short-term memory will be spotty at best. This may manifest as an inability to recall where they are, or quite why they are there; they may fail to adequately take in new information, causing them to find great difficulty in learning a new skill or committing faces and names to memory.


    Malflame spells imbued with Temptation cause the victim to begin feeling a tug within their consciousness, which leads them to seek out something of their immediate desire. They may well desert combat altogether, if their desire to go home to creature comforts is stronger than to keep fighting. Otherwise, the victim may become vocally obsessed with something, or someone, or become distracted by things pertaining to hidden wants.


    A Prince who possesses the arts of both Curses and Pacting will receive a second Malice from their demonic patron. Which Malice they receive depends upon which patron has laid claim to them, as they find their beastly benefactor’s vile influence spreading through the core of their being. These Malices are as follows:


    Malflame spells imbued with Dread immediately elicit a sensation of overwhelming fear as the felfire consumes the victim. This manifests as engaging the victim’s freeze, fight or flight responses; particularly timid individuals may freeze, while most others will merely flee from the conflict, leaving a minority who will brace themselves to fight for their lives. Even those who successfully escape from or stand victorious over such an encounter, will still find fear gripping their heart for the duration afterward.


    Malflame spells imbued with Venom will begin to elicit symptoms like those of a snakebite shortly after contact. This begins with a spreading numbness from the site of the burn, moving up to encompass the whole limb or abdomen over two [2] emotes. This numbness does not disable the use of limbs for combat. In the six [6] emotes afterward, a supernatural fever will begin to develop, which will lead to actual sweating and a danger of overheating if the victim is wearing many layers, such as gambeson beneath heavy platemail. These are merely symptoms and cannot kill the victim, but they may exacerbate pre-existing conditions.


    Malflame spells imbued with Gluttony immediately awaken a nigh insatiable appetite for food or drink within a victim. In particular they will likely crave their favourite things, such as wine or ale over water, or meats over porridge or gruel. This Gluttony can be ignored, but it will gnaw away at the victim and prove to be very distracting. The longer the victim attempts to ignore the craving, the more likely they are to then begin attempting to consume inedible substances or objects.


    Malflame spells imbued with Pestilence cause the victim to begin developing symptoms akin to those of pneumonic plague. This begins with a malaise, or feeling of sickness, over two [2] emotes; this does not inhibit combat or other exertive actions. Over the following [3] emotes, a bloody discharge will begin weeping from the nose and eyes, with a cough emerging upon the third [3rd] emote. Over the following two [2] emotes, the victim develops a chill, and their coughing produces a bloody phlegm from the throat. At this point, the weeping of the nose and eyes, chill and coughing lasts until the 1 IRL hour is up, after which they will subside. It is not contagious.


    Malflame spells imbued with Misfortune cause the victim to experience uncanny poor luck. If during a combat encounter in which both parties agree to roll, this manifests as a -4 modifier to those struck by Malflame spells. This does not stack. Outside of ‘rollplay’ the curse’s effect can be roleplayed as otherwise plaguing the unfortunate with any number of seemingly supernatural blunders and mistakes in their endeavours. This is not to say every swipe of a victim’s sword will be a glancing strike, or every arrow will miss, but rather what could have been a mighty or precise blow will be substantially lesser.


    - If a Malice is imbued into Malflame conjurations, it requires one [1] additional emote to casting.
    - The associated effect of the Malice may last no longer than 1 IRL hour.
    - If this occurs within combat, the effect lasts the entirety of the encounter and for 1 IRL hour after the conclusion of combat.
    - A Prince may not imbue their Malice into the Malflame of others, or indeed any other mundane or magical fire.
    - The effects of a Malice may be cleansed by a Paladin’s purge ability, or any similar ability from other Holy magics.
    -  Only the Beast-Purging ability of Druidic Blight Healing can alleviate the symptoms of a Malice in an animal. It does not heal the Malflame wound however.


