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  1. The Bards’ Guild “Quill supra laminae” “Trees are amongst us: some of nations, some of families, and some of.. nature. In common, they all blossom and fruit and shed and rest. They house creatures, of some sort, and sanguine nectar in the core of their well intent. For the nation, their coffers be the nectar. For the family, it be their blood. For the nature, its nectar is pure. The branches reach out, in our dear trees. The nation has its guilds and groups, with the family its ancestry, and the tree? Mere sticks. The fruit.. is where our trees diverge. One willow may weep its bitter ichor, and another sycamore its sour cherries. Yet, as of late, nations have bore little fruit of culture. The families refuse to let what fruit their branches hold fall. And nature? Well, it’s not apples this be writ for. Nay, friends. It be our culture. We are all of the same thicket.. and, as nature, in want of growth. Yet, there has been little fertile ground for our nimble tendrils to reach out and embrace Enlightenment! That very light which not only will see joy through, but our existence in itself. For too long has the darkness blighted the people: short wonder it has only been the glint of a crown’s ruby, or a blade’s gleam that had caught their attention.” It is our livelihood, and pleasure, as Bards of Enlightenment, to reach our branches further - enough to bask in the glory of open day, beyond what has been a dark age. It be Sol, and its nightly friends, which direct our path - by the faith of Urguan we reside within. The parallel shared is so close, it is more simpler to see us Bards as one to the Dwarves. Do not mistake this for blind loyalty, however. Us Bards only have our Curator as our superior: not even the King of the Urguan may dictate what is writ of them, or anyone, or anything - for that matter. It is the constitution we embody, and which allows us our rights - of arts, be they dramatic or fine, and literature. Music completes a ‘trinity’ of activity the Bards are expected to partake and progress upon. It is oft one strand of this trinity which a typical Bard would specialise upon (Arts, literature, or music). It is our Curator who assigns our overall vision, which Titania Hawksong currently holds the septum for. The route for Enlightenment is open for all, who reside in our realm. The Intelligentsia of Vailor, us Bards are not just the orators of tales and opera, but of the people themselves. To whom it may concern, the guild means to accept those well-versed in the ways of the nation they serve under, and those who abide by its laws. Thus, may their knowledge be prodded, in addition to receiving a collation of their general profile. The Intelligentsia are distinguished as a group of their own, for reason - of merit and respect - and this calls for individuals capable of being the greatest thinkers and visionaries Vailor has seen. ============================================== Deliver, by bird or otherwise, the following credentials and responses: those accepted will receive response from either the Co-Curator or the Curator themselves. If ye may not even wish to do this, how may ye muster the burdens of entire novels or play productions.. or even a single great work of sculpting? ============================================== Application If you'd rather do this in-game, please PM Ayevia. I) Name (in brackets, include ign): II) Race: III) Place of Origin: IV) Intention of desired strand, of the trinity (Arts, Literature, Music) for specialism: V) Reasoning in becoming of the Bards: VI) Potential projects you may aspire to do: ============================================== To those who have shown the will to become Bards, it is not only the velvet pouch of Mina they are to expect - but to be among the first to witness and pursue what wars have been fought for, and empires risen and fallen. The peace of a book. The joy of a tale. The advancement of a nation. You are now of the masons of culture, pride and Enlightenment.. and chisel away at governments, people and mortar all the same. From all three of them emerge great works, and it is your name bound in the scrolls of history (which even you writ!) which is the greatest reward for what service you will have. ============================================== THE MAP TO THE BARDS' GUILD Do not forget: Quill supra laminae.
