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Posts posted by Crevel

  1. You, a Story Team member that would surely be knowledgeable about the Build World, violated the trust placed in you not to abuse warps; which you had both done during the Lagpocalypse and outside, therefore negating the point of mentioning the Lagpocalypse since you had still warped with the intention of villainy. Then you, a Story Team member, decided that it would have been justifiable to burn lore-related items instead of returning them when for all you could have known, may have been required in the future. I have little empathy for those who decide that their best bet was to make a post, surely to rile up the community to gain supporters, about errors that they had made and trying to shift the blame onto higher-up staff in the hierarchy. I sit in my computer chair, drinking from my water bottle tasting the salt from your crocodile tears. Not only are your actions’ legality dismissed by Villainy Rules, but as your actions as a Story Team member – which you consider to be a staple for you – and would be considered highly negligible by Moderation standards and I have no doubts that Story Team’s standards are similar and would not tolerate you playing silly buggers with the way you conduct yourself. Whether the blacklist is indefinite or temporary, what I highly suggest is that once you come back you reevaluate yourself before considering taking up a staff position. If you decide to look for a new server, I hear that they’re hiring STs over at KorvicCraft.




    Get a load of this guy restored (1440x1770) : MemeRestoration

  2. 1 hour ago, Sorcerio said:




    My thoughts when reading through the post. However, it’s nice to see that the guide-writing community agrees when it comes to this sorta thing. Very good guide, only criticism is the size of the text.

  3. I call this one, the campfire song song
    Let's gather 'round the campfire, and sing our campfire song
    Our C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G song
    And if you don't think that we can sing it faster then you're wrong
    But it'll help if you just sing along
    Bum, bum, buuum


    C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G song
    C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G song
    And if you don't think that we can sing it faster then you're wrong
    But it'll help if you just sing along
    C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G song

    Song C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E



    It'll help, it'll help
    If you just sing along
    Aww, yeah

  4. @Burnsider

    The quizzes are purely optional but the purpose is to assist in proving some very basic insight towards an applicant’s personality. The forfeit clause will only be used if there’s a player who makes it in but has later shown themselves to be repugnant whether it be from being major OOC toxicity, harmful behaviour (manipulating others, doxing, the likes), or anything similar. I am completely aware how dodgy it looks, but I can assure that whoever holds that power will be the most trusted not to abuse it.



    It’s possible to do the application and get in without doing any of the quizzes. The quizzes would be the longest part of it, otherwise it’s essentially just clicking boxes.

  5. Recruiting for House

    A new House is being created and you could be a member!

    Hey everyone!

    The post you are now currently trudging through is an announcement that a Highlander House is in the works. There will be a recruitment form at the very bottom of this post. The plan is that this House will have life breathed into it until its “release” at the beginning of Almaris. Membership of the House will be rather exclusive. To ensure that the House retains its quality, we will be seeking individuals who display dedication and experience. To make it clear, you do not need to be the best at English, roleplaying, or even conflict such as CRP and PVP to get in. I suggest that everyone should give it a fair go. The vision for the House is that it will be prestigious and will hopefully take a sizeable role in Almaris. To reiterate, the House will be of Highlander culture so it will most likely not have a lot to do with the other races, bar from levy which do not have to be Human.




    Signed by,

    Mr. Mod Man Crevel





    Which Would Be Worse

    A PK Post


    A blazing bracket. An untouched flame. The halls of the palace are still in the night, bar from the distinct ruffle residing in a single room. A splitting strike fills the air. “Purrfect”, a familiar Kharajyr would declare. Inside the room, a contraption has been set up with a crossbow mounted on a chair with a thick thread attached to the crossbow’s trigger. Mister Muffins would nock a bolt into the crossbow before seating himself at his table.


    A portrait of the former Duke of Morsgrad lay fixed upon the wall, eyeing the willful Chancellor before him. “Which would be worse: to live as a monster, or to die a good man?” is muttered before the bolt launches itself through the air. A sudden gurgling crowds the room before the palace remains quiet once again.

    The moon sheepishly watches over the Kingdom of Norland.