    To be changed to:


    Malflame spells imbued with Woe cause the victim to experience existential despair. One might abandon whatever hope or conviction drove them, or merely feel that whatever victory they aim to achieve is far beyond their capabilities. Over two emotes they may become sluggish and feel weary, their armor feeling heavy, despite themselves being well-rested and healthy. Battles feel lost before they may even begin. Walls, Pillars or Storms of Malflame imbued with woe may appear as if it has sad faces inside.


    Malflame spells imbued with Lies cause the victim to feel compelled to lie in one fashion or another. These may be simple erroneous replies when asked yes or no questions, or they may attempt to spin elaborate falsehoods about themselves or others. Even when they have nothing to gain from such deceptions, they will still feel the need to spread fallacy and mistruth. In battle, it will become near impossible to communicate the truth, such as lying about your injuries, what the enemy is doing, or your want to continue a chase. Failure to speak or lie at all will cause a painful build-up within a victim's chest, as they suppress the strong desire. 


    Malflame spells imbued with revolt will cause a victim to feel incredible amounts of disgust about themselves and others. One may toss their sword to the side because of a singular imperfection or may mock others should they not act perfectly. One may forcefully stay away from certain imagery such as certain cities, hospitals, or churches. Walls, Pillars or Storms of Malflame imbued with revolt may appear as disgusting flames.


    Malflame spells imbued with Madness cause the victim’s mind to be sundered by a supernatural psychological assault. This causes them to rapidly develop some manner of abnormal mental functioning, such as visual and auditory hallucinations, paranoia, schizophrenic-like delusions, other phobic or compulsive behaviors etc. These are always distracting and may easily earn the concern or disgust of observers. Casting spells may become additionally difficult as false realities manifest as unskilled mages tiers one or two will have to spend an extra emote realizing their surroundings. Walls, Pillars or Storms of Malflame imbued with madness may appear as if familiar faces are in them.


    Malflame spells imbued with Desolation will cause the victim to experience amnesia, meaning that their short-term memory will be spotty at best. This may manifest as an inability to recall where they are, or why they are there; they may fail to adequately take in new information, causing them to be unable to learn a new skill or commit faces and names to memory. In battle, one may forget who they’re chasing or even which way someone turned a corner, even if they had just seen it a moment ago. Walls, Pillars or Storms of Malflame imbued with desolation may appear as if everchanging figures are in them.


    Malflame spells imbued with Temptation cause the victim to begin feeling a tug within their consciousness, which leads them to seek out something of their immediate desire. They may well desert combat altogether if their desire to go home to creature comforts is stronger than to keep fighting. Otherwise, the victim will become vocally obsessed with something, or someone, or become distracted by things pertaining to hidden wants. Failure to verbalize these wants will feel like a pain building up in the chest. Walls, Pillars or Storms of Malflame imbued with temptation may appear as if friendly faces are luring them in.


    A Prince who possesses the Pacting will receive a second Malice from their demonic patron. Which Malice they receive depends upon which patron has laid claim to them, as they find their beastly benefactor’s vile influence spreading through the core of their being. These Malices may be cast when Curses is taken and are the following:

    Malflame spells imbued with Dread immediately elicit a sensation of overwhelming fear as the felfire consumes the victim. This manifests as engaging the victim’s freeze, fight, or flight responses; particularly timid individuals may freeze, while most others will merely flee from the conflict, leaving a minority who will brace themselves to fight for their lives. Even those who successfully escape from or stand victorious over such an encounter will still find fear gripping their heart for the duration afterward. Even those who stay and fight would feel their heart beating in their chest and sounding in their ears uncontrollably. Walls, Pillars or Storms of Malflame imbued with dread may appear as if skulls are within.


    Malflame spells imbued with Venom will begin to elicit symptoms like those of a snakebite shortly after contact. This begins with a spreading numbness from the site of the burn, moving up to encompass the whole limb or abdomen over two [2] emotes. This numbness does not disable the use of limbs for combat. In the six [6] emotes afterward, a supernatural fever will begin to develop, which will lead to actual sweating and a danger of overheating if the victim is wearing many layers, such as gambeson beneath heavy platemail. These are merely symptoms and cannot kill the victim, but they may exacerbate pre-existing conditions. Skin will discolor and appear as if it was bruising, the blood vessels of a victim popping out.  Walls, Pillars or Storms of Malflame imbued with venom may appear as if it is swirling throughout.


