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Creative Wizard
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Posts posted by Crevel

  1. Markus Arden sat still, a bottle in his hand as he digs his feet into the sand. He brings the bottle closer to his lips then puts it up towards the sky,

    Lucky bastard, got out while you still could..


    He swills the rest of the bottle and tosses it into the water. His legs shake, troubling to bring himself up as he pushes his weight towards the ocean.

    Perhaps one more game of hide and seek like old times.

  2. The Very Poshly-Dressed Kharajyr stands by the luxurious chad, Godric, observing the rooms that they walk through. Admiring the High Elven architecture and the abundance of muscly men that adorn the colours of the AIS signatories; although in a purely heterosexual way. He would softly nod to the Duke’s words in agreement to the weregild.

    Master, If you accept my addition kindly, I’d too like to present a gift.


    Mister Muffins reaches for his tophat that he had only worn for this occasion, taking it off to reveal a Red Velvet Cupcake that had been balancing on a platter on his head. His hand reaches for the platter, resting it nearby for the Sohaer to take the delicious cupcake,

    The red represents the sincerity of Morsgrad, the Red Faith that keeps us honest. The white adjoins the red as the white represents the purity of High Elves. Both are held symbolic to our peoples. Though.. I do also hope this cupcake finds itself as a personal way of gratitude for taking care of the Kharajyr in your realm.


    He retreats back next to the chad’s side, once again strategically placing the platter on his head before covering it with the tophat.

  3. A silence stills the air before a stern voice of the feline takes over in a Disney-style monologue,

    No.. this.. now this is absolute codswallop. How can these so called writers of theatrics misconstrue the intentions of Master Godric? It wasn’t on the orders of Master to have the Lady Curon beheaded! The Duke is a kind and noble gentleman, dedicated to the pragmatic revival of the Highlander peoples.


    The Chamberlain stands at a safe distance away in the doorway of the palace master bedroom, observing the slumber of the snoring Duke with the same respect as a mother has watching her tired children bringing themselves into a deep sleep. Mister Muffins shifts his gaze between the article in his paws and the Duke. The paper begins to fold, fine creases being placed throughout.

    Master... I do hope you make something of this. I cannot stand how these vagrants masked behind ‘literacy’ falsify your intentions and actions for political gain. I won’t let it happen.


    The article lay on a table within Godric’s lodgings, placed next to it is a slice of a masterfully baked elderberry tart.



  4. How do you feel about 1.14 on LOTC?

    As with most things, I think it genuinely has potential. Obviously as it stands, things aren’t going the right way and LotC was converted without a proper risk assessment as to what could go wrong. I’ve already heard that a To-Do List was made before 1.14 was launched on LotC but it was prematurely done without proper oversight into future problems.

    Do you think 1.14 has benefits on the server? If so, what?

    I think it could bring benefits, it has brought benefits but it would only be efficient if the server actually worked like it is supposed to. The addition of barrels, campfires, lanterns, and crossbows I think would be the most notable (reading through Aethling’s post I would also like to add grindstones lmao), but with a server that has difficulty rendering chunks the new additions don’t really matter.

    Do you think 1.14 has brought problems to the server? If so, what?

    Other than the blatant rendering problems, balancing. The devs are going to need to come up with some way to limit the amount of crossbows that someone can have in their inventory because if there is something that could be abused, it’s almost a given that it will be. It’s human nature to find ways to get an advantage on others.

    If there is an issue with this, how do you think it could be solved?

    I’m not a developer on LotC so I have no clue what goes on in the behind the scenes, but I see that the safest way is to revert until the problems have been worked on and then the conversion can try again, potentially to 1.15 even. However, my experience of situations like this tells me that most people are going to have people talking smack about the Devs and Telanir on how they can’t do their job of trying to update to 1.14.

    And finally, if you have any extra input then you may put it here!

    In the mean time, I’m going to use this post as an opportunity to suggest this texture pack that gives a 3D model to lanterns in your hotbar because I feel that it could be very useful if lots of people were using it.

  5. Mister Muffins brings out a fine parchment, unrolling it across the table nearest to Godric then bringing the parchment close. An inkwell is brought and a quill is dabbed into the ink before being dragged towards the parchment. “Speak what you wish to be placed onto the writ, Master. I’d also like to add we’re running out of ink but I will see it that more is acquired at the earliest convenience.

