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Posts posted by Crevel

  1. bs7aYWe2zdWDpSFGg_5ZPf9m1AD3yhQ2PP2TuwmpQhRFKhrswRdnbE-N7vDl8Ph5qvpNJ5kxg-bfzTOKJVAeYw0_ZHIh6xknlACN3w-6j_6anYJ9dT-Gji4Wh3RTL9B07Eq1pXhE

    Coronation of the 

    New King

    To the Dutiful Citizens of the Realm,

    Alongside the unfortunate departure of the former King Caedric following his abdication, the Throne announces the coronation of Halvar Edvardsson Ruric, Caedric’s eldest son. It is our deepest concern that the Highland Realm and by extension the Kingdom of Norland remains in a position of strength. Thus, we shall be holding the coronation swiftly to ensure the smooth transition of power. The young King will be speaking on matters concerning the Highland Realm and its direction. Great festivities shall also be held so we welcome all to attend!

    The following families and groups are formally invited to attend the coronation:

    The Highlander Clans throughout the Highland Realm

    The Gorundyr Orvar of Vi Stige and its citizens

    The Highlander Eiriksson-Lunner of Lunsbeck and its citizens

    The Knights and Dames of Darrowmere and its citizens

    The Highlander Barbanovs of Haenseti-Ruska and its citizens

    The Dark Elven Velulaei’onn of Renelia and its citizens

    The Sutican Triumvirate and its citizens

    The Crown of Elvenesse and its citizens

    The Wood Elven Village of Siramenor and its citizens

    The Rex of Krugmar and its citizens

    The Grand Kingdom of Urguan and their citizens


    Saturday, 27th of June, 7:00pm EST

    27/06/20 7pm EST

    Penned by

    Mister Muffins, Chancellor of the Kingdom of Norland,


    Writ en Namen De

    Halvar Edvardsson, Heir Apparent of Norland, Duke of Morsgrad, Bulwark of the Highland Realm,

    Orlanth Stormbringer, Ashbringer of the Ashen Legion of Norland,

    Alisa Camian, High Keeper of the Red Faith,


  2. 68t0hdTHccSD8_gyOEXYZbQV_lDpliimgNiH-OTTyxnCDBd1dAroQeLcVWamZKg8UPJCbChFnupqBDoGwz0vdfvzQNf1cYa7cIxPZ78slMGNRIdLH3Mt3Ah9IxbPdOK8aYe4X8yN

    Highlaw of the Highland Realm

    Issued Summer 1769


        The Highland Realm as a political entity has existed since Godric Edvardsson Ruric proclaimed the lands as such. This which we now defend to be not only the Nordish Realm but a realm for all peoples under Nordish dominion. However, such a system, modeled quickly during a time of war, was not a system of perpetuity but one of subjugation and control. The King has seen this issue, and hopes to address it and correct it. With high hopes that a thousand years from now the Highland Realm will remain strong and healthy; a beacon of power and resolve against evil and despotic tyrants.


    I. On Vassals and Protectorates of the Realm

    II. On Landholders of the Realm

    III. On Citizens of the Realm

    IV. On Highland Rulers

    V. High Law of the Realm

    Section I. On Vassals and Protectorates of the Realm

    Currently, two defined territories within the Highland Realm aren’t covered as being Norland proper. The Protectorates - which being the settlements that live in our realm, and the Vassals which fall directly under the Throne of Norland. The distinctions between the two are essential to the proper functions of the Realm as a whole. Protectorates are only offered to Highlander men and women to see their cultures flourish.


    Vassals are lands which adhere to the ideals and laws of the Kingdom of Norland. These lands are under direct rule of an assigned High Lord and expected to act in accordance with the Kingdom of Norland. Vassals are afforded the following rights:

    I. The authority to enforce both the Highlaw and Nordlaw in their land.

    II. The obligation by the lords and the rest of the Realm to protect the vassal from violent acts that have not been provoked by the vassal.


    In exchange for these rights they are required to perform the following duties:

    I. Respect and uphold the Highland Realm’s values, traditions, and laws.

    II. Provide a resource of high value, which is to be determined by the Throne, to the Kingdom of Norland.

    III. Refrain from committing hostile actions against the Kingdom of Norland’s allies and neighbouring subjects of the Highland Realm; this includes both Protectorates and other Vassals, as well as other landholders. 