    Malflame spells imbued with Gluttony immediately awaken a nigh insatiable appetite for food or drink within a victim. In particular, they will likely crave whatever is in front of them. After [3] emotes this sensation will need some sort of satiation from those affected. Victims far from food may bite at their own flesh, inanimate objects, or drink blood, requiring [1] emote to do so. This will cause the timer to go away until they are hit again, though the hunger will persist.  Walls, Pillars or Storms of Malflame imbued with gluttony may appear as if there are mouths within it.


    Malflame spells imbued with Pestilence cause the victim to begin developing symptoms akin to those of pneumonic plague. This begins with a malaise, or feeling of sickness, over two [2] emotes; this does not inhibit combat or other exertive actions. Over the following [2] emotes, a bloody discharge will begin weeping from the nose and eyes, with a cough emerging then. The following emote after this, the victim develops a chill and their coughing produces bloody phlegm from the throat which may inhibit combat as it begins to get difficult to see and breathe. At this point, the weeping of the nose and eyes, chill, and coughing last until the 1 IRL hour is up, after which they will subside as the general sickness persists. It is not contagious and the combat prohibiting effects may be cured by spending [1] emotes to either rest or perform medical upon yourself. There is no specific manner in which one performs a medical check upon themselves, but rather it may  range from cultural aspects such as lighting an incense to doctoral procedures such as placing gauze in the nose. Walls, Pillars or Storms of Malflame imbued with pestilence may appear as if there are nauseous clouds within.



    Malflame spells imbued with Misfortune cause the victim to experience uncanny poor luck. This does not stack. During combat, the curse’s effect can be roleplayed as otherwise plaguing the unfortunate with any number of seemingly supernatural blunders and mistakes in their endeavors. This is not to say every swipe of a victim’s sword will be a glancing strike, or every arrow will miss, but rather what could have been a mighty or precise blow will be substantially lesser. For example, taking out a potion may slip and fall as someone drops it at their feet, or their sword may get stuck for a moment as they take it out. An unlucky effect will occur in every [3] emotes, though a victim may stop such a process by spending [1] emote to doublecheck their gear, weapons, etc. Malflame imbued with misfortune may appear as if there are general sights of unluckiness within, such as broken mirrors. The victim may choose the unlucky action that occurs and it will change depending on what the character is doing.




    - If a Malice is imbued into Malflame conjurations, it requires one [1] additional emote to casting.

    - Cursed fire malflame will combust projectiles passing through the flames, such as sling pellets, arrows, crossbow bolts etc. destroying them upon contact if they are smaller than an arbalest bolt or a cannonball. 
    - The associated effect of the Malice may last no longer than 1 IRL day.
    - If this occurs within combat, the effect lasts the entirety of the encounter and for 1 IRL day after the conclusion of combat.
    - A Prince may not imbue their Malice into the Malflame of others, or indeed any other mundane or magical fire.
    - The effects of a Malice may be cleansed by a Paladin’s purge ability or any similar ability from other Holy magics.
    -  Only the Beast-Purging ability of Druidic Blight Healing can alleviate the symptoms of a Malice in an animal. It does not heal the Malflame wound, however.
    - Pestilence will prohibit someone from fighting upon emote [5] of it taking effect and may be cleared with [1] emote of dedicated self-care, though the lesser ailments will still persist. If one gets hit with another spell imbued with pestilence, the counter will begin once more.
    - Upon emote [4] of Gluttony, one must spend [1] emote eating something within their vicinity, be it flesh or some nearby bread. Players are advised not to rp the potatoes in their inventory as this in order to promote unique roleplay. Faint hunger will persist but the countdown will not resume until they are hit once more.
    - Upon emote [3] of Venom, one will begin to potentially overheat and feel extremely hot within their armor or garbs. They will appear sickly and their veins may pop out on their body.

    - The pain in one’s chest from resisting temptation or lies is never enough to harm, rather a means to encourage players to verbalize the effects.
    - One must have cursing to have a second Malice, as it is gained when they pact with their lord.

