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    James Cloud
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  1. For someone who joined the server literally yesterday, it’s really nice to see the level of detail that are put into these maps. Can’t wait to fully explore Arcas! Some really great work here
  2. Thank you! Just reading some stuff on the wiki. I’ll be sure to shoot you a pm if I have questions 🙂 Thank you 😄
  3. Heya! I noramly don’t introduce myself to communities, I kind of just hop in and see what happens. But it seems Lord of the Craft is a little more than just a small community. My name is Echo and I haven’t played Minecraft for a good while. I stumbled across this server while on google, looked into it and it seems rather fun. I’ve decided to start as a Human and would love to get to know others who play Humans! I’m still waiting for my application to be looked at, so i thought I could take this time to get to know some people 🙂
  4. EchoCloud


    James was born in a small settlement, far from the major nations. He grew up leading a peacful life with his family, running their small farm. James and his older sister, Abigail, normally found themselves running in the forests until late evening when they’d return home for supper. His mother often shouted at him “Again with the mud James?!”. His sister somehow always got away with it, he was unsure how. They went to the same place. Each day james grew, finally towering over his older sister. He’d never miss a chance to show of his height. He was full of himself in the younger days. Though times became hard on the farm, money was short. His parents arguing night, after night, about how they were going to afford food with the crops not growing. James’ sister moved out. He spent most of days trying to get the farm working while his parents argued in the background. Though soon another as he grew older, stronger. He had enough. James wanted a life of his own, away from the farm. So he did just that, got away from the farm. He moved. The next major step in his life was moving to the Kingdom of Haense. He quickly became familiar with the city, working nights at the tavern, dealing with drunks. He was happy. Earning his own money, though it wasn’t much. Now he was in his own space, he had a dream. He wanted to learn more about the world he lived in. Growing up on that farm did nothing for him. James only knew how to harvest, and look after livestock. He wanted to know more about what there was, the different creatures. This lead him to the great library of dragur. A place, littered with thousands of books, unlimited knowledge. He had struck a new leaf. Standing at the doors of the Library, he smiles, ready to learn whats out there. What the world has to offer.
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