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  1. 2010 Trey Gowdy Campaign Ad - Fight ALEKSANDR RUTHERN “Holding Officials Accountable!” A Sketch of Aleksandr Ruthern grilling government officials in Duma, circa 374 E.S. About Aleksandr: Aleksandr var Ruthern is an incumbent Alderman, the current Lord Inquisitor of the Royal Duma, and a Royal Jurist of the Office of the Justiciar. He became a Jurist to fight for Justice and Respect of the Rule of Law, and now he’s running for a second term as Alderman to continue to fight for you! Aleksandr believes in Law and Order, and he’s shown he is fearless in pursuing it when he helped take down the renowned drug lord and murderer, Matthieu. Aleksandr believes in Holding Officials Accountable, and has shown his courage and ruthlessness in doing so during his tenure as Lord Inquisitor of the Duma by holding the Lord Speaker, Igor Kort, accountable for his alleged corruption and bias when he successfully brought forth a vote of no confidence against the speaker and won. Aleksandr’s Promises: To close loopholes used by criminals and corrupt officials that exploit the Law Code. To Hold the Offices of the Haeseni Government Accountable through Summons in the Royal Duma. To seek out Corruption and bring forth Justice and Government Accountability. To work with other Duma members in bringing forth meaningful legislation. To listen and represent the Haeseni public. To clarify the Haeseni Law Code in places it is too broad or too general. A Vote For Aleksandr is a Vote for Accountability!
  2. Who is Aleksandr var Ruthern, your next Alderman? Royal Jurist Aleksandr var Ruthern sitting in his corner office, circa 371 ES. Aleksandr Josef Ruthern is an ambitious, strapping young man born in Margraviate of Greyspine in 354 ES. The eldest son of the Knight Paramount, Ser Alric ‘The Cavalier’, a sense of martial honour has been instilled in Aleksandr from an early age. Joining the HRA as soon as he was able, Aleksandr dove into the martial sphere in the hopes of protecting the nation from the dreaded trolls that plague our border. He has additionally served as a squire, and is hoping to one day become a knight. Yet Aleksandr is not a military man alone, he is also a man of letters. Serving as one of the youngest Royal Jurists of his generation, he has participated in numerous cases in which he has seen how the law has worked, and conflicted. Aleksandr has proven to be most capable in aiding both the rich and poor, as well as noble and commoner in legal advice and aid. A man of letters, for all. In his public life, Aleksandr has additionally jumped head-first into helping others when fires and plague gripped the city. Helping to extinguish several fires within the city, Aleksandr supports local business in putting himself on the line to protect it! When there was food shortages in the city of Karosgrad, who served in aiding the food supplies into the city? Aleksandr Josef Ruthern! Truly, a man of the people. In his private life, Aleksandr’s a gentle soul. Having always grown up with a companion by his side, Aleksandr has a dog named Adrian - which he loves dearly. He is a lover of Haeseni chess and swimming. A man of action, he sees a problem? He finds a solution! Aleksandr var Ruthern and loyal companion, Adrian, circa 369 ES. Problems you plan to solve through Duma: The foremost concern of this energetic and pragmatic patriot is that of definitions in the law. Our laws are easily abused by greedy lawyers. It’s time to take back control. It’s time to put proper definitions so as to ensure you, as a subject of Hanseti-Ruska, know what the law is. A bill to define autopsies, medical professionals, defacement and by extension vandalism. A bill is also entirely necessary to amend the legality surrounding what medical professionals can or cannot do. There needs to be more concise and express rules on the funerary arrangements for Haeseni citizenry and explicitly what can or cannot be done by a practicing medic. Promises: Uphold the honour of the Duma and its members, to seek satisfaction should it be besmirched. To support the HRA through the wars which currently plague us concerning the trolls, yet aim to halt a war of genocide against them To promise less, but deliver more. I will not sell broken promises, if you elect me, I will aim to pass what I sell, and then some. Aleksandr var Ruthern roughhousing with the HRA cadets. I urge all citizens if they are looking at a competitor thinking they’re better, speak to me. I will work tirelessly and with the community to further the ideals, beliefs and will of the people to the best of my ability and not think purely for my own benefit as some Aldermen seem inclined to do these days. It is with great hope and with the backing of every Haeseni that I, Aleksandr Josef Ruthern, will be YOUR next Alderman.