    -The malice effects of Madness, Desolation, Temptation, Revolt, Lies, Dread, and Woe can be ignored after 4 emotes in combat but occur once more out of combat until healed. 

    -Desolation may not make one entirely forget who they are fighting but may confuse them momentarily. 


    Base Naztherak Changes


    The following redline will be removed:
    - MArt submissions may be made to create unconventional but functionally identical Grimoires.


    The following redlines will be added under Grimoires:
    - Functionally identical grimoires may be made freely by the player as long as they are objects that can be written on / read from.
    - No unique grimoire may be harder to knock out of your hand than a book would be.


    The following spells will have this redline added to them: Rok-Dhurz & Rok-Heedz.
    - By spending [1] extra emote, this spell may have light combustive force added to it. It may dent plate armor, rip cloth, and will cause someone to trip if it strikes their feet.
    The following spell will have this modification made: Rok-Niirk.

    Previous lore:


    These conjurations possess physical properties for Inferi only, allowing a Naztherak to whip or lasso imps and beasts as if with their mundane counterparts.

    Changed to: 
    These conjurations naturally possess physical properties, allowing a Naztherak to whip or lasso imps and beasts as well as their mundane counterparts such as descendants or creatures.

    The following spell will have this modification made: Rok-Krimth.

    Previous lore: 


    Not unlike the whip-like conjurations of their more novice peers, a master of Malflame manipulation may summon chains of pure Malflame with which to burn continuously against the flesh of mortal men, or to bind infernal adversaries.


     When used to bind Inferi, these chains assume material properties comparable to that of mild steel, providing strong restraints for most demons. The conjuration takes three emotes to fully manifest, and consumes [20] maleus whilst lasting for five emotes; this may be extended by spending an additional [5] maleus per two emotes.

    Changed to: 
    Not unlike the whip-like conjurations of their more novice peers, a master of Malflame manipulation may summon chains of pure Malflame with which to burn and strike continuously against the flesh of mortal men, or to bind infernal adversaries.
     When used, these chains assume material properties comparable to that of mild steel, providing strong restraints for most demons and nearly all descendants. The conjuration takes four emotes to fully manifest, and consumes [20] maleus whilst lasting for five emotes; this may be extended by spending an additional [5] maleus per two emotes.


    The following spell will have this modification made to it: Rok-Argal.

    Previous lore:


    A Naztherak may create a wall of Malflame in [2] emotes, which provides a deterring barrier in front of them or another, albeit not very defensive.

    Changed to:

    “A Naztherak may create a wall of Malflame in [3] emotes, which provides a deterring barrier in front of them or another, albeit not very defensive.” 
    Redlined Added: 
    - Only one wall may be formed at a time.


    The following spell will have this modification made to it: Rok-Norrvut
    Previous lore:


    A Naztherak creates a pillar of Malflame in front or around them. It cannot be moved once charging begins, a spot glowing the colour of the Prince’s Malflame appearing in the location it is being conjured. It can be conjured in three [3] emotes, and lasts for up to five emotes afterwards. Only one may be conjured at a time by a Prince, and it is only one block in diameter.

    Changed to:
    A Naztherak creates two pillars of Malflame in front or around them. They cannot be moved once charging begins, a spot glowing the colour of the Prince’s Malflame appearing in the location it is being conjured. They can be conjured in two [2] emotes, and lasts for up to five emotes afterwards. Only two may be conjured at a time by a Prince, and it is only one block in diameter.


    This additional redline will be added under Maleus and the Grimoire under the casting section.
    “A Naztherak may emote speaking a spell without physically typing out the name to avoid meta-gaming.”


    The following malflame lore will be changed:
    Previous Lore:


    Malflame is a fire-like substance which a Naztherak may conjure, the flame itself offering no light, heat, nor can it burn objects. It may appear in various colours depending upon the Naztherak who wields it, namely being alien colours such as shades of violet, putrescent pink, sickly green, and other vivid colours. Such flame possesses no light, nor has any effect upon the Material Realm on its own, only agonizing the soul upon direct contact with a soul-bearing individual’s flesh.

