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  1. I have seen many debates over discords, many torn thoughts about the infamous Bandit roleplay. I want to know what is good bandit roleplay? What makes it fun to bandit or be bandited? What makes it less interactive? I like that bandit rp forces you to take risks, it makes you have to venture out and interact with people who might end your persona. I made friends by being a bandit while playing my goblin and I will not forget them who I had great rp with. Being bandited is not so fun from what I have heard. I think a conversation about it could be useful to highlight the good and bad about banditing. I believe conversations about these topics can help to shed light on the pains associated with them so that the climate can improve as well as the moderation/rules surrounding them.
  2. “Looters become looted, while time and tide make us mercenaries all.” ― Patrick Rothfuss, The Wise Man's Fear Ever since the forging of the first blade, the one who held all the power was the one who could swing their weapon the best. Similarly; since the stamping of the first coin, the shimmer of the golden faced currency had always drawn the lust of ambitious souls, and as such it empowered great kings and evil tyrants to enact their deeds, heroic or diabolical as they may be. Eventually, those with impressive strength of arm became highly sought after to protect such hoards of wealth… And so the mercenary was born. To be a mercenary, or an effective one at least, one must know how to put away their conscience when the job called for it. It would be unfair to call a mercenary evil, but it would be categorically false to label them a force of good either. Jobs come and go, and if a sellsword wishes to stay in the business, sometimes the grass needs to run red with the blood of those who didn’t take the contract. The Silver Hands The Silver Hands are a band of sellswords, as the name might imply. They travel the land of Almaris, looking for nations or settlements that are in need of a few strong arms for the right price. It was founded by a somewhat unknown mercenary, named André; a man of northern descent who started out with petty thievery as a child. In early adulthood, he helped the Ceru siblings found the infamous bandit gang known as The Rustlers. For years he had fought alongside them, razing cities and earning riches, stealing from the rich and the poor alike, and wreaking havoc across the land. As the years went on, André stepped down from his leadership position and took on a more casual role in the gang, but still accompanying his comrades on raids here and there. After some time however, André grew bored of his life and began looking outward. That was when he was approached by man wearing the trademark green bandanna of the legendary band of Ferrymen. Offered a spot amongst the best of the best, André joined with no hesitation. He served the band with the rank of Scalleywag for years, participating in massive battles and fighting in gigantic wars. Most notably of such was the Orenian and Urguani war, which the Ferrymen (in true mercenary fashion) changed sides twice, but eventually brought the Urguan warriors up onto the pedestal of victory. However, all things must come to an end, and the Band eventually was dismissed; Ferrymen now wander the lands, warriors of unparalleled lethality desperately attempt to reintegrate into a normal lifestyle. André however, would not stand to see his great comrades fall to mediocrity; and so born was the Silver Hands. Organization The Company is made up with a simple ranking system that allows members to contribute in whatever way they are best able to, though all Silver Hands are expected to maintain a high level of martial prowess regardless of their position. Ranks: Recruit All members wishing to join the Silver Hands start out as a recruit, and must complete a term of service at this level before they are considered to be ready to be a fully fledged Silver Hand. To rise from the level of Recruit, the member must: Challenge a current standing Silver Hand to a bare fisted fight, and perform to a satisfactory standard. Steal, or in some way generate 250 mina and present it to demonstrate their capacity to generate income for the Company. Accompany the Silver Hands on at least one raid, and make it out in one piece. Once the recruit has completed these three tasks, they will be presented with their silver gauntlet and dark grey Bandana, and shall be henceforth considered a fully fledged Silver Hand. Silver Hand The Silver Hand makes up the bulk of the Company, and are subject to a number of responsibilities - but are also granted a number of privileges. Responsibilities: Accompany their comrades on any and all raids they can. Always work to generate wealth for the Company, through either theft, money laundering, extortion, or any other creative means. Be on the lookout for potential recruits for the Company. Obey the Silver Code. Privileges: Allotted a ration of hearty meals and proper fighting equipment (PvP gear/food). Rest time with their comrades (tournaments, feasts, other fun events depending on what people want!) A keep to call your home away from home, and a place to keep your spoils!* The chance to forge your own destiny of infamy. Sergeant The secondary leaders of the Company, they oversee day to day operations and upkeep. They are expected to have better than average martial prowess, and are tasked to lead the charge in raids. A Silver Hand can rise to this rank through time in the Company, and exemplary behavior. Lieutenant The Lieutenant is the second in command of the Company, their authority second only to the Captain themself. They are expected to lead when the Captain is absent, or unable to. Should the Captain die or step down from leadership, the Lieutenant shall step in to serve as the acting captain, until the Sergeants decide who should take leadership of the Company. Captain The leader of the Company, they hold the executive authority, and answer only to the needs of the Silver Hands. The Silver Code All of the Silver Hands are expected to obey this code; upon dismissal from the company or pain of death, depending on the severity. Do not harm or betray another Silver Hand. If a dispute arises, the two Silver Hands in conflict shall settle their differences with a respectable bare knuckle fight. Trust only kin. If they are not a Silver Hand, they are against you; treat all outsiders with caution. Do not harm the innocent without due cause. We are mercenaries, not psychopaths; do not weep over shed blood, but do not slay those who need not be killed. Have the back of your fellow Silver Hands; do not allow a comrade to fall if you can do anything about it, in combat or otherwise. Always seek personal and Company wealth, for coin brings us power. The Silver Hands seek the cunning, the swift, and the strong of the land to forge their own destiny. Answer the call today… *Keep will exist once we actually have enough money to paste one in lol
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