    IV. Must extradite criminals of the Realm at the request of the Throne of Norland.


    Protectorates are lands where people maintain distinct ethnic and governmental practices, as well as respecting and acknowledging the other neighbouring protectorates. Each protectorate is granted a position in the Convocation of the Realm, and their leader is named a High Lord of the Highland Realm. While it is important for the Realm to be aligned in ambition and action, it is also equally important that the protectorates maintain their cultural values. Protectorates are afforded the following rights:

    I. The authority to enforce Highlaw within their walls.

    II. The ability to draft their own laws that coincide with Highlaw as they deem fit to properly rule their lands.

    III. The obligation by the lords and the rest of the Realm to protect the protectorate from violent acts that have not been provoked by the protectorate.

    IV. The ability to recognize their own nobility.

    V. The authority to draft their own treaties as long as they do not jeopardize the active treaties, or interests of the Kingdom of Norland and the Highland Realm.


    In exchange for these rights they are required to perform the following duties:

    I. Raise a Militia for the defense of the Highland Realm.

    II. Respect the Red Faith within their domain, and refrained from unprovoked hostile actions against practitioners of the faith.

    III. Recognize the nobility of the Kingdom of Norland and its subjects.

    IV. Interact with the Kingdom of Norland and its subjects in the Convocations of the Realm.

    V. Refrain from committing hostile actions against the Kingdom of Norland’s allies and neighbouring subjects of the Highland Realm; this includes both Vassals and other Protectorates, as well as other landholders. 

    VI. Must extradite criminals of the Realm at the request of the Throne of Norland.

    VII. Must respect this document, and all decrees made within Convocations of the Realm.

    Section II. On Landholders of the Realm

        Landholders are individuals that have been granted land, but are still directly under the domain of the Kingdom of Norland. While they are typically estates of the clans other cases will occur, which shall be judged on a case by case basis with respect to viability of issuance. As a landholder you are afforded the following rights:

    I. The construction and development of lands, to either serve a purpose for the landholder or for the Realm.

    Section III. On Citizens of the Realm

        Citizens of the Realm are individuals that reside within the Kingdom of Norland and any of its subjects. All citizens of the Realm are bound by the laws of each unique domain in addition to the Highlaw and any decrees made by the Convocation of the Realm. 


    All men are free men within the Highland Realm and shall not be treated harshly. Those invited to the Highland Realm by a Nordish citizen will receive Guestright and as such shall be subject to whatever respect their host is granted. Any crimes committed by foreigners, under Guestright or not, shall be tried before the respective High Lord and punished accordingly. The rights of a guest entail the following:

    I. The ability to wander securely in the Highland Realm, given that both you and the host are upstanding members of society.

    II. The guest shall inherit the same respect that is given to the host for the time of their visit.

    Section IV. On Highland Rulers

        As the Highland Realm rebuilds from the decades of war and turmoil we have found ourselves with an assortment of semi-unified leaders, unbound to each other but bound to the soil and lands they tend. With this, the King of Norland has chosen to erect a system of convocation where the Lords of the Highland Realm convene and discuss matters which hold importance to the Highland Realm. To ensure the hierarchy and authority of each member of the Convocation of the Realm is understood by all, the hierarchy shall be listed as follows:


    The Bulwark of the Highland Realm is the King of Norland, Chieftain of the Realm, he is duty-bound to ensure the protection and aid of all members of the Realm. This title is hereditary. The duties of the Bulwark are as follows:

    I. Ensuring the proper function of the Realm

    II. Resolving disputes between Lords and Ladies of the Realm

    III. Providing defense and security to the Realm

    IV. Presenting potential candidates to join the Highland Realm


    A High Lord of the Highland Realm is a leader of a protectorate or vassal within the Realm. They are duty bound to ensure the prosperity and protection of their lands and the Highland Realm as a whole. Their duties are as follows:

    I. Leading their land within the Realm

    II. Counseling and issuance of decrees or edicts adopted by the Convocation of the High Lords

    III. The defense of the Highland Realm in times of defensive wars.


    A Defender of the Highland Realm is a warrior who is a citizen of the Realm and granted the title by the Convocation. They are models of marshal skill and ability at all levels. They can be presented to the Convocation to lead major defensive initiatives.

    Section V. High Law of the Realm


    Conventional Crimes

    Brawling - Fighting to the disruption of public affairs against the will of another. Legal brawling must be consensual by all parties and can be held anywhere within the Highland Realm so long as it does not disrupt the peace of the Realm.