    Changed to:
    Malflame is a fire-like substance which a Naztherak may conjure, the flame itself may have light or it may not, though it has no heat, nor can it burn objects. It may appear in various colours depending upon the Naztherak who wields it, namely being alien colours such as shades of violet, putrescent pink, sickly green, and other vivid colours.


    The following redline will be removed: 
    - Malflame does not produce light nor heat, nor does it have force on its own.




    Apologies, this is going to be long. It has come to my attention that malflame spells are currently extremely weak. Emoting “puts on a helmet” can stop every single spell within the magic. To remedy this, I sought to make it so the spells which are streams of malflame (those being the flamethrower, walls, pillars, and tornadoes) have the ability to go through the gaps in armor. While that allows for some combativeness against armor, I believe that it is healthy to add light combustive capabilities to Rok-Dhurz & Rok-Heed so that they also stay used. This is not meant to win any fight, per se, but rather dent armor or cause someone to trip at the cost of an extra emote. Next, I saw it healthy to make it so that chains and whips have the ability to strike flesh and bodies of descendants, as currently (as all the other malflame), they only go through people and turn useless when armor or light cloth coverings are in the situation. I have tweaked the number of pillars able to be summoned to two because they are only 1x1 in dimension and have swapped their emote count with the wall, which now takes the same amount of emotes as the wave (essentially a moving wall). This aims to remove some of the “meta” around the wall while making pillars more used, as previously a 1x1 pillar took an extra emote compared to the wall. I added the ability for malflame to have aesthetic light, as requested by the community. Finally, I added the redline about casting because it is a current Naz headcanon that you do not have to speak the name specifically, and so I wished to add this concretely in the lore.



    Beast Summoning Changes




    Currently, in the lore, one may not bring their summoned mounts of beasts into combat if they were summoned prior to it. This means that while one may ride a demonic horse into combat, it would instantly go away the moment someone draws a sword. This is unnecessarily punishing to the Naztherak and leads to summons not being used in combat because of the long emote timers. To remedy such, we have made this amendment so that they may be summoned before combat and still participate in it if a Naztharak keeps their grimoire upon their person. This promotes planned attacks and narratively interesting fights, compared to spamming out emotes to bring in assistance.


    Previous lore: 


    -  Only one [1] Beast may be summoned at any one time, during a combat encounter. Outside of combat, players may have multiple beasts for flavourful roleplay, but must demanifest should roleplay move to combat.

    Changed to: 
    - Only one [1] Beast and two [2] imps may be summoned at one time during a combat encounter. Outside of combat, players may have multiple beasts for flavorful roleplay, though only one may be permitted to enter combat, should they be summoned beforehand. 
    - One beast or two imps may enter combat if they were summoned prior to it starting. A user’s grimoire must be constantly held on their person after they are summoned. This is to say that one may not hide their book in a chest and expect their summons to enter combat with them still.
    - While only one beast or two imps may enter combat with you, you may summon the other mid-combat should you perform the required amount of emotes.
    - One may not presummon a beast larger than a large cat.


    Naztherak Addition


    Algzok Rokol 
    To Smoulder Magic
    The disconnection ritual.


    An intense ritual that requires either one Zar’akal and two Naztherak or five Naztherak with two being at least tier five. Not to be taken lightly or as an escape from the hells, this ritual consumes the magic slots given to Naztherak while removing the ability to use the magic, scarring the soul as it does so. To perform this ritual, a group must draw a pentacle with rakir and place the unfortunate Naztherk in the center. From there, each Naztherak would stand within a corner of the pentacle before channeling their malflame and maleus into the center. Once all the flames converge upon the center and then the victim, they would flow over and throughout the brand, burning away the slots of magic and permanently damaging the soul.




    - Does not require OOC consent.
    - Leaves malflame burns atop the disconnected Naztherak’s brand.
    - Does not give back the slots already given to the magic, these are permanently lost.
    - Cannot be used in combat.
    - If used upon a Zar’akal, their ability to cast malflame would become inert for 1 OOC month, they are not disconnected.
    -Zar'akal who this rite is performed upon may not cast or use the Naztherak magic for this time period, such as casting malflame, making cursed idols, imbuing objects, etc.