  3. --- Upon a cool afternoon within the city of Providence, a pallid youth sat by his bedroom window, knuckles pale as he gripped his quill and penned words upon a page. His gaze occasionally flicked to peer out over the snow-clogged streets of the city, beyond the walls and to the stretches of sea. With boyish fascination, Vinzant var Ruthern spent hours, lonesome in his room, jotting lines through words he felt clumsily fitted with others and scribbling characters a near dozen times to perfect their particular shape and indent upon the page. He had practised for some time, writing and rewriting, before completing his emotive work. --- AN ANCHORED LONGING Patent shoes, I do not do– I stalk these halls, bare-footed True. Search my pockets for stolen linen, needle, cheese My toes are loud– they creak. At my windowsill, clouds smear the sky like spilt glue and I wonder what toils, what shower will crack from the vault– blessed this pane, rain given unto me. Open the shutters, Cry Havoc! Wet my hands, my cheeks, my face bloom me in this necropolis– raise hydrangeas from my toes I am sick of only water-logged eyes. He watches me– his ruby pupil propped in the eye of a sentry, a marble Aengul his mumbling words, his gripping fist he thunders with no vapour, no downpour I dodge his arcing javelin, his thudding tome. Patent leather, I do not do– I miss my mother, her satin touch her slipper shoe. Wrap me in swaddling silk and cotton, return me to her blooming womb. In every wall is a cornerstone bleak bricks built non-breaking– ‘Am still searching this institution for tiny resolutions, a crack for invasive and engulfing oceans. Spill forth! Let me be Ruther in this moment, Let me hammer my own thunder crumble this tower bring me to the far ice-melt greens. --- 352 ES | 3 S.A. written by Vinzant Nikolas var Ruthern
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CrbaPi5J0Eg [!] Generic flyers are found at random throughout the lands of Mankind, the parchment looks presentable, but truly nothing else stands out. “Your kind spread disease, defeatism, and desertion.” -A Ruthern Bannerman to a Marked Man as he holds the passageway into the North. Joren’s Host is the temporary military force of House Ruthern whilst it reforms itself and asserts its influence in the North once more. Situated within the County of Metterden, high above the clouds on the mountains of the Greyspine range, these bannermen of the young Count Joren Ruthern are expected to serve with the utmost zeal and diligence. They are to be capable to understand orders and follow them precisely. All Ruthern troops are expected to follow the basic chain of command and to be wearing their uniform while on duty which shall be distributed to upon swearing the oath and enlisting. There is only one tenant of the Host: to obey every word given by their commanders. All sexes, religions, races, and ages are accepted in the Host--the only thing that matters is devotion and ability. Competency shall be beaten into recruits if they lack it. Officers are expected to be actively leading their troops and giving them tasks, if your superior is failing to attend to his duty, report your complaint to the highest command. Pay is one-hundred minas every last day of the week, failure to attend pay distribution will result in not receiving your salary. It’s your loss if you don't enlist, we’ve got it all, active commanders, pay, stupidity, gear distribution, and housing, all for the price of serving House Ruthern, what else could you need? Map pointing the way to Castle Alriczan: x: 396 z: -1655 Located on the Isle of Tahn. Castle Alriczan in all its glory. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ “Come join Joren’s Host my dear boy! We’ll give you purpose in this tumultuous world.” -A Ruthern Sergeant persuading the naive into enlisting into the Ruthern Armed Forces. Commanders: Count Joren of Metterden Vladrick Ruthern Nikolai Rykov Adelwen Petrovic Application: OOC MC Name: Skype[Group Chat Notifications, if you're already added, good]: Do you have Teamspeak?[microphone not required] (y/n): RP Name: Race: Age: Religion: How much are Ruthern Bannermen payed a week?: I, _______ do hereby swear that my life is pledged to those of House Ruthern, till my oath released, or death taketh me, I shall serve the Lords and Ladies of House Ruthern with my utmost capabilities. I will hold true and steadfast amongst my comrades, to protect the honor of my Liege and myself, I pledge. God Save my soul if I break my oath. If the applicant is found to have written themselves a fake identity in the application, they shall be barred from House Ruthern. (Contact either of the following to meet up in-game for roleplay initiation into House Ruthern forces or about anything else regarding Joren's Host: Isbadguy, Tibertastic, Seannie, Ruthern. We hope to have you around.)