    Tax Evasion - Failure to pay tax in a timely manner.


    False Identification - Failure to identify yourself properly to the authority of the Convocation of the Realm.


    Bribery - Attempts to solicit favours in exchange for goods or services.


    Unsanctioned Feuding - Engaging in blood feud without the sanction of the respective High Lord.


    Insubordination - Ignoring or subverting a command from a hierarchical superior.


    Treason - A betrayal of the Realm and people of the Realm.


    Unbecoming Hedonistic Behaviour - Pursuing an act for the fulfillment of beastial desires. Be they lustful, gluttonous, covetous etc. 


    Cowardly Act - Surrendering to the craven beast within, breaking Guestright, and abandoning one’s dedication to struggle and life as a higher being for the preservation of mere existence.


    Contraceptive  Act - The use of any object or system with the intent of stifling the production of children. Preventing the production of children for the pursuance of base pleasure.

    Penned by

    Mister Muffins, Chamberlain of the Kingdom of Norland,


    Writ en Namen De

    Caedric I Ruric, King of Norland, Duke of Morsgrad, Chieftain of the Edvardssons, Bulwark of the Highland Realm,

    Orlanth Strombringer, Ashbringer of the Ashen Legion, Chieftain of Stormbringer,

    Alisa Camian, High Keeper of the Red Faith,








  3. Mister Muffins would grimace, "A Norlander saying 'Ave Norland'? I'm certain 'Ave' is an Empire greeting considering it is High Imperial after all. The Hounds are either ignorant or idiots. However, both would still be on the table.


    (( master-level bait )) 

  4. TrXw37H71XpKeS43q4eqypgD9MZdAHgqnmxjdzJ64F9RcLUZODf2y-8lt8LmsQ5mtrtF_bxN7iLNL9mZsCfbBBqszA2mB-hi79-gbnXlsJ4GNOKZoAo9XaaYlvCHuOLCZW02TvGW

    A Dead Bandit

    Issued Spring 1767

    The Norlandic Legion displayed courage and strength today. Our policy against Ashen Sigil has proven to be most efficient. A member of the Ashen Sigil had brought a party of two others into the Highland Realm. Our valiant soldiers apprehended the Ashen Sigil brigand and killed the rest. 


    The captive was escorted into Morsgrad with binds. Upon entering, he had said he was looking to acquire a guild hall, which he was declined. He was brought to the military district, where he was questioned. Valuable intelligence was given regarding the organisation as the man cleared his conscience. He was then escorted to the Ashwood Tree where he had been hung by the High Keeper as punishment for banditry.


    Following the hanging, everyone began to celebrate. Justice had been served. However, everyone had begun to feel a rumbling. The rumbling was not in the ground, but omitting from their bowels. Coined as the ‘Norlandic Shits of 1767’, the large group of both men and women rushed to the Sole Norland Shitter. They had been queueing until someone broke the Norland Shitter door in half. An unnamed citizen yelled out to defecate off the bridge. And thus, such was done and the Norland Shits came to an end.


    It’s a good thing this happened in Norland, otherwise others wouldn’t be so lucky to have a Shitter in walking distance.


    Penned by

    Mister Muffins, Chamberlain of the Kingdom of Norland,

  5. bqeLE5e_cfme8WwsKc809H8v0ZJceeECCybFHyNCEZY2g1Y-FhqTBWpW3-wUu-siYvC50oxE-7j1jEo-r4wAhe4BZKTplBaU6MwagxEIA_C8ztOkrB2q204oqGAM2zv7b2fR8hk_BvtNsMiB3uINAiEgaWZFM53YsciXmbNvApCTgNhZahHdF2XMctSoN9ZB7DkNGvzw6WbprVwKpA4JcE7LX02ovAxSMh3SNixQ3jH02K1llsp-OYisPENaw-_9l3TUvfqgDHK3l4UI

    Pact of Non-Aggression

    Highland Realm and Fenn 

    Issued Winter 1766


       This article serves as a formal pact agreement between the Highland Realm and the Princedom of Fenn.


       -Non-Aggression & Defense




    Section I. Non-Aggression & Defense

    Signatories have agreed to the following terms regarding non-aggression:

       -Signing parties refrain from participating in any conflicts that put them at odds with one another.