  7. KfXbDD96e58Z6gVu-q8IueyMPHhD6X9nZWxgcjJFBk35M-IeWRCmLU4RCHgue5uuIY18H0nODD-g41V47oEvAO8quGBIwRZO__zW9JxzYF7An0BsDYgcnbtN-NG362CDpYmhwnrc

    Review of the Highland Realm’s

    Advancements - Military

    To the Dutiful Citizens of the Realm,

    The Highland Realm, and by extension, the Kingdom of Norland has gone through a variety of Kings the past few decades. Some think such change can be stunning to a nation, paralysing even. However, this idea has shown itself to be further from the truth in our case. Despite our setbacks, we have ventured further on the goal of progress. Under Earl Edvard II, we saw the implementation of our Nordlaw. Through Duke Godric, Norland had seen the foundation of the Highland Realm through the Highland Act (1745). By way of King Caedric, the Highland Realm published its first copy of the Highlaw which still remains to govern the current protectorates and guides the citizens of the Realm to be honest and productive members of society. Now, under the passionate King Halvar, the Highland Realm is taking the greatest leaps in all sectors of national interest. This missive shall focus on matters concerning the nation’s military.

    War Industry Mobilisation

    The nation has ventured forth into the war industry. As our involvement in the Sutican conflict became cemented, we used the opportunity to utilise our mercantile prowess. Our valiant workers scoured the battlefields and repurposed their armour, and weapons - after giving them proper respects, of course. We hold an extra supply of these necessities that will be used to boost the abilities of our warriors if a threat comes to our home.

    Establishing the Red Fleet

    The Highland Realm’s military capacity has stretched from being strictly land into the sea. We have applied woodworking techniques towards creating great ships to assist in the transportation of goods, soldiers, and the likes. Our fleet, which we have deemed the Red Fleet, has a capacity of 13 ships. As of now we currently hold: one capital ship, one frigate, two caravels, eight longships, and one schooner. We expect that these ships will be put to great use.

    Founding the Norlandic Marines

    Alongside our Red Fleet, soldiers must be equipped with the proper experience to utilise these ships. We have created a new division within our military structure to account for this change. The Norlandic Marines are specially trained so that they are acclimated to all maritime warfare. We expect that these marines will take great importance venturing into our next conflict, whatever and wherever it may be.

    Defence Fortifications


    The city of Morsgrad has had greater improvements of its defences the past few years. These fortifications will assist in deflecting siege weapons and any opponents that seek our homes wishing to bring our steadfast men, women and children harm. Furthermore, we have also increased the defences of the realm as a whole, see below for more information.

    Highland Gate and the Coastal Wall

    As a result of our increase in fortifications, the King’s Council has felt that the need for a gate was essential to the defence of our realm. For far too long, bandits strode into our land attempting to shake down our citizens. However, with a gate in place, we can now properly defend the entrance to the North that we call home. Co-existing with this “Highland Gate”, we have also established a coastal wall that would protect from any form of naval invasion. These defences should prove to be most effective if any enemy fleet comes to disembark on our soil.

    Penned by

    Mister Muffins, Chancellor of the Kingdom of Norland,


    Writ en Namen De

    Halvar Edvardsson, King of Norland, Duke of Morsgrad, Bulwark of the Highland Realm,

    Ulvid, Marshal of the Ashen Legion of Norland,

    Alisa Camian, High Keeper of the Red Faith,


  8. zPYqpvGB_BsUw4F8PPMXkRY6IYp2K6VAsECdCznzOnKriKJqiHyaihxg3vFkbY1maE-ImAslia0auBn70ZRLUxk4p6aSwA6UXZsrGpAd0yyfTJoH6WEzYYeAZFqPQrhF-3wzXX_D

    Review of the Highland Realm’s

    Advancements - Standard of Life

    To the Dutiful Citizens of the Realm,

    The Highland Realm, and by extension, the Kingdom of Norland has gone through a variety of Kings the past few decades. Some think such change can be stunning to a nation, paralysing even. However, this idea has shown itself to be further from the truth in our case. Despite our setbacks, we have ventured further on the goal of progress. UnderEarl Edvard II, we saw the implementation of our Nordlaw. Through Duke Godric, Norland had seen the foundation of the Highland Realm through the Highland Act (1745). By way of King Caedric, the Highland Realm published its first copy of the Highlaw which still remains to govern the current protectorates and guides the citizens of the Realm to be honest and productive members of society. Now, under the passionate King Halvar, the Highland Realm is taking the greatest leaps in all sectors of national interest. This missive shall focus on matters concerning the standard of life in our nation.

    Increased Housing

    As our population has surged in the last few decades,more space is required to house our new residents. We have incorporated this housing into the rural plains south of Morsgrad. This decision has allowed a greater capacity of citizens that can dutifully work together into progressing our nation into a golden age.

    Nordish Education Initiative

    With an increased population, means an increase in children. Some of the adults in our realm lack the appropriate skills to help them live comfortably. This initiative will be training all children where possible so that they may apply their newfound skills into creating a stable home environment and performing their duties to the nation.

