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Everything posted by ronin_champloo

  1. I see you as a similar person to Johann - a newbie, who while they were funny and somewhat cringey at their youth - have turned into a genuinely cool RPer. Whereas, he became Cameron and Void-pilled, you opted to go to the more alchemy route; something that I wish I had partaken in much more sooner. Keep writing, look at what works and what doesn't, take those critiques and growth then you'll go far. Depends on the font, if it's readable to my asian eyes - I'd like to.
  2. apologies, Dark Souls Skin is currently at $20
  3. heyo, sorry but rn - since the rate is $1 = 50 minas edgy skin is currently at 250 minas
  4. If me having that small conversation gave me the insight for the overall narrative, I'd say that just chilling and interacting with the community at the time allowed me to engage with LoTC more - at the time, I thought y'all were weirdos and just having that illusion be broken by having close friends on here was rather the experience. I'll never forget meeting Titanium and Auswolf for the first time.
  5. made an edit bc I'm dumb - day was meant to be 26th not 27



  6. made an edit bc I'm dumb - day was meant to be 26th not 27
  7. Daels - unironically - are one of my most favorite RP groups on the server just due to the development, consistent and continual story-telling and enjoyment that I've always had with them. They tend to do crazy things, while making it seem natural and consistent with their characters. Dael Deep Lore is always a favorite of mine as well. I'll pass you an invite and my discord - kneeil#1694. Hit me up, phone's always ready. I enjoy RoR2, FFXIV, Destiny 2 and various other games. What's yours? I verily enjoy Seer-dom, Zarsies' work on that was one of my first experiences with 'magic' RP and I'll never forget it. I love the Pale Blood Magic - but hate the stigma and community behind it. And Arcane Displacement is always something that's held my eye for obvious reasons, I enjoy writing and creating narratives - world-building, the standard stuff. I'm curious though, what's your own? Golems, Eidola's, Atronachs - all for the same reason, there's not much enjoyment playing them. They're very forgetful and just CRP-win buttons for me. I've genuinely no idea how to fix them since they're not really something that I'm used to. Perhaps, weaknesses or a rework of them in general can fix them? - I've just heard that they're very iffy to play. The problem is that while I see lore shelved, I can fully understand the reasons for doing so - and I don't hold much against the LT or ST concerning their recent shelves. If anything, the perspective of me when Chi was first shelved when I played a Hou-zi was something that made me very spiteful and annoyed. Looking back, I'm embarrassed to see how I reacted and I can see the reasons for why I did so.
  8. Those shoes are the last remnants of Lien, keep it safe and carry it with you. His story's yours now.
  9. I'm doing pretty good, how about you? - It's been a while, really. Thank you this drawing of the elemental lad, you've gotten really good recently. I'm excited to see whatever you make next!
  10. This'll have to be my 'favorite' piece of lore, I just enjoy the worldbuilding and work based off the player observations shown here - rather than the lore-enforced opinions that commonly get shown. That, alongside my growing interest in Astrology, led to my current opinion of this. However, like all things - my opinion tends to drift and switch to others, ask me again in a year's time and perhaps you'll have a different answer! It's allowed me to meet talented people - from all circles of life - that I didn't think I'd ever be able to meet. I can't thank it enough for that. Hello!
  11. Not much, really. How 'bout you? I can't really say, don't really know that much about you aside from basic interactions and mutual friends - I'd rather not say something until I get to know you better in the future. This is a problem question, the only BBC shows I've watched was Sherlock and old Doctor Who when I was a kid. I don't really tend to watch any shows lately but I'm down for recommendations. While I'm utterly terrified of horrors, etc - I've always had an affinity for them until I had less time for things, once again hit me up with any recommendations if you have any. I don't really know that much about Vargr, but I'm very happy to hear about what I do know. The community is tight, packed with talented writers and RPers and the same can be said for the loreholders. I'm excited to see what they do next. You're a terrifying, gritty and funny friend that I'm glad Snow introduced me to. Sometimes, I'm terrified of how rabid you can be - other times, I respect you for saying that most cower from doing. And after all those other times, you're a chill and mellow guy that I enjoy talking to. Keep your head up, champ. During my first entrance to the Server, I was instantly recruited by both Ves and Haense - while the RP there was stale, stagnant and almost boring. It gave me a nice feel of normalcy, routine even. It's only when I stood around as a Guard getting no RP for hours did I realize that my character didn't matter; that the problem was with me, rather than other people. I distinctly remember saving my friend, Cal, from corrupt Ves guards - helping him run off and escape which led me to chase and figure out who he was. While I was just chilling, I found myself going to Fenn to find him only to find a closed gate with a Snow Elf behind it. We talked for an hour, I didn't realize we were in a War with brewing conflict - and there, I came to realize that LoTC wasn't a game but rather a living and breathing world. I enjoyed our talk, we left and I don't think we ever met again. It was just a surreal experience since I had thought the server to be a standard RPG server, rather than that. I'll always remember it fondly since it was the thing that convinced me to stay and interact more with the world, even if I didn't matter.