       -Signing parties formally enter a pact of non-aggression. The pact will last for five years. Upon expiry, renewal of the pact can be agreed to if both the Highland Realm and Fenn are willing to extend it.

    Section II. Movement

    Signatories have agreed to the following terms regarding movement:

       -The Highland Realm will allow free movement and protection to any citizen of Fenn within their borders, and vice versa.

       -The mutual extradition of any individuals from their respective territories if accused of a legal transgression in a signing party’s area of influence.

    Section III. Trade

    Signatories have agreed to the following terms regarding trade:

       -Citizens of Fenn will be permitted to rent stall locations within Morsgrad’s business district, and vice versa.

    Section IV. Military

    Signatories have agreed to the following terms regarding military:

       -Both the Highland Realm and Fenn will conduct joint military exercises.

    Penned By

    Bertrath Freysson, Scribe of the Kingdom of Norland,

    Mister Muffins, Chamberlain of the Kingdom of Norland,


    Published By

    Mister Muffins, Chamberlain of Norland,


    Writ en Namen De

    Norland Signatories

    Caedric Ruric I, King of Norland, Duke of Morsgrad, Bulwark of the Highland Realm,

    Orlanth Stormbringer, Ashbringer of the Ashen Legion of Norland,

    Alisa Camian, High Keeper of the Red Faith,

    Fenn Signatories

    Akkar Tundrak, Grand Prince of the Princedom of Fenn, Patriarch of Tundrak, Protector of the Idhren’tirn, Hesin’fin, and Tahu’lareh, Commander of the Citadel of Acael, Chosen of Wyrvun,



  6. 9KSIFYS819e2p35vrMHTOBi6e0wsulTXohUB6P9GhWQOrnCZJsA0quzuOWdCNFUaY26gbj6hOKKZDrygGN4vlNmks6eNbTK8BMdnIbtARtL5emnP0DY1XpK1Ypnt5a73O1_jTu_q

    Investigating Rumours, and

    A Disavowment

    Issued Winter 1766

    To the Concerned,

    Recently, rumours have surfaced regarding the connection between a perverse faction of brigands that go by the name ‘Ashen Sigil’ and Norland. These rumours have since been investigated. The final conclusion is that the Ashen Sigil do not have a connection to Norland in any capacity. After weeks of investigating ledgers both official and unofficial, we have undoubtedly established that neither the Throne, the Faith, nor the Sword have any association with groups that conduct illegal or suspicious activities. As it is the obligation of the Three Pillars to ensure the safety of the realm is being met appropriately, a further inquiry was performed on individuals of interest. However, no relationship had been found to connect them to Ashen Sigil. Therefore, let it be known that the Nordish people have no dealings with the Ashen Sigil. It must be noted that there has been some concern with the name of the ragtag group of bandits when compared to that of Norland’s renamed army, Ashen Legion. The Ashbringer had not been inspired by the Ashen Sigil and the name is instead a reflection of Norlandic culture and the Ashbringer title. 


    Due to their troublesome actions that have driven a rift between humanity’s nations, which are by no means representative of the values held by the Norlandic people, the Ashen Sigil group is formally denounced and any claim to be of Nordish culture rejected. Moreover, any present and future member of Ashen Sigil or any who support them shall be charged with banditry and as such will be subject to capital punishment in all areas under Redlaw jurisdiction.


    ((We’re really not with them, not sure why people think they’re related to Norland when I haven’t seen any of them once in the region.

    Ashen Sigil has always been a group that bandited the Southern nations and the Northern nations going back to the start of the AIS War.

    We don’t even roleplay with any of them so they’re not even associated with us in the slightest.))

    Penned by

    Mister Muffins, Chamberlain of the Kingdom of Norland,


    Writ en Namen De

    Caedric Ruric I, King of Norland, Duke of Morsgrad, Bulwark of the Highland Realm,

    Orlanth Stormbringer, Ashbringer of the Ashen Legion of Norland,

    Alisa Camian, High Keeper of the Red Faith,

  7. Od_mQicpeD0YDqzsg-GdM5YiY13xr9qIfrAiq6-Ygi3uJm1l6Z9Ap2V4LT8j6BAVHeNKtfurRXBGBdzhBkfOwjurGiIoJq1NV_07Zn46tJkZa-rG_LbW6EJ54b_YbGWCY7GHEiSj

    The Valiant Haensemen

    Issued Snow’s Maiden 1766

    To the Haensers

    It is with great honour that I commend the valiant party of Haensemen that travelled to Norland on their sluggish steeds. Their shields proudly display the colours of their steadfast loyalty to the strawman ‘Highlanders’ of Haense. They had finally arrived to the Kingdom of Norland with crossbows in hand with their bandit-face equipped. The Norlanders had witnessed the honourable attempts to jump 2.5 metres with their steeds to find a path into the city, only to be met with a closed gate. 