    Decriminalisation of Homosexuality

    Our act criminalising homosexuality has since been repealed. If an individual engages into same-sex relations, they will be treated equally in the eyes of the law compared to someone who does not engage in same-sex relations. That being said, it is still expected that these individuals are to raise children and be productive members of society. If they refuse to do this, they could face being publicly shunned by their peers.

    Decriminalisation of Interracial Marriage

    The question on whether two individuals of differing races can be bound together into a union has been decided. Regardless of race, individuals can be bound with whomever they please if love does permit them so. However, they must both be devout followers of the Red Faith which must be confirmed by the High Keeper. Despite being in a union, the couplet shall not be able to indulge in any activities of a venereal nature, or that may result in offspring joint of both races.

    Penned by

    Mister Muffins, Chancellor of the Kingdom of Norland,


    Writ en Namen De

    Halvar Edvardsson, King of Norland, Duke of Morsgrad, Bulwark of the Highland Realm,

    Ulvid, Marshal of the Ashen Legion of Norland,

    Alisa Camian, High Keeper of the Red Faith,


  9. NI2Txmq3zJO5_5GCDM3diJlg1HNi6fXrZhImDUMbDeKwMTOLeDFGVRRd21pH65Oc-ijWUBkRsR4TGQ4cBNAMmkLTnJ55lKzyPlS__iYPq408efySq-wtGl_8thVWP2rffT3B9_2g

    Review of the Highland Realm’s

    Advancements - Economy

    To the Dutiful Citizens of the Realm,

    The Highland Realm, and by extension, the Kingdom of Norland has gone through a variety of Kings the past few decades. Some think such change can be stunning to a nation, paralysing even. However, this idea has shown itself to be further from the truth in our case. Despite our setbacks, we have ventured further on the goal of progress. Under Earl Edvard II, we saw the implementation of our Nordlaw. Through Duke Godric, Norland had seen the foundation of the Highland Realm through the Highland Act (1745). By way of King Caedric, the Highland Realm published its first copy of the Highlaw which still remains to govern the current protectorates and guides the citizens of the Realm to be honest and productive members of society. Now, under the passionate King Halvar, the Highland Realm is taking the greatest leaps in all sectors of national interest. This missive shall focus on matters concerning finance and the nation’s economy.

    Trade Alliance

    The Highland Realm has successfully entered into mutually assisting pacts with a number of significant nations and organisations throughout Arcas. With these pacts, the Highland Realm was able to increase income gained twentyfold through exports. A large success for the economy as we increase our presence on the international stage.

    Stimulation of Nordish Economy

    The King’s Council has moved to partner with Vykk Trading Co. and Indoren Trading Co. to create opportunities of employment that will benefit the stimulation of our nation’s economy. These companies have established themselves throughout Arcas, selling their goods in marketplaces and auctionhouses. This cooperation will show to be successful in boosting the value of the Nordish Economy.

    Exportation of Norland’s Agricultural Resources

    Due to our abundant amount of agricultural resources and related foodstuffs, the Highland Realm has seen fit to export these goods and gain wealth while we distribute the products. As mentioned above, exporting goods such as agricultural resources contributed to boosting our economy twentyfold. We foresee that this progress will continue to rise in a similar manner.

    Penned by

    Mister Muffins, Chancellor of the Kingdom of Norland,


    Writ en Namen De

    Halvar Edvardsson, King of Norland, Duke of Morsgrad, Bulwark of the Highland Realm,

    Ulvid, Marshal of the Ashen Legion of Norland,

    Alisa Camian, High Keeper of the Red Faith,





    My feelings on Kharajyr are mixed. Now, the only reason I began playing one is for the meme. I wanted to be a fluffy cat servant with a posh accent. I got my wish, most likely to many’s silent swearing under their breath. I still play them now. However, the longer I’ve played a Kharajyr the more iffy I’ve felt about it. There is no doubt that the Kharajyr has had some form of relevance and uniqueness years ago, but that doesn’t seem to be the case anymore. I think that Qizu put it really well.


    11 hours ago, Qizu said:

    As it seems for the majority of this map the kha group would go to a nation, some drama would happen, you'd move. You continuously tag along with the same players aswell. For example to haelunor, to aldemar, back to haelunor. Even in your document about all your kha locations, it just proves that as a race you are needing to go to different nations constantly and you pretty much just morph into whatever race you are surrounding yourself with rply.


    Kharajyr aren’t as unique anymore. Heck, I still play a Kharajyr that is practically a human in every way. The rewrites had potential to add more flavour but they didn’t get accepted, fair enough. I truly don’t believe that Kharajyr as a CA have a place on LotC. My suggestion is that they are shelved in place of another CA until they can establish themselves with a new community in the future to replace another CA slot if possible. If a community needs to make an event to prove they’re active, they’re probably not consistently active and shouldn’t remain if they take up a slot.