  12. Hi, I don't know you either. I really like the colour purple - it's just cool, very royal and looks good.
  13. Hey, I've given this a read and here are the concerns and balancing issues that I've garnered from this - being the current writer of the Nephilim lore who've been given the changelog for our own CA. I hope this'll help and smooth out any details that are problems. Keep in mind that I'm rather sleep deprived, so some of this may be false. I'll edit whatever is. Firstly, Lore Issues. I've spoken to ST about this, since I was curious and heard differing things - but I've no idea how the Aspects would approve and Dragon-Altering Soul since Dragons and Fae don't really mix as far as I know. What Taynei is doing is that she is trying to do a thing that only the Arch-Drakaar could do while barely being a Dragaar in power and more closer to a Dragon. Perhaps a more different aesthetic or lore-origin would help, but this is what I've been told from a suitable source. Firstly, from the changelog and concerns that I've been given by the ST for the Nephilim is that they're Orc Strength, I tried to amend this by placing a lot of limits and the breaking of a Polymorph should a Nephilim draw upon their own power. With the general server-population already PGing how much they can lift, how strong they are - I feel as if the 20% boost in power could be better clarified due to this, but I can understand why the 'strength' boost is hard to clarify since I've had problems in my own write-up due to this. I'd recommend adding things that limit it, etc - rather than what you've done as my own opinion. The scales being as durable as treated-leather can be somewhat iffy or abuseable, but I'm glad to see the redlines about it. Personally, I'm of the opinion that they're aesthetic - as is the standard for Nephilim - as they can be placed around the body, I feel as if players will minmax it to make sure they have the 'most' protection that they could. The same issues can be placed for the Bull-Horns, Canine Teeth and Small Talons - adding these on, I feel as if people will abuse it so I'd prefer if it was just aesthetics rather than anything else. Hopefully, the ST will be able to regulate and make sure no problems pop up. The thing about the Darasvira where they can't make children with one another is based, the idea of longing for a family - and being cursed with the inability of making children could be a interesting curse or RP development that could make RP. And so, they'll be more of a cruel reflection to Taynei. However, the whole creation of children with a descendant messes with that process - personally, I've bad thoughts about it due to the state of Cursed Children but it's your call at the end of the day. How about, children of Daravira have adverse mental effects rather than both mental and physical features? The weakness to Xannic Magic needs more clarification in my opinion - what does 'and attacks affecting them as severely as fully-fledged dragonkin.' mean, since it can be taken in different ways. I'd suggest putting in whatever it does, etc. The Thanhium Weakness should be more severe in my opinion based off how unironically powerful it is. I'd be very careful about sensing discomfort near Voidal Magic and Voidal Tears - I feel as if people'll use this to metagame. Personally, I'd make the range far more shorter and the discomfort of Voidal Magic being changed to active Voidal Magic. Additionally, from a balancing perspective, I don't think Darasvira should be able to learn magic, etc - Druidism, Chi, Housemagery, Kani - just for balancing purposes, furthermore Kani is unable to be used by draconic beings. I don't know, I feel as if the CA should be disallowed from learning any magics in general, and have a much more weaker variant. The idea of Druidism, which is arguably a really powerful magic, being able to be learnt by these guys give me really bad minmaxing thoughts. Lesser Dragonkin - as they've done to Nephilim - are adversed, rather than companions. The additional thing to the Pygmy Dragons can be rather troublesome, I suggest making it so that Dragonkin are indifferent to the Darasvira rather than friendly(?) to have continuity between the Nephilim and Darasvira. The idea that the Darasvira instinctively get the Singing Trees FA regardless if they have it or not to be rather troublematic, perhaps a weaker variant of it rather than being unable to store info within - as in like, they've problems reading the message and can only see segments of it; be it the emotion, partial words, etc. They'd have to go to an actual FA holder to get the full message rather than being able to rely on themselves for everything. The Druidic Affinity - while it makes sense IRP - would be iffy in terms of balance. Being able to be boosted up to T5 immediately is troublesome and disregards anyone's own growth to it. I'm not sure on how long it is, I'm guessing 4 months at most. And being able to skip all of that due to being a CA is iffy in my opinion. You could rework this into some different effects instead. The idea of Darasvira being immune to basic disconnection from Mortal Druii is iffy to me, I feel as if it's a protection based off an already powerful CA. I'd remove it personally. That's just my thoughts, I'm taking a break from reading this and I'll continue later. EDIT - 24/06/2021, 9:17 GMT: Amayo is unable to read it, so I changed the font and colour. EDIT - 24/06/2021, 9:24 GMT: Added a possible suggestion to the children of Daravira.