    The valiant Haensemen had returned to the main gate, eyeing off the unarmed civilians that posed a serious threat to the armoured soldiers in the Heartlands. The party unleashed a volley of inaccurate bolts in the name of the Crossed God that was met with the full force of a Norlandic gate. Blast! The pesky Norlanders and their gates, stronger than those of Haense.


    Alas, the valiant trio had not anticipated the Norlanders to secure their gate following recent Imperial aggressions. No! For it is not the fault of the trusty Haensemen, it was the Norlanders’ for closing the gate! The Haensemen trio are never at fault. The Norlanders pointed and laughed at the now crying Haensemen.


    To save their dignity from the mean Norlanders, the valiant Haensemen retreated back to the safe confines of their homes in New Reza. Once again, another victory for the Kingdom of Haense against the Kingdom of Norland! May this humble trio be granted treasures one could only grasp in their imagination.

    Penned by

    Mister Muffins, Chamberlain of the Kingdom of Norland,

  8. Mister Muffins would count the marks in his hand, “Normally, I would praise originality, and attempts to try something new. However, the concept of an Imperial Mark is just an attempt to rival our own mark that we’ve had for decades, even centuries in prior realms. It doesn’t even have its own exchange rate which is unlike the Highland Mark.




  9. kNQHKN5KqpS4ltbJnLXbDfCFTZGnEarDePLeRKNwRD3n1Owq-agdmhKENCkgY3BcgrzIoLAqkbcy7vJlJzplgf9vmrJ4B-21RrQ5WqKRf9E0r4m7T0A9ZSQl--eO3UtZoa0kB5gyVLB354cvOuQYbxD9HfMOQqFXd1iyFnEHLbBJzCoJDQmMyushCuYctNVHk2kSp5i08Ja4EB7PErm96d1mNn8BbbrmXP34m39bMdKHM5zdALYxSsucR6-efWvPlWu90F0gPY0lR5sB

    Pact of Non-Aggression

    Highland Realm and Renelia 

    Issued Autumn 1765


       This article serves as a formal pact agreement between the Highland Realm and Renelia.


       -Non-Aggression & Defense




    Section I. Non-Aggression & Defense

    Signatories have agreed to the following terms regarding non-aggression:

       -Signing parties refrain from participating in any conflicts that put them at odds with one another.

       -Signing parties recognise Renelia as the sole hegemony of the Mali’ker. As a result, any other groups that lay claim to this are to be omitted from diplomatic talks with Norland.

       -Signing parties formally enter a pact of non-aggression. The pact will last for five years. Upon expiry, renewal of the pact can be agreed to if both the Highland Realm and Renelia are willing to extend it.

    Section II. Movement

    Signatories have agreed to the following terms regarding movement:

       -The Highland Realm will allow free movement and protection to any citizen of Renelia within their borders, and vice versa.

       -The mutual extradition of any individuals from their respective territories if accused of a legal transgression in a signing party’s area of influence.

    Section III. Trade

    Signatories have agreed to the following terms regarding trade:

       -Citizens of Renelia will be permitted to rent stall locations within Morsgrad’s business district, and vice versa.

    Section IV. Military

    Signatories have agreed to the following terms regarding military:

       -Both the Highland Realm and Renelia will conduct joint military exercises.