  6. A gripping silence from Mister Muffins carries itself through the room as Godric recalls his dream for the future, Might I say, Master. Your literacy in the Creative Arts of Poetry really shows. Your words are surely to travel down the rivers, and through the forest pines, pulling on the heartstrings of many and brandishing the swords of the loyal.“ a silver platter is lowered onto Godric’s desk, revealing a variety of freshly baked goods. “A pastry, Sir?

  7. EE8RtLsgv_GC4XF3uqYbIHgQPHckvGalYUZVvueijAOxMw_ucvTJGelEAp4JPFjPmlW-qeN56FFCT_nMQAcKy-NfMRkkpOZp8znvViNpsu2_2TrsYs3OvcH-4QjyK87pupusH4rt

    Writ for the Piastdom of Tatra

    Issued Winter 1744


        I, Godric of Morsgrad, Ruric by way of Edvardsson do formally recognize the nobility of Svetovid. His continued sovereignty over the Tatran and wise leadership of his clans and tribes has led him to align his folk with the greater Highland realm. To that end we formally recognize the inclusion of the Piastdom of Tatra into our domain. We recognize the demesne of Piast Svetovid as the following. The march of Tatra is henceforth recognized as the collection of sheer mountains to the south of Mitteland and Tatra. Limited to the east by the Tyne and to the west by the rolling foothills. The southern limit of the Piastdom being the walls of Fenndom. Henceforth we recognize Svetovid as bearing the title of Piast, which shall in its entirety pass to his eldest surviving son upon his passing, this continuing in perpetuity. The Throne does therefore privilege Svetovid with the landed surname ‘av Tatra’ from where clan shall henceforth originate.


    We do charge the av Tatras with the following obligations as a landed clan of realm. The av Tatras are charged with:

    I. The development and defence of the Tatra

    II. Enforcing the Nordlaw on behalf of the Throne

        a. Upholding the privileges granted therein

    III. Obeying the Marchlaw

    IV. Providing Fyrd and Retinue to the service of the Throne when the banners are called

    V. Attending Warmoot and Gravmoot

    VI. Ensuring the safe unhindered passage of Fatherists and citizens of the Highland realm within the confines of their territory


    We do grant the av Tatras the following privileges as a landed clan of our realm. The av Tatras are privileged to:

    I. Keep an armed retinue at all times. 

        II. Call Fyrd comprised of all Tatran bondsman and serfs

        III. Levy tax upon their bondsman and serfs

        IV. Exploit their lands for farming and mining

        V. To bear arms in the Court

    VI. To grant citizenship to the realm so long as the citizen resides within Tatra

        VII. To style themselves (in the case of their Patriarch) as the Piast of Tatra.

        VIII. To carry out feud upon other clans of the realm

        IX. To the privilege enclosed within the Marchlaw

        X. To marry others of the landed class so long as they are also leal to the Throne.

        XI. To create Burgraves or their cultural equivalent within the confines of their demesne



    For future reference, the title of Piast, being unique to the Tatran peoples hall be held as equivalent to Earl in the Nordish Hierarchy defined in THE NORDISH GRAVLAW and in THE NORDLAW.



    Penned By

    Mister Muffins of Morsgrad,


    Writ en Namen De


  8. EE8RtLsgv_GC4XF3uqYbIHgQPHckvGalYUZVvueijAOxMw_ucvTJGelEAp4JPFjPmlW-qeN56FFCT_nMQAcKy-NfMRkkpOZp8znvViNpsu2_2TrsYs3OvcH-4QjyK87pupusH4rt

    Writ for the Burgh of Darrowmere

    Issued Winter 1744


        For leal service to the Ducal Throne over these many years. I, Godric of Morsgrad, Ruric by way of Edvardsson do see fit to ennoble Pierre of Lotharingia. To that end To Pierre we do grant the fertile lands in the reach of Darrowmere. The reach of Darrowmere shall henceforth be defined as those lands east of the Ayr river, south of Aedelland, north of the mountains, limited to the east by boundary stones. Henceforth Pierre is to bear the title of Burgrave, which shall in its entirety pass to his eldest surviving son upon his passing, this continuing in perpetuity. The Ducal throne does therefore privilege Pierre with the landed surname ‘av Darrowmere’ from where clan shall henceforth originate.