  2. The Gentlemen's Club Got too many minas and don't know how to spend them, or not enough minas and looking for a good place to waste them away on tea, exotic dancers, music, fine wines and scotch, Then the Gentlemen's Club is for you! The establishment is located in the Felsen town square, quite a fancy abode that will attract your eye in an instant, we provide many different services for both members and non members, however, with membership of this fine Club come many perks that I am legally obliged to not mention to the public, however, some of the perks that I can list from said membership are; Half price on drinks! Ever wished to, well, not spend that many minas on a rather costly drink, with our refined and rather classy membership you'll have deals on all drinks sold so your thirst can be sated with fine wines at even finer prices! Or mayhaps you've come from a lengthy trip away to a foreign land with rather brutish and unwashed maidens, well, fret not, with membership all of our dancers will offer their services to you at half the price, no more blue balls due to a lack of minas! The others are under a certain secrecy for various reasons, however, we guarantee here at the Gentlemen's club that they do not underwhelm! What we Offer Aside from what was stated before, we are an estabishment where those from all sides of the land can settle down and live like nobles while they're pockets aren't yet empty, however though, the actual noblemen and women may have a tad better time than those unfortunate paupers that roll on in. At the Gentlemen's club we hire entertainers of all sorts, poets for those wanting an enlightened mind, bards for the jolly chaps and chaplets wanting for the tapping of their feet and swinging of their hips, as well as dancers from all sides of the land, as exotic as one could ask for, or as common, every ser and maiden to their own, as beauty is in the eye of the beholder! Cigars given out complimentary to frequenters of the rather fine establishment. Jobs At the Gentlemen's club we look for individuals of many talents, mostly simple such as being waiters, or guards, but nonetheless we embrace diversity! We have several jobs available to the public while certain ones are only available to certain others through different means. All occupations we offer require certain critereas to acsertain, as will be stated upon said jobs. Serving As a servant, or glamourised waiter you shall be required to dress in a stylish manner, smart shoes, shirt and at the very least a waistcoat or corset, we may let people of all sorts in from pauper to noble but we shall not allow workers to dress as lowly riff raff! We offer several positions from managerial to simple servant, as stated. Courtesan/Bachelour The common waiters and waitresses of the establishment, being called upon by patrons and sating any needs they require, serving beverages, dancing, passing messages along to other patrons and some such, chaps and chaplets of this job are required to mostly listen and talk when asked to talk. Bottom *****/ The Mother This job is a managerial role, undertaking this job requires you to mind over the waiters and waitresses of the club, making sure they dress in a proper manner, don't cause trouble among the patrons, do not squabble with one another, however, are also tasked with making sure the servants are treated well by the patrons and that they're needs are fulfilled, usually taken on by the owner of the club or one of the more trusted guards, however, can be taken on by anyone. Entertainers This fine establishments employs those of many different talents and arts, entertainers of all sorts, the jobs listed bellow aren't the only types of entertainers we employ, however are the bulk of our entertainers. Dancer A man or women talented in the art of dance, seated on small stages to show of their illustrious talents. Bard A chap or chaplet with a skill with any such instruments, lute, flute, violent and any such others that give off a rather harmoneous melancolly. Poet Men and women with an art for ryhming certain lyrics together in order to make a rather lovely tune. Jester Jesters simply tell jokes and act in a rather silly manner, causing laughter and orderly ruckus all about. Guards Bouncer Usually lowly grunts and meatheads that know their way around a simple enough weapon, only necessity needed is to be willing to throw common riff raff out and stop fights. The Daddy The man, or even woman that looks over the bouncers, making sure they do their duties, and otherwise acting as a normal bouncer. Pay Servers- Half of what you make from patrons. Entertainers- Set amount of minas per performance for the Jester, bard, poet, however, for dancers when working in an unnorganised manner may keep half of what they make from patrons. Guards- Paid when seen fit, if seen doing their job properly and depending on how long they work for. Membership Membership in this fine establishment is, at this time, 100 minas as a standard one off payment, however, depending on the amount of people already members and others wishing to be members, this price may differ and vary in price and amount of time needed to pay. Though, membership can also be achieved through services done for the Club, such as being a continuous investor of minas, goods, workers and so on. The perks that come with membership that can be mentioned publicly are half price on drinks and dances, other perks provided for being a member of this fine establishment are a tad secretive, however, very much worth the minas and trouble. Dress Code Being a fine establishment such as we are, we do not allow casual wear, any and all will be denied entry at the door if they attempt to enter wearing anything other than smart clothes, a good example being smart shoes, smart breeches, smart shirt, or in the case of gentle-ladies, a smart shoes and a rather lovely dress. Application OOC MC name: Skype: Timezone: RP Name: Age: Race: Gender: Job applying for: Any interesting skills?: Any reason you wish to work at this fine establishment?: (( not a brothel. ))
  3. I'm like somewhat always open for commissions, just message me on here or discord xoxo newest is below, older ones in spoiler
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