    -Results in the denial of one’s Naztherak MA.
    - Requires either 5 Naztherak with two of them being T5 or 1 Zar’akal and 2 Naztherak.
    - Is a somewhat freeform ritual that takes a minimum of 6 multi-lined emotes in total.

    - After disconnection, Ilzakarn will be slowly forgotten over the next ooc day.
    - The brand caused by disconnection may not be purged like other malflame burns, it is a permanent reminder of your past history.

    - Should this ritual be interrupted via combat, it will fail as malflame rushes around the room and those involved.

    - Any Naztherak may learn this ritual and teach it to others via word of mouth regardless of tier.

    - All current Naztherak and Zar'akal will gain this ability from the acceptance of this amendment.

    - A disconnected Naztherak may reconnect to the magic and will not lose more magic slots in the process although they will begin from T1 again.



    Naztherak is meant to be a chaotic magic but it falls short without the ability to cause meaningful conflict with other groups or Naztherak. On top of this, nearly every other dark magic has ways to in-fight (phylacteries being broken, coffins, etc.),  and I believe that this was simply something lacking from Naztherak. This serves not as a way to cheese someone out of the magic, but rather to add consequence to fights if one group is organized enough to get a multitude of members together.



    Niv - Original Lore Writer

    BobBox - Amendment / Addition Writer

    Kujo, Junoix, Lulah, Naztherak Community - Consultation, Ideas.

  3. Spoiler


    Fur Stained Red


    A warrior musin covered in orcish garbs.


    Let it be known that the might of the musin and orcs is felt upon the stones of Elysium this day, that our fur and tusks are coated red and that the waters which were fought upon are now tainted red. Let it be known that the great musin army has slaughtered countless giants while not even a spec of damage was delivered to our fur. Our large ears were filled with the screams of those beneath even our own stature - and so now we may retire until the next battle with dreams of sweets and bloodshed. 




    There is no end to the torment and the slaughter which we musin bestow so graciously upon this land. There is no stopping our great horde and  we only rest to sharpen our blades, to dream of sweets, and to bathe in the blood which runs so freely now upon these lands.



    General Needle ‘The Warmonger’, leader of the Musin army and warriors, bravest of them of all Musin, destroyer of nations.



    gb1kfUI5GYTQdWpdpT9iXLOuz5To3Ov2boH59rMQmGd1lFrIVAfMPXqSnGgrkwVo5ba_IibMTI3WFlmEeB1lz4qYzinvfjq0sqhFGwlPmGBhWUKr4OS0Xc3iZG5C6vRiVNncRzeK47M9AByqjA Good fight everyone




    One so knowledgeful of flame and of the goat watched.

    Eyes flickered - not just one pair but two, three, all watching from behind each other like a queue.


    They had awaited these flames for some time now, awaiting to see smoke bellow and for land to be scorched.

    "And once more their gods are starved while we feast - long ago is the time of idle, now is the time of action."

    He paused only for some moments before he stood and began to walk then. His gaze did not linger upon the smoke but rather his mind wrestled with the next step in which he was to take.



  5. 4 minutes ago, Gustando said:

    The clone is able to have a symbiote. Although you need to re-infect it via one of the 2 options that are proposed in the lore


    Additionally the symbiote will be at tier 1, meaning you'll have to wait 4 weeks in total to reach tier 3 once again.

    Klone counts as a CA so it would need to be changed on the list or have a special note, ik it states it in other places of the lore but could still be confusing

  6. 52 minutes ago, Gustando said:

    All CAs

    Does this mean that klones cannot have the symbiote even while functioning the exact same as another descendant body would? Previously if a klone was made while having the symbiote, it would carry over. If you made one without, you could be without it for a time.


    Edit: Furthermore I'm curious as to why the symbiote and blood magic are incompatible 

  7. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?