    We do charge the av Darrowmeres with the following obligations as a landed clan of realm. The av Darromeres are charged with:

    I. The construction of a fortified Burgh to the end of securing the Darrowmere for settlement

    II. The construction of an appropriate Hearth Temple within their Burgh

        a. Furnishing an appropriate allowance to their assigned Hearth Keeper

    III. The development and defence of the Darrowmere

    IV. Enforcing the Nordlaw on behalf of the Ducal Throne

        a. Upholding the privileges granted therein

    V. Obeying the Marchlaw

    VI. Providing Fyrd and Retinue to the service of the Ducal Throne when the banners are called

    VII. Attending Warmoot and Gravmoot

    VIII. Ensuring the safe unhindered passage of Fatherists within the confines of their territory

    IX. Taking spouse only from other landed bondsman of the Ducal Realm.


    We do grant the av Darrowmeres the following privileges as a landed clan of our realm. The av Darrowmeres are privileged to:

    I. Keep an armed retinue at all times. 

        II. Call Fyrd comprised of all Darrowmere bondsman and serfs

        III. Levy tax upon their bondsman and serfs

        IV. Exploit their lands for farming and mining

        V. To bear arms in the Ducal Court

    VI. To grant citizenship to the Ducal realm so long as the citizen resides within Darrowmere

        VII. To style themselves (in the case of their Patriarch) as the Burgrave of Darrowmere.

        VIII. To carry out feud upon other clans of the realm

        IX. To the privilege enclosed within the Marchlaw

        X. To marry others of the landed class so long as they are also leal to the Ducal Throne.

        XI. To style themselves (in the case of their Patriarch) as the Warden of the Westgate


    We do grant the av Darrowmeres the following exceptions as a landed clan of our realm. The av Darrowmeres are excepted from:

        I. Gravlaw, Grav Restrictions, Subsections VI and VII



    Penned By

    Mister Muffins of Morsgrad,


    Writ en Namen De



  9. OVNX07Ia5NJZYXGSfDguIPdCgWN8tsK6eE8x6nGe0YAVwGxy-ee0dO_GndIRtLZICPMPcYOvSw-ck8kz3kHxOG9jHsYXD9pPRqyQ92nrkiGUUEelh7gq7luEfcFY9fskHw

    Writ for the Burgh of Mitteland

    Issued Sun’s Smile 1744


        For leal service to the Ducal Throne over these many years. I, Godric of Morsgrad, Ruric by way of Edvardsson do see fit to ennoble Septimus of Romanus. To that end To Septimus we do grant the fertile lands in the reach of Mitteland, located to the south of Aedelland. The reach of Mitteland shall henceforth be defined as those lands east of the Tyne, south of Edvard’s bay, north of the mountains, limited to the east by boundary stones. Henceforth Septimus is to bear the title of Burgrave, which shall in its entirety pass to his eldest surviving son upon his passing, this continuing in perpetuity. The Ducal throne does therefore privilege Septimus with the surname ‘av Mitteland’ which is where clan shall henceforth originate.


    We do charge the Mittelands with the following obligations as a landed clan of realm. The Mittelands are charged with:

    I. The construction of a fortified Burgh to the end of securing the Mitteland for Fatherist settlement

    II. The construction of an appropriate Hearth Temple within their Burgh

        a. Furnishing an appropriate allowance to their assigned Hearth Keeper

    III. The development and defence of the Mitteland

    IV. Enforcing the Nordlaw on behalf of the Ducal Throne

        a. Upholding the privileges granted therein

    V. Obeying the Marchlaw

    VI. Providing Fyrd and Retinue to the service of the Ducal Throne when the banners are called

    VII. Attending Warmoot and Gravmoot

    VIII. Ensuring the safe unhindered passage of Fatherists within the confines of their territory

    IX. Taking spouse only from other landed bondsman of the Ducal Realm.


    We do grant the Mittelands the following privileges as a landed clan of our realm. The Mittelands are privileged to:

    I. Keep an armed retinue of thanes at all times. Numbering no more than six professional soldiers

        II. Call Fyrd comprised of all Mitteland bondsman and serfs

        III. Levy tax upon their bondsman and serfs

        IV. Exploit their lands for farming and mining for their own profit

        V. To bear arms in the Ducal Court

        VI. To grant citizenship to the Ducal realm so long as the citizen resides within Mitteland

        VII. To style themselves (in the case of their chieftain) as the Burgrave of Mitteland.

        VIII. To carry out feud upon other clans of the realm

        IX. To the privilege enclosed within the Marchlaw

        X. To marry others of the landed class so long as they are also leal to the Ducal Throne.



    Penned By

    Mister Muffins of Morsgrad,


    Writ en Namen De



  10. csRMfBY.jpeg

    Mr. Muffins in his Slacks, Graciously Given by Duke Godric.