    Penned By

    Mister Muffins, Chamberlain of Norland,


    Writ en Namen De

    Norland Signatories

    Caedric Ruric I, King of Norland, Duke of Morsgrad, Bulwark of the Highland Realm,

    Orlanth Stormbringer, Ashbringer of the Martyrs of Norland,

    Alisa Camian, High Keeper of the Red Faith,

    Renelia Signatories

    Ailmar Velulaei’onn, Archon of Renelia,




  10. 09-tu8BBPO76uCTTESIOindDXD-hHuVf_wLhq3FxDibxYXWGwfXzC7RbFT2hY2DzorkghVoF78J60-zLdq6HRFJSL69ulCm3sUeyEgYvepND7MrJl9fjKJ_P8kGNwkPvjJICrCYo6FovOGo2VQ2ShJFSYY9brlVggxl4pTa11tRevdl65dQZlGUY9M7UQ6940lo6mq0MAjvlOf6HkQLDb7XGrNu8tTtpCKjAAMIagafpXgCrW-ASs2Hyyx4UtVVoLpEK_LUlJtV8rDf4

    Pact of Vitenna

    Issued Winter 1765


       This article serves as a formal pact agreement between the Highland Realm and the Principality of Vitenna.


       -Non-Aggression & Defense




    Section I. Non-Aggression & Defense

    Signatories have agreed to the following terms regarding non-aggression:

       -Signing parties refrain from participating in any conflicts that put them at odds with one another.

       -Signing parties formally enter a pact of non-aggression. The pact will last for five years. Upon expiry, renewal of the pact can be agreed to if both the Highland Realm and Vitenna are willing to extend it.

       -Signed parties will enter into a defensive pact where the parties will provide military assistance to the defender. This will only be in the case of a defensive engagement.

    Section II. Movement

    Signatories have agreed to the following terms regarding movement:

       -The Highland Realm will allow free movement and protection to any citizen of Vitenna within their borders, and vice versa.

       -The mutual extradition of any individuals from their respective territories if accused of a legal transgression in a signing party’s area of influence.

    Section III. Trade

    Signatories have agreed to the following terms regarding trade:

       -Citizens of Vitenna will be permitted to rent stall locations within Morsgrad’s business district, and vice versa.

    Section IV. Military

    Signatories have agreed to the following terms regarding military:

       -Both the Highland Realm and the Principality of Vitenna will conduct joint military exercises.

    Penned By

    Mister Muffins, Chamberlain of Norland,


    Writ en Namen De

    Norland Signatories

    Caedric Ruric I, King of Norland, Duke of Morsgrad, Bulwark of the Highland Realm,

    Jairiven Willow, Ash-Bringer of the Martyrs of Norland,

    Alisa Camian, High Keeper of the Red Faith,

    Vitenna Signatories

     Her Serene Highness Luciana Maria Napoliza, Duchess of Fonsi, Princess of Vitenna,

    His Excellency, Federico Romani, Arch-Chancellor of Vitenna

     Max Edwards, Colonel of La Coeranza di Vitenna,



  11. [!]

    Mister Muffins hears word of the Emperor’s retelling of the event from his informants, “Quite the story you have forged for yourself, Peter. Our people did not ask for weregild as we did a few decades ago. We wished only to have the body returned to a grieving mother. The first thing to have come from King Caedric’s lips was the request for the remains of his kin, peacefully might I add. The specific sentence on his lips being ‘I come not for conflict, the men and women here are here in solidarity for our fallen kin’. We did not come to raid, and the Orcs empathetic to our mourning accompanied us on our journey, also wishing for no further blood to be spilled. The Orcs remained loyal to our mourning for they too feel the death of children deep in their hearts, they had not questioned their position with the people.











    He pauses, lets out a deep sigh and strides through the Office of the Chamberlain, “I’d also like to note that the Nordish and Orcish people did disarm and throw their weapons on the ground, not as ‘total surrender’ but as symbolism of our willingness to honour the dead through peace; especially of a child. It was only until after we had dropped our weapons that the ISA did so ‘courteously’ flash their sabers at an unarmed crowd. If not for the high morale and dedication that King Caedric projects, he may have fled as cowardly as you claim. Recounting the events, you would see that he had ordered his people to peacefully dispersed and head to the Kingdom of Norland while he remained to negotiate unarmed despite weapons being drawn on his person. It was not until the orders to chase and slaughter our innocents were uttered that Caedric had realised the improper and deceitful practices that the diplomats of Oren engage in.







    Threats were made against Caedric’s health, if not for that then he would have truly stayed to negotiate. Much praise to Caedric as he has demonstrated the athletic ability of a Highlander that is not gluttonous, unlike those residing in the Heartlands. If I had to bet all my marks on who would win a marathon out of Caedric and Peter III, it would surely be Caedric that would be winning me profits.

  12. Why is it super quiet? Please tell me there is another person who recorded with louder audio. This audio is essentially unintelligible, especially with the discord notif noises interfering.