  5. Adelwen von Metterden Adelwen var Ruthern ☩ The Blade of Ruthern ☩ ________________________________________________________________ “We are the Protectors of the Pass.” ________________________________________________________________ General Information Full Name: Adelwen Petrovic Alexander var Ruthern. Pronunciation: A-del-wen, Peh-Tro-Vic, A-del-wen. Alias: Adel. Petrov. Alex. Titles: Noble ------------ Birth Date: 1577 Age: 24 Gender: AC-130 Spectre Male Race: Human Family: [May be outdatedd/incorrect in some areas.] -House Ruthern- Of the Alric bloodline. Grandfather First Count of Metterden, Alric Ruthern Grandmother Countess of Riverford, Lopkea Ruthern Father Mother Alexander Ruthern Katherine Ruthern Siblings Null Cousins Late Count of Metterden, Boris Nicholas Ruthern † Aleksandra Abrielle Ruthern Queen of Hanseti-Ruska, Adelheid-Isebella Ruthern Rightful Count of Metterden, Viktor Alric Ruthern Tuvya Dmitry Ruthern Uncles Third Count of Metterden, Demetrius Ruthern † Brandon Ruthern † Aunts Late Countess of Rytsburg, Marjorie Ruthern † Odette Ruthern ------------ Societal Information Home at birth: County of Metterden, Castle Alriczan Current Home: Castle Alriczan, Metterden Societal Rank: Nobleman Religion: Cannonism Languages: Fluent in Common. Education: Formal Sexual Preference: Hetorosexual Marital Status: N/A Finances: [Confidential Information, Level Q Clearance required.] Professions: Aspiring Woodworker, Architect. ________________________________________________________________ Physical Information Height: 6’3 Weight: 190 lbs Build: A mesomorphic built man with quite an amount of muscle, mainly because of the amount of time put into physical training. Eyes: Although his eyes appear a piercing dark blue, Adelwen carries much behind them. A sense of determination can be seen by the more observant, alongside with his constant attentiveness. Hair: A mix of brown and blonde is the colour of Adelwen’s hair, his hair constantly appear clean and straight, long enough to pass his ears and reach his brows. He lacks facial hair as he is constantly clean shaven. Hygiene: Usually clean, given that he has access to washing stations. He dislikes strong body odour. Voice: Straightforward, but retains a hint of friendliness. ________________________________________________________________ “By God, I shall drive these heathens off of my homeland.” ________________________________________________________________ -|Personality Information|- Archetype: Militant Mindset: Martial, progressive, pragmatic. Enthusiastic. Fears: “Who knows what could be hidden under those waters, all the way down there. I’ve seen some pretty odd things come out of them, and I’d rather not see them again.” “Don’t get me started on tight spaces, cant even move your arm around, less swinging a sword. What good is someone if they can't swing a sword?” Alignment: Lawful Neutral “By right of noble Birth, The Rutherns rule Metterden.” ________________________________________________________________ -|Traits|- Positive Witty. Quick on his feet, and a fast thinker when it comes to conversation. Although his intelligence is not on par with philosophers and the likes, he still serves him well during timed events. Experienced Fighter. While a hardy veteran soldier of the Coalition War, Adelwen is in no way advanced in the finer arts of warfare, still young in his life. Although he has an understanding of the tactics behind specific maneuvers and such, he leaves it to other more competent comrades while he himself hones his skills. Physically Blessed. Born to be tall, stocky, and broad-shouldered. Adelwen grew easily into a body fit for a warrior. Diligent. To a point. Set him to work with realistic boundaries and expect it to be done shortly after. _____________________________________________ Neutral Slight Stutter. Not particularly a speech impediment, but during excited or fast paced situation, Adelwen can be found stuttering slightly. Probably because his tongue trying to speak at the same speed his brain is processing. Gardener. When not honing his combat skills, Adelwen enjoys toiling away at fields of flowers, vegetables and fruits. Occasionally seen helping the peasantry of Metterden in the vast spread of wheat fields. Studious. Despite his build. Adelwen is a man of books; Studying subjects of his interests religiously. _____________________________________________ Negative Stressed. Well hidden, only the closest to him would find something amiss at times. Adelwen attempts to hide bad traits of himself, only presenting the best. Scarred. Countless marks are etched on this young man, but out of pure luck, no deformities affect his face, his good looks still intact. These will take their toll as he grows older. Wroth. Prone to great anger when stupid things are done by stupid people, especially when they were told how to correctly do things prior. Hard to trigger although, as he attempts to stay professional at all times, but when it does occur, some blood is spilt. ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ |-=Short Term Goals=-| -The complete and total annihilation of the Kingdom’s enemies. In-Progress -Bring life back to his home. -In-Progress -Aid his Cousin, Viktor Alric. -In-Progress ________________________________________________________ |-=Long Term Goals=-| -Restore the County of Metterden. In-Progress -Continuous Advancement of Combat Skills. In-Progress ________________________________________________________ -|=End Goal=|- Ensure Ruthernian influence and dominance for years to come in their respective domain. In-Progress “Ave Ruthern.” | Combat and Equipment | Combat Skill Rank: Intermediate, bordering advance, rigorously training to improve. Combat Style: Second Liner. He supports the vanguard to the best of his abilities to ensure the battleline doesn't instantly break. Positioning himself where needed most to ensure group integrity. Has a basic understanding of all forms of medieval weaponry. Specializes in hand-held tools, such as Swords, Shields, Flails, Maces, and more. _______________________________________________ | Everyday Carry | At all times, due to personal choices, Adelwen carries some form of weaponry and other basic soldier needs. Primary Weaponry: -Steel Longsword- A 22.5cm hilt for grasping with two hands. A straight, double edged 92.7cm blade. Weighing 1470g. Measured length in total, 115.2cm. Restrictive in tight spaces, but a weapon of its own during either open battles, or duels. When left idle, the sword rests in its scabbard which is tied around Adelwen’s left side, at waist level. _______________________________________________ -Pouch of Minas- Several dozen minas, nothing out of the extraordinary. -Crackers and Water- Always stale cracker, lightly salted for taste, only purpose of these crunchy hardtack is for occupying Adelwen with a snack during marches as his brain degrades from boredom. Drinks it down with a canteen of water. -Pouch of Assortments- Needle and threads, little valuables, etcetera. Adelwen stores items he deems interesting or useful into this pouch found on his left backside at his waist. _______________________________________________ Other Equipment: -Longbow- A longbow of 1.5m in length with a heavy draw poundage of 47kg. At rest, the brace height stands at 11cm. With a maximum draw length of 63.5cm, it makes for a remarkable tool, a minority only being able to use such an immensely powerful bow. This longbow is usually only brought out during planned engagement, as it is too cumbersome to use dedicatedly. But it has enough strength to punch through heavy armor. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ “By Bone and Barrow.” _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Backstory Son of Alexander Ruthern, Grandson of Alric Ruthern. Adelwen is a noble-born of House Ruthern, and was raised accordingly to his status. He learned his letters at a young age, and due to personal preference, he was also trained in forms of combat. His early life consisted of learning the appropriate manners and customs of nobility, being raised as a proper noble-born. Although he was of nobility, Adelwen was of no importance, his position within the House low due to his birthright, his father not of the inheriting line of Ruthernian Males, due to the fact that through legal documents, the First Count of Metterden, Alric, passed the County to his brother Maric, instead of allowing his heir to inherit. This did not hinder Adelwen in any way, he rather found it enjoyable to be given more freedom, and proceeded to strike out to do what peeked his own interests. He would return back Metterden in due time though. Hearing of the total war that would bring down the Orenian Empire brewing, he enlisted his aid for his family. Fighting a losing war he eventually became disgruntled with the outcome of the war, only remaining only for several years within Metterden before once more making his way out into the world. As he traveled the land, Adelwen acquired much knowledge of the outside world, made allies, and lived happily, continuously exploring to and fro. During his travels, several years in now, he was notified of bad news. Upon hearing of the death of his cousin, the Count of Metterden, Boris Ruthern, leaving Metterden without an heir of his line, he came into contact with his other Cousin, Viktor Ruthern, and the two came to a promise that they would meet at Alriczan to further discuss the situation of inheritance of the County. Which now leads us to the current time. If there appears to be any mistake to my character profile, please notify me and I shall fix them posthaste. Please keep in mind all this information is out of character, as it's meant for documentation.
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