    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:



    pov bbox teaches you naztherak


    Naztherak is a dark magic that spans anywhere from 2 to 5 magic slots, and begins when a character is connected via a deal with a Naztherak. There are two additional pacts that a Naztherak may take, each adding additional abilities while taking away more magic slots. Naztherak's core abilities revolve around summoning inferi and malflame through the use of a grimoire. Upon the first connection every Naztherak oocly picks a malice which influences the Prince very slowly, these are Lies, Revolt, Temptation, Woe, Desolation, and Madness; though another may be gained later should pacting be picked up. Malflame itself is a flame that gives off no heat or light though will burn and stick to skin that it is cast upon - it feels as if hot iron is touching the skin as it slowly burns the soul. 


    Casting occurs in one main way which begins when a grimoire is opened and the spell name in Ilzakarn (the language of the hells) is read out loud. From there the flames slowly appear and may be cast depending on the emote count. These spells range from malflame balls to chains which may be used against others, should their skin be exposed. While casting, a Naztherak will look more demonic, their skin changing to the color of their malflame while horns may sprout from their head depending on how many pacts were taken. Each spell cast takes Maleus, which is essentially a power source for their magics and may run out should a Naztherak cast too many spells.


    Inferi are summoned in a similar way to other spells, though a Prince does not instantly have a full court full of them. Summoning an Inferi requires binding and making them, which revolves around the ritual of Naz'kuthun where a Prince may turn a descendant into a Inferi and bind them to their own court. These Inferi are mostly in four tiers - Imps (which may be played by players or summoned), Zekul (which are beasts bound to a specific Naztherak), Zar'ei (which are only played by others), and Zentherak (which are event only creatures and are made from Zar'ei who have evolved). 


    When a Naztherak reaches Tier 3 and Tier 4, they may choose an additional pact. As listed above, these pacts take another slot each and will increase how sinister a Naztherak's transformation appears. One of these pacts is cursing, where users may imbue their malflame with their malices to bring forth other effects, such as a flame that makes people feel despair and the need to abandon their desires. They may also make cursed idols which are objects that bring forth the effects of malices depending on the length in which the object is held or nearby. The other pact which may be taken is pacting, where a Naztherak gains another Malice, a striith, and the ability to give boons and banes to individuals.


    Finally, the last part of Naztherak is the transformation to Zar'akal, where a grimoire is no longer needed and there is an automatic revival system. This CA also sheds the general weakness that Naztherak warlocks obtain when they are connected. This takes all 5 magic slots from the user.


    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    As listed above, there are two main subsections in which a character may pick up aside from the base Naztherak, these being Pacting and Curses.


    Cursing is where users may imbue their malflame with their malices to bring forth other effects, such as a flame that makes people feel despair and the need to abandon their desires. They may also make cursed idols which are objects that bring forth the effects of malices depending on the length in which the object is held or nearby to a victim.


    Pacting is where a Naztherak gains another malice, a striith, and the ability to give boons and banes to individuals may taking the blood from their striith, imbuing it with their maleus, and then tattooing or painting the boon and bane onto the victim. A bane may be given without a boon, though a boon may never be given without a bane.


    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?


    [!] And so 'lren took out his grimoire from his side - the blackened book with snake eyes soon being flicked open as he held it with his left hand. He slowly began to run forth - after the man in which he wished to enact the spell upon. He called some words from Ilzakarn into the air, the words making all those who could hear it nearby faintly uncomfortable. "Rok-Dhurz". After the words split the air, his brand began to glow - the man's skin turning a shade of yellow-green as small horns began to sprout forth from his head.


    [!] 'lren continued his run after the man in front of himself. He lifted his right hand into the air where a small flame appeared - it was also yellow-green yet gave off no heat nor light. He let out a cackle - a laugh - as he chased the man, though he reared his hand back slowly.


    [!] And so the flame grew to the size of a golf ball, the size in which 'lren wished for. He tossed it then at the man and it struck his arm, feeling as if hot iron had touched the skin. The burn left by such a thing would be blackened and would have some lingering pains for a few days after.


    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?


    [!] 'lren looked to the student and nodded to them then. "Get your grimoire - prepare to write this spell and do as I do." He hummed before taking out his own. He spat forth the words of the most basic spell into the air - "Kriviir" - he said then as his brand lit up in his color - his body transforming as small horns appeared from his head, his skin then changing to the color of his malflame. 