    I have increased the decibels to make it louder so that everyone can properly hear it. I will link the audio below:


    (I’d appreciate it if I was credited if this link gets switched out for the quiet one)

  13. 33 minutes ago, Taketheshot said:

    Sir Henry Chuckles as the Orcs and Rurics throw down their weapons and turn for home 


    “Cry some more.”


    31 minutes ago, Mirtok said:

    to attempt forceful entry into the city


    31 minutes ago, Mirtok said:

    The multitude of blades, hammers, and axes that clattered to the ground when they were ordered to disarm. What fool would believe anything in this letter?

    Mister Muffins sips a Norlandic ale, as he ponders, “Throwing down our already-holstered weapons doesn’t seem to have been a good idea in retrospect. If the dishonourable Orenians attempted to slaughter our innocents anyway, even after we had already dropped our weapons and had already declared that we came peacefully when we first arrived. What does it show of their willingness to be peaceful? If we wished to forcefully enter the city, wouldn’t we have been brandishing weapons and charging the city gates? Why would we throw down our weapons at the order of our supposed ‘enemies’? Hopefully, our own citizens and outsiders are able to understand the whole truth that is kept in this letter. All Norland wanted was to recover a child’s body, all Oren wants is a justification for conquest.

  14. y3AVSO9leZ4RFrXk0bHWqYgAhFe-W6qwGqKhWLkauORTNSg7oVyo7pWE8_uw7YLYUkGyRqxEJSNP15ZFoRhFkmNFGcOCNNDv2PYGZYDhrR10DhlmAmzPh8QsTGB60uH3F7VF7e5p

    The Death of the Young

    Issued Snow’s Maiden 1765

    A Letter

    On the 14th of Snow’s Maiden 1765, a young member of the Ruric lineage suffered death in the Heartlands. Alyssa Greythorn-Swint, a child of the Eiriksson line who had not even lived to the age of 10 was murdered inside Imperial walls. A few dozen mourners in Norland headed by Caedric Ruric, along with the empathetic members of Krugmar including the Rex, came to Helena seeking to respectfully collect the body of our kin and give proper burial. Upon arrival in the Heartlands, the mourners witnessed Orenian soldiers attempting to prevent Alyssa’s twin from being escorted to safety by an empathetic citizen of Oren. Despite us being unarmed and declaring that our intentions were purely peaceful, we had become surrounded by Imperial soldiers and brigands that brandished weapons. The majority of our mourners had dispersed to prevent provocation while Caedric, along with two guards, stayed. 


    After the dispersal, Caedric attempted to negotiate a deal with the General outside the gates. He was met with aggression, and the Imperial officers had given orders to their bandits to search for and slaughter the already dispersed mourners. Caedric’s proposals were all rejected and he was not met with a counter-proposal, only aggression. Caedric had left, seeing that there wouldn’t be any reason in the honest negotiation, and as he tried leaving he had heard orders to capture him so he ran far to avoid getting caught.


    To conclude this letter, it needs to be said that given Caedric’s direct relation to the Horen bloodline via matrilineality, the acceptance of this unwarranted violence on Alyssa gives an insight into Peter III’s trait of being a kinslayer. It must also be noted that Oren’s lack of respect for the innocence of a child still remains as the body has not been returned and given proper rites as a member of Rurikid blood.


    Penned By

    Mister Muffins, Chamberlain of the Kingdom of Norland,


    Writ en Namen De

    Caedric I Ruric, King of Norland, Duke of Morsgrad, Bulwark of the Highland Realm,

    Jairiven Willow, Ash-Bringer of the Martyrs of Norland,

    Alisa Camian, High Keeper of the Red Faith,



  15. Voldrik Mournstone receives a letter in Výranni by way of an Ulvegr courier. His hand shakes as he reads in front of his children, clinging the letter to his chest. He squats in front of his twins, “My cousin, she.. she knew how to live as our people should. Her duty was served both on the battlefield and in home with her children. Fara...

  16. (( @Lionbileti Norland’s title has been recreated, just because it’s been dissolved it doesn’t mean it can’t be recreated lol. You cite that document but it also says “no Ruric shall hold dominion over another“. You literally wrote the Nordlaw for Morsgrad that confirmed the possibility for Nordish vassals. If you’re going to complain about what we do, at least make sure your own actions fit what you’ve said in the dissolution before you come for us ))

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