    Mr. Muffins slowly churns the hinges of the door forwards, knocking his white-gloved paw knuckle against the firm gateway. “Master, another letter has arrived for you!“ a warm iron steams the envelope that lay on the stainless steel platter, cracking the waxed seal with a smooth crackle in the process. I hope the warmth of the letter will suffice. We’ve been hit by the coldest that winter has to offer these past few days.“ The platter is lowered to a sitting Godric, offering the unsealed letter as he waits patiently for his Master to open it.
  11. MC Name: Crevel

    Character's Name: Do'Reginald

    Character's Age: 79


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    So the Kha, right? They’re mad lads from the jungle. They’re the demon kids of Metztli who thought it was a good idea to put cats and humans together. Pretty whack tbh, but I think he was just trying to make catgirls which is understandable. Prehistoric Elon Musk, y’know. Anyway, they’re pretty much cats that can walk on two legs. There are four types of cat guys. Kha’Leparda (I’m defeated on what to say, it’s just a leopard), Kha’Cheetrah, Kha’Tigrasi (knockoff of Tony the Tiger, I’m onto you Flam?), and finally Kha’Pantera which I’m almost convinced was created by someone who loved dark elves so much that they thought a dark-furred Kha was a good idea. Otherwise, it would be a chinese version of Pink Panther but  Tythus doesn’t look Chinese to me and the Pantera isn’t pink so my mind is boggled. I’m playing the Kha’Cheetrah (lotc equivalent of chester the cheetah) because that’s just what I feel like. The ‘Cheetrahs have golden fur, are agile sprinters and fighters although I find it unfortunate that they can’t actually run super fast because I wanted to enter the equivalent of a fixed horse race. Either way, they could probably beat Tythus in a 1v1 to the death if he doesn’t dance his way to victory. Hopefully, this is brief enough.



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?:



    Are you aware that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?:

             Yes, I am aware.


    Do you consent to accepting what may happen to this character?:

             Yes, I consent.


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  12. Markus Arden takes a look behind his shoulder, the spire of the City of Morsgrad distancing itself with every step he takes. A crumbling exhale warms his shivering hands, “If Godric won’t respect Uncle Edvard’s traditions. I’ll find someone who will.” The freezing Arden child leaves Morsgrad, determined to find someone honorable to reclaim the throne in the name of Edvard II Edvardsson Ruric.

  13. dfomBr-omuLxwR4wm0_HkQ_RbE61vQaoxpvaDP-58Q62DJ-g4INKUBdxoK5b86jtxY3RiCO2eKcAWt1wu2gUiNoVw6TPia-ciDlOeEyJKGDrUhlk5ik24Tr7d7Mv2tvQkshx2beI

    Writ of Curonic Prohibition 

    Issued Spring 1733


    In light of the reprehensible actions of the Vintasian toe lickers, compounded by the ILLEGAL trickery performed by Curon. In stealing a crown vassal of our ally, whose sovereignty and lordship we recognized and guaranteed. You have committed an act against the peace and stability of not just the Empire, but the cohesion of humanity at large. Out of respect for the Lord Protector of the Holy Orenian Empire. Every citizen, every noble affiliated with the Kingdom of Curon is barred from the Northmarch. Any Curonite found north of the neck will be branded on the forehead with a C for craven. Any Vintasian found north of the neck will have their hair shaved if they are a woman. The men will be shaved bald and have their beards removed. Any Merentel found north of the neck, will be tarred and feathered. This mercy purely out of RESPECT for our IMPERIAL ALLIES.


    We as humans, proud of the unchallenged martial history of our race cannot and will not tolerate the presence of cowards and toe lickers within our demesne. Furthermore we will not tolerate breaches in feudal law by cravens and ambitious sycophants. Curon has no right to pilfer the crown of its leal vassals. Nor does the now self dispossessed Duke of Vintas in our opinion retain the legal power to dissolve a title sworn to the Imperial Crown. FURTHERMORE the ex Duke of Vintas surrendered a title to the CURONIC CROWN that was by right bound to the IMPERIAL CROWN. An act of sedition? In short the men of Vintas have not only disgraced humanity through the sucking of toes. Embarrassed themselves by being utterly and pathetically defeated by non humans. But have broken their oaths to the Empire and their obligation to secure the borders of humanity.



    Regards and Respects







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