    "Write the name down with rakir, this is your first manipulation and in order to cast you must write the spell upon a blank page and then speak it out loud." He commanded the student who then did write it down as small flickers of flame slowly appeared on 'lren's right hand - though the spell was not ready yet.


    "And so with this manipulation, it may be pressed upon a victim's skin to bring forth maleus, recharging your own." He said as the yellow-green flame fully formed upon his hand. "You'd press this against the victim for some time though - do not be quick about it, enjoy their writhing - it takes time to draw out the maleus." He said with a smile then. "Now for you to try." He told the student as his own flame disappeared. "Speak the name of the spell which you have written down - fuel it with your maleus - watch it grow in your palm." He explained, soon watching as the student performed the necessary steps. 


    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    Upon the first instance, I would simply inform the student of how they have used it wrong and correct them. If they misuse such with purpose, I would report them to the LT, as I would if they continue to make mistakes and abuse the magic. 


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  8. Spoiler






    Stone Awoke


    Deep within the depths of stone and earth sat a singular pool of water - undisturbed by movement or thoughts. Darkened walls of stone devoid of light for some years gently rested upon its sides, water slowly wearing down what structural support they offered to the ceiling above. 


    Within the confines of the water was some old and decaying flesh though despite its looks -and presumably the smell - it looked as if it had been painstakingly placed by hand, moved so that it kept form while in the waters. Next to such a thing rested a singular helmet untouched by rust or time, the glass circle at the front of the helm pointed so that it may ever watch the flesh. Upon the surface nearby sat a singular lance - atop such a thing was the hide of a killed animal.


    The scene rested like this for some multitude of years, though this all quickly changed with the movement of some titanic figure beneath the depths of the waters. A meditating figure slowly broke the tension of the water - a large hand then reaching for the skin and helm so that it could dawn them. A titanic weapon was so easily grasped that it seemed as if it was effortless. 


    From the depths of the caves was the sound of stone against stone, as if a legion of dwarves was mining for some long-lost rubies. Sounds of brute force echoed within the small room, yet when light broke through the walls of the cave to expose what was inside it was no treasure that man would appreciate.


    Makazgath Awoke.


    The Scion returned.




  9. Spoiler



    A Call Across the Hells



    Come forth those anointed in fel flames,
    those who have made deals.
    Come forth those who have been so active by my side,
    my closest allies.


    Yet come forth still those who I have not seen,
    who sit so contently within their own plans.
    Let us all come together, speak. 
    Let us work out plans, ideas.


    Long gone is the time for silence, I will not stand for such much longer.
    Hide in the shadows and you will be nothing but forgotten.
    Blessings cast aside for what? 


    No longer will faces be hidden -
    We will meet.


    You know where to find me. 
    If not, do something deserving of my attention.


    Grutartn am’kiztik

  10. Spoiler

    Big props to moderation, WT, and ST for all coming together to assist.



    A man sat within the church's confines, meditating as the multitude of voices fought within this head. Earlier each had yearned for progress though now they chatted with delight, feeding off of each others energy. 


    A feeling of bliss seeped within his skin - his bones. He was happy, his first work enacted upon the lands for all to see. He was thankful to all those who attended, his students, disciples. They were on the right path and there was perhaps something left to live for in this wretched world. 


    The hells licked upon the surface once more.

  11. Spoiler

    This missive can be found anywhere anyone wants to find it.


    An Occult Calling


    O’ come to me - all who are wounded and drowned.
    Step towards me - all who are lonely and forgotten.
    For those rejected. 
    For those wishing for purpose.


    Come to me.
    And in return you are offered the world.


    Come to me all who are cast aside.
    Bring forth your friends, allies.
    We will be exalted among the greats.


    Together we may establish excellence- 
    O’ ones born in poverty, in filth, in discontent.
    Together I will take ideas and bring forth material.


    Place your name down -
    Deposit it. You will know if you’re worthy.


    Have no fear for I am your guide.
    And The Goat is our savior.


    [!] A folded up drawing to a location is attached at the bottom of the missive.




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