  14. It wasn't, no. I had talked to several Druids and Community Leaders concerning my re-write that I worked on - for community feedback, balances and possible RP/Conflict ideas, and there was either no mention, no talks of this at all or I was ghosted - I did, however, know about the existence of this from a mutual party, but I wasn't allowed to see or was just completely left in the dark concerning all this. I would've loved to know more about this, since there could've been interesting segments or interactions with one another - but alas, this is not that blessed timeline. I'll be reading and giving this a look based off balance in the near future.
  15. ST's treated me very nice, gave me dental and rights. I've tended to enjoy it and I'm more than thankful for meeting the creative writers that I've come to know. I wouldn't trade this experience for anything else. Mr Robot, I love it so much. Watch it. You drive a ford.
  16. My favourite character - while inactive - has to be either Ehmet or Mordithas. The growth and development that I've had as a person allows me to remember that time fondly. At first, it was to troll RPers - it then turned to a joy for writing. After that, came the friends that I've come to know. And where it is right now is the joy for the overall narrative experience that we all share. You're a chill gal that I'm glad that I got to know you. Keep doing what you enjoy with people you enjoy hanging out with - nothing'll break you. I hope to find out more and hang out in the future, waiting for the future. I've waited a few months for it, and I can say that those months were worth it. I don't really have a ton of favorite past times but I've found myself enjoying Art, Music and Writing - just things that I can enjoy without focusing too much. A Monster Calls, it resonated with me deeply during my childhood. I wish I could re-read it again.
  17. I'm jumping the Nephilim ship, fellas. Sorry about this.
  18. While the thought's cursed, I really enjoyed my old High-Elf Paladin - before him, all the RP that I've known was normal Military RP. After meeting Fury_Fire/Lefkos, I was shown a facet of the server that I didn't really see before. That, at least, I can thank him for. His story's done now, and I assume that he's been PK'd during the transition to Almaris. Greatsword or nothing. Big numbers, Big money, Big women.
  19. I cannot say that I've a favorite lore-piece since that'd be a dis-service to the amazing writing and work that I've seen on this LoTC. However, I do enjoy this piece since it adds to the LoTC universe without adding in magic, etc. It's an understanding of what's already there rather than adding in stuff. With friends like you, I don't think I'll ever get tired of this server. Because you lack taste in games. I've actually never ate fruit cake or pudding, I'd say pudding though just since it sounds better. Maybe in the future, I'll send pictures in Kai's-Cooking-Channel I'd like to commend my eternal-ally, Avaeramos. I unironically enjoy North's character and the growth that he's shown as an RPer during the time that I've come to know him. Nothing will beat my original Malch-Templar skins, I love them. Twelve when I'm not flexing. Tatake, Tatake, Tatake.
  20. Is it not? I've a problem and I cannot fix it. For now, I bet in a salty manner. Give me the bell and I'll answer it.
  21. To say you're a person who's grown so much - on the server - in such a short amount of time would be an understatement. You've gone from a basic and Haelun'or-Pilled Arcanism RPer to an amazing and ((edgy)) Cameronposter. To that I'm proud would be putting it lightly, continue doing what you're doing, JohnOfMages. I'll be real, all I know of the Abyss is that Cameron talks about it alot. Yes, I will be. We'll be Co-OPing it. Go back to slaving for Garrett, you cretin. Your tricks don't affect me.
  22. My favorite character would have to be Ehmet, I created him alongside a friend, as I wasn't doing so well at the time due to IRL and Uni - he provided a nice distraction and allowed me to meet some of my good friends on the server, Cal, Johann, Keefy, Timber and Liz - If I've missed you, I'm sorry. While he was pretty meh and underdeveloped, I enjoyed him for what he was. I'm still trying to think of a fitting end for him. So I used to have a wood elf who had a kid with a halfling - this all led up to the moment when the halfling was pregnant, I hired a golem to punch her in the stomach. It doesn't matter what I think of you, Ven - you already know. I've stayed here and talked to you a bunch about your problems for a reason, and you know that reason. Be safe, trust in yourself and have confidence. What people think don't matter unless you allow it to. Back when I resided in Fenn, I didn't really do that much RP - all I did was PVP-Train with Auswolf and Titanium, it was routine and boring but I enjoyed it. I hold those days dear to my heart since I didn't care that much about the server. [Redacted] Depending on how my rewrite goes, mayhaps.
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