  11. "I'm glad to see that they are still around, I haven't heard much from my kind recently.Mister Muffins, the Chancellor of Norland would speak inwardly to himself in a tone still bearable to any passerby who strides past. He rolls up the poster and keeps it in a chest of Kharajyr-related missives. 

  12. 1 hour ago, TheAlphaMoist said:

    Erm, could be wrong here, but since puffins are just normal animals... I’m almost certain they don’t need actual lore. They’re just puffins, and as far as I can tell, these aren’t any different from normal puffins. You can just rp them in the appropriate wild habitat as normal, I’m sure.


    Yes, but the Arthasian Puffin... it is lore-worthy



    The Arthasian Puffin

    Adrian Wirén


    Physical Description

    The Arthasian Puffin is a seabird with a thick neck, accompanied by short wings and a short tail. An adult puffin, regardless of sex, is typically 12 inches in height with a wingspan of 24 inches. The belly and ‘mask’ of a puffin is a creamy tuft, which is complemented by the coal-tinted coat that covers the majority of its body. The eyes are surrounded with a red shadow, while the eye itself contains a dark brown iris. Accompanying its simplistic appearance, the puffin’s stance is typically upright with its monochrome chest puffing outwards. Its feet are webbed and bright orange, the color being very similar to the tip of its beak which is also contrasted with the gray base. The colors of a younger puffin are significantly duller than that of an adult. The bill, despite its mature and alluring complexion, is capable of administering a strong bite. The average wild lifespan for an Arthasian Puffin is 27 years. Puffins are known to reach quite a high speed of 50 miles per hour.



    These puffins are extremely fond of freezing environments in the north of Arcas. It has been noted that the main reason for this preference is the thick coat that encompasses its body. However, sightings have shown that they also seem to frequent the hilly slopes in the east. Most if not all sightings have been found close to the coastlines. The location of the sightings heavily correlate with the puffin’s observed dietary preference: small fish. Puffins have been noted to carry at least 20 fish in their bills at once.



    An Arthasian Puffin will reach sexual maturity between the ages of four to six. By age twelve, they will typically have a single mate that will last for the rest of their lives. Male puffins will often challenge their peers by snapping its bill and raising their wings to establish dominance in front of the female puffins. However, these challenges are frequently accepted and result in a lengthy fight that ends with either puffins being severely injured, sometimes both, or killed. Upon achieving a mate, the male puffin will dig out a burrow while the female puffin stands to guard the entrance to the burrow. The burrow will be three to seven feet in length with a variety of chambers. This provides a safe location for the delicate eggs to be incubated and hatched. Eggs will hatch after roughly a month of incubation. Upon hatching, the puffling will identify the first thing it sees as its mother.


    Human Interaction

    Puffins are capable of mimicking words, and phrases, although generally up to three words in length. They are benign towards the descendant races, but will snap at those who annoy them. 



    The Arthasian Puffin can be domesticated. One method would be to raise the puffin the moment it hatches. This would increase its temperament to the race of whichever descendant raised. If raised midway through its life, it would only be friendly enough to be used as a messenger bird.


    General Redlines

    • A puffin’s egg will take two Father’s Weeks to hatch.

    • A puffin’s egg must be kept warm throughout the duration above if hatched via artificial incubation.


    Combat Redlines

    • Arthasian Puffins provide no significant advantage to CRP.


    Messaging Redlines

    • Mechanically, using a puffin is the same speed as a regular bird. Use three emotes as usual.

    • Puffins are only capable of carrying small objects in its bill. Small objects include little parcels and thin objects.

    • Messages must be written on a note tied to its foot as they are unable to carry it between their webbed feet.

    • Puffins cannot mimic any sentence more than three words. If a message is via a mimic, make sure that there is proper RP to show that the puffin had been spoken to. Furthermore, if a user tries to speak a sentence at a puffin, you must roll out of 20 to see how much of the important part of the message is retained (which is still to be said in three words max).



    Artist: Ianometry


    Those of Water-Born

    It is those we hold dear,

    That brings us the most fear,

    It’s the fright,

    And it’s the light,

    But what makes us grimace,

    Are our partners amiss,


    Do not trust those of water-born,

    They take our loved ones into the deep,

    Deep, deep into their sleep,

    Do not meddle with the daemon-spawn,


    It would really be nice,

    Although it wouldn’t suffice,

    To end where the evil starts,

    So there’s no need for the dead on carts,


    The damage is done,

    To them it’s just fun,

    Now all we can do is wail,

    For our loved ones sleep with the whales...

    Link to Google Doc

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